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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 47 KB, 640x480, evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2559776 No.2559776 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people insist on creating their own theory of evolution in order to refute it. Its not that hard to understand. If scientist referred to it as "happy changing" instead of "evolution" would you uninformed folk be satisfied?

You science teachers out there, next time a student expresses there distaste for evolutionary theory based on a misguided view of what it is, teach evolution and call it something else. They will more than likely be willing to accept

>> No.2559817

how about people stop slapping evolution on things that aren't related. that would certainly calm down the people.

>> No.2559845

Believe it or not, the reasons people reject evolution run deeper than just the name.

I mean, fuck, my Aunt Flori said that anything that isn't Young-Earth Creationism is satanic! I'm not a bible-thumper like her (I like to sleep in on Sundays) but I guess if it's got here so upset, there must be something wrong with it.

>> No.2559867
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>> No.2559868

Some of my friends say that evolution makes no sense.
They believe in creationism.
Obviously there is something wrong.

>> No.2559896

>next time a student expresses there distaste for evolutionary theory based on a misguided view of what it is, teach evolution and call it something else.

What the fuck? Fuck that shit, don't pander to these fucking idiots. Next time some creationfag disrupts your class you get them suspended.

>> No.2559916
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I have a hybrid theory.

God created bacteria.
Bacteria evolved into humans.

pic related

>> No.2559929

But why did God create bacteria?

This is the simplest hole in any kind of monotheism - if God is perfect, why would he do anything at all?

>> No.2559940


Nice job faggot, now you've pissed off the scientists researching abiogenesis instead of the evolutionists.

You can't reconcile any of this shit, science and faith are diametrically opposed (never mind the cognitive dissonence of people who believe in both), you have to favour one or the other.

This being /sci/, I say we decide on science.

>> No.2559952
File: 149 KB, 300x358, miriam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some would ask, how could a perfect God create a universe filled with so much that is evil. They have missed a greater conundrum: why would a perfect God create a universe at all?

* Sister Miriam Godwinson, "But for the Grace of God"

>> No.2559957
File: 37 KB, 640x426, 67EaJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


god didn't reach down with his noodly appendage to create them, they just appeared.

the reason why this happened is the same reason why crystals form, because that's the way minerals and resources change in a given set of circumstances.

>> No.2559965

Even if you somehow get over this hurdle, any explanation of the universe reliant on a "designer" must explain all of the designer's decisions.

That's a lot of work.