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2548598 No.2548598 [Reply] [Original]

Greetings 4chan-fags, This is my first 4chan post, so don't shit on me if I haven't mastered the lingo yet. Anyway, I am in university and am doing bio/pre-med. I've always had a lingering concern that I may not be able to handle the rigors of medical school. So a month ago I got a professional IQ test done. I got the results today and it was 128. I know that's kinda high (though probably average in collegiate environments), but I still am wondering whether that means I have the potential (willing to put in effort + time) to go undergo the intellectual ass-kicking that is med school. I'd like to hear your opinion.

>> No.2548611

IQ tests mean very little. i wouldnt base any decision on it.

go for it, try med-school, you will be fine if you work hard.

>> No.2548620

If you think IQ actually means anything then you probably shouldn't be in college in the first place.

>> No.2548627

Yeah I'm gonna have to agree with the posters.

Individual IQ predicts nothing of an individual's abilities.

Med school is more predictive of work ethics and current grades.

>> No.2548638
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IQ is a pretty lame measure of intelligence (it's just a pattern recognition exam).
You'll be fine as a med student if you're willing to let it eat your life. I've heard the classes aren't as bad as the FUCK MY ASS insane sleep deprivation due to insane scheduling and load.

Conclusion: Work hard. Love work. Eat, sleep, and breath work. Do well.

>> No.2548649

Med school is not an intellectual activity. Almost anybody who could focus and put in the time necessary could pass. Also, you will be in the top half of your class by IQ anyway.

>> No.2548670

med school is for people who value money over actually helping humanity and free thought

you will be paid

you will not ever help more than the small number of patients you see at best, and many of these people you will not help at all and some you will actually hurt

all of your thought for the next 6-8 years will be dictated by the medical industry(zero free time, zero spare energy intellectually) and it will result in you becoming a glorified drug dealer

choose your path carefully

>> No.2548726


Explain surgeons, specialized surgeons, oncologists, neurologists, cardiologists.... and other fields dedicated to clinical research.

Besides, helping a handful of patients is fine by me, at the end of the day I will know that someone out there is breathing easier because of my actions. Don't look at the numbers too hard.

>> No.2548747


No explanation? Must be a troll, or your post is an example of a non-intellectual activity.

>> No.2548772

IQ means shit if your a complete introvert and aspie in clinical, they are the worse fucking doctors.

>> No.2548780

I seriously doubt that fox has purchased the required travel ticket >: (

Fox get out of there!

>> No.2549054

I know IQ doesn't mean much. I am not good at many subjects besides biology and chemistry. I struggle immensely with calculus. Algebra's easy for me, but that's where my math ability ends. I was just inquiring about whether IQ would give me any benefit in studying at med school.

"IQ means shit if your a complete introvert and aspie in clinical, they are the worse fucking doctors." Clinical is worse than doctors? What do you mean? I'm not a complete introvert. I am definitely more of an introvert than an extrovert, but then again not a complete introvert. I.E.: I would be able to talk comfortably and empathize with patients.

>> No.2549070

med school is for people who value money over actually helping humanity and free thought

you will be paid

you will not ever help more than the small number of patients you see at best, and many of these people you will not help at all and some you will actually hurt

all of your thought for the next 6-8 years will be dictated by the medical industry(zero free time, zero spare energy intellectually) and it will result in you becoming a glorified drug dealer

choose your path carefully

>> No.2549084

You don't need to be a supergenius to be a doctor. 128 IQ is fine. If you are good at memorization, and have the determination to go without sleep a lot and study a lot, you can do it.