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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 40 KB, 500x357, michio_kaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2555858 No.2555858 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2555862
File: 12 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not THAT bad.

>> No.2555864


>> No.2555861
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>> No.2555871

Agree. All he is is Babby's First Science Show Host. Anybody that finds his documentaries interesting eventually move on to other documentaries made by more srs bzns people.

>> No.2555879

>talks about bullshit he doesn't understand
worst thing a scientist can do is spread misinformation

>> No.2555891

I have never read/seen anything by this here fellow. Is he actually as bad as /sci/ implies? From what I know of his background, he is mostly a string theorist that likes publicizing string theory, which is not inherently bad since it gets people interested in the field with its oddness.

>> No.2555893
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You act as if you do understand.

>> No.2555908
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/sci/'s up in arms about a question regarding biology that he answered. Basically he said that humans will stop evolving due to less predatory pressure. I would agree with him, but for entirely different reasons.

>> No.2555910

This is one of his shows condensed into a few sentences:
>Scientists are now figuring out x
>In the near future we will be able to *lists things not possible until 2080*
>"I work in a field called string theory...."
>It could even, change the way we think.


>> No.2555924

>>talks about bullshit he doesn't understand

Yes, that's exactly how he got degrees and managed to build a particle accelerator in is shed when he was 16 (or something), while we on /sci,/ the true brains of the world spend our time on 4chan

He's just uses people's imagination to get them interesteed in phsyics, he's Carl Sagan of this generation and he is not that bad.

>> No.2555945


Don't forget:


He actually said that.

I think we have been trolled.

I can picture fucking Kaku, making a trorface and saying "ror u jorry?"

>> No.2555961

I'd argue for Neil deGrasse Tyson myself.

>> No.2555969


little know fact about Mr. Kaku:

right after he got his doctorate he was approached by the US govt to be the lead scientist in a project to build hydrogen bombs, got offered ridonkulous amounts of money, He turned it down because he wanted to try and solve the theory of everything, suck on that.

>> No.2555971
File: 53 KB, 360x360, michiokakuDP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long live the university!

>> No.2555982

He didn't say we are, he said we could be.

And you cannot disprove him. But I do agree it's pretty retarded of him to say that.

Either way, he is not that bad, he gets people interested in physics.

I would definetly recomend him or Carl Sagan for someone who's interested in the subject, then they'll move on to other things when they have a basic understanding of things which he provides very well.

>> No.2555989

kaku is bro as

hes all like TIMETRAVEL and shit

goddamn asian wizard man

hes deep

>> No.2555992

I don't believe he said that.
It's not very often that someone says "hurr".

>> No.2555994


yea its almost like he understands the limits of science and doesn't turn it into a fucking religion like half the idiots here

>> No.2555999

youtube his name you'll see a few clips of his being interviewed. they will sum up what he's like pretty well

>> No.2556006

Was he asked the question by someone or did he just open his mouth and bullshit fell out? I would not really discredit him in his field as I certainly don't know/understand a lot of biology, it would mostly just give me a judgement of his character. If he was asked, then he probably pulled something out of his ass based on incomplete knowledge and he mostly did it to save face. If bullshit fell out, then he is just another arrogant prick of a scientist, like most of the popularized ones.

That sounds like every science show I have ever watched. That is why I don't watch them anymore.

>> No.2556030

i lold.

but seriously though, he's like the fuckin lubricant for a transition to type 1