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2582359 No.2582359 [Reply] [Original]

So I was playing Mass Effect 2 today when I got to this point.

I was stunned and I thought to my self, what if.

What if a world like this is possible in the future? What if (for those that have played the game) technologies like this could exist in the future?

I know science fiction is fiction first, but do you ever just think, shit, I was born two hundred thousand years too early?

I mean, god damn, what if....

>> No.2582371

are you high?

>inb4 what if god

>> No.2582373

Not a day goes by where this doesn't cross my mind.

>> No.2582377



I never said anything about a deity. Relax

>> No.2582384

Same day-to-day worries and fundamental problems as today, same shit. The only difference is a shinier coat and more distractions.

>> No.2582402
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>do you ever just think, shit, I was born two hundred thousand years too early?

OP, We all feel like that all the time.

>> No.2582455

i wish i was never born. so shit in one hand and wish in the other and see wicth one fills up first.

>> No.2582465

It will be possible in a few decades using augmented realities.

>> No.2582490

perfect reaction

>> No.2582534
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Such dense cities wouldn't work. You need more space to fit all the transportation in. Even mass transit and arcologies can only take you so far.

>> No.2582566

Just watched that episode last night. High fucking five.

>> No.2582614

>born two hundred thousand years too early
Shit man, I was born a decade or two too late. The future's already here and I'm not contributing to it yet! And trying to catch up at this point is getting harder by the day.

Oh yeah, btw, science fiction's usually pretty bad at predicting the future.

>> No.2582649

ITT: become batman go to New York, stand on a tall building and quit fucking bitching

>> No.2582659

hmm good point

>> No.2582688
File: 547 KB, 1908x821, dead-space_03[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also on the subject of vidya and the future, Dead Space had some crazy fucking environments. I felt they completely nailed the technologically-advanced-yet-heavily-industrial style, which to me is very human and believable. Haven't played DS2 yet which I heard is on a space station, probably like OP's pic. Those are always a bit too out-there for my tastes.

>> No.2582699

OP is a troll. That cityscape looks exactly like a major city minus the flying shuttles.

We will have flying shuttles in 100 years. Everything else is possible and with current technology. Don't know where you got 200 thousand years. Nobody can comprehend technology 200 thousand years from now.

>> No.2582701

i hate that steampunk bullshit.

id rather see a future where everything is elegent and clean.

>> No.2582727


You don't actually know what that means, do you?

>> No.2582735

>We will have flying shuttles in 100 years.

We have those now. They're called helicopters.

>> No.2582742
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>Dead Space

>> No.2582743

What kind of technology are you talking about, OP?

>> No.2582803

Laser guns, a rip-off of the Force, family vacations in the Andromeda galaxy, and glowing tattoos of your two favorite people on your ass cheeks, apparently.

Wait, technically at least one of those is physically possible...

>> No.2582810
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Why does shepard have two faces for buttcheeks?

>> No.2582847

So this.

>> No.2582855

A shitty feeling is that WE live in that "far away amazing future" and that this really is the pinnacle of what humans will ever achieve.

>> No.2582896

your party is shit

no Legion
no Garrus

>> No.2582918

abandoned strip malls
poor fat people with diabetes shuffling around the projects
old white douchebags in suits making decisions 30 years after they should have retired and fucking over 99% of humanity

Damn, that does feel badman.

>> No.2582924

>What if ____?
is such a played out question which has no true intent. What IS it that you're asking?

>> No.2582940

>was born two hundred thousand years too early?

The problem isn't what time you are born it's you. Go out and make it happen instead of having it handed to you.

>> No.2582977
File: 79 KB, 800x527, Goethe,anum_Dornach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Skyscrapers in a far away future
I hope that captialism will be a primitive outdated thing by then. I hope that the population is small enough that there will be no need for megacities.
Skyscrapers are a ugly cancer. Towers of Babylon..in the million.
I hope that architecture will try to put scientific symbolism into the planning, like cities that look like our solar system from the top, geometric figures with actual meaning instead of just ugly purpose. The fuck are all these towers representing? From a different perspective they would show no more signs of intelligence then a anthill. You don't see us going to ants saying Hey, such a intellectual city you got there. But if we'd design a city that is located near the ocean in the shape of a water molecule with the buildings being sized after the multiplying properties of the molecule one would say WOW , Now that's intelligence. Also i don't like the durability of these ugly things we should build for the eternity not for the next 50 years until we need to restore it. Sure it's more work to build with stone but once it's done we're done. And future generations can spend their time doing better things then just reparing all the old shit.

Just my opinion..

>> No.2583020

op we have motherfucking mechanical dragons. mechanical. fucking. dragons. do you have any idea how amazing this would have been for people just a few hundred years ago? quit bitching go out there and work for this future

>> No.2583086

you seem like a total moron

>> No.2583101

Billions of people need to live somewhere. Buildings are cheaper than digging caves.

>> No.2583106
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>> No.2583108

>But if we'd design a city that is located near the ocean in the shape of a water molecule with the buildings being sized after the multiplying properties of the molecule one would say WOW , Now that's intelligence.
No, it isn't.

>> No.2583109


More like the aliens will go "Oh wow, what a bunch of emotional morons, building their cities in the shapes of molecules." Science is not entertainment, you moronic jackass.

>> No.2583116


Correct, entertainment is not an science it is a art

>> No.2583126
File: 1.02 MB, 2560x1920, PIC_0101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You complain about skyscrapers being ugly and put up a picture of a house that looks as ugly as a WW2 concrete bunker. No thank you.

Also I don't even want to begin on your other comments, if you are not a troll then you must be brain dead.

>> No.2583129

Let's pretend that you're the Da Vinci of genetic engineering and you manage to create a moss that will convert the atmosphere to earthlike in a workable timeframe...say two hundred years.

How, exactly, do you plan to generate the planetary magnetic field necessary to KEEP that atmosphere?

>> No.2583132

They'll be saying the same thing 200 years from now.

>> No.2583139

That example is stupid but it's a cool idea to employ mollecular proportions and symmetries in the architecture of our cities. Urban centers tend to look like infected wounds as it is, and who wants that on display when the intergalactic federation stops by?

>> No.2583151



I think you would be surprised at how intelligently designed ant colonies are and how future buildings could adopt some of their engineering practices.

>> No.2583164
File: 165 KB, 500x375, GeorgiaGuidestones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There shouldn't be so many people to begin with. The species needs a better population control.

Your autism is showing, guys.

>> No.2583167

on second thought I am retarded, our efforts would be much more effective if we just concentrated on neutralizing toxic waste and emissions. this shit is frivolous, a project for 2050 at the soonest

>> No.2583175


>> No.2583189


Oh look, another New Age nutjob who follows a set of subjective crackpot rules on the Georgia Guidestones.

>> No.2583199


The post-terraforming martian atmosphere won't escape the planet in less than a hundred million years.

Yeah yeah it lacks a magnetosphere big fucking deal.

>> No.2583201

Why not? More people means more culture, more invention, more power. You don't think everyone living in these cities is going to think "Stupid fucking molecule. Why is Hydro 2 so fucking far away? That shit could be right the fuck here."

>> No.2583206

>thinks we need more population control
>calls others autistic

>> No.2583228

i lost

>> No.2583274

I think they said it best in the matrix; "humanity is a mammal..... its a virus". We start at a source and spread doing nothing but consuming and multiplying. Once we develop space travel it'll just get worse. Planet after planet will just get stripped as we multiply and spread even further until a couple of guys who where up to no good started making trouble in our neighborhood. I got in one little fight and my mom got scared,She said 'You're movin with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air!'I begged and pleaded with her day after day,butshe packed my suitcase and sent me on my wayShe gave me a kiss and then she gave me my ticketI put my walkman on and saig 'I´d might as well kickin'First class, 'Yo, this is bad' drinkin orange juice out of a champange glass'Is this what the people of Bel Air live like?''Hmm.. this might be allright!'The way I´d hear the percy, boots white and allI had to sit as I have a place of they just in this school cat'I don´t think so', 'I see what i get there'I hope they´re prepared for the Prince of Bel Air!Well I, tha plain land and when I came outthere was a dude look like a cop standin' there with my name out'I ain´t trying to get arrested yet, 'I just got here'I sprang with the quickness like light has disappearedI whistled for a cab and when i came near,The license plate said 'Fresh',And had dice in the mirror,If anything i could say that this cab was rare,But I thought 'Nah, forget it - Yo, home to Bel-Air!'I pulled up to the house at bout seven or eight,I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo home, smell ya later!'I looked at my kingdom,I was finally there!To sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air!

>> No.2583326

See, i'm pretty happy with the fact that I live in the year 2011, where there's central heating/AC and wireless internet, which gives us access to almost every bit of knowledge we could ever want, and every bit we don't want. Also, views into the farthest reaches of the universe, glimpses of billion year-old photons and stars caught in an eternal dance of life, death and rebirth, swirling about the galactic center.

Not to mention modern medicine, thanks to which I'll live beyond my natural limits and become a decaying husk, unable to do anything worthwhile as I wait for my children/grandchildren to call.

Which they never will, because honestly old people are a waste of time. I should stop waiting at the phone and start banging hot old broads.

>> No.2583381

God, you don't even know how depressing a thought that is.

I'd just... I don't even.

I highly doubt that's true, though. We make advancements all the time. It might be slow, but progress is being made.

>> No.2583392
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>> No.2583416

>What if a world like this is possible in the future?

What you mean shitty archicture and purple lights every where? Maybe.

>> No.2583442

never trust someone with a beard more than 4 inches long.

>> No.2583449

Huge space empires and shit won't happen for millenia. Not until we find some way to travel faster than light.
Now, in the near future (next 200-1000 years) would be something like Ghost in the Shell (in terms of technologies).

>> No.2583451
File: 16 KB, 340x332, charles-darwin[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
