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2553378 No.2553378 [Reply] [Original]

anyone know the programming language scheme?
if so, how do you remove, from a list of strings, the strings that have NO LETTERS, i.e. i want my function to take something like:
(list "30-20" "hi" "--" "tomato" "59" "toronto")
and return:
(list "hi" "tomato" "toronto")
thanks in advance

>> No.2553738


>> No.2553795

I'm not schemer, but it must have something like filter from haskell... a function that takes some predicate and a list and returns only the elements satisfying the predicate.
And writing a function that return nil (amirite ?) if string has no letters in it is easy.

>> No.2553809
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I see what you did there o_O

bump for helping anon write a program

>> No.2554109

Is common lisp fine too ?

(defun myFilter (p xs)
(if (null xs)
(let ((x (car xs)))
(if (funcall p x)
(cons x (myFilter p (cdr xs)))
(myFilter p (cdr xs))))))

(defun fine-string (xs)
(if (equal xs "")
(if (alphanumericp (char xs 0))
(fine-string (subseq xs 1)))))

(defun lolfunction (xs)
(myFilter 'fine-string xs))

>> No.2554140

Scheme is a shitty disgusting language.

>> No.2554307

my school doesn't seem to think so...
i see some similarities, but i'll admit i don't understand it completely.
in any case, alphanumericp seems to be a distinguishing feature...I can only convert a string into a list of characters, but not numbers...so it'd be identified as (cons #\3 (cons #\2 (cons #\j empty))) but i don't know of any scheme functions that would identify the #\3 apart from #\j (distinguish a number from a letter)
but thanks a lot, i'm still looking into it

>> No.2556342


>> No.2556370

>(myFilter p (cdr xs))))))
>(cdr xs))))))

>> No.2556457

This is what you want, OP. http://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-1/srfi-1.html#FilteringPartitioning
Of course, replacing "even" with your own predicate. I would use regular expressions.

Go shoot yourself and never touch a computer again.

The expressive power of LISP and related languages more than makes up for the minor inconvenience of having to hit shift+0 a few times.

>> No.2556474

got it...
atrocious but it works

(define (clean-page page)
[(empty? page) empty]
[(or (number? (string->number (list->string (list (first (string->list (first page)))))))
[(empty? (rest (string->list (first page)))) false]
[else (number? (string->number (list->string (list (second (string->list (first page)))))))]))
(clean-page (rest page))]
[else (cons (list->string (clean (string->list (first page)))) (clean-page (rest page)))]))

took the first element of a list (a string), turned it into a list, took singled out the first/second (i.e. 1980, or (1980)) element of that list, converted that into a string since it's only from a string into which i can determine whether the character is a number...
thanks for all the help