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2561308 No.2561308 [Reply] [Original]

People will never accept trans-humanism, look how they reacted to the first feeble steps towards it. They completely shit themselves over steroids.

>> No.2561319
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>hearing aids
>more recently, bionic eyes, ears, limbs controlled by brain

>> No.2561330

Boosting physical performance through science isn't trans-humanism?

>> No.2561349

>athlete takes steroids to be stronger than they would otherwise have been
>people shit bricks

>athlete gets lasik to have better vision than they would otherwise have had
>and no one gave a flying fuck

>> No.2561345
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myostatin inhibitor are the first steps towards trans-humanism, not steroids.

Pic related. Its what happened when scientist created a mouse with its myostatin blocked.

>> No.2561356

Theie kid got lasik too, so it isn't "cheating"

>> No.2561357

There was a thing on tv about a kid who was born with a mutation in which the he has a naturally occurring myostatin inhibitor. The kid was like 3 and was as strong as n 8 year old.

>> No.2561366
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>> No.2561369

At first, I was unsure of what I was looking at. But that's rather fascinating. How might one go about inhibiting myostatin? Or, more to-the-point, how does it occur in the body in the first place?

>> No.2561376

Steroids are to transhumanism what smoke signalling is to the internet.

>> No.2561377

OP, you're an idiot.
Just taking steroids won't make you big, you still need to work out really damn hard.

>> No.2561387

Not exactly sure, but I know it could possibly be inhibited through drugs or other means since they have done it to animals such as cows & mice. An example of a difference in myostatin between humans and other animals is that apes have 92% less myostatin then humans, which is why scientists believe they are substantially more naturally muscular, and incredibly strong.

>> No.2561388

implying big muscles are always a good thing.

/sci/ needs a trip to /fit/

>> No.2561384

Where did I imply you didn't need to work out hard?

>> No.2561383


i want to become fat like that mouse tell us how

>> No.2561389

puff puff puff


puff puff puff puff puff

puff puff

>> No.2561394

Doesn't follistatin work to counteract myostatin?

>> No.2561398

so like niggers then huh?

they are naturally strong have we found coloration in that?

>> No.2561400

Actually, those born with the myostatin inhibitor incinerate calories, and have very low body fat percentages. I'm trying to find the show I was talking about with the kid who was born with the naturally occurring inhibitor.

>> No.2561409

you niggers on your mystatin trip again?

as if this is the first gene/protein shown to be counter-productive to modern life

several others are out there, some will make people smarter, healthier, live longer

we're waiting on RNAi, in case your wondering what the hold-up is

>> No.2561411

No, thats mostly through selective breeding of slave owners to create stronger slaves.

>> No.2561414
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>we're waiting on RNAi, in case your wondering what the hold-up is

And this is...?

>> No.2561420

you talking about this kid


yeah german transhuman prfject fallout from ww2

hitler man

if only he had won

>> No.2561427

Here is the video about the kid who was born with a naturally occuring myostatin inhibitor.

Having muscle with this wont make you slower, the inhibitor also effects other aspects such as the metabolism and your cardiovascular system. People born with this gene are shown to be much more naturally athletic and energetic than people without.

>> No.2561432

im fed up of fucking waiting man!!!

>> No.2561446

Well I'm not sure how far away they are from having permanent solutions for it, but I do know they are going to begin testis certain drugs that inhibit myostatin, so for any of you that are looking for it, i'd watch ads for test subjects at universities.

>> No.2561452

see you in a year when im all super human man

its gonna be so derp that i hurp

>> No.2561471

You could be super human in a year now if you gambled you hair and testicles by using androgens.

>> No.2561473

Prepare to adjust your diet to compensate for the drain from the increased muscle mass. Be careful to keep your energy intake up; you will have a much lower reserve compared to a human with a "normal" amount of myostatin.

>> No.2561476

what would androgens do exactly?

>> No.2561480

Steroids brah.

>> No.2561484

True, that kid in the video eats a fuck ton, but also never gets tired.

>> No.2561498


That's just a small part of it. They'd still be stronger than humans even if muscle mass were the same. Their muscles attach further down the bone and the fibers are optimized for strength rather than endurance.

>> No.2561549
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ITT:Faggots who think they're scientist think they know what theyre talking about when it comes to steroids

It takes years of training and proper dieting to get every ounce of what steroids can do for you

>> No.2561557

so true

roids can eat you up if you do nothing

and sooo fucking adictive

>> No.2561562

Personal experience?

>> No.2561578

you cant just take roids and get fit

you have to fucking work your ass off.

sex is the best way but if fucks up you libido greatly.

also if you dont do a full workout you might just get like one big muscle group surrounding by fat

>> No.2561585

> but if fucks up you libido greatly.
Reduces? Decreases? Something else?

>> No.2561591

this one time my freind took some roids.

he was pretty strong anyway but he got so hyped he kicked a brick wall in.

fucking laughed my ass off. he just said i bet i can kick that wall in and hoofed it and the shit fell.

ok yeah it was just a normal brick garden wall but still

fucking roids man

>> No.2561608

sexual tension won't be the same after using it on drugs x)

>> No.2561609

well it increases it BUT it affect your ability to perform

so you get really horney and turned on but unable to fuck.

this is the key to using roids as you have to channel that energy into a contructive output i.e excercise.

but if you sink into a pit of sexual frustration and do nothing it starts to fuck with your mind as well.

no sex and no excersie and really turned on. you just go mental.

>> No.2561640

Most steroid users are irresponsible, they abuse the drug without care for the consequences because they are mainly niche users who benefit more from the effects than lose out from the side-effects, once more people start augmenting themselves then kant's categorical imperative will kick in and people will be more responsible.

>> No.2561698

Stereotype much?
You can probably say the same thing about people who drink.

>> No.2561710

Why do we even have myostatin?
What's the downside to inhibiting it?

>> No.2561722

You have to eat a bunch more and if you don't your brain doesn't develop right and you become retarded.