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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2569677 No.2569677 [Reply] [Original]

Amy: Well then, prepare to be terrified. If your friends are unconvincing, this year’s donations might go to, say, the Geology department.

Sheldon: Oh no! Not the dirt people!

Amy: Or, worse still, it could go to the liberal arts.

Sheldon: No!

Amy: Millions of dollars being showered on poets, literary theorists and students of gender studies.

Sheldon: Oh, the Humanities!

>> No.2569692

This show fits /sci/'s demographic so perfectly, I love this show.

>> No.2569712

What show is this and why am I not watching it?

>> No.2569732

Fuck no. We hate this show.

>> No.2569736

that show is boring as fuck nothing funny happens EVER

>> No.2569758

Just becouse im smart doesnt mean i like this stupid show. Same goes for anyone else in here, but if you do like the show well good for you.

>> No.2569766

yea goofbadgers, I was joking.

Anyone who enjoys that show should be raped with the fury of a million dying suns.

>> No.2569779
File: 50 KB, 531x850, hatersgonnahate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the one where Amy and Sheldon get into a fight over whether physics or neurology is more fundamental, as each claims their field is the basis of all others. Sheldon is basically /sci/. He has to think every field is inferior to physics (and experimental physics is inferior to theoretical physics), and that he's in the best in his field, in protection of his ego.

The most like /sci/ is when he started going on about the singularity and wanting to be achieve transhumanist immortality.

>> No.2569788

Big Bang Theory. It's great, but it's on at the same time as Community, which is better. I just torrent them both.

>> No.2569819

I also like xkcd, Steven Hawking, and Firefly.

Can I be a /sci/ now?

>> No.2569831

Too obvious.

>> No.2569836

Sheldon on social sciences:
Sheldon on engineers:
(you have to ignore the part where he claims carbon nanotubes are cheaper than titanium... it's a sitcom)
Tell me the BBT writers don't lurk /sci/ for material.

>> No.2569849


to be on /sci/ you have to:

like carl sagan, isaac newton, physics, math, alien cheetoh guy
dislike: the big bang theory, michau cuccoo, engineers, pre-meds, and anything popular

>> No.2569855

Uh, no.

>> No.2569861

I like the good stuff, and I'm starting to love Sagan, but I have enjoyed Big Bang....
What do?

>> No.2569868

>anything popular
This applies to all of 4chan, and is the only reason for the BBT hate. BBT was popular here until it got popular and everyone started watching it. The the internet hipsters started accusing it of having a laugh track.

>> No.2569872

you are clearly not smart enough to like what you like regardless of what people tell you to like so you should just leave

>> No.2569883

I do hate laugh tracks...
Well, if the internet can't tell me what to like, what the hell am I supposed to do?!

>> No.2569903
File: 26 KB, 207x155, dickhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accusing it of having a laugh track.
Such an irrational accusation. Anybody can clearly tell it doesn't have a laugh track.

>> No.2569928

Correction: BBT was popular HERE until it got popular HERE.

I'm still the only person I know in person that watches BBT.

>> No.2569951


What? It completely misinterprets science and is full of pseudo-intellectual bullsh- oh I see what you did there.

>> No.2569959

Since when have we liked Isaac Newton? The guy was a genius, but also one of the biggest doucebags ever.

>> No.2569962
File: 117 KB, 1244x717, laughmachine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right. Shows with laugh tracks only have laughs after the punch line. The same people who accuse it of having a laugh track moronically point out how annoyed they are when the audience laughs at lines that are not intended to be funny.

>> No.2570014

This is true.

>> No.2570036

I loved it until it got popular. Now I'm stuck... It's like Lady Gaga...