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2573701 No.2573701 [Reply] [Original]

The thing I don't understand about evolution is this

Why aren't short fags bred out?

Like the average height is 5'10. Yet there are people that are 5'4. How the hell isn't this bred out?

Most girls go for tall men anyway?

Like hte average height should be 6'4. And all people smaller than 6ft should be dead. But, you get shortfags.

>> No.2573706

Height is determined by how much food is available, not genes.

>> No.2573713


shortfags just have sex with other shortfags

also, being super huge isn't always the best idea (dinosaurs)

>> No.2573715

natural selection is more than just mate selection. it's random as fuck.

>> No.2573731

am i being trolled. seriously sci used ot be smart...

several genes control height. height is a result of nature and nurture.

short fags are not bread out because women obviously still sleep with shortish men however over th past 200 years the average height has increased by nearly 30 cm.

natural selection isn't random you are talking about mate selection and that is obviously not random either.

>> No.2573736
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Humans have actually got a few inches taller on average over the last millenium

>> No.2573744

>over th past 200 years the average height has increased by nearly 30 cm
wrong actually. thats the average european height, and that situation is pretty complicated because of breeding with larger peoples

>> No.2573747

OP don't be stupid, it's all determined by how much food the offspring receives from ages 1-12. If, let's say a child received more food (not to the point of fatness) it would be healthier and taller. If it received less it would be shorter and scrawney. That's why generely speaking shorter people are thin. If not, it's a mutation that causes shortness (midgets).

>> No.2573749

Short women are more fertile than tall women, so it is a positive trait for women and it drags the height of men down.

>> No.2573753
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>> No.2573757

That's because we own you faggots. Seriously, try to come up with another reason. Protip: There is none. Small guys are better than tall guys.

>> No.2573766

tall people actually die sooner, there a bunch of disorders specific to tall people that take them out of the gene pool. Medium-small people are most adapted for modern westen life

>> No.2573770

Tall men = more attractive.
Short women = more attractive.

Short women has male baby. Male baby ~1/2 chance of being short, too.

The human height has a way of staying within 5.5' +/- 1.5'.

>> No.2573775

Short people are thin? The majority of the short people I see are at a minimum 200 lbs. Then again, I am in south Texas and like 60% of the population is obese.

>> No.2573783

i wish people understood that traits that help reproductive success in one sex may hinder it in another

then we wouldn't get "how come evolution hasn't wiped out the fags yet" threads

>> No.2573787

no your right, /sci/ is just stupid
also height is mainly genetic

>> No.2573789

your height has nothing to do with your ability to survive or reproduce
fucking dumbass

>> No.2573791

It also explains most ugly people too.

>> No.2573793


Shorter limbed beings are stronger (ex. chimps).

>> No.2573796

Yes it does, tall men are more attractive and physically able.

>> No.2573801


Does that explain how black men are manly and athletic and hot. But, black women look crap.

>> No.2573809
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whole thread is so stupid. people were shorter a long time ago.

we are getting taller.

>> No.2573810

The short guys around today must have bigger penises as an evolutionary compensation.


I'm just trying to demonstrate the ridiculousness of trying to guess at things and put it in evolutionary terms. Not every trait a person has is a positive evolutionary adaptation! There's no use in getting depressed, yet people do--explain evolutionarily? You can't! It's a fuck up! There was no intelligent designer!

>> No.2573811


>Does that explain how black men are manly and athletic and hot. But, black women look crap.

OMG I hope you are trolling. What you are referring to as black men are actually an insignificant percentage of the total black population on earth. There are only like three tribes which foster such specimen worldwide.

>> No.2573812

People shrunk when they started farming, but before that they were about current size.

>> No.2573814

have heard a theory that who takes part in mate selection accounts for this

if women dominate mate selection then men get hotter, and vice versa

could be crap though

>> No.2573823

>>But, black women look crap.

To you maybe.

>> No.2573825


Depression has a good function. Imagine not being depressed you wouldn't focus on what causing the problem. Like imagine if you had no pain, you wouldn't know your leg is fucked up.

Depressions causes the animal to slow down and focus on what is the problem now.

>> No.2573831

> zero evidence claim

that accounts for the khoisan people then you retard

>> No.2573841

7' master race.

>> No.2573843

the story goes depression helps you survive periods where competing for a mate would cost you your life. you don't want to, so the alpha male doesn't kill you. maybe you reproduce when he dies

>> No.2573844

6'4" is too tall for most girls. So you get a normal distribution centered around the ideal which is around 5'10". There are other environmental considerations besides sexual selection that makes excessive height disadvantageous.

>> No.2573861


>Implying the "center" of a normal distribution is the "ideal".

>> No.2573865

>>Depressions causes the animal to slow down and focus on what is the problem now.

Okay, that's true, yet it doesn't explain catatonic depressions and ones where people commit suicide---oh...but then again maybe, they failed and are self-removing themselves from the gene pool...very tenuous.

A better example would be the appendix. Or the blind spot in the eye. No purpose. It wouldn't be fair to say that we're at an evolutionary "crossroads" because since NOT having an appendix serves no advantage, it won't seem to disappear.

>> No.2573870

>>the story goes depression helps you survive periods where
>>competing for a mate would cost you your life. you don't want
>>to, so the alpha male doesn't kill you. maybe you reproduce
>>when he dies
What about chicks, then? They actually get depressed 2x more than guys. (Testosterone reduces mood swings.)

>> No.2573871

Appendix and the blind spot both serve their purpose

Appendix is reservoir, from our days when our intestines would have the bacteria removed due to diarrhea and stuff

Blind spot is because our eyes evolved backwards, and to turn and entire structure around is impossible in one genetic generation, so it never turned around. Now cephalopods, they evolved better than we did.

>> No.2573876

sigh what a dumb question. evolution don't real. some guy with a beard made it up once, it's not written in the bible, so why blindly believe theories?

>> No.2573880


Appendix is useful when we first evolved to help digestion. Now it's semi useless.

Catanonic depression is just a extreme form. Also, higher thoughts itself can lead to depression itself I.e. RET stuff to cure. So extreme forms of depression might be Psychological and not Biological.

Blind spot in eye is small. Don't see why it be weeded out.

>> No.2573884

The standard deviation for height can only be so small. Short people aren't even that goddamn short. It's like a 10% difference in height.

>> No.2573885

>implying it isn't

>> No.2573894

also sage

>> No.2573909

Evolution doesn't really apply to humans as it applies to wildlife. We have medicine, welfare etc to keep the weak individuals alive, unlike in nature. If we had no medicine we'd have a lot less people with inherited diseases or genetic disorders since they'd die out along with their dominant individuals. Even though having a resessive gene doesn't express a disease (except in the case of 'aa' and not 'Aa') it still encumbers the organism.

Also: the height of an individual is determined by various different genes and it's a type of intermediary quality.

>> No.2573924

a lack of understanding of genetics, nutrition and human behavior and how they all are interconnected to making variety /thread.

>> No.2573924,1 [INTERNAL] 

I is better den you suz i is tall, everyboyd no dat tall people is da best and the smartest, just look at doze stupid asians.

I used to love being in grade two in the schoolyard because I was the tallest and the smarters when i told other kids how stupid fat or ugly they be they aint got da balls to say nothing bak. Tall peeps iz da best.