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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 112 KB, 1203x703, odd one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2578160 No.2578160 [Reply] [Original]

can't figure this one out. which one is the odd one and why?

>> No.2578185

Green mushrooms in mid row.
In each row each color may only appear once.

>> No.2578189

middle green mushrooms should be a shade of blue probably

>> No.2578195

Green mushrooms. It is the only one in which shape is not consistent with colour.

>> No.2578198

thanks dudes you are all awesome.

>> No.2578199

then why not remove the green n in the middle? same effect, so how do you choose?


>> No.2578200

so why not green domes?

>> No.2578204
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>> No.2578214

All domes are green.
All waves are blue.
Two mushrooms are blue and one is green. Mushrooms are odd, and of a set containing just the mushrooms the green one is odd.

>> No.2578224



>> No.2578225


there are 3 colours... the 2 shades of blue count as different colours.

>> No.2578226

Blue cups.

Every shape must either be of a single colour (green Ds), or of a different colour than all the other instances of the shape (multicoloured mushrooms).

>> No.2578227

these tests can be found at http://www.cambridgebrainsciences.com/ it's free and a lot of fun. plus they're actually effective

>> No.2578228
File: 2 KB, 126x124, idontthinkso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one, retard. that appears twice...

>> No.2578230

You could just as easily interpret domes = uniform green
mushrooms = multicolor
waves = uniform blue, except one is not uniform so it's the odd one out

It's almost certainly not what the test's designers are looking for, but once you get this abstract it all becomes a big joke anyway.

>> No.2578232

Bottom right should be blue.

2 + 1 colours for each shape.

>> No.2578237

Are you colour-blind? Blue cups appear once, and ciel cups appear twice.

>> No.2578243

Actually green mushrooms should be blue

To satisfy 3 different colours on each horizontal level

>> No.2578244

i think green mushrooms as well...but i am not sure why...

i think there should be 3 mushrooms, 3 cups, 3 D's, consisting of 3 greens, 3 blues, 3 aquas.

but we have an extra green instead of an aqua, but we have the right number of cups, D's and mushrooms.
so i pick the green mushrooms maybe because i want them to turn aqua, and am happy for everything else to stay the same.

...i suppose any green could change, not necessarily the mushrooms, but seeing as the mushrooms are an odd one out for the greens, that is the one i would pick.

>> No.2578248

Each row must contain only one green and it must be domes.
Many possible solutions etc...

>> No.2578250
File: 3 KB, 126x126, crnrtroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2578251


This also keeps vertical satisfied with a 2 + 1 pattern

>> No.2578258
File: 70 KB, 399x600, 129402431712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I win. Fuck off EK!

>> No.2578266

Okay, I get it you are trolling. But can you please please please stop calling people retards online? You just read a bit of text (and wrongly at that) and you suddenly come up with a label that is not only hurtful, but inaccurate as well.

Not mad, just trying to make the internet a better place.

>> No.2578273
File: 14 KB, 298x321, bawww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you suddenly come up with a label that is not only hurtful, but inaccurate as well.

bahahah! u ma...
oh crap, u INB4'd me...fine, new image selected...

>> No.2578277
File: 156 KB, 576x432, 1294555897526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2578279

>implying my troll-shield hasn't already shattered your dreams of ever being a proper troll

Keep trying, you might take solace in the fact that someone is showering you with attention.

>> No.2578298

>>2578279 needs a troll shield

>> No.2578306

Blue cups.

Green D's + Green D's in the second column = Green D's in the next column, last row.

Blue Mushroom + Green Mushroom in the third column = Purple Mushroom in the next column (Would take a jump to the right and end up in the first column. Arbitrary as fuck I know but I'm trying to make a point here)

Purple Cups + Purple Cups in the first column should produce Purple cups in the next column, last row.

The point being that I hate these kinds of tests because if you look hard enough you can find multiple possible solutions with no way to verify which is correct.

>> No.2578307

It's called style; look it up. I don't just ignore trolls, I jump into the fray and troll them instead. Makes the poor sods a more interesting encounter.

>> No.2578315
File: 91 KB, 800x708, syndromeofadown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2578307 stylin

>> No.2578324

>>2578306 multiple possible solutions with no way to verify which is correct.

Nope. There is only one logical choice.

>>2578243 see this

>> No.2578328

I can imagine you frantically trying to look in your /b/ folder for an appropriate trollpic, and a witty comeback, only to have your mental faculties fail you.

Oh well, bed time for me. Once again I emerge victorious and unscathed.

>> No.2578335
File: 28 KB, 205x199, 1274235536173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2578343

Also, you were fucking wrong here anyway. Dumbass.


>> No.2578347

If one of each color on each row is the only requirement how do you know if D's or Mushrooms on the second row should be blue?

>> No.2578361



>> No.2578597

Nobody mentioned the direction they're facing? The bottom right is the only on that should be facing the opposite of the 2 above but is not..

>> No.2578601

Except I wasn't. But thanks for playing.

>> No.2578614

It's got to be one of the green domes. There are no other triples all of the same shape and color.

>> No.2578616

Are you color blind? There are two different colors of blue.

>> No.2578622

How about this OP on both the second and third column the bottom matching tile is one to the right, however in the third column the last tile is 2 to the left? so either way its the green mushrooms for not being the same shade or the blue mushrooms for not meeting constancy

>> No.2578628

Nope, sorry, that shit aint logical.