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2574485 No.2574485 [Reply] [Original]

So I know there's been alot of talk on this board lately about the moon landing hoax, and I haven't been able to back of my belief too much until now.

Why are none of the pictures damaged? No film damage from radiation. No atmopshere means no protection from radiation, so how the hell weren't any of the pictures they took effected by any radiation?

>> No.2574488

So I know there's been alot of talk on this board lately about this nigger making the same moon-landing-hoax thread each day, and I haven't been able to back of my belief too much until now.

>> No.2574496

Oh man, you're right, when the film was outside of the cameras and outside of the cases and outside of the spacecraft to be towed back home for no reason, why didn't the radiation effect them?

Or, you know, maybe the film was never exposed to any radiation was more protected than the already adequately protected crew?

>> No.2574497

because you don't know what radiation is

>> No.2574504

Protected how? There was no special suit or anything around the camera? It was just a camera that was exposed. Saying it wasn't exposed to any radiation is ludicrious.

>> No.2574509

I too would like to know the answer to this puzzling question. Radiation is a huge problem that I dont think they couldve overcome

>> No.2574516


>> No.2574526


Start at 3:00. This is the only proof you will ever need that the moon landing was faked. Actually behind the scenes banter from the crew admitting to the thing being staged.

>> No.2574540

Would love to see someone try and debunk this. Busted.

>> No.2574550


>> No.2574567

Everyone's gotta excuse for the radiation but no one can explain this

>> No.2574581


2. Film in the cameras would have been fogged by this radiation.

The film was kept in metal containers that stopped radiation from fogging the film's emulsion.[72] Furthermore, film carried by unmanned lunar probes such as the Lunar Orbiter and Luna 3 (which used on-board film development processes) was not fogged.

>> No.2574595


Because it was shot in the backyard of my house.

>> No.2574596



>> No.2574601

They brought a jeep to the moon but not a telescope? Give me a break. Let's here someone explain this.

>> No.2574621

Did you even read this page? NOTHING on it explains the clip in the movie. Try harder, bro.

>> No.2574633

You see those little buttons at the bottom? Click the one labeled "Next."

>> No.2574651

Again, nothing explaining the video. I read the whole thing. You can't explain the video.

>> No.2574652

Not sure if serious.
>1. sped up footage of astronauts walking on moon
Whether it's original speed or speed up, it's 100% obvious that 1/6 weight is being supported by the legs and motions. When people try to fake moon walking with slow mo, it's 100% obvious that it's fake because you can see the legs taking the full weight.
>hi-res video camera.
No hi-res video cameras did not exist then. The high res color video is from a FILM camera. You can't get that footage until the camera comes back.
>the claim that the footage from apollo 11 is actually being taken from low-earth orbit.
This just makes no sense. You can see the earth. You can't get that view of the earth from low-earth orbit.
>There is radio silence after Houston asks Apollo 11 a question
So what? Happens all the time. Astronauts are busy sometimes. lol
>Recorded video for playback later
Yep, they had film still cameras and film motion cameras for high res recording. Electronic video was only low-res. Film versions could only be played later.
>Blocked window facing sun, so they could photograph the earth without a reflection on the earth-side window
Yes, obviously, so?
>claims the earth is actually a circuluar window showing a small part of the earth.
Really? STFU bitch, you can see the continents.
Anyone who believes anything this bitch is saying needs to hang themselves now. Everything the astronauts are saying contradicts her.

>> No.2574661

That's a lie. Page seven addresses the exact section you claimed was proof of a hoax.

>> No.2574666

>You can't get that view of the earth from low-earth orbit.

It's a camera trick. You don't understand how it worked. Watch that part again and rethink your statement. Telling me to shut up and calling me a bitch isn't an argument, kiddo.

>> No.2574701

Shut up bitch

>> No.2574697

Why the fuck would they take a telescope to the moon? Well... they had a 1x power telescope on the command module for stellar navigation.

>> No.2574709

Conspiracy theorists: Calling others gullible while immediately believing any shitty, sketchy piece of "evidence" that supports their side of the argument.

>> No.2574714

Why do people keep saying this? They DID bring a telescope to the moon. They just didn't spend all their time looking at stars. If you have a limited amount of time on foreign terrain, are you going to spend all your time doing something we can do on earth, or are you going to act like you're on the fucking moon and get shit done??

>> No.2574720

It's an absurd claim. You can see the sharp outline and the edge of the earth and the faded part of twilight line. You can see the continents of asia and australia. The bitch in the video says that's because it's the inside of the window on one edge and the outside on the other edge. LOL Everything she says is laughable. I don't think it was made to be taken seriously. I think it's a parody.

>> No.2575012

FYI: OP's image is a trollface

>> No.2575025
File: 99 KB, 392x300, coolface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's not. This is a troll face.

>> No.2575029

Watch this, fags. You're sucking Bart Sibrel's cock. He's the guy behind this movie.


Take a good look at your source of information.

>> No.2575032

>Do you think you can get to heaven without repenting?
>Why don't you swear on the Bible that you walked on the moon?

>> No.2575057

>Again, nothing explaining the video. I read the whole thing. You can't explain the video.
Tide comes in, tide goes out. You can't explain that.

Seriously, how about saying something more concrete than "debunk the video, fags".

>> No.2575068

>I don't think it was made to be taken seriously. I think it's a parody.
Unfortunately, Bart Sibrel was dead serious about A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon.

>> No.2575085
File: 38 KB, 301x290, 1289082387599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He deserved what Buzz gave him.

>> No.2575088

The little bitch tried to sue him for that punch, too. Didn't work.

>> No.2575106

never gets old

>> No.2575191
File: 301 KB, 1400x1400, Apollo11LG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apollo 11 from lunar orbit, problem?

>> No.2575235

The theory that makes more sense is that the Moon landing happened, but NASA found something unsavory up there and staged the landing they showed to the public later. This would of course make their subsequent landings perfectly reasonable

>> No.2575244

I'm guessing you just finished watching this

>> No.2575323

Nah, that theory has been thought up way way before that movie lol