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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 232 KB, 560x669, fluoride-dangers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2581201 No.2581201 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/

I was just wondering why we keep flourinating our water? Several studies have shown that it is detrimental to bones, and also there is correlation between IQ dropping in areas with flourinated water?

So why do we keep doing it?

>> No.2581217

nah, trollin

>> No.2581214


>> No.2581223


>implying that 'we' have control over our water to be flourinated or not?

>> No.2581229
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My face when people still think the water supply is a conspiracy.

>> No.2581236

I was listening to Coast to Coast AM the other day and they were talking about this exact subject. A man in Colorado lost half his teeth after 4 years of drinking flourided water

>> No.2581232

this is true, ive heard about it all over the place. its not good.... not good at all.

>> No.2581244



>> No.2581265
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Did he ever bother to brush them? Or use mouthwash? Did he get in a barfight in which he lost said teeth?

Vital information's missing.

>> No.2581279


What does it matter?

Drink flouride -> teeth gone

DUH unbroken chain of logic.

>> No.2581293

Seems like at the very least, it would be a waste of our tax money to put flouride in the water.

>> No.2581314
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If we stop fluoridating water the Communists could no long steal our precious bodily fluids.

>> No.2581321

Toothpaste companies are in on conspiracy. Since toothapaste also contains some kind off flouride.

Dentist are also in on conspiracy since many dental procedure involve use of flourinated compounds.

>> No.2581330

It only cost a few pennies per year per citizen. And in many areas water is naturally foluronated.

cheap dental treatment

>> No.2581328

Shit guys!

fluoride in the drinking water is like dangerously close to free health care - that shits gotta get taken back out of it.

>> No.2581346

"We're" not doing anything. It is the government and the illuminati. A dumber population is a more easily controlled one.

>> No.2581348
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The fluoride makes you easier to see on their night vision scopes.

>> No.2581351


but it ruins teeth!

>> No.2581356

Except in areas where people actually drink their water, kids are fluorosis by like 4.

Even the American Dental Association says they support studies which show systemic use has no benefit over topical use, and is likely detrimental to hormone and possibly even that part of the brain that produces melatonin and some choline

>> No.2581362
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>> No.2581380


american dental associtaion supports flourinated water supply.

Yes flourosis cases are increased by a small amount but its mostly mild.

And no it has shown over and over agian to reduce cavity and tooth decay

>> No.2581383

keep drinking your fluoride sheep!

>> No.2581387

>I'm not a sheep like the rest of them! I'm above them! I'm a free-thinker, a special snowflake. I and I alone know what's really going on!

>> No.2581392
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mfw i realized i was guna type reason in a troll thread

>> No.2581412


>> No.2581419

>mfw when i drink florinated water. Never had a cavity
>never had serious tooth decay
>IQ of 148

umad conspiracy fags

>> No.2581425

Studies have shown that flouride, even in small amounts, can cause kidney damage as well as brain damage.

>> No.2581430


>yfw you realized your iq is still 10 below what it couldve been


>> No.2581433

So, you can either drink your fluoridated water and shut up, or move to Britain where is it Fluorine free.
You have seen the teeth of Britons, right?

>> No.2581435

[Citation needed]

>> No.2581440

Not that I believe any of this crap about flouride, but your argument sucks.

>> No.2581443

>implying you are some kind off god who cna perdict IQ's

>> No.2581447

Common guise i was just trolling.
This is a troll thread anyways.

>> No.2581449


>implying statistics cant predict your iq with and without flouride dipshit?

>> No.2581448


Government uses other means of making the people docile (more subliminal messaging). Different tactic, same result!

>> No.2581468


Good information on the subject. Wake up, people!

>> No.2581490


>> No.2581493
File: 2 KB, 126x85, 1298255305359s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you have any peer reviwed evidence to support that flouride in water leads to drops IQ

>implying a faggot like you can perdict people's IQ's from a 4chan post.

>> No.2581496


Read it and weep.

It's sad that free-thinking is not considered "trolling"

>> No.2581508


I love how the article's sources are articles on other health-related sites, whose sources are yet more articles about the dangers of fluorine.
All of them state the "research", but none has the actual paper.

>> No.2581511

The fluoridation of public water has been hailed by the U.S. Center for Disease Control as one of the top medical achievements of the 20th Century.[54] It is ranked #9 on this list ahead of "Recognition of tobacco use as a health hazard."[55]

>> No.2581522
File: 60 KB, 400x247, 1297866829608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying flouride conspiracy isnt a conspiracy perputated by bottle companies to sell thier shit.

Keep buying water bottles you sheeple

>> No.2581533


>implying those 'peers' arent government goons?

Yeah fuck you bitch.

>> No.2581544


I drink well water. 0/10

>> No.2581548

>implying they are

To be serious here. I have heard the same argument from follwing list of people

global warming deniers
Alien thoery belivers
People who belive in reptilians
People who deny relativity

>> No.2581546


>expects government-funded scientists, obviously in on it, to publish a paper that actually shows the truth.

>> No.2581553

I belive in all that stuff

>> No.2581557
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>> No.2581559
File: 2 KB, 126x95, 1297651891567s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Troll's trolling trolls etc etc

>> No.2581567


You cant leave bitch.

>> No.2581600
File: 26 KB, 535x365, rys0401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres what prolonged exposure does to the pineal gland

the pineal glad is also know as your third eye. at death it pumps out large amounts of (effectively) DMT

now... hmmmmm.. why.... of all the organs and body parts to target... this one... hmmmm

>> No.2581618

[citation needed]

>inb4 infowars

>> No.2581640
File: 25 KB, 400x258, 1pMoHI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its just chemistry

what do you epect when you put rat posion in your body? good things?

>> No.2581652

why drink water at all? studies have shown that the biggest source of disease in africa is through their drinking water. remove the water, remove all our problems.

anytime you see a broad, general question with national/global implications on the internet, take it completely seriously. sure you might not be able to answer it in under a few lines, but thanks to these questions we have more conspiracies than we can count, and it keeps the crazies under control believe it or not. needleinahaystack.jpg

>> No.2581657


And yet the government wants you to believe that flouridated water is good for you.

>> No.2581659

Arent they always telling you not to consume fluoride?
like the high quantities of fluoride in toothpaste if swallowed can make you ill, yes?

Then if we drink the flourinated water, it's either not enough to internally harm us, and likewise do nothing for our teeth, or be good for our teeth and cause internal damage.

>> No.2581667

google search not a citiation

also lrn2chemistry

>> No.2581679

im an engineering student

i prob know more about chemistry than you

>> No.2581688

it builds up over time in your body

drinking it once if you visit a place that does it isnt gonna do much

>> No.2581695

I live in a place that does it.
Is there a map of places that do and don't?

>> No.2581699
File: 12 KB, 175x171, 1290427237037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good lord the amount of retardation in this thread.

there isn't enough fluoride in water to kill you.

Only kids can get fluorosis because it only affects developing teeth.
Jesus if you don't want to drink fluoride don't drink tap water. Fluoride only effects developing bodies so don't give tap water to kids. thats it.

Fucking faggots everywhere

>> No.2581711

no idea

you could always call your local water treatment plant and ask lol?

>> No.2581789

everyone in this thread just stfu please.

>> No.2581837


>> No.2581859
File: 23 KB, 370x278, 1122872-164868265_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying something else in the water is going to steal electrons from fluoride

>> No.2581877

>In 1974, Congress passed the Safe Drinking Water Act. This law requires EPA to determine the level of contaminants in drinking water at which no adverse health effects are likely to occur. These non-enforceable health goals, based solely on possible health risks and exposure over a lifetime with an adequate margin of safety, are called maximum contaminant level goals (MCLG). Contaminants are any physical, chemical, biological or radiological substances or matter in water.
>These non-enforceable health goals,
don't like fluoride? don't have to drink it.

>> No.2581881

The quality of this thread is comparable to that of a board that was deleted a while ago.

>> No.2581890

I'm a big dumb faggot BLAH BLAH BLAH

>> No.2582541

nobody's answered OP's question yet

>> No.2582559

Fluoridation of water is decided solely by the local utility, no state or federal mandate, if you are that paranoid, lobby to have them stop. But before you do, remember that fluoridation is the single most important public health tool for improving dental health in the United States, and that high doses of fluoride in water cause barely noticeable discolorations on your teeth, the other studies pointing to bone problems or iq loss are wrong, flawed, or use extremely high concentrations of fluoride. There are cases where water is naturally fluoridated beyond recommended levels, and the utility still adds fluoride, but that is rare, and should be handled locally, not through nationwide ban on fluoride.


>> No.2582573

I agree with OP
Quit putting unnecessary shit to my water

>> No.2582591
File: 2 KB, 127x95, 1298255736068s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Engineering student more chemistry than a Bio chemsitry student

>> No.2582598

there is so much stupid in here i think it's over 9000.

people who are out of the city limits and are on well water get a fuck ton more fluoride in there water then people drinking city water.

wells have alot rock in them fluoride is inside said rock and leaches into the water.

the more you know...

>> No.2582610

It's detrimental to the bones of old women who haven't been getting enough calcium in their diet.

It's retarded to make policies based on the needs of a few.

For example blind people have trouble hearing hybrid cars, so should we ban hybrid cars? OF COURSE NOT THAT'S FUCKING RIDICULOUS.

Stop being retarded /sci/

>> No.2582621


Not all rock has fluoride, and not all fluoride compounds will leach. While there are wells with high fluoride, your statement is stupid.

>> No.2582622

Well we do have better teeth than Europeans...

>> No.2582624

A google search is not a citation >>2581667 this person is correct.

If you think otherwise you are the most retarded engineer to ever walk the face of the earth and need to end yourself for the sake of engineers everywhere. If you added that into a report to your boss he would slap you around until you were unconscious for being such a fucking failure of an employee

>> No.2582651

Why doesn't everything on /sci/ turn into /stormfaggotry/?

Since fluoride is apparently good and highly recommended simply link the fucking studies. Anyone who disagrees can try to poke holes at/in the fucking studies.

>> No.2582671

It's effective at reducing cavities... I don't think anyone disputes this.

>> No.2582690


it's austrailian, so their mogoloid teeth might respond differently to fluoride than our aryan pealy whites, but whatever.

>> No.2582756

I didn't really ask what you thought now did I?

Looks like I know what I'll be reading tonight...

>> No.2583144