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2558098 No.2558098 [Reply] [Original]

So, how about a scientific joke/pun thread

Mine's pretty bad but here I go...

>So son, have you thought about college yet?
>Yeah Dad! I think I'm going to take an astronomy major and then get an ursa minor!

>> No.2558105

4 / 0 = 2

>> No.2558106

>To create an apple pie from scratch
>You must first create the universe

>> No.2558111

I thought we were making jokes here

>> No.2558109

Bill o'Reilly


Hes the man

>> No.2558119

>no explanation of how the planet got here

I don't know how you could say something like that and have somepeople believe you're still intelligent.

>> No.2558124

>Stephen Hawking
>Can't explanation of Earth's origin

>A Brief History of Time
>Over 10 million sales

>> No.2558128

To get to the other side.

>> No.2558130

Why did the tachyon cross the road?

>> No.2558134

I see what you did thur.

>> No.2558137


Why are american so stupid.

>> No.2558141

Why did Jimmy cross the road?
He didnt he has polio.

>> No.2558152


>> No.2558192

That's why he said something so stupid it's funny

>> No.2558199

uh it's neither stupid or funny. If you want to make an apple pie from scratch you MUST first create the universe, that's a fact.

>> No.2558212

there was this one joke about some gas like xenon or whatever and he comes into a bar and the bartender says something and the gas doesnt react to his statment. it cracked my up but i dont remember it. so /r/equesting the joke

>> No.2558219

Prove it.

>> No.2558225

A Helium atom walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartender says: "We don't serve inert gases here". The Helium atom doesn't react.

>> No.2558226

If there is not universe then there are not apples

>> No.2558239

Helium walks in to a bar. The bartender says "look, we don't serve noble gases here, you're going to have to go somewhere else." Helium doesn't react.

A superconductor walks into a bar. The bartender says "we don't serve superconductors here." The superconductor doesn't put up any resistance.

A higgs-boson walks into a church. The priest says "higgs-bosons aren't allowed in here." The higgs-boson says "but without me, how can you have mass?"

In order to truly make something "from scratch" as in, from ingredients that have not been pre-prepared, you would have to create the universe, because everything in this universe already exists, and therefore you wouldn't be making it "from scratch."

>> No.2558240


>> No.2558243

brb testing time machine

>> No.2558249

You went back in time to warn someone about microwave dinners?

>> No.2558259

This guy tells lies.

>> No.2558279

oh u

>> No.2558280

The universe already exists, there is no need to make one in order to bake an apple pie.

Such a statement is even more retarded than a belief in god as it is easily proved wrong

>> No.2558285

This one as well

>> No.2558299
File: 63 KB, 600x450, notcool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2558300

No. The universe already exists, so all of the ingredients are "prepared" therefore the pie is not truly from scratch. In order to make an apple pie from scratch, that is, from "nothing" you have to first create a new universe.

I agreed with you completely for a long time, and then I finally stopped being a complete and utter retard and understood what he was trying to say.

>> No.2558312


>You must first create the universe

No you don't, if you did there would be universes all over the place.
You don't need to plant an apple tree to get apples, someone did but you did not.

If you want poorly worded self indulgent claptrap then go to >>>/lit/

>> No.2558331

The Tachyon leaves. The bartender says "Sorry, we don't serve Tachyons here". A Tachyon enters a bar.

>> No.2558340

>poorly worded self indulgent claptrap
Well, I don't know, I think you described your own posts pretty nicely there. Its a simple concept. Its obvious that it is beyond your grasp, so I'm done trying to explain it.

Suffice to say, you are certainly not superior to one of the greatest minds of the last century, and you should stop with the silly illusion that you are.

>> No.2558346
File: 64 KB, 481x314, 1291224151573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drug addict says something retarded
>Other drug addicts worship him

>> No.2558358

To get to the other side.

>> No.2558376

Dude, Carl is damn near my role model, but he was hardly "one of the greatest minds of the last century". He was simply a secular humanist who got a lot of air time and who had a Morgan Freeman level voice.

>> No.2558379

Somehow I don't think you understand what Sagan was getting at.

>> No.2558381

He did some great work but his voice was so grating that I couldn't make it 10 min into cosmos, I took the book out from the library instead

>> No.2558386

He was trying to say something deep but ended up saying something DEEP

>> No.2558388

I like his voice, I find it soothing.

>> No.2558394
File: 10 KB, 235x360, matrix8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im glad you like it

>> No.2558409

It takes a great mind to distill complex subjects in to a format that simple minds can easily understand. He may not have been great for his discoveries or the uniqueness of his insights, but he was great for his ability to convey his insights and explain discoveries to those who would have never understood them otherwise.

I personally believe, like Sagan did, that the dissemination of knowledge and understanding of knowledge is vitally important to humanity, and so I call him great for taking up a role that is too often overlooked in the scientific community: a liaison between the academic and the popular.

>> No.2558418

So he was a pop scientist like michio kaku

>> No.2558423

Nigguh have you ever watched Cosmos?

>> No.2558425

Nah, Michio is about 100x more naively optimistic than Sagan was, and damn is that saying something. Sagan was also far less into obviously bullshit science like String theory.

>> No.2558435


if it wasn't for people like Sagan, then the retarded politicians who vote to fund scientific research would look there first when there is a budget shortfall.
most of them don't understand it, and neither do 90% of the people who voted them into office.
these are the people that would rather cut research grants than vote for a bill to make churches pay income tax.

>> No.2558460


7 dimensional strings in 11 dimensional space vibrating in 4 dimensions with my -5 dimensional cock