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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 42 KB, 600x382, Watson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2559300 No.2559300 [Reply] [Original]

What is /sci/'s opinion on Watson? For those who don't know who/what Watson is:


I'm making this thread partly to generate some discussion on AI, but mostly to see what /sci/ thinks of Watson. Atm /v/ is acting like, surprise, retards.


Captcha agrees: Derpendern equii

>> No.2559303

I think its awesome

>> No.2559313

I think Watson will have the same fate as Deep Blue. He is just there for advertisement. All the announced future applications won't happen.

>> No.2559317
File: 37 KB, 350x362, garry-kasparov_4079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IBM cheated

>> No.2559318


This. I hate IBM so much

>> No.2559326

I want a Watson!!!

What's the ETA for this being packaged in a 3'x4' desktop box for <$1,000 and on the shelves of Wal-Mart?

>> No.2559328


20 years.

>> No.2559329

Wouldn't it make more sense to call this thing Hal? What's with this Watson name? Referring to James Watson? Wtf?

>> No.2559330



>> No.2559335

I'll be impressed when he knows the answer is 42

>> No.2559336
File: 33 KB, 300x400, 133310__watson_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sherlock Holmes had an assistant called Watson.

I think they are trying to hint that with Watson as your assistant you can be like Holmes and solve very complex problems.

>> No.2559338

there's a midget inside, that's not even funny

>> No.2559341

Does anyone know what kind of specs watson has? google finds me nothing

>> No.2559342

It's amazing. IBM will leverage this technology into the medical and legal fields just to start. 50 years from now when we have natural language-capable computers in our homes that we can ask questions like the star trek computer, this will be in the history books as one of the first steps.

>> No.2559343
File: 292 KB, 624x1760, 1298054830477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2559344

Disregard that, I suck at google


>> No.2559354

I was going to say it should be called Mike, after the computer in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. I just realized that Mike is named after Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock Holmes' brother. Now Watson could be named after Holmes' partner. Weird.

>> No.2559353


>> No.2559349

1000 multi-core servers in 10 racks, with the processing power of about 2800 desktops. I don't remember the amount of storage, but it was measured in terrabytes.

>> No.2559355



more like terrorbytes

the skynet is here the skynet is here!!

>> No.2559356

1 terabytes?

>> No.2559363


>> No.2559364
File: 40 KB, 698x680, 1296768758233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that horrifying style of article writing conservative female journalists are so good at

>> No.2559365


If you asked Watson he could tell you.

>> No.2559367

its gonna be so cool to be just able to chill in your room and ask your computer hey computer whats this or that etc

so fucking cool

>> No.2559372

to be honest that doesnt impress me

show me a computer that uses a zetabyte and then lets talk

>> No.2559378





>> No.2559381

It probably won't be long till you can get get a 16 terabyte external drive (inb4 you already can). Then people could run this on their desktop. It will just take 3 hours to answer a question. (Or rather to supply the question to an answer.)

>> No.2559383

low end netbook



voice to text

Problem, IBM?

>> No.2559386

to put things into perspective thats 2.7 million Hd porno movies.

>> No.2559388
File: 95 KB, 472x369, forever alone face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id be all like naked and be like HEY COMPUTER WHATS THIS!!

and its says a tiny penis

>> No.2559391

You must be a real power-user.

>> No.2559395

let me put THIS into perspective for you

a zetabyte is like a girl actually sucking your dick!

>> No.2559393

For this purpose, it's completely unnecessary.

>> No.2559403

dont say that about a zetabyte!

you can have watson instlled and still have space for a few games and movies and at lease 50 million prons

photoshop would still crash tho

>> No.2559406

Uh, the amount of storage isn't supposed to be what's impressive. If they needed more, they obviously would have added more. 16T is not that much. However 16T of text files lets you pretty much cover all the books and articles you'd want.

>> No.2559409

how much ram?

about 4mb?

maybe 8mb?

how much dude

>> No.2559413

16 fucking terabytes

>> No.2559418

and is only just barely fast enough to search a small array of information.

the human fuckin brain, man. Lucky for us, our axioms aren't binary.

>> No.2559420

of ram?

nope son thats HD space your thinking of

>> No.2559421

I don't know, but you've got to assume they'd put at least 16GB, on each server, which would make 16,000 GB, =16 TB. Hm, I wonder if the 16 TB number is actually the RAM number.

>> No.2559426

im fucking confused now

so its got 16terbytes HD space AND 16 terabytes of ram

fuck man this is almost as powerful as a megadrive.

>> No.2559432

Okay, Watson confirmed for 21.6TB NAS storage and 15 TB RAM.


>> No.2559436

thanks bro

>> No.2559439

ok listen this compute has several server farms and needs a shit ton of ram to access it all at the same speed as a human brain would to even TRY and compete with Jeopardy players.
STILL the motherfucker gets it wrong, doesn't process the input from other players to factor it's guesses, and can't learn from the mistakes it makes.

>> No.2559451

Its basically, a database that can search itself, right? I don't know that much about computers, but that's the impression I got.

>> No.2559461

so its not as powerful as a megadrive then

>> No.2559480

Supposedly it can learn, it adjusts its algorithms based on what it gets wrong or right.
Captcha: bit endedthe

>> No.2559489

It's not a database of facts, it's a database of texts. It first finds relevant texts based on the relationships of the words, sort of like google, but then it has to parse the texts to figure out which phrase from the relevant texts is the one that the question is referring to.

>> No.2559525

oh it does? hmm I was wondering about that.
Well hell give it enough time and it'll probably improve.

Personally I think the key to a working AI is simply letting it learn and mentally evolve for itself. Give it lots and lots of input and stimuli, and it eventually will get more and more complicated.
This is going to sound Scifi-ish but there was a sort of dream-like mode that was proposed for those sorts of algorithm learning computers to create their OWN situations to solve, much like we do when we sleep, as well, which would probably occur much faster than we could give it input, hell our input in the end might even just serve as guidelines for what the computer takes away from its "dream" simulations, to compare it to reality like we do when we wake up.

Anyway, fuck, I can't wait for more news about this.

>> No.2559809

What is poo?

>> No.2559861

Your wait is over!


>> No.2559871

what is milk?

>> No.2559872

Deep Blue had no applications. It was a fucking chess program.

>> No.2559895

Anyone who wants to actually learn how Watson works, here you go.

Also, Thomas J. Watson was CEO of IBM for 38 years. Just so you know where the name really comes from.

>> No.2559935
File: 324 KB, 1600x1065, RobinsonLG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can easily see Watson being used in major hospitals and later [as the technology gets cheaper] in walk-in clinics to aid doctors in diagnosing patients.

Doctor does the usual quick checkup, asks how you're feeling, what's wrong, etc. Then puts the info into Watson and gets a list of the most probable ailments.

Even better is that since Watson learns, the longer he operates, the more accurate he'll be.

Tits to people who can't see the applications. You're just blind.

>> No.2559960

Waiting for the answering algorithm to be put on a website so we can ask questions and have them answered immediately

>> No.2559968

>This one goes in your ear, this one goes in your mouth, and this one goes in your butt.

>> No.2561397

The software is gonna be sold to corporations for millions of dollars.
>somebody torrent that shit

>> No.2561477

You don't need a Doctor for that all you need is a RN to most of that.

>> No.2561515

There's got to be software like that already. Something like that doesn't need a machine programmed with all human knowledge.

>> No.2561532

It's the modern day expert system and it will probably be useful in certain industries. Not a bad idea, but I'd rather people spend their money on building efficient and dense neuromorphic hardware, instead of IBM just making huge clusters which eat energy like crazy and still have a long way to reach the qualities humans have.

>> No.2561538

Yes, he can name every historical site in existance, but has he seen a sunset?
I know he can tell me which artists did what painting, but can he tell me which is beautiful?
No. He is just a machine. Just plastic and soldered silicon. HE HAS NO HEART. HES JUST A MACHINE!

>> No.2561575

actually, he can answer a question based on beauty. but the information he draws from will determine the answer, he does not fathom the beauty.

>> No.2561909

I think that the design problem would have been trivial if the query format were sufficiently restricted