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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 8 KB, 591x303, iqbc3342.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2558187 No.2558187 [Reply] [Original]

What's yours?

>> No.2558194

inb4 no answers under 130

>> No.2558195

If IQ is normally distributed, that would imply that negative IQ is possible.

>> No.2558200


>> No.2558196

About 124

>> No.2558202

I wonder how many people in the top 0.1% have actually been born in first world countries and been afforded the opportunity to make use of their intelligence.
I'm guessing very little.
Most probably die from starvation in Africa before the age of 6 or live in some authoritarian state that doesn't let them go to school.

Or are Chinese.
Fuck China.

>> No.2558204

180 v_v

>> No.2558207

According to online IQ tests, around 135, so probably 100 - 105.

>> No.2558210
File: 66 KB, 360x358, Durden-Reverse-official-IQ-test-scores-Get-people-to-realize-their-potentials-cannot-be-quantified.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2558218

Statistically you still have more potential with a higher IQ, it's still a factor.

>> No.2558235
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>> No.2558247

For a 7 SDs incident to occur, its parents would have to have an IQ so low, that at that level they simply won't copulate.

>> No.2558252
File: 37 KB, 400x263, 400px-Sketch-4race-transparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top 0.1% IQ

>> No.2558253

Mensa is 160 dumbass

>> No.2558257
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>> No.2558258

According to online IQ i dunno never done online.
IRL IQ test 128.

>> No.2558255

At SD 30 perhaps.

>> No.2558260

what is a good online IQ test to do? I've never really bothered.

>> No.2558269 [DELETED] 




>> No.2558271

144. Just missed the cutoff point.

>> No.2558277




>> No.2558278
File: 10 KB, 215x120, kimiko8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> For example, the minimum accepted score on the Stanford-Binet is 132, while for the Cattell it is 148.[7]

>> No.2558282


I sometimes feel smarter than those with higher scores than me, and sometimes I feel dumber than those with lower scores. Over the years I have learned to not put much value behind IQ.

>> No.2558305

1 in 35 people have an IQ of 130 or above. Must feel special to be among them!

>> No.2558308


below average and loving it, ignorance is bliss.

>> No.2558311
File: 35 KB, 154x203, hawow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>all caps

>> No.2558315

I don't know and couldn't care less.

>> No.2558369
File: 80 KB, 400x585, brucewillis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ 142 SB5.
Left handed
Was a member of Mensa in my early teens
Postgrad student studying biogerontology (fuck yeah immortality)
3.9 pregrad GPA at Caltech (class of '08)
And yes, I have sex on a regular basis.

Statistically, I'm more unique than any of you jelly fuckers.

>> No.2558383
File: 100 KB, 468x313, implyingassange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your hand doesn't count.

>> No.2558384
File: 149 KB, 1440x900, myiq1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


give me some proof motherfuckers.

p.s. i DARE anyone else here to get the same, this test is HARD and unlike most others.

>> No.2558398

Yet you still believe in astrology, apparently.

>> No.2558400
File: 68 KB, 453x453, hahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you believed in it at one point?
Pic very probably related.

>> No.2558404


>> No.2558407
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>> No.2558413

Stanford-Binet scale 137
I too place very little on IQ scores, smarter than some and dumber than some

>> No.2558414

I got 103 by literally guessing every single answer. I find this to be a touch suspect.

>> No.2558440
File: 60 KB, 794x570, EKIQtest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2558444

it is theoretically possible to achieve a perfect (highest possible recordable) score on any IQ test, there is no perfect way to measure until we can completely map the brain in all its capacities for information processing, storage and retrieval etc

(studying neuroscience after i completed my MD, i too have sex regularly haha, i felt it necessary to add that i dont live inside a book)

>> No.2558451

Statistically, I am unique enough to be in the top 0.1%.

Top 25 medical school = hardest accomplishment out of undergrad. Need a 3.8 at least with an MCAT of at least 34.

For those of you that have great grades please realize that most people who apply have 3.8+ and they do not get in due to the MCAT's difficulty.

It is the hardest standardized test devised. Do not kid yourself. The only thing that stands in the way of anyone becoming a physician is not med school or residency or debt, it is the MCAT. Nothing is sought after more academically and is more competitive that med school acceptance. AAMC numbers don't lie.

To get a 34+ puts you at the Top 0.1% of people because it is inherently not based on knowledge (the knowledge needed to take the test is basic bio/phys/chem/orgo which is literally nothing) People make all A's and will still make a 22 of their MCAT.

Stanford-Binet = 155 at age 8

With all that said I do not believe in intelligence. I believe I can take anyone with an IQ of 100 (no prior mental deficit due to pathology) and raise them up to an IQ of 145+. How? Because, you have all fallen into a trap believing that intelligence is stagnant.

I can solve physics problems that others can't with hours of time and an open book. How? I am not smarter, I am more focused in my thinking. I can train them to be sharp like this. We are born with a certain level of intelligence and it gets molded by our environment but it is not stagnant. It can be molded further using discipline, work and a lot of mental focus.

>> No.2558456

> implying there aren't innate biological differences between humans that result in differences that cannot be overcome regardless of training.

>> No.2558458


hasn't taken the physics GRE

>> No.2558461

Yeah, yours.

>> No.2558464

>Stanford-Binet = 155 at age 8
>implying IQ tests are even remotely accurate until the late teens

>> No.2558465


There are anomalies sure, but those anomalies don't make it across the finish line in many success stories. Know why? Rain man has bigger fish to fry in his life than using his mental prowess to solve theoretical physics problems. It is still a pathology these anomalies even if you see great benefit, it will come at a price. Einstein and Hawking were not these anomalies you speak of. They even claim that their talent was something achievable by mortals given enough time. There is a great Einstein quote to sum it up, Newton had one too.

>> No.2558476

you cannot train a brain to be more inherently intelligent, you can train it to complete more an more complex mathematical and physics based equations, anything to do with questions relating to a field

you cannot actually train a brain to score higher on a random intelligence test with mental rotation, logic, rationality etc like the SB scale

if you actually had the 155 you claim and actually did study at medical school and remember anything from your neuro units youd know this

you cannot take someone with an IQ of 100 and train them to 145+, it is impossible, you may get it to 105 or even 110 at the absolute highest but not to 145+

145+ is inherent intelligence, born there, not trained there, it is there regardless of lifestyle and upbringing, the inherent capacity to do the tests on scales such as the SB5 will always be there, whether they are a peasant farmer or a painter or a business exec

the beauty of having that sort of intelligence is i can spot BS on the forums when i see it

>> No.2558475

We can infer that biology must play a huge role in the aggregate skills we refer to as "intelligence" in casual conversation by the fact that humans can do so many mental tasks that non-human animals cannot.

From here, we can conclude that some traits will lead to more abilities in some areas vs others (some people just can't grasp some concepts or get good at performing certain tasks, regardless of training), and that because of the nature of genetics, we should see a bell curve appearing for these abilities, both individual and aggregate, amongst the population.

Surprise surprise, that's what IQ tests show, as well as associated measures of Gardner's multiple intelligences and so on. Saying "it's all training, you just have to think right" isn't valid. Assuming you aren't just trolling / making shit up and you are really super intelligent, without your genes you would not be where you are. Genes control your intellectual potential, and the environment you are raised in + education controls how much of that potential you will reach.

>> No.2558481


I suppose you have me there, I haven't take the physics GRE. I have taken grad level physics and done quite well during my last year in my biophysics major.
Ultimately I cannot claim the fact that the MCAT is the hardest without taking all other tests, but you have not taken the MCAT so we are at an impasse.

I would then cite that a (very) few of my classmates have their PhD in physics from top institutions. They have not out right said that the MCAT is harder than the physics GRE but they have said the MCAT was the hardest test they have even taken. This could mean a lot of things and I still cannot claim to know the truth about all tests and their difficulties. I am merely speculating based on my limited experiences.

>> No.2558482
File: 85 KB, 724x512, die test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've taken a bunch of IQ tests and I'm usually around between 120 and 130. Guess I got a little lucky here.

>> No.2558484

7,5 inches

>> No.2558487
File: 52 KB, 580x459, thirty seven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also what the fuck is the pattern here. I've seriously been wracking my brain about this but I just couldn't get it.

>> No.2558493

I scored 159 on an official test given during the 1990s to all public school children in my state (and possibly broader than that, I'm not sure what the scope of it was. either way it's fairly legit).

Ask me anything.

>> No.2558495


>> No.2558496


Maybe you are right.

It is just a hard pill to sallow for me I guess. The idea that not everyone can do certain things given the drive.

Still, biologically we have these mental capacities over other species. I would find it more likely that another species of animal would have mental abilities over us before I believe that one of our own, a human, can be at such a high level. A level the rest of us can't achieve, almost makes me think if they were still part of our species it shouldn't be possible. But just because I wish it doesn't make it true, i guess.

>> No.2558497


I suspect the awnser to be B btw, but that's more on gut feeling than anything els.e

>> No.2558503

samefag here, i actually have better things to do at the time being, cya /sci/.

>> No.2558507

If that's correct, explain the pattern behind the dots.

>> No.2558509



There is no way to prove this unless you met me in person. You could ask me a question about myself and try to feel out my authenticity and worst case scenario you at least have a very interesting lie right?

I am being honest in my claims, but then again if I was a troll this is what I would say too then right?

You should ask me something particular about my life to catch me on my lie, and hopefully it will give me more credibility.

>> No.2558513

Intelligence is inherent, the ability to reach potential is irrelevant to what someones innate intelligence actually is

It doesn't matter if someone has 3 degrees, they can still have an IQ of 98 and they've reached a higher potential than someone with and IQ of 130 and no degree.

There was an Irish mathematician who had no texts to go off but created a theorem that baffled all mathematicians for centuries, it was only proved just recently in the late 90's

The man had no formal education, actually no education at all, and created theorems that we could not prove for centuries and even then, we needed supercomputers to assist us.

The ability to reach potential does not rely on anything

>> No.2558519

Is this human made or computer generated question?

>> No.2558521

>It is just a hard pill to sallow for me I guess

>> No.2558526



The dots are moving in the same pattern as the boxes and change color when they are under black box.

>> No.2558527


btw I am that medfag


>> No.2558528


Need a new keyboard, sticky w from fapping.

>> No.2558530

The dots move to the right 1 space after every block, going to the next line when they reach the end. Solid blacks are added in a checkerboard fashion, starting at the top right going downwards diagonally, after each block. The color of the dots baffles me, but i would assume B as in no instance are 2 hollow dots ever seen in the same frame.

>> No.2558536


He beat you to it.

>> No.2558537

medfag solved it to be H

>> No.2558545

Tripfag time
Let me elaborate. The boxes are easy also all answers have the correct pattern. But it is important to know this to figure out the order of the question. It is going left to right then don a row like reading a comic.

Now the dots, there are always 2 dots with 1 dot alays 1 box away from the other. They more in unison left to right by one and the down a row just like reading the question. Only when they encounter a black box they change color when they leave it.

time solved in under a minute.

>> No.2558555
File: 69 KB, 480x755, harold_and_kumar_go_to_white_castle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


195. You mad?

>> No.2558668


You're telling the truth. Why are you on this site?

>> No.2558693

what are your physics gre scores?

i got 940. really good, but I should have done better (i zoned out at the end when i should have been finishing)

>> No.2559007
File: 152 KB, 1058x944, 39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone explain this pattern to me? It's making me mad

>> No.2559017

Kutner didn't kill himself, he just changed his name and ate burgers

>> No.2559031


I'm impressed, it seems so logical now. Somehow I hadn't made the conection that the dots might just be moving one space to the right and simply be covered by the black boxes.

>> No.2559047

136, INTP
>father is a tax dodging drug dealer so I can't get money for college from the government. Dad tells me college is a waste of time.
God dammit either make me a genius or an idiot, I hate this kind of bright, walking library of triva facts bullshit

>> No.2559049


It's the rows / collumns being moved. First to second you move the top row to the left and then the middle collumn up. Second to third you move the top row to the left and then the right collum up. Third to Fourth you flip the whole thing 90 degrees. etc.

>> No.2559057


Also I forgot to mention that second to third you also move the left collumn down.

>> No.2559070

WAIS-III score equivalent to 138. (95% confidence of between 133 and 142)
i got a 143 in verbal reasoning. what is verbal reasoning even good for? what should i do with my life /sci/?

>> No.2559076

>mfw i am smarter than people with high iq
>mfw you can study for iq test
>mfw iq is bullshit
>mfw being smart is nothing ,you have to work hard to do something (lol william james sidis)
>mfw very high iq has no benefits,but only have downsides and people with low iq contributed science more than people with high iq (citiation needed)
>mfw people with high iq are attention whores
u mad iqfags?

>> No.2559079

People who boast about their IQs are losers.

>> No.2559148

glad you all enjoyed the pattern test.


this is a superb article for anyone who really wants to 'understand' the IQ dicksizing.

btw, thanks to anongermany for explaining the pattern for 39, I did some rotational shifts to figure out, but your explanation is cleaner.

>> No.2559151


>> No.2559169


>> No.2559175

Mine is like 115-125. INTJ. GPA at a community college is 3.3, GPA in HS was near 4.0 but I went to a SHITTY HS. I don't put effort into school.

I'm sure those with real IQ's of 140-160 would get near perfect marks with no effort.

>> No.2559195

I figured this out in about 20 seconds.

The black boxes clearly are moving across separated by white. The two circles are also moving across to the right and are superimposed on the black boxes.

I think what throws people off is the order in which the problem is given. It is in a 3x3 pattern of boxes and each box has 3x3 patterns within them. If they were all lined up horizontally it would be completely obvious.

>> No.2559273

look how big my penis is everyone!

>> No.2559323

havent been tested, i'd estimate 105-110

>> No.2559351

My IQ is 91, I've been tested. But I have to go not, I'm not supposed to be on the computer. BTW, I am a dog. Bye.

>> No.2559407


Atrocious self-discipline will make me "that one guy who's like a genius that works at a bakery for some fuck-all reason."

>> No.2560091
File: 57 KB, 800x800, 1293135380255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My IQ is obviously low enough to be sitting here viewing these boards, instead of doing something with myself.

>> No.2560105