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2577864 No.2577864 [Reply] [Original]

After spending my entire life as a Christian, I began to question my own beliefs. All of the contradicting scientific evidence started to come to an overwhelming head. I, as do many people, had many questions of what proof we have of a creators existence. This question was always met with the same uninformative answer, the proof is in the bible. Any further questioning to our existence would then be met with, you must have faith. Faith can only take you so far and then it becomes a delusion. I was tired of being that child waiting to see the Easter bunny, Santa Clause or Tooth Fairy. The fairytale had lost it's luster and I wanted answers. In my effort to find new evidence for our existence, I stumbled across "The God Delusion" and "The Greatest Show On Earth." These books put into light things I had never seen before. Evidence abroad came flowing from these books to give me a whole new out look on life. Thanks to the many men before Richard Dawkins and Dawkins himself, for the wonderful information presented in his books. I am now a proud Atheist and believer in the incontestable evidence for evolution.

Thank you.

>> No.2577874

here you go OP

After spending my entire life as a Christian, I began to question my own beliefs. All of the contradicting scientific evidence started to come to an overwhelming head.

I, as do many people, had many questions of what proof we have of a creator’s existence. This question was always met with the same uninformative answer; the proof is in the bible.

Any further questioning to our existence would then be met with, you must have faith. Faith can only take you so far and then it becomes a delusion. I was tired of being that child waiting to see the Easter bunny, Santa Clause or Tooth Fairy.

The fairytale had lost its luster and I wanted answers. In my effort to find new evidence for our existence, I stumbled across "The God Delusion" and "The Greatest Show On Earth." These books put into light things I had never seen before. Evidence abroad came flowing from these books to give me a whole new outlook on life.

Thanks to the many men before Richard Dawkins and Dawkins himself, for the wonderful information presented in his books. I am now a proud Atheist and believer in the incontestable evidence for evolution.

>> No.2577878


>implying I wanted to flood the board

>> No.2577883

>implying i wasn't implying you failed high-school english

>> No.2577899

I'm a Christian, but I believe in evolution. Subscribing to the philosophy of Dawkins et. al. is not necessary - all you have to do is actually read about biology, perhaps starting from a textbook.

Opposition to evolution primarily stems from abject ignorance.

>> No.2577904


so, you believe in fairy tales, and proud of it, wow

>> No.2577909

>I believe in evolution
i loathe this phrase, i almost can't stop myself from physically reacting when somebody says that

>> No.2577910

Not that I'm a Christian (or Atheist for that matter) but, I've never truly understood why people can't believe in a religion and evolution at the same time. They are not incompatible.

Then again I assume that you're American and I've always thought that Americans tend to be batshit crazy when it comes to religion....

>> No.2577912

so, you believe in straw men, and proud of it, wow

>> No.2577913

>implying evolution is an atheist construct and Darwin himself was not from Christian roots

>> No.2577914


But evolution is not something you believe in you fucking dumbass is something you accept as a fact in nature

>> No.2577920


But God is not something you believe in you fucking dumbass is something you accept as a fact in nature

>> No.2577918

You're obsessing over trivial semantics. "I believe evolution is a fact of nature." How's that? Even if something is a fact people can still believe or disbelieve it, as evidenced by the many who disbelieve evolution.

>> No.2577923

As an atheist, I find that the best religious people are the ones who aren't afraid to question their beliefs at times. If they still believe in it, well that's their problem, but I still admire them for at least questioning and witnessing the flaws in their belief to begin with. Hell, anyone with a belief is better off by not being afraid to question their own belief when needed, instead of just going on believing it willy-nilly.

>> No.2577926
File: 91 KB, 750x600, yo-dawg-motivation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the point of this?
you just cuntpasted OP's post again...

>> No.2577928
File: 90 KB, 630x380, i am not left handed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>straw men

>> No.2577930

> the best religious people

that's about 0.3% of them

>> No.2577934

It's more well-organized, easier to read, and fixed several mistakes.
Come back when you've graduated high school, dipshit.

>> No.2577935

The only real problem that could possibly stem from mixing those two up is the one of dogma, and the inherent uncaring nature of the evolutionary process.

The trademark of a stereotypically good god is usually that he/she/it cares for the weak and off lesser opportunities, whereas natural selection disregards them completely unless they have some other "strength" that gives them the upper hand.

>> No.2577939

>>I believe in evolution
>>i loathe this phrase, i almost can't stop myself >>from physically reacting when somebody says that

I don't, for a very simple reason, for many people evolution (or at least evolutionary theory) IS a belief.

Here's a very simple test, find a biologist or someone else that actually understands evolution. This could technically be yourself.

Now, ask some simple questions about evolution to people, preferably atheists who say that they believe in the evolutionary theory. I've tried this and noticed that a vast majority of them don't really understand evolutionary theory.

Any argument about evidence for evolution is invalid for my point. It's not about whether evolution is true, it's that most of these people who say they believe it don't know the theory or really much of the evidence past an episode on the discovery channel. So, they *believe* in it.

>> No.2577938

>You're obsessing over trivial semantics.
both camps do this incessantly

i react because theists try to use that phrase to twist the definition of belief, so i avoid using it to nip that issue in the bud

>> No.2577937

Just saying "you don't understand what that means" doesn't make it so. In any case, even if I were a spambot totally bereft of any understanding, that wouldn't make your post any less a straw man.

>> No.2577940
File: 30 KB, 555x378, christian-soldier-21.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any americans in?

i read that being a christian is pretty much enforced in the us military these days, even though it's unconstitutional and violates the military code.

true of not?

>> No.2577944
File: 2 KB, 126x104, no u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fixed several mistakes.

no you fucking didn't. far too many unnecessary comma's in both.

>Come back when you've graduated high school, dipshit.

>> No.2577946

With this in mind, how _do_ christians and other theists of the "loving god" brand deal with the whole issue of natural selection's somewhat dickish nature?

Even sexual selection can be an asshole of a way of getting things to work: Entire damn species depending on some members being left in the dust and actively forced to die loveless virgins.

>> No.2577948

belief :-

3: conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence

Regardless of what your underlying rationale might be, it would seem an inappropriate response to "loathe" or have a "physical response" to perfectly acceptable uses of English words.

>> No.2577949

Wasn't my post.
I'll do you a favor: define straw man, without copypasting from wikipedia, and then explain how that guy's post fits your definition.
I guarantee, somewhere you'll be wrong. Very wrong.

>> No.2577950



Where the fuck did you read that?

>> No.2577951

>didn't even comment on the the "it's"
God, do trolls even try anymore? Or are tripfags just this dumb?
I'll give you a 2/10 out of pity.

>> No.2577960

Why not just use a more general definition of the word `belief': an idea you consider to be true (either based on evidence or on "faith"(lack of evidence)). If someone says they believe evolution is true that can either mean they think evolution is true after they examined the evidence and the theory or they believe it is true based on faith ("a lot of people think it's true, so I'll think it's true too").
If someone says they have 'faith' in evolution, that would mean they believe without evidence, but merely stating that they believe in it doesn't mean that their thinking it is true is based on a thought process lacking evidence and rational thought.

>> No.2577959
File: 147 KB, 484x453, fuckyou1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you.
im not the one who did a half assed job of trying to grammar nazi OP's post.

>> No.2577963

neither is the guy you are arguing with :D

>> No.2577967



...fucking anons...

>> No.2577968

I choose not to play your stupid little game which once again lacks any relevance at all. An argument is not an intellectual dick-sizing contest. Let's say for the sake of argument that I'm too stupid to independently define "straw man" without referring to Wikipedia? What does this mean? Oh, nothing. Even stupid people are allowed to be right... when they are right.

You are a sanctimonious pseudo-intellectual with piss poor logic as this much is obvious ipse dixit from your lack of logical coherence or relevance in anything you say.

>> No.2577974


>> No.2577986

>perfectly acceptable uses of English words
the point being that the phrase's use has often been unacceptable, hence the loathing

>> No.2577997

I believe nothing is real.
You people don't even exist.
You are all just a manifestation of my concsiousness so I can use that as a mirror to know that at least I exist.

>> No.2577999

I'm no longer interested in discussing this, because there seems to be no substantive disagreement. You say other people have misused the word "belief." I don't find that too improbable, but as I have not, I'm quite done with the whole thing.

>> No.2578000


You should probably see one of those manifestations known as a "psychiatrist."
