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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2561882 No.2561882 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, I know what exactly needs to be done to be successful:

Be extremely social
High grades with extreme disciplines
Eat healthy 24/7
No drugs
Assist friends
become part of society
Get a high paying job
Start a business
invest in the stockmarket

So why don't I do it?
How come I'm never able to study ALL The time and complete my goals, or what I know should be completed all the time?

I want to have my ambitions going towards those goals all the time, however I always slack off and read 4chan, go on facebook, read emails, play video games instead.

For you psychfags out there, can you give me advice on focusing more on my goals and less on wasting time?

>> No.2561887

Quit being a fucking faggot and learn some discipline

>> No.2561895

>am not very social
>told the high school staff to fuck off because I was smarter than they were
>tons of junk food and Bawls
>smoke weed erryday
>volunteer, be told no because I'm too good and make everyone else look bad
>get found on internet by rich people
>get given a business
>get given own research facility
>given everything I ask for

And you thought you had the recipe for success! Sounds like a French recipe doomed to surrender to me!

>> No.2561897


Advice on where to start with that?
I was born without a father, raised by a mother.

>> No.2561900
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you're funny because you don't know your own strengths and how to use them to be successful, and instead aimlessly try to be the best at everything while self-destructing under said strain.

>> No.2561907
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inb4 recreational autism

>> No.2561911


wat is this i don't eve..

>> No.2561917
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>> No.2561919



What, you thought I was joking?

Have a sneak peek inside my research facility.

>> No.2561928


>implying that a grow-op is a "research facility"

I'll remember that next time the cops come for my pot plants.

>> No.2561968


hows dis can halp?

>> No.2561973

>So why don't I do it?
1: You don't know how, there are often 100s of tiny technical details and microskills you need to learn to make it work.
2: You have not been psychologically conditioned to do these tasks. You spend hours each day doing your household chores, attending to personal hygiene, cooking and eating because you have done them your entire life yet you do not consider them to be hard work although they might be compared to the light labors you do at work, this is because you have done them your entire life and you believe (rightly) you have to do them. In your mind you are left with no choice but to hoover a room every so often or do the laundry or whatever. Such should be the same state of mind when attempting to accomplish that nice list of things you have there.

>> No.2561992

Those are common measures of success, not necessarily things you need to do to become successful.

>> No.2562015


Make doing those things natural and everyday tasks?

>> No.2562019

>implying there's any pot growing in a dedicated crop/light testing facility in the UK.

Nope, but the company that makes Sativex might be buying into our LED technology soon enough!

>> No.2562030

If you're not compelled to study, then isn't study also time wasted?

What does it mean to you to be successful? Why is it important?

If you will yourself to pursue goals you find difficult attaining, and wind up resembling a person you consider successful, I think you'll be suprised to learn that you're not much happier than you are at present.

Success driven people are usually driven by fear of being judged negatively by others, they want success not because it will bring happiness but because it will spare them the pain caused by being judges unsuccessful by people whom they care about.

If you don't truly want to undertake any of these measures you've set yourself to become successful OP, then don't do them. Willing yourself to become a successful person through discipline and tedious work will not make you happier.

Do what you want, and don't worry about who judges you, their judgement matters little. Think about who you'll be when you're old and dying, and how you'll look back upon your successful life. Will you think any of it wasted? If so, how could it have been better spent?

>> No.2562037

>Be extremely social
>High grades with extreme disciplines
>Eat healthy 24/7
>No drugs
>Assist friends
>become part of society
>Get a high paying job
>Start a business
>invest in the stockmarket

in a nutshell..

uphold your own sapient rights.
uphold others' sapient rights.
understand that the only true knowing, comes in knowing that you know nothing.

>> No.2562049
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I was gonna clean my room until opened 4chan
I gonna get up and find the broom but then I opened 4chan
my room is still messed up and I know why
- cause I opened 4chan [repeat 3X]

I was gonna go to class before I opened 4chan
I coulda cheated and I coulda passed but I opened 4chan
I am taking it next semester and I know why
- cause I opened 4chan [repeat 3X]

I was gonna go to work but then I opened 4chan
I just got a new promotion but I opened 4chan
now I'm selling dope and I know why
- cause I opened 4chan [repeat 3X]

I was gonna go to court before I opened 4chan
I was gonna pay my child support but then I opened 4chan
they took my whole paycheck and I know why
- cause I opened 4chan [repeat 3X]

I was gonna make love to you but then I opened 4chan
I was gonna eat yo pussy too but then I opened 4chan
now I'm jacking off and I know why
- cause I opened 4chan [repeat 3X]

I messed up my entire life because I opened 4chan
I lost my kids and wife because I opened 4chan
now I'm sleeping on the sidewalk and I know why
- cause I opened 4chan
- cause I opened 4chan
- cause I opened 4chan

>> No.2562077

Cause that shit is too hard and boring to be worth it
Srsly just try doing one thing at the time and don't stress it

>> No.2562085


>> No.2562094


Spot on. OP, I was in your shoes not too long ago. But then someone was kind enough to be a total asshole to me, and take away all of my electronics. All of them. Video games, fancy cellular phone, laptop, ipod, etc. At first, I didn't know how I would survive. Life without internet is this day!? "Impossible" I said. But it really isn't. The effect was miraculous. I now can study whenever the hell I want to and have disciplined myself greatly. No more spending time procrastinating on /sci/ or some other forum, no more habitual masturbation, no more time feverishly checking e-mails and daily sites I frequent, no more time wasted.

If you really want to change, get rid of all of your electronics, and only use the computers at your school. If you don't, it is going to be extremely difficult with the temptation torturing you all day. Humans are products of their environment, and as long as you control your environment, you control yourself. Don't put yourself in positions for failure, and you won't fail. In other words, don't trust your willpower. Not that your willpower is weak, but simply your addiction is strong. You don't keep drugs in front of a drug-abuser. Change does not work that way.

>> No.2562116
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>thinks he'll get rich if he invests in the stockmarket

>thinks employees are highly paid

>thinks you need high grades in extreme disciplines to start a business

>> No.2562132

>How come I'm never able to study ALL The time
Because that's impossible. People NEED recreational time. Setting a goal for yourself that involves working during any time that you're not eating, sleeping, or taking care of hygiene is being unrealistic.

The reason that smart people tend to do so well in school isn't because they study more than the average person, it's because they're fucking smart and thus don't need to study nearly as much as normal person would in order to do well. So while a normal person might have to study for three days to get the material down well enough to do well on a test, a genius might only have to study for three hours to achieve the same result. As a result, in more demanding courses/majors it might become impossible for a normal person to get good grades without studying for an unrealistic amount of time. A smart person, however, while having to study more than normal, will still only need to study for an amount of time that's still reasonable.

Also, it's worth noting that everyone has flaws. It's impossible to be perfect. Despite what TV and hollywood would have you believe, you cannot be an extremely fit, healthy, sexy CEO with a PhD in quantum physics who can play an instrument and who also finds time to raise a family and mingle with his several dozen good friends. In reality, you have to pick and choose what's most important to you. For example, I've met people with PhDs in neuroscience who have opted to forego research entirely because they wanted more time with their families.

>> No.2562164

Getting rid of all your electronics is pretty extreme. I'd recommend just making a routine of going to a place where you can forget about them until you're done studying. For example, go to the library without bringing your laptop.

Also, it's important to remember that even if you waste away hours a day on your computer doesn't mean those hours would automatically be converted to productive time if you didn't have a computer. People could waste time perfectly well before the computer was invented. Cutting out entertainment in general is very unrealistic, the important thing is cutting away the passive time, as in, the time were you are neither actively entertaining yourself, nor doing anything productive. For instance, the times you just lurk 4chan and wait for a good thread to come up. That will be the least rewarding time you spend during your life.

>> No.2562166

I get help you with these goals
First lets go through them and remove all the pointless ones.

>Be extremely social
High grades with extreme disciplines
>Good one
Eat healthy 24/7
>Good one.
No drugs
>Good one.
Assist friends
>Sort of
become part of society
>What does that even mean?
Get a high paying job
Start a business
invest in the stockmarket
>fuck no.

>> No.2562205

Remember to examine all your big goals closely and ask yourself why the hell you're doing it in the first place. Many people just set goals because it seems like a decent thing to do. Your list seems littered with these kinds of goals. They are utterly uninspiring. They won't summon any kind of passion or drive in you. When you think about them, you don't think "oh man, I really look forward to achieving this, I better work hard!", you think "it would be nice if I could just do it, why am I not doing it?".

Also, setting way too many goals will tend to overwhelm people. Even if you have 100 goals and don't want to compromise on a single one of them, you have to tackle one at a time. Any goal worth pursuing is impossible to achieve unless you focus all your attention on it, so make sure you can save the others for later and tackle one of them first with all you got.

tl;dr: Organize your fucking goals man.

>> No.2562211

>that even if you waste away hours a day on your computer doesn't mean those hours would automatically be converted to productive time if you didn't have a computer

i stopped using electronics as an experiment
two weeks ago....
ended up sleeping all day > still being tired
and thinking about sex/relationships/fuck ups

this was with a very decent library right next to my bed... i preferred to waste hours just thinking about nothing lying on my bed than to pick up a book

>> No.2562284

Reminds me of the times I tried to avoid going to 4chan.

>Hm.. what should I do now, I can do anything now that there's no 4chan to distract me
>I guess I'll check my mail, even though I check it earlier today and only receive mails like once a week
>No mail
>Maybe something interesting has happened on the forums I drop by once in a while?
>Nothing interesting
>Oh, I know, I'll sort my porn folder!

>> No.2562286


OP Here

I have no interests in getting rich for the sake of getting rich. I need money to survive so I can support my family in the future and have healthy offspring.

Also, I don't need high grades except for reasons I stated above, and so I'm able to receive research money for when I decide to join in the mission of terraforming mars.

I support the Zeitgeist movement. I strictly don't apply to any job, and I make 1-2k a month selling things online at the moment because i CBA to be told what to do.

>> No.2562303


By studying, I mean study.

I'm smart, my grades are in the 90-93% range and I want to improve them to the 97 100 range.

I should also add that I'm doing self-paced courses in which there is no teacher there.
I'm teaching myself.

>> No.2562407

those exact things happen too me ;_;

>> No.2562455

OP, you don't have free will. Being successful is not something you can do, if it's not something you will do.

>> No.2562506

your "90-93"s mean nothing if you are self teaching, since presumably you are making your own tests as well. if you can't get 100 on a test YOU made you aren't as smart as you think.

go back to high school, mr edgy.

>> No.2562522

what do you sell online? I'm trying to raise money to buy a plot of land where I can farm my own food and forge my own destiny with my bare hands, so any help is appreciated

>> No.2562594

>what do you sell online?

>> No.2562683

where do you get the drugs? which drugs do you sell? which are most popular?

>> No.2562816
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>I support the Zeitgeist movement.
>I strictly don't apply to any job
>so I'm able to receive research money for when I decide to join in the mission of terraforming mars.

You're never going to be successful in the way you hope to be OP, lol @ you.

>> No.2562825

>thinks money will still be around when humanity decides to terraform Mars

If we can change the face of an entire planet we'll most likely have post-scarcity.

>> No.2562889

You sir, have been playing too much minecraft ^..^

>> No.2562918

Go to Alaska
Its blue collar paradise
Also a lot of people there are as crazy as you are

>> No.2563642
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The only reason you should volunteer is if you need a storm trooper to tell you what to do. Otherwise, do it yourself, help someone out, donate money, or get out of the way. Leave the Hitler youth stuff alone - it's a way for cult leaders (politicians) to organize what they see as sheep.

Also, get a reasonable amount of sleep. Starting now.

>> No.2563661
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> Thinks money will still be around when we finish building the pyramids.