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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2579377 No.2579377 [Reply] [Original]

Why is all of africa a shithole compared to north america and europe?

I honestly dont understand, no trolls please.

>> No.2579382

I think it's because of their climat which doesn't really require them to do shit, unlike Europe being cold/etc. sometimes... Just a quick thought, I was wondering about that too.

>> No.2579381
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Nice dubs patrick!

>> No.2579388

Because there's no humans, and animal rights groups keep us from moving in.

>> No.2579390


Shitty continent for making technology, ravaged by wars, famine, disease, desertification, colonialism, you name it, Africa got whacked by it, often more than once.

>> No.2579392

idk, i live in marrakesh and it's mostly very good times.

>> No.2579399

Probably because of colonial rape but also because many Africas are retarded.

>> No.2579408

Unstable Environment
Droughts are more or less the Norm there, not so in Europe and America

>> No.2579410
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>colonial rape

>> No.2579416

>Create humanity
>Spread it to the world
>People come back, conquer your empires, burn them down, sell your people into slavery overseas, and enact rewards for bringing in the severed hands of your people still living there
>Be oppressed for 200 years by European powers
>Nazis wreck some of your shit
>Only really become independent nations within the last 60 years
>Still living in a desert
>Corporations and foreign powers pay dictators to keep diamonds flowing, whether they're killing off broad swathes of your population or not
>All of your aid money goes to building those dictators a palace
>The only people with guns are the military

I dunno, why would it be a shithole?

>> No.2579420

Im fairly certain thats only because of morroccos close proximity to europe.

>> No.2579432

>He actually thinks the environment in Africa is easier that in Europe.

Just because it's colder in Europe and North america, doesnt mean it's more dangerous and more unstable than africa.

>> No.2579434

>Create humanity
>Spread it to the world
>People come back, conquer your empires, burn them down, sell your people into slavery overseas, and enact rewards for bringing in the severed hands of your people still living there
>Be oppressed for 200 years by European powers
Why weren't they as advanced as the europeans to be able to fight them off?
not to mention the vast majority of slaves were SOLD BY AFRICANS to the europeans, europeans didnt chase villages around with a chain and ball you fool.

>> No.2579448

Belgian Congo. Learn your history.

>It's all Africa's fault for losing wars to Europe
Grow up.

>> No.2579463

go read guns, germs, and steel by jared diamond op.

>> No.2579466

Well that was a grim read.

>> No.2579467

Why aren't incas technologically advanced even though they held dominant possession over south america 500 years ago?

>> No.2579479 [DELETED] 
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Also called the big book of nigger excuses. But it's pretty good.

It comes down to location, location, location. Africa doesn't have the natural resources to accommodate agrarian farmers, while the middle east had a suitable environment. The middle east also had the highest number of domesticated animals than any other area in the world. With animals comes disease(most of our diseases comes from cows and chickens).

>> No.2579489

Africa in history has been interfered with by COUNTLESS European invasions, colonization, and apartheid. The result is political unease and shitty economy.

tldr: it's not Africa's fault, it's imperialist expansion and bias.

Problem OP?

>> No.2579506


>> No.2579507

Why didn't they advance to the european state of technology by the time they were 'invaded', they had the same amount of time, if not al little more.

>> No.2579527

Because they live in a goddamn desert instead of a land of rivers, lakes, and grass?

>> No.2579529

Because they didn't have to. Learn to evolution.

>> No.2579531

Numerous studies conclusively show that Africans have lower IQ than any other ethnic group. Look it up, the data is readily available.

>> No.2579533

Is Africology some sort of new science or something?

>> No.2579534

>implying IQ is a reliable indicator of intelligence

>> No.2579536

>implying it isnt

>> No.2579537


Quoting >>2579467, Why aren't incas technologically advanced even though they held dominant possession over south america 500 years ago?

>> No.2579540


Yeah, I'm sure all the ethical, tribal and religious sectarianism have nothing to do with it, nothing at all.

It is not like when we stop bothering with those countries on ethnic won't machete the other one to death.

>> No.2579541

The inability of these tests to account for economic and social differences is well established.

Go back to Stormfront.

>> No.2579546

What do you mean "account" for them? People in low socioeconomic classes do worse on nearly every measure of intelligence. There's no reason to "account" for that by adding twenty points to their IQ.

If by "account" you mean that IQ tests are somehow impacted by socioeconomic class in a way that makes them seem dumber, then what you need to find is a test that shows them as the same intelligence.

>> No.2579549

get the fuck out of here /stormfront/

>> No.2579550


>> No.2579553


Cool geography knowledge, bro. Most of Africa isn't desert (believe it or not, Africa isn't all the same), and the north of the continent, which *is* desert, is the most prosperous part.

I'm also surprised that everyone has been bitching about "hurr durr the Europeans were mean" and no-one has mentioned that the Arabs were fucking Africa over long before the Europeans did anything.

I find it interesting that all of the excuses made for Africa are problems that countries in south and south-east Asia have. None of those countries (with the exceptions of Afghanistan, which was never colonised, and Burma, which is a commie shithole) have the same problems as Africa. I wonder why that is?

Another interesting thing is that colonialism is being blamed so much even though the one African country that was never colonised, Ethiopia, turned out to be one of the shittiest countries there. If colonialism was so much of a problem, why isn't Ethiopia one of the more prosperous African countries? Why is it at the same level (or worse) than other countries with the same climate? Colonialism is blamed or Africa's problems, yet there is no evidence of third-world countries (in or outside of Africa) being better off if they were spared from it. Indeed, the colonised countries seem to be better off.

>> No.2579554

>hurr durr scientific data does not conform to my liberal hippie views, derpfore its derp

>> No.2579558

because there wasn't so much competition between different groups and thus no need for so large technological advancement. In Eurasia there was much bigger diversity in different groups and societies

>> No.2579564

fuck you, I don't give a fuck about this shit, if you /new/fags start bringing in "Scientific data that proves that whites are superior" and spam it all like they did in /stormfront/ then we're gonna get nuked.
shut the fuck up and get the fuck out

>> No.2579562

'Technological advancement' is not something that automatically happens in the same way everywhere when you leave a civilisation to develop. You have to take into account thousands of factors; climate, topography, flora, fauna, culture, neighbouring cultures, available types of food etc etc. Some areas will be more suitable than others.

>> No.2579569

Tribalism is a huge Problem, too
The livings conditions are way harder, most importantly, the same amount of land can support way less people, therefore the population density has always been very low, resulting in no cities, and therefore few coherent governments, rather just a lot of small tribes who hate each others guts.
Obvious exception is Egypt, the Nile delta can support a ridiculous amount of people, and lo and behold, they got a civilization going

It's really simple. You can only get a culture if people got spare time, people only get spare time if people can specialize, people can only specialize if you don't need many people to produce the necessary amount of food to support all of them.
Insufficient Food cockblocks pretty much any advancement of civilization

>> No.2579574

>why isn't Ethiopia one of the more prosperous African countries?

Because it already is.

"today Ethiopia has the biggest economy in East Africa (GDP)[17] as the Ethiopian economy is also one of the fastest growing in the world. It is a regional powerhouse in the Horn and east Africa.[18][19][20][21]" -Magical interweb encyclopedia

>> No.2579575
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troll is troll

>> No.2579578

So, we shouldn't speak the truth in fear of being oppressed by the government (moderators)?

And you have the nerve to tell me to fuck off?

>> No.2579581

accessibility to domesticable animals, and its too bloody hot

>> No.2579583

>Wasn't fucked over by the Goddamn Nazis


>If you give one group a decent school in a nice neighborhood, and the other a hunk of shit with a thousand more students than the building can legally hold and no equipment, so that group A gets an education and group B can barely survive attending, it's obvious that group B's failure to obtain an education that compares with group A's is evidence that everyone in group B is genetically inferior

I guess I just never thought of it that way.

>Your "facts" and "well-documented history" will NEVER shake my unfounded beliefs!

>> No.2579586


I never said that.

And are you implying that since Europe is an advanced continent it never had or never will have racial or tribal strife?

The Napoleonic Wars, Russian Revolution, Armenian Genocide, oh, and not to mention WW2.

>> No.2579593

I blame capitalist exploitation and hippie aid.

No one has any interest in seeing africa develop. No one. Those who claim so act in opposition to their stated goals.

>> No.2579595


>> No.2579598

get the fuck out, as I said.

god damnit, I mean, I'm pretty sure there were 10+ applicants for janitors, I'm sure that even if they were all shit applicants atleast 1 should've been approved to remove shitty threads like these

>> No.2579601



>> No.2579603

IQ tests do not predict anything about genetic flaws. Students in a worse school know less, and a proper test will show that. Accounting for this factor would equate to an invalid test.

>> No.2579609

Pssst: This is what that post was saying.

>> No.2579611

>Your "facts" and "well-documented history" will NEVER shake my unfounded beliefs!

You clearly have NOT read the studies you so aggressively criticize.

Fact number 1: Africans were _trained_ on how to do the tests. This raised their score by only a few point, where as in other groups the delta was between 5 and 10.

Fact number 2: there is a clear, demonstrated correlation between reaction time and IQ/school grades. Even in very, very simple reaction time tests, Africans scored considerably worse than any other ethnic group. The Irish were actually the second worse group, Asians being the fastest.

>> No.2579614

IQ tests are meant to try and determine intelligence not knowledge.

>> No.2579624

>Africans don't perform as well as others on reaction time tests
>Therefore...they're inherently less intelligent than whites?

>> No.2579627

>Asians being the fastest


>> No.2579633

Sorry, I was expanding the concept of a test to fit with his example.
Yes, I'm just trying to say "accounting" for socioeconomic status in the test is an absurd thing. If your argument is that genetic arguments which include IQ scores in them are invalid because IQ tests do not measure genetics, then you are making an error. If we can find that AFTER accounting for socioeconomic status etc there is still an IQ difference, then we can narrow the cause down to genetics.

>> No.2579639


I will try to state this as clearly as possible so that you would understand. The correlation between reaction time and IQ scores is a fact. It has been tested and measured time and time again. The correlation is real.

Africans being slower in reaction time tests than any other group adds to the theory that Africans are in fact less intelligent than other ethnic groups.

The reaction tests I'm talking about are tests in which the test subject, e.g. chooses an object that does not belong in a group of three objects, such as a football shown next to a banana and a tomato.

>> No.2579646

That test is clearly biased. To a wealthy Western rich kid, naturally a football would not be perceived as food. However, given the state of African diets, either a banana, tomato, or football could easily be classified as food.

>> No.2579647

And this is where I realize that I'm not going to convince skinheads that they're retarded, and instead will go deal with my employer's shit.

Ta ta.

>> No.2579652

This is a cleverly disguised /new/ thread. You're not fooling anyon... oh wait you're fooling the whole board. Including the chinks.

>> No.2579655

See >>2579627

>> No.2579656

I'm sure that sub-Saharan africans are quite familiar with things like tomatoes and footballs, since they're so common over there.

Also, nice citations.

>> No.2579660

It's not food vs. not food. It's fruit vs. not fruit.

>> No.2579667

How are Africans supposed to know that? They don't know the difference between fruits and footballs because they have never seen either. It's biased tests like this one that lead racists to think that they are better than Africans.

>> No.2579668


It's actually NOT cleverly disguised. It's obvious as hell.

>> No.2579677
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Page 245

>> No.2579687

>So, we shouldn't speak the truth in fear of being oppressed by the government (moderators)? And you have the nerve to tell me to fuck off?
It isn't the truth just because you slap "truth" on it.
Like someone has already said, IQ tests are bad at taking socioeconomical factors, which are very important to education, into account. Education influences the outcome of an IQ test. Therefore IQ tests are unreliable in telling the absolute intelligence of a person (or some sort of genetical intelligence which you seem to want to point to).

Anyways, RIVERS, it's all about rivers. Compare some maps of Europe and Africa and think about the first civilizations: a Mesopotamian empire, centered around the Euphrat and Tigris and the ancient Egyptian empire, centered around the Nile. Water is necessary for irrigation, which is necessary to produce larger amounts of food in regular intervals. Once people are well-fed and don't have to worry about their food production, they have some free time, which in turn speeds up cultural and technological advance.

>> No.2579694

OP here, im going to delete this thread now due to racist trolls.

>> No.2579698

Yes, leisure is the mother of invention. After all, Europeans adapted their great culture from the comparatively luxurious and relaxing winters of Europe, while they didn't have to work really hard in the warm and bountiful lands of Africa.

IQ tests yield different results between races among the same education level/socioeconomic status. How does that happen?