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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2571751 No.2571751 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/.

How long and how high a dosage of steroids should I take to get natural looking myself but not suffer and side effects or look like a freak such as pictured. I just want to be a little bit muscular without the effort.


Also where can I get some and is it addictive?

>> No.2571759

Sci aren't medical professionals and your question shows you don't even understand what steroids do. Go ask fit and get flamed.

>> No.2571769

no, but they are chemists.

>> No.2571774

chemists aren't physiologists

>> No.2571786 [DELETED] 

i'm a physiologist

try ecdysterone

its quite safe, cheap, legal, doesn't fuck with your hormones or have nasty side-effects

and still have to workout tho, go ask /fit/

>> No.2571788
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>Physiology is the science of the function of living systems

Still /sci/ related.

>> No.2571796

>doesn't fuck with your hormones
lol, then how would it increase you muscle mass?

>> No.2571808

Magnets stretch your muscles out.

>> No.2571810 [DELETED] 


yea, google it


learn to read

>> No.2571813 [DELETED] 


here's the short answer

increased protein synthesis

>> No.2571821

>yea, google it
google it I did
>as a result of increased testosterone and DHT production, and include androgenic changes in females such as growth of facial and body hair and deepening of the voice, as well as gastrointestinal problems for both sexes, such as nausea, bloating, and diarrhoea

>doesn't fuck with your hormones
Promoting muscle growth necessarily means it fuck with your hormones.

>> No.2571823

That's the mechanism of production, not the signaling pathway. Hormones regulate protein synthesis.

>> No.2571853 [DELETED] 


thats wiki bullshit.

it increases protein synthesis way more than the amount of androgen increase, at least for men, it might be different for women

>> No.2571852


>> No.2571862

It wouldn't be steroids if it didn't fuck with your hormones. That's what they are, artificial hormones.

Anyway, steroids can be used to increase muscle mass even if you do not work out at all, but you'll have to find out for yourself how to do this safely. I doubt people here know much about it, and even if they did you shouldn't take medical advice from 4chan.

>> No.2571873

>thats wiki bullshit.
nice argument
>it increases protein synthesis
HOW IF NOT BY HORMONES? Either you are missing the point or you are being willfully persistent.

>> No.2571970

I hate when people grossly misunderstand steroids. You don't just stab yourself with it and wake up the next die buffed up. That's not how they work. They increase your ability to do exercise so you can continue doing (or do it with greater intensity) than someone who doesn't take them. So I can do 4 sets of 25 reps at 70; with steroids I can probably do 10 sets of 25 reps at 70.

They get big because they can get more out of exercise.

>> No.2571986 [DELETED] 


listen, i'm an actual physiologist, so i'm not gonna bullshit you, there is a good deal of debate about the mechanism of action of that compound.

it is clear that it is far more effective than simple DHT analogs, and has very low affinity for DHT or testosterone receptors.

there is evidence that it directly increases the production of ribosomal RNA by binding to DNA.

thats what i know, research it yourself if you want to know more.

and fyi, wiki is bullshit, go to pubmed

>> No.2571990

go to /fit/ and make a thread

many of them use steroids and are quite open about it

>> No.2572011

How about a PubMed article to back up your claims? The burden of proof is on you.

>> No.2572013
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Only important 'roids question: What image do the needle marks on Lance 'Uniball' Armstrong's ass make when you connect the dots?

>> No.2572021 [DELETED] 


i'm not selling ecdysterone, and i don't give a shit about you

take it or leave it, i don't give a fuck

>> No.2572059
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>> No.2572070

surrender accepted

>> No.2572076

lol'd, op op'd it in /fit/ and the bros sent him here