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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2547280 No.2547280 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, can you help me with this poll?
Please, I need your opinion:

Your Age:
Your prospective/current major or degree:
Your College (If you went/are going to college):
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering
Computer Science
Mechanical Engineering

>> No.2547286




>> No.2547305

Your Age: 21
Your prospective/current major or degree: Chemical Engineering
Your College (If you went/are going to college): MTU

Your opinion on the following carreers:

Civil Engineering - Shit tier engineering, which makes it high tier compared to other fields.

Architecture - It's cool I guess

Computer Science - Code monkeys.

Mechanical Engineering - Shit tier engineering, like civil.

Economics - Voodoo masquerading as science.

Business - loooooool

Psychology - hahahaha

Philosophy - stop you're killing me

>> No.2547314



>> No.2547343

Is that sum UCSD? 'Cause I think I saw some UCSD.

>> No.2547351

Your Age: 19
Your prospective/current major or degree: Computer Science
Your College (If you went/are going to college): Will probably be transferring to the University of Wisconsin soon
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering - The easiest kind of engineering
Architecture - I love building houses in the Sims
Computer Science - Easy and makes good money
Mechanical Engineering - ????
Economics - ????
Business - Bad
Psychology - Interesting but nobody takes it seriously
Philosophy - Pseudo intellectuals
Chemistry - Interesting and cool

>> No.2547355

Yeah, I'm from UCSD

>> No.2547605


>> No.2547637
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Your Age:24
Your prospective/current major or degree:Finance
Your College (If you went/are going to college):Lausanne
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering->seems not really glorius, you might get a decent job
Architecture->it will take you some time until you'll fulfill your dreams of building your own stuff
Computer Science-> very useful when combined with finance, otherwise you're bound to be the IT guy
Mechanical Engineering-> no idea
Economics-> it's really interesting, but it pays less than finance
Business-> I'll talk about finance, best choice, best money, prestigious where I'm from (hardest school in europe), the world may be at your feet if you want it. Maths inside are hard, pic related.
Psychology->waste of time, you want to learn psychology, do it as a hobby, not as your main occupation
Philosophy->see above
Chemistry->fucking badass and really incredible, have a lot of respect for chemists, because of the incredible power they have to make drugs and the money they may make with this skill.

>> No.2547651

Your Age: 23
Your prospective/current major or degree: Applied Math
Your College (If you went/are going to college): MIT
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering - shit
Architecture - kinda cool
Computer Science - shit
Mechanical Engineering - shit
Economics - shit
Business - shit
Psychology - shit
Philosophy - shit
Chemistry - kinda cool

>> No.2547652

Your Age: 19
Your prospective/current major or degree: Mechanical Engineering
Your College (If you went/are going to college): University of Sheffield
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering - Cool story bro
Architecture - Nice
Computer Science - Awesome
Mechanical Engineering - Epic
Economics - Whats the point
Business - Is that a degree?
Psychology - So Interesting
Philosophy - Get a Job

>> No.2547666

Your Age: 22
Your prospective/current major or degree: neuroscience
Your College (If you went/are going to college): HPU, Edison State, UF
Your opinion on the following careers:
Civil Engineering - Don't care
Architecture- Don't care
Computer Science- Sounds interesting, but boring
Mechanical Engineering - Sounds interesting, but boring
Economics - Math gone wrong
Business - If you need business school to open a business you might want to reconsider opening it
Psychology - Interesting, if the shitty parts are taken out (ex pseudoscience like freud)
Philosophy - interesting
Chemistry - Bad ass, too much math for me

>> No.2547703
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Your Age: 24
Your prospective/current major or degree: Biochemistry (completed) Law (1st year, JD program)
Your College (If you went/are going to college): Indiana University (undergrad) University of Tennessee (law)
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering = interesting, not for me
Architecture = very cool, if you don't get stuck designing parking lots or mcmansions, which you almost undoubtedly will
Computer Science = cool, if you do something cool with it. I know guys that program and work on the Jaguar supercomputer, but most wind up in shit tier IT jobs
Mechanical Engineering = Very cool
Economics = The closest thing to Asimov's psychohistory. It won't get you rich, but it'll give you a marginally better understanding of the beast we call the global economy
Business = AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA.... wait, I need to breathe. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAahahahahahaha! Business majors are useless. MBA's are largely useless on their own too.
Psychology = Biological is cool, I guess
Philosophy = Ahahahahahhaha
Chemistry = Awesome, if you don't wind up doing shitty QC work, hunched over a HPLC for the rest of your life.

>> No.2547733

Your Age: 17
Your prospective/current major or degree: nanorobotics
Your College (If you went/are going to college): Penn. state university
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering- not for me
Architecture- meh
Computer Science- computers piss me off. I used to enjoy working on them and playing with linux, but I have since lost interest in it as a carrier.
Mechanical Engineering- Im going in to this field.
Engineers piss me off, and Im out to show them that arguing for 2 hours over a trivial issue is as stupid as it sounds. I want to build self replicating nanobots for construction on scales not yet seen by mankind. I also want to take them to space and create ships out of asteroids.
Economics- oh fuck that
Business- see above
Psychology- no thanks
Philosophy- what kind of job can you get with this, honestly?
Chemistry- Can be intresting, but will slowly drive me insane.

>> No.2547745

Your Age: 21
Your prospective/current major or degree: Computer Science
Your College (If you went/are going to college):Community college and UTSA
Your opinion on the following careers:
Civil Engineering: no idea what it really is
Architecture: something art majors can use for an actual job
Computer Science: GOD TIER. The faggots thinking it's shit tier are clearly too stupid to realize they get to say that on the internet because of this field.
Mechanical Engineering: seems incredibly boring and low-level.
Economics: interesting, but it involves an amount of common sense for your education to be useful, which many people (especially those interested in going into this field) lack.
Business: standard.
Psychology: putting philosophy to use
Philosophy: stop wasting your parents' money
Chemistry: cool, but not interested enough to commit to it.

>> No.2547766

how do you plan on going into nanorobotics without an education in programming?

>> No.2547777

protip for the people here going into computer science:


its a bullshit field with low pay and almost no jobs.

>> No.2547788


I didnt write off computer science. Nanobots will have to have some kind of AI in order to work at all, as controlling billions of nanites is impossible without it. I just dont like the idea of having a job as a server admin or something of the such.

>> No.2547792

always business hate on /sci/
enjoy being broke lololol

>> No.2547794

There are two ways you can approach this field. One is the mechanical/materials engineering pathway, and the other is the electro-mechanical engineering/computer science path. Both of which involve fields that you stated that you hated.

>> No.2547797

>Your Age:
>Your prospective/current major or degree:
Maths + Philosophy
>Your College (If you went/are going to college):
Warwick Uni
>Your opinion on the following carreers:
>Civil Engineering
Engineering is for gays, isn't it?
Worked at a Architects firm when I was 17, all the stuff that I did was easy shit and all the other stuff I could have probably picked up after a year or whatever of working. Definately not worth 7 years of your life
>Computer Science
I think computer is a prety cool guy
>Mechanical Engineering
Again, for faggots
Wankers, but I'll probably end up doing this as a postgrad degree, or going straight in to an economics related job
For people who think they are too shit to do economics
Can be an interesting subject, but only if Derren Brown is teaching.
How to bullshit a bullshitter is a skill that everyone should learn
Interesting but not for me

>> No.2547809

yeah, businesses would run so much more efficiently without those darn statisticians. and only noob investors or tax collectors need to ask accountants for a company's balance sheets.

>> No.2547814

Nah, i'm getting a degree in chemistry and business at a relatively shit tier school. Once I realized that I'd be hunched over an HPLC making 30k a year when I started pulling B's and C's.

I was like FUCK THAT, and now fully expect to end up working as a middle manager at a store like IKEA when i'm 35, And besides, a chemistry degree just looks good to the private sector, if you have skills in addition that they want..

>> No.2547849

Your Age: 19
Your prospective/current major or degree: Maths
Your College (If you went/are going to college): Durham University
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering- necessary and useful, but not my thing.
Architecture- see the above
Computer Science- Pretty cool, wouldn't mind doing some of that if I had the time/money.
Mechanical Engineering- see civil.
Economics- Heretical.
Business- Heretical.
Psychology- Cool so long as it stays in the realm of speculation and doesn't try to be a science, in it's present state anyhow.
Philosophy- I approve of this as a hobby, but a career out of it- really?
Chemistry- Okay, but very knowledge-based last I saw of it. I'd rather be able to state one fact and derive many interesting things from it.

>> No.2547888

Your Age: 20
Your prospective/current major or degree: Information Science
Your College (If you went/are going to college): Cornell
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering-- Hah
Architecture-- Pretty cool
Computer Science-- Alright
Mechanical Engineering-- Also hah
Economics-- Okay
Business-- HAHAHAHA
Psychology-- If you have a Ph.d-- respect. If you don't-- fuck you.
Philosophy-- Someone with a lot of money to fall back on
Chemistry-- Okay.jpeg

>> No.2547891

>Chemistry - I'd rather be able to state one fact and derive many interesting things from it.

..don't know if you're trolling or not.

>> No.2547938

>Your Age:
>Your prospective/current major or degree: Chemistry
>Your College (If you went/are going to college):
U C Davis
>Your opinion on the following careers:
>Civil Engineering
fancy name for bullshit
Pretty cool
>Computer Science
appreciate the field
>Mechanical Engineering
Someone has to be the bitch
Interesting and can be useful well if a BS.
Fucking scam
Neuroscience will engulf this section soon enough.
respect, but only for some.

>> No.2547943
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>mfw I was just at the library in OP's pic earlier today

OP do you go to UCSD perchance?

Your Age: 20
Your prospective/current major or degree: Physics BS (PhD eventually)
Your College (If you went/are going to college): UCSD
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering: if you like building bridges and stuff, that's cool I guess
Architecture: actually quite interesting, especially if you get into the history of it, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you'd eventually be designing skyscrapers in Dubai
Computer Science: fascinating field; I'm intrigued by computers and they have plenty of potential
Mechanical Engineering: good all-around major, you can pick up most other disciplines quite easily and diversify your strengths
Economics: boring
Business: worthless
Psychology: somewhat useful, but not my cup of tea
Philosophy: interesting, but not really useful
Chemistry: being a physics major, I consider chem and math to be intimately related to what I do, so I enjoy chemistry as well

>> No.2547957

Which math is more difficult between computer science and economics?

>> No.2547984

Depends how far you go into each field. Being a computer scientist, I have to prove that my algorithms work with actual proofs, so I would say it is tougher than applied economics.

>> No.2547998

But in the career? The courses, etc.

>> No.2548004

I wouldn't know and unless someone here is a comp sci/economics double major then I doubt anyone can give you an answer.

>> No.2548019
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So true...

>> No.2548022

They're likely similar. Econometrics and Econophysics become heavily mathematical.

>> No.2548101

Your Age: 24
Your current major or degree: Computer Science

Civil Engineering - no opinion

Architecture - Creative Job, very interesting and lucrative. Was one of my possible choices before but I didn't like it when I actually worked a bit in the buisiness (intern)

Computer Science - Can be absolutely awesome, can be mind numbingly dull. But since it depends on how you play out your options you have it pretty much in your hands. The Buisiness is huge, there is almost no sector that is not covered by it. Hard to find cool people among the loads of nerds (I hate the term and the clichés but they are true for many students). Still the best choice for me

Mechanical Engineering - Interesting, know it from a friend of mine. Would also have been an option for me. Cool people

Economics/Business - Speaking for my university. A pack of opportunistic douchebags. Friend of mine is an IBS major and I know a lot of the people. For some reason they look down on people who study natural sciences (wtf), but when you go on a party with them they are so fucking boring and stuck up that the hipocrisy makes my ears bleed. I could go on and on. However the subject itself is very interesting (e.g. game theory), a quality that most economics/business students fail to understand and appreciate. Economics students are slighty better then Business students.

Psychology - no opinion

Philosophy - In the past: Master Race Nowadays: people learning philosophic history and talking to mask their lack of actual knowledge (see this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fashionable_Nonsense and this: http://www.elsewhere.org/pomo/).). Very, very few people that actually amount to something. But those that do, have my respect.

Chemistry: Can't get into it, but I know a load of people that study it and tell me interesting stuff. Cool people, always good for a party.

>> No.2548105

Why so much hate on Business degrees?
They're quite respectable and well-paid, arguably more so than engineers or scientists.

>> No.2548122

I cringed. Appropriating methods from other fields does nothing to improve your image, economists. It just makes you look even more pathetic.

>> No.2548128

>Has never been to college
Cancer on campus.

>> No.2548151

>other fields
> only mathematics

>> No.2548161

If only it were just math. The damage would be limited.

>> No.2548172

I actually thought that the cancer were the Psychology and Philosophy majors, who are incredibly pretentious.

>> No.2548173

I agree with everything in this post. Chemistry people are generally pretty amazing. Have had little problem convincing them to sneak crazy shit out of the lab to screw around with at parties-- I feel like they're almost just waiting for opportunities to blow stuff up. And they're generally really intelligent etc.

Also wtf is it with BUSINESS majors hating on natural science faggots. Business is only one step above communications. What do you even learn in business? How to fluff your tie?

Any of the natural science majors are of more rigor than business shit, and most of the people are pretty chill too.

>> No.2548181
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Your Age: 24
Your prospective/current major or degree: M.D. candidate
Your College (If you went/are going to college): Howard
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering: Honestly, I'm not even exactly sure what civil engineering is. And I don't care enough to look it up.
Architecture: Pretty sweet stuff, though I don't have any serious interest in it, personally. Area around my school could use some friggen architectural upgrades, that's for damn sure.
Computer Science: Awesome stuff. Thought for a long time when I was younger that I wanted to be a software (ideally, video game) programmer.
Mechanical Engineering: Very important, interesting science.
Economics: As a science it is obviously important. I feel like most economists probably use their knowledge to abuse the system and make themselves rich somehow.
Business: Buisness makes the world go round.
Psychology: Can be hit or miss in how much I appreciate it since it's still developing as a "hard" science. I'm very much into behavioral health though.
Philosophy: Are there even any good, interesting "philosophers" these days? Everybody is a philospher these days, just publishing books about their philosophies on anything and everything left and right.
Chemistry: Chemistry, fuck year. I personally couldn't ever get like a master's or Ph.D in it because it's usually too abstract for me to be able to be super passionate about it.

man, fuck you OP. I just wanted like 10 minutes of valuable study/productive time.

>> No.2548183
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>> No.2548185

Nah, because within psychology and philosophy majors there are generally a few awesome people who emerge. Business is just faggots overall. There is no rectifying the situation. And psychology and philosophy become actually really competitive and difficult at the doctorate level, and there are some majors who are in it for that. People who actually do want to be challenged and learn in the long run. Business majors are just trying to get money and grades from their shitty cult of personality. There's no learning involved.

>> No.2548191

>Also wtf is it with COMPUTER SCIENCE majors hating on social science faggots. Computer Science is only one step above math. What do you even learn in Computer science? How to use Microsoft Office?

>> No.2548193
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>> No.2548195


If you don't understand it, don't blame the field.

>> No.2548200

You can think of business majors as liberal arts students with even more of an unfounded superiority complex. Trust me, you'll see.

>> No.2548201

Your Age: 22
Your prospective/current major or degree: Software engineering
Your College : École de technology supérieur

Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering : fraud, whitewashing and cartels
Architecture : interesting
Computer Science : overtime
Mechanical Engineering : dumbasses everywhere
Economics : assholes in it for money
Business : fast lane to six figures as a master, fast lane to failure as a bachelor
Psychology : crazier than his customer -- I mean patient
Philosophy : unemployment
Chemistry : interesting

>> No.2548220

I know. That was pretty much my face when I ran into this shit.
Dude, I don't think they understand it either. It's a fad, a nifty gimmick designed to get names on papers. There's nothing wrong with new ideas, but this is trash. Seriously, it just takes key terms in physics and slaps them on economic processes.

>> No.2548223

>assholes in it for money
How is this a bad thing?

>> No.2548228

ITT disregard actual intellectual curiosity, I'm in it for the monies.

wtf /sci/ you're better than this..

>> No.2548234

Civil engineers - nothing would get done without them
Architecture - nothing would look cool without them
Computer science - not science
Mechanical engineering - engineering for indecisive engineers
economics - meh
business - so many suckers
psychology - meh
philosophy - not as important as it used to be
chemistry - the basis for all modern science and medicine

>> No.2548237


>> No.2548246

he mad what he likes to do pays so little
inb4 avg salary after 12 years exp. with phd

>> No.2548248

Your Age: 22
Your prospective/current major or degree: Engineering
Your College (If you went/are going to college): Smith College
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering: Lol.
Architecture: Wish classes were available within the consortium.
Computer Science: They do things.
Mechanical Engineering: Lol.
Economics: I can't imagine anyone enjoying being an accountant, but it takes all types?
Business: Fuck me in the ass so I can clench your dick off with my rectum.
Psychology: If you do research: awesome. If you spout Freud/Jung: also get your dick in my rectum.
Philosophy: Used to be awesome, now seems to be a major for people who don't know what to do.
Chemistry: Amazing. Mom's a chem prof and the things she talks about are mind blowing.
>my captcha was: give Chem

>> No.2548250

I never said it was a bad thing, but they are assholes.

>> No.2548273

Economics and Accounting aren't related, you need to learn how the world works before you graduate.

>> No.2548278

What about Geology?
Is heavily mathematical?
Any geofag here?

>> No.2548289

Given your post I find it hard to beleive you're completing a tertiary degree.

>> No.2548292

Your Age: <span class="math">26\pm 5[/spoiler] years
Your prospective/current major or degree: Physics.
Your College (If you went/are going to college): University of Würzburg, Germany.
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering: Would have to google what that is exactly
Architecture: No jobs, but I like the models they build
Computer Science: Pretty important in the digital age
Mechanical Engineering: Pretty important as well
Economics: If you're dumb or famale and blond
Business: See economics
Psychology: Would frustrate me, also not much understanding but learning
Philosophy: Parts pair very well with science, others are intellectual wankery or eso shit
Chemistry: Basics don't require math, and even the advanced topics don't cover anything but chemistry. Not fundamental enough for my taste.

>> No.2548294

Your Age: 25
Your prospective/current major or degree: Biochemistry
Your College (If you went/are going to college): PSU
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering - Good work.
Architecture - Can be interesting, but it seems to straddle engineering (which I like) and art (which I like, but have less respect for)
Computer Science - Unsure. I don't like programming, but computational bioscience is essential to my major.
Mechanical Engineering - Kinda cool.
Economics - LOL
Business - Eh
Psychology - It's interesting when they can talk about stuff they can actually test for. But all the old bullshit like collective unconsciousness I don't care for.
Philosophy - Its only interesting if you're learning logic. Some of the fringe shit like epistemology I can do without.
Chemistry - Pretty cool, until you find yourself in a rushed lab trying to get things done and you find yourself more like a chef than anything else. But it's the most interesting of the majors afforded .

>> No.2548295

>Age 22
>Doesn't know what economics is.
>Doesn't know most philosophy majors are a self selecting group for future in academia.

>> No.2548298

Tertiary? I'm in my senior year.

Yes, because at my college all the economics majors say they want to be accountants I do not know how the world works. I suppose I can always turn to god.

>> No.2548302

>Except that they're not
Seriously are you a philosophy major or some shit?

>> No.2548309

Age: 21
Major: Mechanical Engineering
College: Oregon State University

CE: Very important to the functioning of our society, probably the easiest of the core engineering disciplines.

Architecture: CE without the math. Much more emphasis on making the environment of a construction livable.

Computer Science: Very important, but indirectly valuable monetarily.

Mechanical Engineering: As you may have guessed from my major, I hold ME to be one of the most important disciplines one can pursue. ME is extremely versatile, and almost every aspect of modern life depends somewhat on the results of ME. Engineering in general (IMO) is one of the best ways one may contribute to society.

Economics: Guesswork. The study of economics is valuable, but I believe the economy is far too complex to model accurately.

Business: Too much emphasis on money, not enough on the value of certain endeavors to society.

Psychology: Guesswork. I believe that psychology can only explain the human mind on a very basic level.

Philosophy: Completely and utterly worthless. Mental masturbation.

Chemistry: Very valuable, especially for the creation of new materials that will be very important in future applications.

>> No.2548314
File: 14 KB, 288x360, HAHAHAHAHA LITTLE LAMBS LESBIAN BIO TEACHER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw everyone realizes Smith College is all women's and everyone jumps on her

>> No.2548325

That's being generous regarding philosophy majors. I'd say it breaks down to 1/2 being there to get a BA and the other half as pre-law hopefuls

>> No.2548341

No I'm not. You're looking at the shitty schools if you're meeting retarded philosophy majors.

>> No.2548357

>implying all philosophy majors aren't pretentious shit stains
>all other posts state the same sentiment
>oh you, philosophy anon.

>> No.2548363

Stop with science war and where the fuck are the geofags!?

>> No.2548423
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Your Age:21
Your prospective/current major or degree: Computer Science
Your College (If you went/are going to college): UC Los Angeles
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering: They built this city, I guess
Architecture: The Awesome Combo of Science with Art
Computer Science: Too awesome for words.
Mechanical Engineering: Bros that make machines that I can program.
Economics: They're cool, but trying to predict the economy is like trying to get a Vision by Dancing around Chicken bones while chanting Ominous Latin Lyrics.
Business: Pretentious people with pretentious goals and fake lives.
Psychology: Only good if you do research. Most just spew Freud quotes.
Philosophy: LOL
Chemistry: They're all like overentusiastic kids with ADD. Cool people, though.

>> No.2548435

Why would someone use Philosophy as Pre-law?
I mean, Psychology is more interesting and would help you more if you are a Pre-law.

>> No.2548460

I think the argument is that since the LSAT contains a lot of logic questions, philosophy would be really good for that.

>> No.2548478

I'm looking at the coursework required for prelaw, and it looks like a bunch of ethics courses.

Of course, an ethical lawyer is something of an oxymoron.

>> No.2548596

There is no such thing as a pre-law course. The only requirement for applying to law school is an undergraduate degree and an LSAT score.

>> No.2548609

Because they think it will allow them to do better at the LSAT than other humanities undergrad degrees and give them practice arguing positions logically

>> No.2548617

Your Age: 21
Your prospective/current major or degree: Computer science
Your College (If you went/are going to college): Reykjavík University
Your opinion on the following careers:
Civil Engineering – Lots of math
Architecture – Hard to get a job, way to many in the field
Computer Science – If you like programming, or fucking love it, then this is like getting rewarded to play around with computers. Would only recommend it if you really enjoy it though.
Mechanical Engineering – Lots of math, but with smaller components!
Economics – Better than business.
Business – Worse than economics.
Psychology – Interesting subject if you like exploring stuff like human behavior.
Philosophy – Erm… maybe you could get funding from some rich guy that has nothing better to do with his money but otherwise do not count on income
Chemistry – Very cool subject but also very hard

>> No.2548694

Computer science is a hard career/degree to fuck up. Especially if you go for a Master's (or even a Ph.D.), a CS degree will make your shit turn into gold. Things are only going to get more technological from here.

Mechanical engineering has a very manly sound to it, but it seems like a pain-in-the-ass of a career from what I've heard.

Fuck architecture by itself. Just do structural engineering and then get an architect's license in addition. Then you can do the math AND do some of the artistic drawings ($$).

Economics is the most difficult liberal arts major, but it's still a liberal arts major. Unless you frequent Starbucks and wear a scarf regularly, you should probably do something that suits you better. Same goes for Philosophy (which has a different flock--stoners and shroom-heads, very fun group of people to hang out with).

Chemistry is probably second only to mathematics in its versatility. You can do shitloads with a chemistry education. Just make sure you love it--because it will get dull otherwise.

>> No.2548716

Your Age: 20
Your prospective/current major or degree: Business/History double major
Your College (If you went/are going to college): University of California, Berkeley
Your opinion on the following careers:
Civil Engineering: interesting, but the field isn't growing.
Architecture: more design than anything else, but I like art. cool.
Computer Science: beastmode. never taken a CS class, but I would if I didn't want to rape my GPA. respect.
Mechanical Engineering: I'm sort of vague on what mech e is. Berk makes mech e majors take design.
Economics: interesting, but not particularly useful unless you're a math major planning on doing econ in grad school. economic history is awesome, though.
Business: *shrug* my major. finance is challenging and lucrative, but you learn most of it from your employer. accounting is under-appreciated.
Psychology: a lot of psychology is giving names to things people intuitively understand. neuroscience is probably the most useful. and that's biology more than anything else.
Philosophy: I would never major in this. something I can read about on my own.
Chemistry: an extremely difficult, ultimately unfulfilling major. I have no idea why anybody would want to do this.

Why no
mad respect to math majors. purest subject. I

>> No.2548743

Your Age: 19
Your prospective/current major or degree: Economics/Physics
Your College (If you went/are going to college): Harvard
Your opinion on the following careers:
Civil Engineering - very useful to society and comfortably compensated, but I can foresee a career in it as boring.
Architecture - seems like it would be fun, but very difficult to get a job in. Interesting field.
Computer Science - neat stuff, if a little abstract. I considered concentrating in it.
Mechanical Engineering - see civil engineering.
Economics - at most universities total bullshit; for the handful heavily involved in economic research and/or that serve as feeders for finance, very useful as both a major and general career path.
Business - in undergrad? Useless unless you go to Wharton. MBA? Awesome.
Psychology - On the empirical side totally awesome. Otherwise shit.
Philosophy - the more basic classes are useful for organizing and considering arguments, as a major it's useless.
Chemistry - I hate chemistry more then any of the other physical sciences. It's extremely useful, but personally I would rather concentrate in woman's studies.

>> No.2548763

Since you appear to be tracking yourself for finance, why not just math?

>> No.2548769

Your Age: 18
Your prospective/current major or degree: English
Your College (If you went/are going to college): MIT
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering 10 year olds w/ legos can do it
Architecture girls' doodles look better
Computer Science loltightenthegraphics
Mechanical Engineering lol bridges
Economics lolSandD
Business lolbanker
Psychology lolwomen
Philosophy lolpseudointellectual
Chemistry lolmeth

>> No.2548806
File: 18 KB, 202x135, fogg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your Age:

>Your prospective/current major or degree:
Lighting design

>Your College (If you went/are going to college):
One can examine and study light at any time.

>Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering - Helping society in the forward direction of technology.

Architecture - Making constructions beautiful, with a kick of culture and stability.

Computer Science - Useful and nerdy.

Mechanical Engineering - Machines are good for us right?

Economics - Not relevant to my interests. The basic money system is adorable but why are everyone making it so hard and unfair?

Business - A good way to earn cash for yourself and others I suppose.

Psychology - The way humans interact is weird, cool, fundamental and interesting.

Philosophy - Its a cool way to challenge our brains and maybe come to new insights about the cosmos.

Chemistry - Absolutely huge subject, very interesting considering its FUCKING CHEMISTRY!

>> No.2548824

INB4 the thread derails into a trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls thread

>> No.2548840

I am the only one that thinks that someone thats majoring in english at fucking MIT, very expensive but a kick-ass school, has really no right to criticize… well anyone except maybe philosophers ;D, especially engineers, how the hell would someone calculate the structural integrity of a building using legos? You might say that about architects but not engineers.
Plus it seems like a waste of money and time to major in english... no offence

>> No.2548852


several reasons:

1. I have never liked the true abstraction of math - economics and physics are practically based (econ always and physics at least at the undergrad level)

2. I am only OK at math by the standards of the Math department here - many of the true math people here regularly participate in international math competitions and really enjoy the subject, so I can't compete with them.

3. Math classes are disproportionately difficult and businesses in Finance tend to underweight the difficulty of the transcript relative to your GPA - I can thus get a higher GPA and it'll work better in the long run.

4. Finally I am involved in both physics and econ research and honestly I am having the time of my life - addressing interesting, relevant problems and working with brilliant people.

>> No.2548855

That should have been Am I... sorry

>> No.2548862

>Believes people on /sci/

>> No.2548891



I doubt they even offer English classes; the professors would probably be too offended

>> No.2548895

>Your Age: 19
>Your prospective/current major or degree:drafting / engineer or something
>Your College
I did not take any foreign languages in high school so I'm not sure if i can even go feels bad man .
>Civil Engineering
>Computer Science
took a year of it in tech school boring was all c++ pong games and web design
>Mechanical Engineering
USD not worth shit i bought a bunch of silver
pointless profession
people who get paid to tell others how they should act
hippies and atheists all complaining
i have been making fireworks and other things in my garage since i was 12
have pure sodium i synthesized myself and would always bring in lithium and shit to chem class

>> No.2548901

It´s really not that hard to believe someone is majoring in english at MIT...

>> No.2548911

unless they don´t teach it

>> No.2548936

Your Age: 21
Your prospective/current major or degree: Neurobiology
Your College (If you went/are going to college): UC Davis
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering - Fundamental to the functional aspect of the infrastructure we take for granted.
Architecture - Fundamental to the aesthetic aspect of the infrastructure we take for granted.
Computer Science - Mixed. Some people are code monkeys, some are pioneers in AI and advanced programming.
Mechanical Engineering - Generally underrated/misunderstood, but nevertheless important.
Economics - Boring. Tries too hard to seem difficult. Steals from other fields (Ever heard of neuroeconomics? Because it exists).
Business - Relatively worthless in the modern economy. I would rather hire a Philosophy major than a business drone.
Psychology - Increasingly irrelevant. It tried, but my field has produced better results in a shorter time span.
Philosophy - Rich with wisdom, but nothing worth college tuition. Logic should be mandatory for high school students.
Chemistry - Amazing field, but woefully difficult and uninspiring. Has done more for the modern age than most other sciences.

>> No.2548981
File: 153 KB, 320x522, not a wolverine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your Age:
>Your prospective/current major or degree:
B.S. Biology (Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior)
MAY end up with a B.S. Biology (Computational Biology) if I choose to hang out as an undergrad for another year and pick up 3 more math courses (I fear not math despite the fact that I'm a biologist).
>Your College (If you went/are going to college):
University of Texas @ Austin
>Your opinion on the following carreers:
>Civil Engineering
Boring, but useful.
AWESOME! I like artistic things, and artistic things that also have to be functional are the best kind.
>Computer Science
I LOVE IT! Probably would have been my second choice as a major. CROSSOVER: Shannon entropy in information theory == Shannon index of biodiversity in Ecology
>Mechanical Engineering
My dad's field. Do not want, but respect.
Like ecology, but they pretend there aren't any limits and they're too caught up in pushing their own views to get anything done. I still respect them.
The people who stare at me when I walk into THEIR building with dirty cargo pants? I <span class="math">loath[/spoiler] them.
Can be cool. I like the fact that modern psychologists rage as hard as I do when Freudianism comes up in conversations AND some take an evolutionary perspective (though, sometimes they overstep and try to use evolution to explain something that would be more easily explained as a societal thing)
Fun. I get to learn the names for ways I've been thinking for years.
Cool, but it's my least favorite of the 3 'big' science categories
Fuckin' awesome. Third choice after Ecology and Computer Science.

>> No.2549071

Age: Not old enough to drink beer
Major: Mechanical engineer

Civil Engineering: they make things for us to destroy. Much of they do can be done with
Architecture: artists who are responsible for sub-optimal building designs.
Computer Science: they take care of the object recognition for our robots.
Mechanical Engineering: FUCKING AWESOME! Rockets, robots, racecars, biomechanics, buildings, solar power generators, jets, materials science, nanotech, electromechanics, tissue engineering; you name we do it!
Economics: bullshit
Business: HAHA, OH WOW.
Psychology: bullshit
Philosophy: more bullshit
Chemistry: they evacuate their building once a month, every month. Likewise, we can only manage one building evacuation a year! I respect them.
Pic related: it's what one of my professor's research projects could enable IRL

>> No.2549080
File: 32 KB, 320x410, transformers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my PIC.

serious here.

>> No.2549094

I love you guys sometimes. If this were /new/, we would see something like:
>Fucking liberal science nerds shitting on business majors that run the schools FUCK YEAH ALPHA CHI!

>> No.2549123

Your Age: 39
Your prospective/current major or degree: BA Humanities - going to seek MFA in writing.
Your College (If you went/are going to college): Rather not say.
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering: Don't know what it is.
Architecture: Fairly awesome field, although it's taken a strange turn.
Computer Science: God-tier.
Mechanical Engineering: Don't know what it is.
Economics: Shit-tier.
Business: Yawn. Credentials for a sector of the population, not really a degree.
Psychology: Interesting, controversial field. Could be hokum.
Philosophy: Should be required of all other fields in which ethics play; law, science, medicine, MBAs.
Chemistry: Stumped me in school. But I aced physics. Go figure.

>> No.2549135

Oops. Didn't mean to sage.

>> No.2549156

Your Age: 19
Your prospective/current major or degree: Cognitive science
Your College (If you went/are going to college): CMU
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering: Boring
Architecture: Somewhat interesting
Computer Science: Somewhat interesting
Mechanical Engineering: Boring
Economics: Boring
Business: Boring
Psychology: Somewhat interesting
Philosophy: Boring
Chemistry: Boring

>> No.2549215

Your Age: 24
Your prospective/current major or degree: Math
Your College: Stanford
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering - Derp
Architecture - Cool, the science is boring (see previous), but there's a lot of artistic creativity. But only if you're good enough to have that kind of freedom/budget
Computer Science - Hahaha do the most tedious work possible so machines will do stuff for me, monkeys
Mechanical Engineering - Has way more interesting math going on in the background that you'll never learn about
Economics - Learn to ruin the world for the rest of us through exploitation of a flawed system
Business - Play a random lottery and be deceptive as possible to get a 1% shot at what economists have guarenteed
Psychology - really interesting questions, try to answer by building a house of cards that doesn't really stand up to scientific scrutiny
Philosophy - really interesting questions, publish whatever random opinions you have about them
Chemistry - make really cool shit, i have no idea what goes into figuring out how to make cool shit

>> No.2549234


Why should we help you?

>> No.2549235

General Biology
UCSD (nice library btw)
Civil Engineering: useful
Architecture: Art and Utility combined
Computer Science: Awesome yet boring
Mechanical Engineering: Potentially Hard
Economics: Greed
Business: Very useful
Psychology: Future society will feed it
Philosophy: usefulness for everything
Chemistry: Hard and the future.

>> No.2549273

Your Age: 21
Your prospective/current major or degree: Chemistry
Your College (If you went/are going to college): UWMC, transferring to UWSP
Your opinion on the following careers:
Civil Engineering - not important and most projects created by it are shit
Architecture - important
Computer Science - important
Mechanical Engineering - important
Economics - meh
Business - meh
Psychology - not a real science
Philosophy - interesting but not needed
Chemistry - awesome

>> No.2549293

>Chemistry: an extremely difficult, ultimately unfulfilling major. I have no idea why anybody would want to do this.
>University of California, Berkeley
I understand now.

>> No.2549305

I enjoy geology. I may minor in it.

>> No.2549313
File: 47 KB, 275x206, teddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey buddy, check this out, if you think philosophy is boring at CMU....

>> No.2549321

Your Age: 27
Your prospective/current major or degree: 3rd year med student.
Your College (If you went/are going to college): UM
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering: Important but vastly less so than real science.
Architecture: Important but vastly less so than real science.
Computer Science: Important but vastly less so than real science.
Mechanical Engineering: Important but vastly less so than real science.
Economics: Important but vastly less so than real science.
Business: Important but vastly less so than real science.
Psychology: Important but vastly less so than real science.
Philosophy: Important but vastly less so than real science.
Chemistry: Awesome. Want to bang it.
Physics: Awesome. Want to bang it.
Math: Awesome. Want to bang it.
Biology: Awesome. Want to bang it.

>> No.2549326
File: 62 KB, 580x572, lucifer_pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your Age: 0
Your prospective/current major or degree: Law, English and Computing
Your College: Hogwarts
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering: Decent
Architecture: Great
Computer Science: Great
Mechanical Engineering: Decent
Economics: Lol
Business: Decent
Psychology: PseudoScience > Psychology
Philosophy: Great
Chemistry: Decent

>> No.2549331
File: 20 KB, 150x113, feferman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey buddy, why not check this guy out and see if he publishes random opinions or whether he will rock your world?

>> No.2549332

/sci/, can you help me with this poll?
Please, I need your opinion:

Your Age: >25
Your prospective/current major or degree: >BS business >MA math
Your College (If you went/are going to college): >Binghamton
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering >Everyone needs bridges
Architecture >Enjoy your shit pay and slavery
Computer Science >No comment
Mechanical Engineering >Building stuff can be fun
Economics >Like business without the hustle and like math without the math
Business >bullshit but 3.5+ will get you a sweet job and teach you to hustle
Psychology >HA
Philosophy >an interest not a major
Chemistry >could be fun

>> No.2549354
File: 277 KB, 181x263, sober.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey buddy, when you get to madison, why not check out this guy and see if he's a pseudo-intellectual or if maybe he might be the smartest guy you meet?

>> No.2549365

Your Age: 20
Your prospective/current major or degree: Chemistry and Biochemistry going into medicine
Your College (If you went/are going to college): USyd
Your opinion on the following careers:
Civil Engineering - Dull but necessary
Architecture - Same as above
Computer Science - Meh. Computer engineering is better.
Mechanical Engineering - Kinda cool, and useful.
Economics - Math: You're doing it wrong.
Psychology - Pseudo-science. Stupid.
Philosophy - Absolutely useless.
Chemistry - Fuck yeah, god tier.

>> No.2549404

Your Age: 21
Your prospective/current major or degree: Chemical engineering
Your College (If you went/are going to college): Its a secret
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering: someone has to make sure a building is going to stand up
Architecture: Someone has to make sure we don't all live in boxes...oh wait
Computer Science: weaboos who want to get actual jobs when they get out of school
Mechanical Engineering: they make pumps and spec bolts
Economics: Evil geniuses who tend to not look into the future.
Business: Mortal enemy of engineers everywhere
Psychology: Unnecessary. Neuroscience will kill it off in 20 years
Philosophy: smart people who smoke way too much weed
Chemistry: PhD chemists are awesome. A BS chemical engineer can do all the work a BS chemist can and then some.

>> No.2549446

Your Age: 21
Your prospective/current major or degree: Chemistry
Your College (If you went/are going to college): University of Oregon
Your opinion on the following careers:
Civil Engineering: Fine/Respectable
Architecture: I don't care a whole lot about architecture, but having lived with architecture students, I respect them for working extremely hard.
Computer Science: Generally favorable
Mechanical Engineering: Fine/Respectable
Economics: Ugh. It's social science with even less science and math without math.
Business: I have little patience for business majors.
Psychology: A field crowded with bullshit, but having a few serious researchers.
Philosophy: Interesting, but accomplishes nothing and probably best left as a hobby.
Chemistry: I'm going to abstain because of my obvious bias.

>> No.2549475

Your Age: 21
Your prospective/current major or degree: Chemistry
Your College (If you went/are going to college): I'd rather not say.
Your opinion on the following careers:
Civil Engineering: Fine/Respectable
Architecture: I don't care a whole lot about architecture, but having lived with architecture students, I respect them for working extremely hard.
Computer Science: Generally favorable
Mechanical Engineering: Fine/Respectable
Economics: Ugh. It's social science with even less science and math without math.
Business: I have little patience for business majors.
Psychology: A field crowded with bullshit, but having a few serious researchers.
Philosophy: Interesting, but accomplishes nothing and probably best left as a hobby.
Chemistry: I'm going to abstain because of my obvious bias.

>> No.2549495

Your Age: 22

Your prospective/current major or degree: Biology, but am joining the military
Your College (If you went/are going to college): Not going to tell, my college is small and I don't trust internet people
Your opinion on the following carreers: (you misspelled "careers"
Civil Engineering- OHH, you built such a pretty road, good job motherfucker, bet that was hard
Architecture- Its an alright career, its unfortunate that the most famous architects are all massive ego-maniacal faggots
Computer Science- Have fun designing that sex simulating robot because no woman will touch you because you smell of BO, cheetos, and can only hold a conversation if its about C++
Mechanical Engineering- Wow, you just spent three years of your life creating a valve for a high-tech jet engine that was just canceled by the military. Congrats on your super awesome life.
Economics- Its all theory that has no real world applicability
Business- Same as economics, you can get a PhD in this shit and still run a company clean into the ground so hard it pops up in China, then fails there too.
Psychology- Its just the bullshit side of cognitive science and neuroscience, we will eventually figure out EVERYTHING about the brain, and then fixing it will be just a matter of injecting some chemicals
Philosophy- I personally enjoy it, but have fun getting a job, ever.
Chemistry- Very useful, but once again, you either try to teach, OR you spend three years of your life to write a paper about how hydrogen CAN bond to palladium after all.

>> No.2549504

Your Age: 19
Your prospective/current major or degree: Astrophysics
Your College (If you went/are going to college): Ohio University
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering: please fix the USA's infrastructure
Architecture: please make cool buildings
Computer Science: please make useful computers
Mechanical Engineering: please make useful machines
Economics: please don't ruin the economy, again
Business: same as above
Psychology: please help crazy people
Philosophy: please help me poop, oh wait, philosophy, sorry
Chemistry: please make useful chemicals

>> No.2549508
File: 90 KB, 600x413, Queens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your Age: 19
Your prospective/current major or degree: Mining Engineering
Your College (If you went/are going to college): Queen's University
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering - meh, boring
Architecture - too much work for too little
Computer Science - replaced by asians
Mechanical Engineering - too broad
Economics - supply/demand etc... not interesting
Business - useless degree
Psychology - pseudo science
Philosophy - interesting but also pointless
Chemistry - not for me

>> No.2549531
File: 22 KB, 425x318, waterrunner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>CMU mechanical engineering boring
Dude, CMU has a pretty good mechanical program that will blow your mind. Pic related, it's robot that walks on water.

>> No.2549546

>Your Age:
>Your prospective/current major or degree: Statistics
>Your College (If you went/are going to college): A state university
>Your opinion on the following carreers:
>Civil Engineering
The lowest-paying of the engineering majors. Had a high school friend do this and somehow land a job on an oil rig 100 miles north of Dubai.
But can you apply it?
>Computer Science
Too many people in this major. Enjoy being a code monkey.
>Mechanical Engineering
The best engineering major because it touches many diverse areas.
Hope you're going for the Ph.D. I hear econ majors are hard to place.
Meh, unimpressed.
Hot girls who think they can understand how people's minds work. A soft science.
Not applicable to the real world and of little value. My high school valedictorian got his degree in this and is now counting pills in a pharmacy.
Less mixing chemicals, more mathematics than most think.

>> No.2549581

Age: 19
Major: Physics/Chemistry double major, with a focus in theoretical and particle physics
University: University of Washington
Civil Engineering: Most of my life runs off of stuff these guys think up and maintain. Hats off, gents.
Architecture: Neat shit! I'll never have the patience to learn about it, but it must be rather hard to make a building both aesthetically pleasing and useful to large numbers of people. I'm a fan of Romanist Revival and (obviously) Collegate Gothic
Computer Science: Any asshole who thinks this comp sci is about fuckin' around with code takes wayyy too much for granted. Computers are the single biggest and most important technology invented since the wheel, and the entire future of the human race rests upon them. The reason I'm in physics is to see if I can't design a way to make their hardware even better. Godspeed, you glorious nerds.
Mechanical Engineering: FUCK YEAH BUILDIN' SHIT. Enough said.
Economics: If more people understood how this stuff worked, the world would run a lot more smoothly. Unfortunately, pretty much everyone assumes they already do. I don't, more's the pity, and I'm not about to tell the guys who do any damn thing.
Business: Really the only degree I'm ambivalent about. I think too many people take it because that is where the money is, without seeking to produce any new thought or deed. I suppose someone's gotta.
Psychology: ho shit damn, this stuff be my passion. These are the people who work to understand how the goddamn brain works, folks, that is not fucking about. My only complaint is that neurology is so removed from it; if I had my way, they'd be two sides of the same major. C'est la vie.
Philosophy: I think no one has any damn right making decisions that will affect others unless they put a SHITTON of thought into it, first. As a major and a career? No. As a minor or general interest? Should be fucking mandatory.
Chemistry: hmm gee whiz I wonder

>> No.2549595

Hey there, /facebook/.

/sci/, can you help me with this poll?
Please, I need your opinion:

Your Age: 22
Your prospective/current major or degree: Math
Your College (If you went/are going to college): University of Florida
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering: Yay, plotting traffic
Architecture: >implying there are jobs in architecture
Computer Science: codemonkeys
Mechanical Engineering: mite b cool
Economics: stastically, the field with the lowest satisfaction
Business: frat boys
Psychology: useless without a phd
Philosophy: lolwut
Chemistry: washing test tubes

>> No.2549596

a well rounded and open minded 19 year old science major

get the fuck off /sci/, you troll

>> No.2549603

Your Age: 22
Your prospective/current major or degree: Chemistry Major
Your College (If you went/are going to college): State University of New York at Oswego
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering
>Herpa derp imma build bridges
> I have no clue what this degree entails
Computer Science
> Cool shit. I would minor in this if I had the time
Mechanical Engineering
> Boring some of the time
> Meh
>Too many business majors.
> Can be interesting at times. Not as demanding as a physical science though
> Im interested mainly in existential thought. I would've double majored if philosophy majors weren't so douchey. Seriously they all think they're so deep and cultured.
>Fuck Yeah

>> No.2549663

I wish I could collectively ask this thread what major they would recommend the most then. I'm considering switching to the sciences, and I like the idea of learning about the world around me in so many ways. I thought maybe doing just doing a math major and taking more applied mathematics courses would be the best option if I really want to be able to understand other things myself?

>> No.2549676


Electrical engineering bitch. It's the engineering with the most math and it really teachs you how to think once you manage to observe complex schematics of electrical circuits and deduce their functionality.

>> No.2549686

Com Sci/Math
University of Toronto

>> No.2549737


Which science is the best fit for you is a very personal thing, and not necessarily obvious. I would recommend taking some intro classes in various subjects (preferably you would make a short list of fields you feel you like best after doing some reading of introductory texts in a library or something) to get a feel for them, then make a choice from there.

I know that sounds like some Harry Potter sorting-hat everyone is special bullshit, but I've found it to be true. There's a reason there are generally accurate stereotypes about people in every field, after all.

>> No.2549751

Your Age:
Your prospective/current major or degree:
>Chemical Engineering and Psychology
Your College (If you went/are going to college):
>Uni of Washington
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering
>Good as a hobby
Computer Science
>Code monkeys
Mechanical Engineering
>SCV good to go, sir.
>Mutilated math
>see economics
>It's fun to mess with peoples' minds
I respect it, not for me though
Interesting, but again, not for me

>> No.2549758

Filled out tons of these, but whatever:

Your Age: 19
Your prospective/current major or degree: Math
Your College (If you went/are going to college): UCSD
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering - Good for people, not that much interesting SCIENCE!
Architecture - Aesthetics + a little Civil E. Meh.
Computer Science - Can be fun, but feels not mathy enough for what it should be.
Mechanical Engineering - Ummm. sure? no major influences
Economics - The math they use is SHIT tier, but apparently people make hella bank, so whatever?
Business - Deal with people too much, inb4 reculse. I just don't want my work to depend on others doing what I want/expect them too.
Psychology - I used to not like it, but some of it is good science. There's also a lot of bullshit.
Philosophy - Recreational activity, nothing more. If you can make money from it, good for you.
Chemistry - I have a high estimation of this, but I'm not good at it. A very useful field.

>> No.2549774
File: 142 KB, 1024x768, thatduck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your Age:
>Your prospective/current major or degree:
Electrical Engineering
>Your College (If you went/are going to college):
Texas A&M
>Your opinion on the following carreers:
>Civil Engineering
>Computer Science
Very respectable people. They make the world go round.
>Mechanical Engineering
Engineering for Bros and hot chicks.
Very important people here, without them society would cease to function as we know it! ...... jk
Pretty useful degree to have on hand when you run out of toilet paper.

>> No.2549809

Your Age: 19

Your prospective/current major or degree: Mathematics / Physics double major

Your College (If you went/are going to college): University of Akron Honors College

Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering- Necessary, not something I could do

Architecture- Wonderful art form

Computer Science- Used to be in place of Physics, so naturally I like it

Mechanical Engineering- zero experience, I have no opinion one way or another

Economics- See business. (I did this from the bottom up )

Business- Worthless once capitalism collapses

Psychology- Like civil engineering, necessary, but not worth all of the credit it has been given in my opinion.

Philosophy- A dead, but all too relevant art. The world could use more thinkers.

Chemistry- Loved it in highschool, don't plan on developing a further opinion

>> No.2549819

Your Age:19
Your prospective/current major or degree: Mech Engineering.
Your College (If you went/are going to college): U of texas
Your opinion on the following carreers:

Civil Engineering:I was about to go into civil engineering. I like the idea of it but mech is so much broader.

Architecture: No real opinion

Computer Science:Computer guy in the family

Mechanical Engineering:Super tier.

Economics: Study Economics become a know it all conservative.

Business:This is the best a lot of people can do.

Psychology: Pre-Law if you're lucky.

Philosophy:More deep than a English degree.

Chemistry: WTF ARE MOLES

>> No.2549855


Your Age:
Your prospective/current major or degree:
>Cell and Molecular Biology
Your College (If you went/are going to college):
>Unniversity of Texas at Austin
Your opinion on the following careers:
Civil Engineering
>I like sewer systems and I like bridges
>Sexy above
Computer Science
Mechanical Engineering
>My friend is ChemE. He gives these guys shit. He's pretty much a faggot, so they must be cool.
>My first major. Don't care for it. What's god in it is intuitively obvious. What's bad is everything else.
>I hate these fucking faggots with the energy of a star.
>Cool major ruined by faggots.
>Okay, but not for me.
>Awwww yeah. I love chemistry.

>> No.2549868

>what's good in it
Hook 'Em

polite sage for spelling errors

>> No.2549870

University of South Florida

CE - Fine career option, colleges tend to over inflate the amount of math required for some jobs
Arch - Okay, have a tendency to favor art over practicality (at least at my college)
CS - Seems like it's the next area to get hyped and hit with waves and waves of applicants, probably will lead to issues down the road
ME - I have a slight bias in that most of the ones I've met are redneck-car fanboys
Econ - Sounds like a steady pay kind of job, but you'll never be happy with it
Business - Generic "I went to college and I don't know why" degree for people who can't handle math, science, or critical thinking, or people who need an excuse to stay in college
Psych - A field that constantly gets misinterpreted, interesting
Phil - I'm biased but I think it's a useful field for the right kind of people who know how to use it, filled with a lot of people who don't understand it, needs more Psych classes so they can understand the mind
Chemistry - Seems fine, though I find the gen. chem. classes to be of the worst quality of education. Poor quality done to keep students out of the job market, force them into other majors.

>> No.2549905

Your Age: 21
Your prospective/current major or degree: Mechanical engineering
Your College (If you went/are going to college): University of Florida
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering: Easiest engineering, but still kinda hard
Architecture: Wannabe civil engineers
Computer Science: I respect that. I've taken programming classes and the shit's not easy.
Mechanical Engineering: I'm biased
Economics: could be useful
Business: Useless
Psychology: They get a bad reputation for some reason. It's an OK profession
Philosophy: Pseudo-intellectual waste of time and tuition
Chemistry: Did just enough for mechanical engineering. I'm good at it but I don't like it.

>> No.2549920

I'm a 3rd year engineering major and I had to take Gen Chem in freshman year. Trust me, if you can't pass that class, you won't make it to the job market. You'll be failing every class as a junior, instead of failing one class as a freshman.

>> No.2549929

Why do ChemEs hate MechEs?

>> No.2549935

Your prospective/current major or degree: Electrical Engineering + Physics
Your College (If you went/are going to college): SUNY Stony Brook

Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering - Kinda boring I guess, lowest engineering profession
Architecture - faggots
Computer Science - working in tech support for dell probably lol
Mechanical Engineering - engines and shit, fun stuff
Economics - This is what the smarter sellouts take instead of business.
Business - default major for idiots and asians
Philosophy - Half joke, half interesting, zero jobs
Chemistry - Chem is too much memorization for me

>> No.2549982

'cause we laugh at them when we see them waiting in line to the gay bar.

>> No.2549990

>Stony Brook,
Hey my brother went there!

I don't mean in terms of the difficulty of the content. It's just just that since I have some experience with the issue of the Philosophy of Education and the shifting paradigms (poorly used term borrowed from Thomas Kuhn) inside the Education system.

From my point of view what the Gen. Chem classes do is practically abominable in terms of actual education.

>> No.2549992

pure math and computer science
university of michigan

All are shit except architecture and philosophy. Architecture does not belong on that list, as I consider it to require considerably more creativity than the other fields listed.
Philosophy does not belong on that list either, as it deals with analytical truths (as opposed to empirical evidence (well, most fields of philosophy anyway)).
Theoretical computer science is a great field, however, most CS people I have encountered are embarrassingly bad at math. Hence my low opinion of it/them.

>> No.2550058


>Implying chemistry, and every field of engineering don't require creativity.

>> No.2550070

Hence I put "considerably more creativity" as a qualifier.
It is trivially true that every field has at least some creativity, especially experimental sciences (in designing experiments, for example).
However, architecture is (should be, rather) purely an art.

>> No.2550107

I'd like to think that the designer of a building I enter considered the structural integrity of said building in addition to making it look pretty.

>> No.2550115

The artistry comes in to reconcile the two functions.
I am not being as hard on the sciences as one might think.

>> No.2550158

>All are shit except...
That seems rather "hard" to me.

>> No.2550163

>Your Age:
>Your prospective/current major or degree:
MS Industrial Eng.
>Your College (If you went/are going to college):
>Your opinion on the following careers:
>Civil Engineering
OK in my book, they do some of the same stuff i do
>Computer Science:
Less Writing, code speaks for itself, I hate writing
>Mechanical Engineering
At least they do some math
Occasionally Interesting
Nice Hobby
Making things go BOOM is fun

>> No.2550220

experimental sciences (in designing experiments, for example).

Clearly you've never had to design an experiment. To actually prove anything worthwhile you have to come up with a way to evidence it indirectly, but in such a way that can be isolated to suggest your hypothesis with a minimum of other plausible explanations for the results.

I'm mostly speaking about chemistry here, because that's my field, but I know that the following applies in a way to engineering:

Chemical synthesis is also an enormously creative task. Anything beyond simple molecules requires a long chain of reactions to synthesize. There are hundreds of possible answers ways the synthesize the same molecule, each with its own quirks, pros, and cons. In this way (creative problem solving) it is similar to every field of engineering: say I want a bridge. Well, an engineer will have several different types of bridges to choose from all with particularities that make it more or less suited to the specific scenario, but not with any one right answer.

I actually started off college as a music major, so I have plenty of experience with the arts. This isn't entirely unlike 17th century common practice rules for writing music. I'll grant that strict adherence to these rules is one of the least creative ways to write music, but the fact is, if you're writing music, you're applying various chords, voicings and instrumentations to evoke different emotions in the listener. There are similarly a great many ways to do this, and each depending on the style of music and the style of the composer, each with pros and cons.

>> No.2550230

Clearly you've never had to design an experiment. To actually prove anything worthwhile you have to come up with a way to evidence it indirectly, but in such a way that can be isolated to suggest your hypothesis with a minimum of other plausible explanations for the results.

I'm mostly speaking about chemistry here, because that's my field, but I know that the following applies in a way to engineering:

Chemical synthesis is also an enormously creative task. Anything beyond simple molecules requires a long chain of reactions to synthesize. There are hundreds of possible answers ways the synthesize the same molecule, each with its own quirks, pros, and cons. In this way (creative problem solving) it is similar to every field of engineering: say I want a bridge. Well, an engineer will have several different types of bridges to choose from all with particularities that make it more or less suited to the specific scenario, but not with any one right answer.

I actually started off college as a music major, so I have plenty of experience with the arts. This isn't entirely unlike 17th century common practice rules for writing music. I'll grant that strict adherence to these rules is one of the least creative ways to write music, but the fact is, if you're writing music, you're applying various chords, voicings and instrumentations to evoke different emotions in the listener. There are similarly a great many ways to do this, and each depending on the style of music and the style of the composer, each with pros and cons.

>> No.2550312
File: 34 KB, 402x302, LeafUnderside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your Age: 23
Your prospective/current major or degree: Biology
Your College (If you went/are going to college): William Paterson University
Your opinion on the following carreers:

Civil Engineering: Humble and decent
Architecture: Risky but ambitious
Computer Science: Drone out of work
Mechanical Engineering: Work at a garage?
Economics: Pretending to know how shit happens
Business: Aimless and arbitrary
Psychology: Narcissistic Social worker
Philosophy: Why?
Chemistry: Brave and bold but too general to determine

>> No.2550319

Your Age:
Your prospective/current major or degree:
>Mechatronics Engineering
Your College (If you went/are going to college):
>University of Calgary
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering
>An absolutely fundamental aspect of civilization; very respectable.
>The human-infrastructure interface is an important one. Technology is meant to make our lives better; architects and designers facilitate that by careful consideration of how we interact with technology.
Computer Science
>Modernism in a nutshell. Rather than re-inventing the painting, they've re-invented the canvas.
Mechanical Engineering
>200 years of making the world a smaller place.
>Richard Feynman once opined "imagine how much harder physics would be if electrons have feelings!". That a very succinct summary of economics, from what I can tell.
>Of questionable benefit at the undergraduate level. But ultimately, business is an art like any other.
>Perhaps occasionally dubious today, the future holds promise. The human mind is a vast unexplored expanse.
>Everyone should know at least a little philosophy. Everyone. And everyone should take time to ponder existence, the nature of knowledge, and so on. However, philosophy undergrads are mostly the scum of the Earth, even if they study an important discipline.
>Who else has the tools to save us from impending environmental disaster?

>> No.2550363



>> No.2550377

>Your Age


>Your prospective/current major or degree:


>Your College (If you went/are going to college):

Medium sized institution

>Your opinion on the following careers:

>Civil Engineering

Decent guys, least cocky of the engineers, they get a lot of shit from other engineering disciplines, I have no real beef


Someone who was too creative to successfully be an engineer

>Computer Science

Pedos, seriously, every time I cross one of you guys I wonder how much CP is hidden in hidden system folders encrypted with PGP, the early 90s versions before "the NSA has a master key" happened

>Mechanical Engineering

Dunno, never really met any, I hear they're arrogant fucks


Think they're hot shit for the little work that they do, but at the same time they party so much they ensure my little college town has 1 bar for every 4-5k people.


Same as economics


I do believe they can a science, although just barely. Overall though, dime a dozen major. Girls in psychology are all trying to self-diagnose


Victims of Peter Pan syndrome. Grow up for fucks sakes and pick a real major


We're arrogant bastards, I wish we were as tight knit as the physicists or the engineers. Would make it far more enjoyable to study

>> No.2550408

Your Age: 18
Your prospective/current major or degree: Going into my third year of international security and intelligence next quarter. I'll have my BSc in that in a year and a half, then I'll begin work on my MS in the same field.
Your College (If you went/are going to college): Bellevue University
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering - Cousin's doing it.
Architecture - Cool buildings and shit, yo.
Computer Science - My friend mods the fuck out of all our games. Cool in my book.
Mechanical Engineering - I like having my car run and all that jazz.
Economics - Might minor in this. Easy stuff, love it.
Business - Plan on opening my own used book store sometime down the road.
Psychology - Girlfriend's working on her MS in this.
Philosophy - I learn all I want at home reading books. Why get a degree in this? Seems useless.
Chemistry - A friend of mine who dual majored in this and Biology's a pretty cool guy. He always came up with crazy ideas and funny things to do in the woods.

>> No.2550409

Nice to see the other UC Davis people. One of them Neurobiology too no less.

Your Age: 18
Your prospective/current major or degree: Neurobiology
Your College (If you went/are going to college): UC Davis
Your opinion on the following careers:
Civil Engineering: Pretty god damn important
Architecture: Interesting I guess
Computer Science: WATSON
Mechanical Engineering: Also pretty damn important.
Economics: Hate it
Business: Ponzi schemes
Psychology: Fucking stupid sometimes. Somewhat interested otherwise.
Philosophy: Lol
Chemistry: HARDCORE

>> No.2550481

>awesome people


>> No.2550505


>> No.2550537

There are like, a dozen people in the U of C Mechatronics program, myself included, and I have no idea who Dan is.

>> No.2550642

Your Age: 19
Your prospective/current major or degree: Computer Engineering
Your College (If you went/are going to college): Boston University

Your opinion on the following carreers:

Civil Engineering :Easy Engineering. Building and Math.....FUN
Architecture: I don't really see a use, almost an art
Computer Science: Cool Major and very rewarding and veristile,but you risk being a code monkey
Mechanical Engineering: Basicly the engineering fallback, if you like engineering and hate coding and large scale projects
Economics: Very Interesting Stuff, Much better the business. Basically if you like Math and you like humanities, you'll love Econ/
Business: The Bro major.... Basically I am going to college to get a job type thing
Psychology: The science is intresting, but there is a lot of bullshit
Philosophy: I LOVE philosophy because I love logic, my minor will most likely be in philosophy because I want to do AI systems
Chemistry: I like Chem a lot because it is practical and interesting, however it can be abstract as hell too.

>> No.2551868

Your Age:
Your prospective/current major or degree:
Your College (If you went/are going to college):
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering-
Sure, if you want to be one of the only decently paid educated people in your workplace.
Great for people who like to think they're creative, but disappointing when they find out no one's saying 'This building is great, I wonder who designed it?'
Computer Science-
It'll get you a job I guess.
Mechanical Engineering-
Making already perfectly fine things slightly better, despite the inevitable move to another fuel source for which they'll have to start over again.
Results are rarely applicable, and even when they are, the people actually responsible for the logistics will rarely implement anyone else's ideas.
Seriously? Shouldn't be a degree. If you don't know how a business works, you shouldn't work in one. Any idiot can get a degree in it, but success in business is work and luck. An incredibly disproportionate and callously opportunistic career.
For a qualitative science, it is remarkably accurate. People will always need psychiatric help, so if you enjoy it, go for it.
While interesting, it's a useless degree. Anyone can ask a question with no answer- but only a few people can make it into a book. Also, the remit of philosophy is a decreasing one, given real experiments putting thought experiments in their place.
Memorise stuff, use knowledge to work out how to get from chemical A to chemical B. It works for some, but not for me.

>> No.2552422

Your Age: 22
Your prospective/current major or degree: technical aeronautical ingeneering
Your College (If you went/are going to college): UPC
Your opinion on the following carreers:
Civil Engineering -> good
Architecture -> good
Computer Science -> complex
Mechanical Engineering -> interesting
Economics -> not for me
Business -> not for me
Psychology -> i've never liked it
Philosophy -> good
Chemistry -> interesting