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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 15 KB, 150x224, 150-hsas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2568884 No.2568884 [Reply] [Original]

US Department of Homeland Security elevates national threat level to High (Orange). why?

>> No.2568886

Something could happen somewhere.

>> No.2568887

Wait, did this happen, or are you postulating a hypothetical?

>> No.2568889


>> No.2568893


>> No.2568895
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To keep you scared and to make you support the military industrial complex.

>> No.2568903

it's actually happening so why 1/10

>> No.2568913
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>> No.2568952

I think it has something to do with all 17 NASA stereo telescopes being down, as well as SOHO telescopes. Both offline for past 2 days.

>> No.2568974

Cause the military doesn't want to get budget cuts

>> No.2568977

it's actually at threat level midnight

>> No.2568981

it's been severe since 9/11

>> No.2568986

how do you know?

>> No.2568997

Alex Jones(i know, i know) called the number of this See something,say something campaign live on air and they turned out to be a dead end.
No idea how trustworthy he is though, i haven't called them personally.

>> No.2569016


>> No.2569018
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The last I heard, they don't use the colors anymore, because they were useless.

We now use scents, and have been on Lilac for 3 years.

>> No.2569040

Wouldn't it be bad ass if aliens invaded?

>> No.2569042

they have done so before

>> No.2569067

The threat level was increased on Feb 18 2011. I think it's because of the widely talked about polar shift that is due in the coming month. Look at all the cases of dead birds/fish and animals in general dieing. In addition, scientists also discovered a new series of planets in the far reaches of our solar system that orbit our sun elliptically. Now that they are coming closer, they could be effecting us. The sun has also been acting up a LOT lately. The past 2 days there has be not 1, but 2 of the largest solar flares in 4 years that the government openly admitted could cause power-outages, issues with GPS, satellites and radio.

>> No.2569088


>> No.2569099


Haha, I love the office.

What's up you fucking nerds?

>> No.2569119

A brown dwarf called nemesis is going to send a mass of asteroids our way on december 21, 2012 and it will be the end of mankind as we know it!
Other than that its been pretty chill

>> No.2569144


Go back to /x/


Here at /sci/ we wait for validation until we treat theories as fact.

>> No.2569150

"The new alert system is currently in a 90 day implementation period that began on January 27, 2011 – until the end of the implementation period, the existing HSAS will remain in effect."

just in time for mayday

>> No.2569180

@ 2 above, it's not theory:

The threat level was increased on Feb 18 2011. I think it's because of the widely talked about polar shift that is due in the coming month. Look at all the cases of dead birds/fish and animals in general dieing. In addition, scientists also discovered a new series of planets in the far reaches of our solar system that orbit our sun elliptically. Now that they are coming closer, they could be effecting us. The sun has also been acting up a LOT lately. The past 2 days there has be not 1, but 2 of the largest solar flares in 4 years that the government openly admitted could cause power-outages, issues with GPS, satellites and radio.

>> No.2569186
File: 64 KB, 640x480, dawson-crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely think it could be true guys
What should we do?

>> No.2569211


Go rape someone so you can finally lose your virginity

>> No.2569212

Use our incredible capacity for intelligence to adapt and evolve to the coming threat. Or we die.

>> No.2569227

CNN confirmed the extra solar objects. Pole shift? HAARP has also suggested a massive polar shift in the coming month(s). As for the bigger picture, put the pieces of the puzzle together. You don't need to wait for someone with "official" status to confirm something. You have a brain bro, use it.

>> No.2569246

We can't die... not now...
We were so close to reaching a new era of technological utopia and longevity...

>> No.2569267

Polar shift? Yeah right. Not only is there no way to predict this but it could happen in 5000 years so no one gives a fuck.

Solar flares? Oh dear the worst since 2006 I'm shivering in my boots!

I bet this thread elevation is a pre-emptive move that the government is noticing large masses of solidarity around the world and it's starting to happen in the US. The shitstorm could be great indeed.

>> No.2569276

Even if the asteroids hit impact the earth covering the skies with dirt and ushering a new ice age, we still have the technology to bypass these inconveniences by using technology to create artificial means for the cultivation of plants and keeping ourselves warm.
Unless the earth implodes we are not going anywhere

>> No.2569291

Well, I mean sure the elite will probably survive, but the likes of you and I will certainly be left to die.

>> No.2569299
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I don't wanna die guise :(

>> No.2569304


HAARP, polar shift?



>> No.2569309


there is no fucking threat elevation

where are you guys getting this shit?

>> No.2569311

you're opinions are misinformed. and i guess tens of thousands of birds & fish dieing, who's survival heavily relies on their 'internal compass', means nothing to you. you should do research before you make uneducated posts.

>> No.2569316

That might mean something if these events were odd or rare. They are not. They happen all the goddamned time. Try to learn a thing or two from a respected news agency.

>> No.2569318


the animals dying are weird, but the solar cycle "most in 4 years" well fuck, the cycle goes in and out most in 4 years because 4 years ago it was at a minimum; now we're moving up towards another maximum

it's not fucking magic; this shit is supposed to happen

>> No.2569321

I wouldn't pay any attention to the threat levels. They've never gone below "elevated" since they were created and have never gone above "high" either.

>> No.2569323


>> No.2569327


Mass extinctions happen all the time. Natural disasters happen all the time. Only your perception has increased lately because of a better online social and news network.
Do your research before you sound like a full retard panicking about a couple birds dying somewhere in the world.

>> No.2569331


It was raised from green -> orange on feb 18, 2011.

>> No.2569332


no, they don't happen all the time in those numbers and with that frequency

you can check the govt.'s own site for the history; they keep track

what happened in the past couple months is extraordinary, by any statistical standard

it's not completely out of the water, but it is exceptional

>> No.2569335
File: 16 KB, 240x271, 240px-Red_alert_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

solar maximum + pole shift + Yellowstone super volcano + nemesis + Mayan calendar + Middle east revolutions + peak oil = Shit is getting real

>> No.2569345


>> No.2569347
File: 215 KB, 640x480, 1296842523311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


holy shit i thought when did /sci/ get such an influx of idiots

>> No.2569350


no, shit is culminating

food and commodity prices at record highs

revolutions spreading thru out various govts. of the world

you can pretend this is all normal but the stats don't back it up

>> No.2569360

no. this shit does't happen all the time. when's the last time you saw the ground level of yellowstone raise 15 feet?

>> No.2569373 [DELETED] 

From here:


It was elevated yesterday.

>> No.2569374

You're semi right about the food shortage, but it's still not exceptional that this is happening now.

There is also much more solidarity in the world and social networking is shifting the power balance. But to hear you chirp on about something being amiss about polar shifts and your idiotic conspiracy theories really shows how immature and ignorant you are.

>> No.2569380


it was "elevated" it wasn't raised

seriously, do you have any proof? news article?

i searched and found nothing

you guys are making shit up

>> No.2569382

>government revolutions rare
Ever heard of France? I think they have had more governments than the number of years of their existence.

Because, with the industrial revolution, all this shit is changing. It's hard to predict the future because the past is so different.

>> No.2569393
File: 34 KB, 450x381, 1295036988709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>polar shift

I guess you could say the Earth's feeling a little....bi-polar

>> No.2569396


i'm not the one talking about polar shift homey

i'm talking about shit that's actually happening

real world, like record food prices

high incidence of social unrest

you can blame it on this or that; why it's happening doesn't have anything to do with that it's happening

>> No.2569399

1. get a calculator

2. solar maximum + pole shift + Yellowstone super volcano + nemesis + Mayan calendar + Middle east revolutions + peak oil

3. Shit is getting real

>> No.2569400

Are you kidding me? You think shit is bad now?

We have seen worse, Black Plague, Genocide, 2 World Wars, thousands of conflicts, revolutions and civil wars, weapons of mass destruction, hundreds of economic slumps, hundreds of great empires that have risen and died, Ice Ages, massive droughts and much more. This shit is all normal. The world is, and always has been, it doesn't mean the end is near, it means that shit is happening in the world just as it always has, now we just see it all.

>> No.2569405

The way people behave is irrelevant
But the cosmos is not
The fact that asteroids hit the earth millions of years ago and caused mass extinction for the dinosaurs didn't happen by chance

>> No.2569421

faggot + dog + poptart + DiCKS = you're a fucking retard

hey i can do math too!

>> No.2569433


Scientist, again, you are really fucking dumb

when's the last time France had a revolution god damn moron

>> No.2569436

>didn't happen by chance

so god did it? Or is there a race of aliens launching asteroids at us from thousands of lightyears away?

>> No.2569437


>> No.2569441


i didn't say it's bad now; it's getting there tho

>> No.2569442


>when's the last time you saw the ground level of yellowstone raise 15 feet?

Holy living fuck.


>> No.2569444
File: 53 KB, 384x476, 13c851e09ac1271c9cd963fc77a30d80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>set the threat level to "high"

>> No.2569445

It's been a while. Did you not read that part about the industrial revolution changing the rules?

Also, revolutions were common in developing countries, like France. Now the revolutions are happening in the Islamic shitholes. Should one be surprised? Not really.

>> No.2569452



>> No.2569453


look, i didn't say end of the world

nor did i say this shit is unnatural; but it's not usual

sure we have wars from time to time, but storms don't last that long; the prevailing dynamic is peace and calm

with the weapons we have now the next war will take a greater toll than previous ones; its' basic common sense

>> No.2569454


>> No.2569463


i didn't ask for proof on yellowstone

i already read that shit

i asked about proof for threat level raised

i haven't found any myself so i will continue to assert you guys are simply making that shit up

>> No.2569465

Not KAKU!! I just got trolled

>> No.2569466

I want you to participate in a little thought experiment with me.

Let's go to Vegas, and play poker for a whole week, 8 hours a day, and record every single hand which we were dealt. Now, after that week, I want you to calculate the odds that you were dealt those exact hands in that exact order, from the perspective of you just before you went to Vegas. It's pretty damn low. It's an absurdly small number.

Now, here's the 64 USD question, what are the odds that you were dealt those exact hands in that exact order, from you perspective after you came back from Vegas? One. The answer is one. While the odds of it happening again are ridiculously low, you are in a universe where it happened and you observed it, which means that it /did/ happen, probability of it happening be damned.

This is called the Anthropic principle, btw.

>> No.2569469

here u fucking go buddy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrKZMzK1oZs

here is it again so u can take ur misinformed opinions and fix them

>> No.2569475
File: 61 KB, 1205x881, 1249590633653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guest expert Michio Kaku

>> No.2569477

I feel like I just got trolled too.

>> No.2569494

Actually your completely wrong. Wars are now fought with UAVs and incredibly precise and advanced technology designed to minimize civilian casualties. Seeing as civilians always make up most of the death toll, we could reasonably predict significantly smaller death toll in a future war. Especially considering new medical technology etc.

>> No.2569495
File: 4 KB, 344x325, 1296443337966.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>640 millions years go
>640 million

>> No.2569496


industrial revolution is not causing revolutions in these countries

what the fuck is this

>> No.2569502

if you aren't going to believe it from a scientist, who are you going to believe it from?

>> No.2569510
File: 64 KB, 308x322, 12744851227811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh man, I just watched that episode


>> No.2569518

You're being dense or stupid. I said that
1- revolutions in shitholes are not rare
2- most islamic nations are shitholes
3- the world after the industrial revolution is sufficiently different than the world before that we shouldn't use the history of governments and revolutions to make predictions so easily

>> No.2569544


number one, i'm not your "buddy" faggot

number two, can you fucking read?
see >>2569463

>> No.2569545

bump for interest

>> No.2569549


>> No.2569554


dude, you are so dumb

you think what we got going on in pakistan is a war? lmao

pure and simple, the last great war ended with nukes. the next real war will start with them

>> No.2569555
File: 8 KB, 397x167, ctl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the stupid people out there

>> No.2569561

shut the fuck up. you have the IQ of a chimp and you're shitting up this board

>> No.2569564

>Hurr nuclear war is imminent
What is this shit?

>> No.2569567

Fuck off, Algae fag.

>> No.2569578


buddy, listen to what she's saying

"causing miles of ground to rise dramatically"


>> No.2569593

Are you fucking kidding me? The nuclear era is over. That shit is nothing but a deterrent, no nation is dumb enough to nuke another one. It would just be a shit storm. Even if, worse case scenario, those shit holes nuke each other, nothing of value was lost.

>> No.2569596


you're still saying nothing

you say "not rare" but look at the countries that have been revolting

mubarak was in power for 30 years
tunisian guy was in for around as long a time

ghadaffi like 40 years
yemen guy same deal like 30 years

this shit is relatively rare
the region has been stable for at least a generation

>> No.2569601



>> No.2569606

Sudan would like to have a word with you.
Zimbabwe would like to have a word with you.

Really. What is happening now might be a little unusual, but so was the second world war. It's nothing like "OMG the world is ending!"

>> No.2569607
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i have never raged so hard on 4chan, please god i hope this is a master troll

>> No.2569608


you guys are impressively dumb

that link has been posted at least twice already

it says nothing

>> No.2569616


"elevated" IS the level

it doesn't mean it was elevated

god damn;

or if it does mean what you think it does, find me a news article on it


>> No.2569624


stfu & alt + f4

thx bro :)

>> No.2569628


suck a dick faggot

i'm not the one who can't read and keeps posting the same shit that doesn't even prove anything

>> No.2569634

march 4 the goverment shutdown over buget
march 15 the polls shift to fredom
april "The Shit Gets Real" when welfare don`t come in mail

>> No.2569641

I'm a history minor, and I can tell you, with confidence, that we NEVER try to predict the durability of regimes based on how long the regime in-power has existed.

History doesn't work like that.

This was a demographic event.
Young populations + College educated + Unemployed/Underemployed = Volatility

Whether the regime is old or new is relatively inconsequential. Sage for not science.

>> No.2569644






>> No.2569645


you have got to be the dumbest motherfucker alive

i didn't say shit about yellowstone, again

i said proof on threat level

>> No.2569648

>OP post
>"Hey /sci/ national security hurp derp

80 posts later


lol wut

>> No.2569650



find me proof faggot

you can't jsut say it

find me a news article with proof that threat level was changed

there should be one, this shit gets reported

faaggggggggot find proof or stfu

>> No.2569659


>> No.2569666


you don't understand war then do you?

war is the total loss of restraint; read von clauswitz

the impulse to destroy is the will to self-destroy; it is not deterred by your ability to kill them

threaten a suicide bomber with death; they just lulz and blow your ass up too

>> No.2569675
File: 4 KB, 126x122, 1268664821133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2569676


sudan is a couple hundred thousand dead people

ww2 was near 100 million

and if actual war breaks out today we're talking about much higher casualties

it's reality, sorry you're a pussy about things, but you're not going to survive unless you have a proper understanding of the risk

>> No.2569688


i didn't say the duration was consequential

other dude said it wasn't rare

i said it was relatively rare, on account of the duration

lrn2 logic faggot

>> No.2569693


faggot use ur brain it says current threat, updated 02-18-2011, is changed to yellow.

are u actually that stupid


>> No.2569699

>if actual war breaks out today we're talking about much higher casualties
Yeah no, wars of the past were meat throws because they were relatively low-tech. A full blown world war of today between super-powers would be a much different story.

>> No.2569700



>> No.2569703

Oh, Christ. A fucking 19th century theorist said that.

You are beyond fucking stupid if you think things are the same, and don't give me that "hurr human nature" bullshit. You couldn't define human nature if your pathetic life depended on it.

>> No.2569705

wair go poltick post
wair go 15/3/11 post

>> No.2569709

>i said it was relatively rare, on account of the duration
Which is why you're a fucking moron. It's not rare at all. If you knew anything about logic, you'd understand why.

>> No.2569710


just find a news article

that link doesn't say it was changed

the page may have been updated today

it's always fucking updated day by day

just find a news article

you should be able to

or stfu


>> No.2569722

all planets orbit the sun elliptically grumblegrumble

>> No.2569728


yah and if you had actually read the book "on war" you might have an idea; but you haven't you're just talking shit

herp they spoke english in the 19th century too; some shit stays the same

human nature is human nature; the fact that humans go to war is pretty much constant

i could tell you a thing or two about human nature, but you wouldn't recognise it

>> No.2569729


exactly, somebody can think up in this bitch

>> No.2569743

He's not agreeing with you, kid. He's saying the days of total war are over. Economic integration means that wars will likely be robotic scuffles in third-world shitholes, not bombs over Berlin. Human loss will be minimal.

Get a clue.

>> No.2569745


it is actually relatively rare

they've been around for a generation

all of a sudden they're falling like dominos

that's relatively rare

war happens every generation or every other generation as well

it doesn't make it unnatural but it is relatively rare

>> No.2569753

if u want a news report go watch fox news

i bet thats where u get all ur information from

a mainstream news agency that has to publicly apologize for mixing up a tape of ron paul

yeah, go watch fox news u might learn something

and ur an idiot for thinking a mainstream news agency can produce an entire broadcast +24 hours of this happening

this isn't live shit

>> No.2569763

You can't be a day over 15 if you feel the need to mention "On War" when I JUST told you what century Clausewitz is from.

Very little of practical value exists within its pages these days. It's a mainly a source of wisdom, not of strategic importance.

>> No.2569764


he's right about
>wars of the past were meat throws because they were relatively low-tech. A full blown world war of today between super-powers would be a much different story.

whether it happens or not, well you're betting that it won't. that goes against all of history which has seen full blown war in the past

you think somehow "today is *different*"


>> No.2569772

this is what happens when high schoolers find out about 4chan

>> No.2569776

What part of
>Economic integration
did you miss?

You wanna talk about history? Tell me a single moment in history where human beings were this intertwined. You can't.

>> No.2569777


you're wrong about fox news, but at least you're being wrong is consistent

what's that, can't find an article on the elevated threat level?

that's what i thought

you were wrong on that too faggot but feel free to keep talking shit

>> No.2569783

You're still missing the point. It can't be "rare" if every symptom of societal decay exists prior to the fall. It was inevitable, not rare. The only question was time.

>> No.2569784


international trade is nothing new

that we're this intertwined jsut increases the risk

but to say that "herp we're intertwined so we won't have war" is foundationless and contradicts all of history

think about it, you have to be intertwined with someone in order to go to war with them

if completely separate, no war

>> No.2569790

>He takes Faux News seriously
Annnnnnd the thread is over.

>> No.2569794


right because only people who publish today are worth anything

god you're fucking stupid

emerson was 19th century too; wisdom is timeless

and i'll repeat, unless you've actually read it you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.2569795

glenn beck's retarded mongrel son has found /sci/

>> No.2569797


no you misread that; not surprising

let me clarify: he was wrong and so are you about suggesting i watch fox news

>> No.2569803


pussies projecting their fear of war and hope that it doesn't happen onto the future

wake up

>> No.2569804

>contradicts history
>>explain why history isn't entirely relevant anymore
>hurr, HURRRRR human nature plbllblblbllfffft

>> No.2569813

You've never read the poverty of historicism by Karl Popper, have you?

I can tell you haven't, because you have the gall to assume that history is predictive.

Get the fuck out.

>> No.2569815


inevitable and rare are not mutually exclusive, what are you trying to say?

that things have causes is not saying anything

that these leaders have all lasted a generation and all of a sudden they're falling and/or being challenged to fall is relatively rare


>> No.2569818


riiight, history isn't relevant?

lulz wishful thinking pussy

we're not robots

>> No.2569822

>inevitable and rare are not mutually exclusive
They are, you tremendously stupid fuck. If something is GOING TO HAPPEN, it cannot be considered RARE when it HAPPENS!

>> No.2569827


we found a glitch in the matrix

you're brain is in an infinite loop denial

>> No.2569834


yah you can predict history, to a limited extent

if i look at my window and see storm clouds i'm thinking it might rain

also things recur thru history. we have cycles for many things, sunspots, seasons, day and night

war recurs as well

your wishful thinking cannot escape this basic fact of human nature

too simple for you tho apparently

>> No.2569835

>history isn't relevant anymore?
>>not entirely relevant
Reading comprehension, son. Also:

>> No.2569839


>> No.2569845


rare is a statement relative to frequency, not whether something was determined or not

everything that happens is determined

does that mean nothing is rare?

what do we have the word for then genius?

>> No.2569847

he who cannot draw on three thousand years is living from hand to mouth

>> No.2569851


what? still haven't an article of proof?

still talking shit tho somehow....?


>> No.2569852

Thank you for one of the most easily reportable posts of all time. Farewell!

>> No.2569854


as soon as i read

"you're wrong about fox news"

i laughed

>> No.2569859


not entirely relevant or not relevant

say what you mean to say homey

no pussy footing

>> No.2569863

What did I miss? What's happening?

>> No.2569866


the seasons aren't robots either and yet they recur........

some things are predictive

i know after winter we're going to see spring, barring a geological catastrophe

if history is cyclical then it is predictive

>> No.2569873

What's going on here? Is this like a history major trolling? There are no laws to history. History, contrary to popular belief, does not repeat itself. We come to that conclusion in hindsight, which only leads to a diluted understanding of the event itself.

>> No.2569876


reportable; damn you really are a pussy

go cry to mommy and run away while you're at it faggot

>> No.2569879

Not entirely relevant, and in case you're missing the point of that statement, only one relevant factor need be different to reach an entirely different outcome.

Never thought /sci/ harbored such irredeemably retarded people.

>> No.2569880




>> No.2569885

>if history is cyclical then it is predictive
I had a great history professor for one of my GEs in college I would love to run this past.

He'd probably laugh and tell me to watch out for Roman Legions on patrol.

Anyway, I take it I missed a good troll thread.

>> No.2569890


for example, you say it's impossible to predict:

i predict the sun will rise tomorrow

i predict spring will follow winter

pretty easy actually

>> No.2569899

>Comparing physical laws to human activities
Apples and oranges at best.

>> No.2569901


sure, cycles don't necessarily last forever

but they do recur; and history is relevant

i know the sun will rise tomorrow because historically it has always followed night

we know spring will follow winter because history is relevant, and that's what happened in history

>> No.2569907


what, you don't think the sun will rise tomorrow?

i'm predicting it. can i not predict it?

wanna bet on it?

>> No.2569914

>implying humans aren't subject to physical laws

humans must be magic then


>> No.2569916

this is way off topic

>> No.2569917

You know, I think you're onto something.

For instance: I know that since you have nothing of consequence to say, you'll continue posting the same irrationalities over and over. Goddamn history repeating itself.

>> No.2569918


that was for you>>2569899

>> No.2569920

History has nothing to do with the sun rising. I don't need to know the sun has risen before to calculate that it will. That's because science is falsifiable and operates under given conditions I can examine.

If human beings were as simple as you portray them to be, it would make a lot of economists happy.

Their dismal science would be far less dismal.

>> No.2569925

dude the birds died becouse the doucche bags where fucking up farmers crops 10 miles away from where they died.

so the farmer put posion out and the douche bag birds ate it. THEN i know this might seem shocking to you but the birds flew form 10 miles. into the town and they all fell dead from the sky becouse of the poision the farmer put in his field to kill the douche bag birds.

HARPP pole shift ect ect NWO did not kill the fucking birds the farmers did u tin hat waring massive faggot

>> No.2569929

Human behavior is not to the extent that we can predict it. Maybe in the future, but certainly not now.

Give neuroscience a chance though.

>> No.2569933


true, and you continue to be a pussy

see, it's easy

>> No.2569942

Actually, in both of the large die offs the birds died from multiple blunt traumas (before hitting the ground).

>> No.2569943


you're twisting

what happens in the past is what we're talking about; patterns

history of the sun's rising, for example

history is not just human history

some patterns are easier to see than others

sun rising every day is easy

human patterns are not so easy to see, obviously, but that doesn't mean they don't exist

for example, you cite economists; certain people make a lot of money off of other people because they see the patterns and exploit them

it is possible to see human patterns, tho maybe not for you

>> No.2569945

ITT: Normalcy Bias
>Deal with it

>> No.2569947

you are misguided

wars are more or less poisson distributions, part of a chaotic system

the virtually infinite factors that lead to a interoceanic war can't even be expressed mathematically, and aside from the overly conspicuous factions, most of the components of conflict are non-additive, that is they are non-linear and free to succumb to intense oscillation and variation

the sun and the moon offer no such similarities to human behavior

would you supposed flipping 10 heads in a row would increase the probability of getting tails on the 11th toss?

history is irreconcilable with predictive models because human behavior is chaotic,

>> No.2569949


did fox news tell u that?

if so,

i don't care to argue it

>I don't care to argue against Fox.

>> No.2569950


human behavior is more complex, but we are subject to physical laws as well, and certain tendencies repeat

>> No.2569956



these pussies are afraid of change, especially severely disruptive change

but the only way you're going to make it thru is if you deal with it;

ignorance may be bliss but it will also get your ass killed

>> No.2569958






Anyway, you ignored the gist of my post. Is human behavior predictable, or even understandable, to the extent the physical universe is?

No. It is not. It's nonsensical to say that through the mere reading of history I can predict, with certainty, what will happen tomorrow. There's not a single historian in the world who would believe something so ridiculous.

>> No.2569961


chaotic is an abdication on your part

you're simply saying because we can't see and measure all the strings they must not exist

just not true

>> No.2569964

Tendencies that are irrelevant to the predictability of something as complex as war.

>> No.2569965


agreed, some people can't accept life-changing facts

>> No.2569968

nope i read about it online some where but i forget where. but it is ture mr tin hat

>> No.2569970


>> No.2569972


there is always uncertainty, even in the physical universe; which is why scientists change their minds so often

the same can be said about human behavior; we can't predict with 100% accuracy anything; the sun may not rise tomorrow, but patterns do exist and i would bet you that it will

some things are easier to see than others; human behavior is more complex but equally patterned and determined;

>> No.2569973

Your IP says you just quoted yourself. Stop that.

>> No.2569978


abdication, as in throwing up your arms and claiming "chaotic" is taking the easy way out

humans are a part of the universe, just as stars are

we follow the same laws that govern all nature

nature does repeat itself; there are patterns, and humans are no exception

>> No.2569982

>there is always uncertainty, even in the physical universe; which is why scientists change their minds so often
Gonna need a citation on that. Scientists can experiment with the universe to come to falsifiable conclusions. This is something we can't do with human behavior. Not yet at least.

>> No.2569984


because it is more difficult does not make it impossible

>> No.2569988




>> No.2569989

Definition of ABDICATE
transitive verb
: to cast off : discard
: to relinquish (as sovereign power) formally


>> No.2569991


not true; some people on /sci/ can apparently think for themselves, you apparently not included

>> No.2569993

I don't think this word means what you think it means

>> No.2570001


bullshit.. i'm not even a part of this argument

i could care less if history can repeat its self

stop trying to make yourself look more valid

>> No.2570003


are you claiming scientists don't ever change their minds about the universe?

>> No.2570007


i think the word applies, but i clarified it

"taking the easy way out" now stop arguing semantics and get to the point

>> No.2570009

Not because of uncertainty. Because theories are falsifiable. I just said that.

>> No.2570012


either way you're wrong about IP

>> No.2570018

>semantics does not mean language
an example of semantics is arguing whether a foul ball or foul tip is the same thing, not a blatant misuse of a word

>> No.2570019


no because evidence changes

sometimes more evidence is gained that contradicts old evidence

the picture is never 100% complete

>> No.2570026


still arguing semantics i see?

i didn't use the word wrong you just don't understand the way i used it apparently

abdication, as in giving up

as in taking the easy way out

as in being a pussy

>> No.2570044

Right. Evidence changes, and theories are tested, retested, and either kept or discarded. This is the basic principle of falsifiability, which is one of the building blocks of the scientific method.

Can you apply the scientific method to human behavior? Can I predict how raising taxes will change consumption next year? I can probably guess, but I can't really predict it. This is the problem with the social sciences. Until we can totally predict human behavior, it's kind of useless to say that something will absolutely happen, much less that a basic understanding of history can help.

Not that history is bad, just that, aside from wisdom, there isn't much substantial there (not to mention its subjective). People who say it is predictive suffer from confirmation bias.

>> No.2570049

>i didn't use the word wrong you just don't understand the way i used it apparently
You're inability to properly grasp the English language isn't our fault.

>> No.2570055


i explained how i used it

instead of responding to the conveyed meaning you insist on harping on technicalities as perceived by you

you're getting nowhere

>> No.2570066

I have a feeling someone who would have loved a certain dearly departed news board is taking out his frustration here.

>> No.2570070


science is also guilty of confirmation bias

the idea to test a theory to begin with is self-selecting

human behavior is predictable; not as easy as the sun rising, but we exhibit patterns

not 100% sure; again, that is also true in science; which is why, falsifiability or not, scientists change their minds.

>> No.2570089

>not 100% sure; again, that is also true in science; which is why, falsifiability or not, scientists change their minds.
There's so much you're not getting, so I want you to review this:
and try to reflect on your arguments.

Good luck.

>> No.2570097

ITT: A retard who doesn't understand we are living in a globalized society

>> No.2570103

Oh, and the New York Times article mentioned.

It's good stuff.

>> No.2570107


you seem to think the scientific world is different from the human world

same world, same laws

some simple, some complex; same nature tho

for example, mcdonalds can predict people get hungry and are willing to pay somebody else to feed them

business models rely heavily on an understanding of the patterns in human nature

obviously the mcdonalds example is simple, but the point remains

>> No.2570111

>implying you conveyed something by improper usage of word(s)

words that already have meaning do not manifest new meanings in order for anon to convey something

>> No.2570117


also, the article mentions the housing collapse as an example of not being able to predict human behavior

it's true, most people didn't see it coming; but some people did, which proves it is possible, just difficult, which is what i've been saying all along

wiki john paulson

>> No.2570119

Just read the articles. Hopefully you'll understand what I'm saying.

Also, if you want more on the faults of economic models involving behavior, read:

>> No.2570121


also, Nouriel Roubini

>> No.2570124

people that anticipate events that appear entirely random and sudden are people that merely fade the consensus

little to no predictive power can be gained by analyzing past behavior

>> No.2570125

It's not about seeing things coming. It's about being able to PROVE that they will happen, with precision. Please read the articles.

>> No.2570128


look, it's simple; check out john paulson and roubini

the fact that people make money on models of human behavior and do so consistently means it can be done

>> No.2570132


either way i clarified the confusion; i explained the meaning i was trying to convey

but you just keep harping


>> No.2570134

Why are you not reading the articles? You don't know shit about Roubini, or you'd know he was the one against the sub-primes BECAUSE THEY ATTEMPTED TO MODEL BEHAVIOR!

>> No.2570138


lulz, no it just says that most people are incapable of it

some people are

>> No.2570143

I'm pretty sure that during many of those events, people genuinely thought the world was ending. Even if I give some of the crazy theories the benefit of the doubt, it's nothing in comparison when you imagine millions of people dying at the hands of an unknown and incurable plague, witnessing the power of the atom bomb or seeing the mighty city of Rome failing to repel an enemy army for the first time. I find it both dreadful and intriguing to imagine how it would feel like to be alive at such a time.

>> No.2570144

Oh, and here is his assault on the system, a system based on crude modeling of human behavior:

>> No.2570145


this conversation proves the same thing <shrug>

but you can't see what you can't see can you?

>> No.2570153


people prove it when they consistently make money doing so

it is the future tho, so proof only happens when it is realised

that said, again, some people consistently make money studying and exploiting human behavior patterns

>> No.2570161

You are so terribly misinformed. Please read these articles and prove that human beings are capable of learning from their mistakes.

Then again, you probably don't want to. It'll ruin all the nice quotes you have about human nature that revolve around failures to understand ;_;

>> No.2570162


you miss the point

the collapse was predictable; paulson and roubini predicted it, as did others

but then there are those who say "nobody could have seen it coming". people like you

>> No.2570165

What in the fuck is going on here?

>> No.2570171

Oh God, why are you so stupid? The articles refuting everything you say ARE IN THIS THREAD.

Are you afraid of learning?

>> No.2570177

Here's a better one, actually:

>> No.2570181


"learn from their mistakes"??

you imply that we could somehow change our patterns

not true and not what i'm saying

i'm saying certain people can observe our tendencies, i wouldn't even call them mistakes; i don't see history in accidental terms

the financial crisis was entirely predictable even tho most people were not able to predict it

>> No.2570187


no they don't otherwise you would be able to refute

you can't make the arguments yourself? because this is where we are now

the fact that you cite roubini proves my point

he called something that other people have siad was impossible to call

that he is calling for the system to fix itself is irrelevant

>> No.2570193

This one. This one article. I'll link it again, just for you:


>> No.2570200


being against subprime doesn't mean shit; you're conflating one thing with another

hell, i'm against war but that doesn't mean it's not going to happen

>> No.2570214


most people are irrational

predictably irrational

that's why people consistently predict their irrational behavior and profit from it

you really are dumb; ignoring reality, which is that most people act one way, and a select few see things that they don't

>> No.2570227

we've always been at war with eastasia

>> No.2570223

>Reads the title
>Immediately twists the article to confirm his preconceptions
You are fucking textbook.

>> No.2570224


this article doesn't contradict what i'm saying

daniel gilbert has written similar things

again, people are irrational

predictably irrational

>> No.2570236


i skimmed it; it's not saying what you think it does

are you familiar with the work of daniel gilbert?

people are individually irrational; he has statistics that model this behavior in its various forms

for example, people play teh lottery; that is mathematically irrational but people do it; and other people make money on it

behavior is predictable, get over yourself

>> No.2570251

This is still here? Fucking tinfoil hats from /new/.

>> No.2570260


nearly all successful businesses and investors contradict your point

successful business requires modelling human behavior, deriving patterns, and projecting those patterns onto the future; ie. predicting future consumption

it is possible of course because people do it!

then again, most people are just consumers

>> No.2570419

Nerds raging

>> No.2570451


this is /sci/, and you're here

and no

>> No.2570485


>> No.2570540



>> No.2570541

The fuck happened here?

>> No.2570544


It's because of the WMD found at a harbor in San Diego, and the fucking news confession of a security guard saying it wasn't the first time, just before an army public affairs officer shuts him up. I was watching this shit on fucking tv, and the story disappeared.

Also probably has something to do with the entire middle east erupting in chaos right now.

This is what happens when we nuke /new/

>> No.2570583


well, for one, I never went to /new/.

I'm the one saying war is inevitable

similar to FBI saying attack by WMD is inevitable


>> No.2570724
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