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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 202 KB, 1070x898, 1298050271665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2566946 No.2566946 [Reply] [Original]

sup /sci/
what do you think of this picture?
also what's your tier and science?

>> No.2566978

God tier reporting in.

>> No.2566979

WOW, is that a new image?

I'm still mad at CS being mid-Tier though.

>> No.2566972

Business is mid / top tier, retard.

>> No.2566998

Where the fuck is biology?

And political science, history and Archaeology deserve to be be bumped up to at least mid tier... Same with Business. Also, life sciences should be low tier.

>> No.2567014

Fuck sake. There are more editions of this image than there are spots on the creator's face.

Anyway, I'm an Aerospace Engineer...so God tier pretty-much guaranteed.

>> No.2567028

i second this

>> No.2567063

i'm joint honours women's studies and maths

>> No.2567072


Apparently i'm god tier, Though if I don't get a graduate degree, I get Shit-tier pay.

Better get into graduate school then...

>> No.2567170
File: 12 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a list of degree utility, or difficulty? Or is this just a list of OP's favorite programs? I just don't understand.

Because a math major has far less career utility that a medicine major. In fact, only a few types of engineering and medicine majors would be god tier.

>> No.2567200

>implying writing
>implying writing doesn't incorporate all the other subjects listed
Check yo self

>> No.2567224

to add to this, i'm a writing major, and a astronomy minor
I don't think i could write a decent story without knowing just a little bit about everything

>> No.2567252

>Computer Science
>not God Tier

Stay classy, /sci/
I thought you were the only intelligent people on 4chan, guess I was dead wrong.

>> No.2567285

As a business major I think economics and business should at least be mid tier.

>> No.2567303

Where would Geoscience be?

>> No.2567328

>As an X major, I think X should be at least mid-tier
Sure thing, buddy.

>> No.2567360

In terms of rigidity, yes, agreed wholeheartedly However, i'd place English at least in low tier. I know plenty of people with B.A's in English who have had success in getting office jobs/administrative and schollteaching work. With the unions propping them up, some pull 60k a year; way more than what a code-monkey makes.

Also, even though 90% of English majors are mouth breathing retards who wrote a poem in high school and think they're the next Shakespeare, 9% are born sycophants whose ambitions end with being the principle of a high school or the department head of some bullshit Minority X Studies Program, there's that 1% whi actually are brilliant with words and become the next Hemmingways, Prousts, and Melville of our time.

>> No.2567400


just do what i do when i feel our major isn't getting the respect it deserves.

suck it up, be a man and go masturbate into a pile of money.

>> No.2567407


>> No.2567428


computer science.

>> No.2567472

What about biology?

>> No.2567490


I'd masturbate to a pile of biology to.