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File: 43 KB, 300x300, billo'reilly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2559004 No.2559004 [Reply] [Original]

How did the moon get there? who put it there? How'd it get there?

you cant explain that!

>> No.2559021

We all have an uncle like him.

>> No.2559032


>> No.2559034
File: 76 KB, 300x300, 1297774798274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2559038

how come the earth has gravity and mars doesn't

how come the sun doesn't have moons

>> No.2559040


>> No.2559042

Religion is really just the ultimate form of childishness. As children grow up they eventually learn they aren't the center of the world. The religious simply refuse to leave childhood.

>> No.2559059

Atleast we can take comfort in the knowledge that he will go to hell.

>> No.2559102


Bill: I got an M.A. from Harvard and BU.. YOU CAN'T EXPLAIN THAT.

Seriously, I can't really explain that.

>> No.2559104
File: 77 KB, 360x360, OReilly1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keepin' this alive. There's already a category for him on memegenerator.

>> No.2559126


That's sexy

>> No.2559145

that was fucking golden

>> No.2559161

I don't understand how people like this are respected

>> No.2559163

Actually, I do want that explained. Why the fuck do men have nipples?

>> No.2559164

So ur in the beach and yur watchign the sea wen the tide goes in n the tide goes out.
U wath the sun n it goes up n it goes down
U tell sience n it say "i cant explain that"

>> No.2559165
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>> No.2559168

I don't respect him for his wealth of knowledge, because he doesn't have too much, I respect him for his tenacity when talking to people or uncovering a story.
In most news shows, you could just say some balls-on retarded lie or talking point and the person doing the interview just nods and is like "Oh okay, that's neat".

He was a serious breath of fresh air when he first aired after years of the mainstream news anchors basically just nodding along and letting the perosn they interview say whatever the fuck they want with no challenge at all.

>> No.2559174

Sexual reasons.

>> No.2559179


>> No.2559199

How do I have so many viewers?
You can't explain that.

>> No.2559201

i love heraldo Ive never seen him so mad before

this bill guy is a troll of epic proportions.

>> No.2559204

how come if i just shout the same thing over and over people give up?

you cant explain that

>> No.2559207

how come i get paid for being a retard?

you cant explain that

>> No.2559208


>implying god putting it there is a good explanation

>> No.2559210

Geraldo deserved to be beaten for the bullshit he was saying there.
"Hurrrr illegal killed a bunch of people, good thing we didn't deport him!"

>> No.2559216

Geraldo is a pretty stupid person, dude. Possibly the dumbest individual I've ever seen on any major news show. Tragically stupid.

Here he's not even logical. An illegal alien killed a bunch of people. If he had not been in the country that never would have happened. Geraldo's response? "You can't prove dat!"
Uhhhh, yes we can, because he wouldn't have been in the country. You idiot.

>> No.2559220

i think he was saying that its not the imigrant specifically but the drunk driving.

also that USA was built on immigration pople come promised with jobs and a new life and get shit on.

also that the prison population is larger than the imigrant one and commits WAAAAAAAy more crime.

>> No.2559224

>i think he was saying that its not the imigrant specifically but the drunk driving.
That's just a bullshit way of skirting the point. Had the illegal not been in the country to do the drunk driving, that family would still be alive.
The fact that he was here, and therefore killed people, even though he should not have been, is very relevant.

>also that USA was built on immigration pople come promised with jobs and a new life and get shit on
And we're happy to have them. LEGALLY.

You know why? You know what happens if people come in illegally?

No background check. No vetting of a possible criminal record.

So someone who has killed people before can illegally come in and kill again with ZERO check on their background.

Which is exactly what happened here. And in Seattle a couple months back.

>> No.2559227

and THIS is why I like 4chan. You just gave me insight that I couldn't quite put my finger on as to why i didn't really dislike tyson. He sometimes comes off as arrogant but he is very enthusiastic and personable, and great at reaching out to the public and informing them of how science is moving forward. Not to be a compared to carl sagan's legacy, but he's definitely keeping up with the spirit of it

>> No.2559233

thats awesome, where does that come from, or did someone just make it up.

>> No.2559234


The unfortunate problem, as you pointed out, is that he's lacking in a wealth of knowledge. If you're going to call someone out on bullshit you better damn well have the certifiable information to back it up.

>> No.2559241

True, and that is the problem, and does make me cringe while watching his show, but I think he's helped to push journalism forward to where it isn't so anemic anymore.

Many journalists are now much more ferocious, if not quite as "mean" as Bill. And I like that.

>> No.2559267

I think someone just made it up but it's great.

>> No.2559278


MC Hawking

>> No.2559309
File: 24 KB, 475x475, that's a bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2559316

Who? Who? Who!!!

As though ANY living creatures could have existed at the beginning of the universe. Come on, seriously, are you high?

>> No.2559321
File: 33 KB, 298x379, RETARD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was Ahura Mazda, obviously.

>> No.2559327

>During the course of defendant Bill O'Reilly's sexual rant, it became clear that he was using a vibrator upon himself, and that he ejaculated. Plaintiff was repulsed.

>> No.2559408
File: 33 KB, 251x251, laughing nigra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just love that case. Never gets old.

Obama Girl interview
>You know what I noticed about all the videos? there was a lot of writhing in there...you writhe around and get payed
>when they call it barely political, it's because you barely wear clothes?