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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2576996 No.2576996 [Reply] [Original]

1. your credentials (some college, BS/BA, masters phd)
2. your school(s)
3. your major/area of interest

i'll start

1. in college, 4th year
3. Aerospace engineering, w/ emphasis on propulsion systems.

>> No.2577004

1. masters
2. michigan state, columbia
3. physics

>> No.2577006


1. Masters in Mech Eng.
2. School of Raging H. Omosexuals
3. Mainly interested in cum-pumping scrawny 4chan neckbeards

>> No.2577008
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why do all thread have to be about gay rights? I fucking sick of yall engineers!

>> No.2577009


u seem a little mad

>> No.2577011

1. B.S
2. ANU
3. Astronomy

>> No.2577013



>> No.2577017

ucla bro?

'biochem here.

>> No.2577025


you're really fuckin' dedicated this joke aren't you
on /sci/ like 24/7 just ctrl-f'in for "engineer"

>> No.2577030


OP here. The truth is roughly half of /sci/ is engineering students. so a backlash ensues

>> No.2577044

/sci/ is for science and math
/sci/ is not homosexuality and depravity (engineering)

GTFO little engines!

>> No.2577048

1. BS
2. University of Illinois (planning to transfer to UChicago)
3. Computer Science

>> No.2577050


so what do you study?

>> No.2577057


>> No.2577064
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Stop being ignorant.

>> No.2577071
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3rd Yr. undergradfag
Political motherfucking Science

>> No.2577072


ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh laaaawds. that's funny. you look down on engineers? you realize that psychology is pseudoscience, and neuroscience is about 2 years from nullifying your profession's impact.

>> No.2577081

Bachelors in BioMechanical Engineering and Neuroscience

One year at University of Houston, then transfered to Rice. (My lack of extracurriculars screwed me on my first application.)

My long term goal is to replicate a simplified version of the depth processing centers in the brain.

>> No.2577082

3.Aerospace Engineering/I'm interest massive cocks

>> No.2577094

1. PhC
3. Theoretical Psychology
4. MIT

>> No.2577091

I have an astronomy major, and an ursa minor.

>> No.2577087
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Grade 'A' samefaggin

>> No.2577095
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Everyone looks down on engineers. They aren;t even allowed to marry. FUCKEN HOMOS!

>> No.2577098


that honestly was not samefag. wouldnt be surprised if the poster who wrote psych was trollin him though.

>> No.2577101

You got me. Still can't say that psychology is worthless. Just like engineering it has its uses and helps society out.

>> No.2577102

Funniest thing all night.

>> No.2577110
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Not the same poster but pic very related

>> No.2577111
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1. EE studnet
2. Rice University
3. Swallowing thick loads of cum

>> No.2577120

University of Lethbridge
Psychology with a focus in neuroscience

>> No.2577121
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This is now a spiderman thread

>> No.2577124
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Let's make this an engineering hook up thread!

>> No.2577130
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3.MechE w/ focus on jugglin balls in my mouth

>> No.2577132
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>> No.2577136

BA, working on a BS
University of Iowa
Film Production, now doubling as a Phys/Astro major.

Don't ask... it's a long story.

>> No.2577149
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Combining two shit-tier majors with a shit-tier university? Bold move.

>> No.2577152

1. Third year university
2. University of Alberta
3. Electrical Engineering / >implying I've had any freedom in my major yet

>> No.2577160
File: 105 KB, 500x326, 1286720385011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gay clown mocks others


>> No.2577166

You're new to the whole trolling thing aren't you?

>> No.2577179
File: 13 KB, 225x225, CIA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Less than a year in but going into my third year after this quarter due to CLEPs and DANTES.
2. Metro for AA, University of Nebraska for a few classes, Bellevue University for my BSc and later MSc
3. International security and intelligence with a dual major in history. I'll be going back for my masters in ISIS as well, then working on a teaching certificate.

>> No.2577209

Why is everybody from Alberta so boring? Even the Indian kids who should have some culture are a bunch of faggots.

>> No.2577242

Anyone decide to go to a community college for core classes?