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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 110 KB, 1643x793, Nature1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2553148 No.2553148 [Reply] [Original]

Nature has been triforcing since the start of our universe

ITT: Nature and its awesomeness

>> No.2553155
File: 123 KB, 1623x779, Nature2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close up of the first section

>> No.2553156

people die when they stop living

>> No.2553169


My head is full of billions and billions of fuck

>> No.2553187


What is this supposed to be a picture of?

>> No.2553196


Oh fuck fibonnacci all up in this thread

>> No.2553206
File: 94 KB, 632x860, 1295336741376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nature is beautiful

>> No.2553226
File: 39 KB, 600x450, 1296960390964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2553237

I see the dimensions of the squares follow the fibonacci sequence, but how are the color distributions determined?

>> No.2553244

fibonacci is a hack, he didn't even come up with it

>> No.2553254
File: 46 KB, 291x500, Alchemical Tarot Deck 43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so everyone knows what it's called:
Sierpinski's Gasket

>> No.2553263


You evidently take the previous square, stick it in the bottom right corner, "fill" above it with a new color, take the next previous square, stick it in, then the next previous square, stick it in, and on and on until you arrive at two blank squares.

Hey, look, with enough rearrangements and colorings, I can make something look cool and meaningful.

>> No.2553286


Doesn't look like sierpinski's gasket to me

>> No.2553293


Do it faggot

>> No.2553320
File: 201 KB, 1280x960, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, nevermind, I wasn't paying attention to what it was actually doing in the picture. I had just made an assumption from the triforce reference in OP.

Ignore me.

>> No.2553331
File: 7 KB, 521x451, sierpinski gasket.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sierpinski gasket

>> No.2553351
File: 379 KB, 1920x1200, 1295844390062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here

Did you know that if you take the sum of the squares of 2 consecutive fibonnaci numbers, you get another fibonnaci number?


This is what inspired me to make this. I wanted to find out why this was true.

>> No.2553372



Why is this true? WHY?

>> No.2553383


I dunno, lol.

I made the picture to find out why and didn't find any answers.

>> No.2553409

I think the answer is obvious.


>> No.2553421

>>2553383 I dunno, lol.
I loled, such a build up for that.

>> No.2553476
File: 435 KB, 1024x768, 1295511039967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I try.

But seriously, can any /sci/entist explain why the sum of the squares of 2 consecutive fibonnaci numbers is another fibonnaci number?

>> No.2553481
File: 281 KB, 800x788, fibonacci spiral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nature: it's fuckin' hot

>> No.2553532
File: 16 KB, 880x732, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nested Fibonacci squares

>> No.2553550
File: 24 KB, 875x795, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2553552

Well, the nth Fibonnacci number is
<div class="math">F_n = {\phi^n - (-\phi)^{-n} \over \sqrt{5}}</div>
<div class="math">\phi = {\sqrt{5} + 1 \over 2}</div>
<div class="math">F_n^2 = {\phi^{2n} - 2(-1)^n + \phi^{-2n} \over 5}</div>
<div class="math">F_{n+1}^2 = {\phi^{2n+2} + 2(-1)^n + \phi^{-2n-2} \over 5}</div>
<div class="math">F_n^2 + F_{n+1}^2
= {\phi^{2n} + \phi^{2n+2} + \phi^{-2n-2} + \phi^{-2n} \over 5}
= \left({1 \over \phi} + \phi\right) {\phi^{2n+1} + \phi^{-2n-1} \over 5}
= \left({\sqrt{5} - 1 \over 2} + {\sqrt{5} - 1 \over 2}\right) {\phi^{2n+1} - (-\phi)^{-2n-1} \over 5}
= F_{2n+1}
I'm hoping there's a more intuitive explanation, though. Anyone know one?

>> No.2553565

Sorry, last line should be
<div class="math">F_n^2 + F_{n+1}^2 = {\phi^{2n} + \phi^{2n+2} + \phi^{-2n-2} + \phi^{-2n} \over 5} = \left({1 \over \phi} + \phi\right) {\phi^{2n+1} + \phi^{-2n-1} \over 5} = \left({\sqrt{5} - 1 \over 2} + {\sqrt{5} + 1 \over 2}\right) {\phi^{2n+1} - (-\phi)^{-2n-1} \over 5} = F_{2n+1}</div>
(sign error in the <span class="math">{\sqrt{5} + 1 \over 2}[/spoiler])

>> No.2553561

dont forget deadly.

very very deadly

thats a mask shes wearing underneath are poison claws that will kill a man in under 2 minuets.

>> No.2553597

I think there's a slightly more elegant inductive proof. Since <span class="math">f_{2n+1}^2 = f_{n+1}^2 + f_{n}^2[/spoiler] is what we're looking for, you could probably do it that way. I'd prove it myself, but I'm at work :-/

>> No.2553626



f_{2n+1} = f_{n+1}^2 + f_{n}^2

only one side is squared

>> No.2553637

Er, yes, you are correct. I don't know why I put that there.

Correct version of >>2553597: f_{2n+1} = f_{n+1}^2 + f_{n}^2

>> No.2553667


It's a visual demonstration of how consecutive terms of the the Fibonacci Sequence approximate the golden ratio.

>> No.2553668

can i get a high res of this, gonna make it a poster.

>> No.2553710
File: 621 KB, 500x615, Untitled-2small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I got some more Fibonacci madness

>> No.2553729

Let's see if we can generalize this a bit. For any integers m and n:
<div class="math">F_m^2 = {\phi^{2m} - 2(-1)^m + \phi^{-2m} \over 5}</div>
<div class="math">(-1)^{m+n} F_n^2 = {(-1)^{m+n} \phi^{2n} - 2(-1)^m + \phi^{-2n} \over 5}</div>
<div class="math">F_m^2 - (-1)^{m+n} F_n^2
= {\phi^{2m} - (-1)^{m+n} \phi^{2n} - (-1)^{m+n} \phi^{-2n} + \phi^{-2m} \over 5}
= {\phi^{m-n} - (-1)^{m+n} \phi^{n-m} \over \sqrt{5}}
\cdot {\phi^{m+n} - (-1)^{m+n} \phi^{-m-n} \over \sqrt{5}}
= F_{m-n} F_{m+n}

>> No.2553731


How do they do that?

>> No.2553747
File: 630 KB, 500x502, jesus1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full 15000x15000 pic of this one at


Worth it when you look at the very center at the beginning of the fibonacci sequence.

>> No.2553749

>everyone is refusing to call it God's ratio
lol butthurt scientists

>> No.2553765

A linear recurrence relation like
<div class="math">F_{n+2} = F_{n+1} + F_n</div>
can be solved by substituting in
<div class="math">F_n = r^n</div>
and solving for r:
<div class="math">r^{n+2} = r^{n+1} + r^n</div>
<div class="math">r^2 = r + 1</div>
<div class="math">r = {1 \pm \sqrt{5} \over 2}</div>
that is, <span class="math">r = \phi[/spoiler] or <span class="math">r = {-1 \over \phi}[/spoiler].
The general solution depends on the starting terms and is a linear combination of the possible <span class="math">r^n[/spoiler] solutions. For the starting terms of the Fibonacci sequence, it's:
<div class="math">F_n = {\phi^n - (-\phi)^{-n} \over \sqrt{5}}</div>
For large n, the term proportional to <span class="math">(-\phi)^{-n}[/spoiler] dies out, and the terms approximate a geometric series with ratio <span class="math">\phi[/spoiler].

>> No.2553768
File: 622 KB, 500x497, shells.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2553774
File: 638 KB, 500x500, woah4xsmall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2553777

Well it's a ratio, so you divide one by the other.

So 5/8 = .625 which is a goodish approximation for [ sqrt(5) - 1 ] / 2
And 8/5 = 1.6 which is a good approximation for [ sqrt(5) + 1 0 / 2

Of course the approximation gets better with larger fibonacci numbers.

This trick also works for converting between miles and kilometers; in this case, the lower number has to be miles and the higher number is kilometers. For example, 89 miles = 143.231616 kilometers according to the Google conversion.

>> No.2553784
File: 647 KB, 500x501, spiralsmall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2553788

And I suppose I should explain why
<div class="math">{1 \over \phi} = {\sqrt{5} - 1 \over 2}</div>
since I've used it several times without proof. It's fairly simple to show:
<div class="math">\phi^2 = \phi + 1</div>
<div class="math">\phi = 1 + {1 \over \phi}</div>
<div class="math">{1 \over \phi} = {\sqrt{5} + 1 \over 2} - 1</div>
<div class="math">{1 \over \phi} = {\sqrt{5} - 1 \over 2}</div>

>> No.2553848

So, for example, the difference of any two next-to-consecutive Fibonacci numbers is a Fibonacci number, e.g.:
64 - 9 = 55
169 - 25 = 144
And the sum of any two next-to-next-to-consecutive Fibonacci numbers is twice a Fibonacci number:
4 + 64 = 68 = 2*34
9 + 169 = 178 = 2*89

>> No.2553881

how does that one thing squared equal that one thing plus one?

>> No.2553900


math is fucking crazy

>> No.2553910

The golden ratio <span class="math">\phi[/spoiler] is the positive solution to <span class="math">x^2 = x + 1[/spoiler]. Work it out and you get <span class="math">1 \pm \sqrt{5} \over 2[/spoiler] of which the positive solution, <span class="math">1 + \sqrt{5} \over 2[/spoiler], is what we call the golden ratio.

>> No.2553943

ah I see now

>> No.2553971

Factoid: The sum of two consecutive Fibonacci numbers is another Fibonacci number.


>> No.2553985

Another similar identity is the difference of the squares of consecutive Fibonacci numbers:
<div class="math">F_{n+1}^2 - F_n^2</div>
In this case, it's easy to show that
<div class="math">F_{n+1}^2 - F_n^2
= (F_{n+1} - F_n) (F_{n+1} + F_n)
= F_{n-1} F_{n+2}</div>
It looks very similar to (but not a case of) the identity in >>2553729 which makes me suspect there's a more general identity encompassing them both.

>> No.2554368


So what's this formula?

>> No.2555302
