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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2544586 No.2544586 [Reply] [Original]

..So /sci/. Tell me why the world will end in 2012, and why it wont happen. Discuss

I want your opinions

>> No.2544597

solar storm
nasa won't give real odds, so it all up to speculation how much damage will actually happen

everything else=ancient aliens
mayans and cortez freaks me out to, but meh, we'll see

problem solved
thread over
anything below this line is trolling:

>> No.2544600

also inb4 This thread again

>> No.2544607

The Mayans were savages, why people believe in this bullshit is beyond me.

>> No.2544606

nasa wont give real odds? They dont have it or they just dont want us to know?

>> No.2544619

They might have been savages, but they were also mathematicians.
Doesn't make them any more psychic and magical when it comes to accidental fortune telling.

>> No.2544620

The Mayans did not predict the end of the world in 2012. One of the many Mayan calendars just happens to begin a new cycle on December 21st 2012. That doesn't mean the world will end.

>> No.2544621

It's nice to think. also nostradamus predicted made a prediction about 2012 didn't he? Well, he's probably a kickass mathematician who claims to be psychic (he calculated the thing with the new horoscope shit). Let's just say that everything he predicted was math.

>> No.2544623

So were some christians.
And some muslims today.

>> No.2544626

/sci/ really starts to suck hairy ass-crack when all the grown-ups go to bed.

>> No.2544628

Well no, nostradamus didn't predict anything on 2012.
He predicted about 20 world ending events before 2010 though.

>> No.2544630

irrelevant to his claim
He didn't say that Mayans were the only savages, just that they were savages.

>> No.2544632

>They might have been savages, but they were also mathematicians.

Yeah, and O'Reilly is a physicist...

>> No.2544635

One does not calculate the length of a year without an understanding of mathematics.

>> No.2544637

Its not only the end of the world but also the rest of the universe. The universe will hyper inflate causing the space between the protons and nuetrons of atoms to stretch faster than the strong force can pull them back together. All the atoms in the universe ripped apart, ending existence as we know it.

>> No.2544639

Then his whole claim is irrelevant aswell.

>> No.2544649

type in google

"will the world end in" then type any year within the next century

see 100 crackpot theories

>> No.2544655

Hard to believe that this could happen so soon.. But hard to believe that this could not happen soon too.

someone didn't tell me why it won't happen

>> No.2544668

because its going to happen son

>> No.2544678

like, in the near future? Near enough that my future children would be around to watch the world crumble or something?

>> No.2544683


A reason it might not happen.

Some people think 2012 will be a point in which everyone creates his own universe.

If you think nothing will happen, your conciousness goes to a universe where nothing happens.

When someone else thinks WW3 will start or some other disaster which destroys the earth, that will happen for him.

That doesn't mean that suddenly people start to dissappear because all these realities can exist paralel to eachother.

>> No.2544709

It's not irrelevant to assessing their credibility to make a prediction of the end of the world. Ad hominem is only irrelevant when the person it's being made against supports a position with either scientific evidence or deductive logic. Future predictions rest on none so solid a basis, so the credibility of the claimant has a role in choosing what weight to assign the claim.

The Mayans were savages who thought the Earth was flat, did not possess the wheel, and could only write in a primitive hieroglyphic system. They practised human sacrifice to a variety of silly gods, beliefs which doubtless would have influenced their thoughts on the end of the world. I am left with no reason to believe they had any understanding from which to pronounce upon the matter.

>> No.2544715


So like, we all create universes in our heads?

>> No.2544727

December 21st, 2021

>> No.2544803


i fucking hope it is this... i will be so damn happy...
alas, i remain sceptical.

>> No.2544826
File: 28 KB, 360x360, daigo_laptop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone should create their own universe, dude, but not in the way that you're thinking. That would be creating a singularity, basically a dot, no a 'verse', for that would be cubic.

>> No.2544835


This would be really depressing though. Imagine a world where you're alone, yet the people you have are the people you create of your own imagination.

>> No.2544840
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I don't agree, I guess it takes a while to get used to, but its not at all lonely or boring.

>> No.2544907
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>mayans calculate the rotatation of planets and stars.
>huge societies
Those silly mayans and their base 20 number system

>> No.2544947

nuclear lolocaust

>> No.2544992


Right. Because Mayans were the pinnacle of civilization...
Nigga, please

>> No.2545020
File: 37 KB, 1000x752, nibiru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our Sun has a star companion lurking in the oort cloud, coming to the inner solar system every end of the precessional cycle which will end in 2012, don't worry it happened before but the transition of this passing brown dwarf star is a bitch and may plunge us back to neolithic dark ages, that after 10,000years no one will give a fuck that day ever happened and ppl will think that in our time was like ppl living in caves and shit and we gaga over bananas and we evolve from baboons and stuff and they think they're in their height of modern civilization blah blah blah and it's impossible that there was an advance civilization that predates to their own known history yadeeyadeeyadah, then BAMMM the brown dwarf star comes back again and everything starts to zero again. Rinse and repeat. TRUE STORY BRO.

>> No.2545066
File: 123 KB, 375x500, clockwork_bw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The number of furries raises exponentially through 2011-2012, approaching 95% by the start of december.

Anonymous tries to kill it with fire.

The world burns.

Evolved furries in their fire-proof suits re-populate the earth.

>> No.2545082

I kept waiting for a period.

It didn't happen soon enough.

>> No.2545084

Planet X, which is a start that failed to ignite, is gonna come close enough to Earth that it's massive gravitational field will begin to affect weather/nature. Massive storms, volcanic activity and earthquakes will occur, killing most of the life on Earth. 2012, is when the effects of Planet X will become generally noticeable.

>> No.2545087

Learn some fucking punctuation faggot. That's hard as fuck to read

>> No.2545098


It is already noticable, in 2012 it will reach catastrophic levels.

- Big tsunami a few years ago.
- Massive flood in australia
- Earthquake in Haïti
- Birds falling dead from the sky all over the world (article: http://thisistheendoftheworldasweknowit.com/archives/thousands-of-dead-birds-falling-from-the-sky-an

>> No.2545113


And then, earth will be captured by "X"'s gravitational pull, after which it will be taken along for an elliptical orbit, causing ice age due to the distance from the sun, effectively becoming the "Underworld" to "X".

Just my theory.

>> No.2545118

>Just my theory.

and sometimes i feel that this is becoming the underworld to /x/...

>> No.2545120

Also Iceland's volcano erupting.

>> No.2545131


That won't happen.
Niburu has passed Earth many times already, Causing the fall of atlantis and lemuria etc.

The only thing it could do is the poles could switch due to the magnetic stress. also, the reason why eath's axis isn't straight is because of gravitational pulling.

Though it's not strong enough to take the earth along with it

>> No.2545147

Is the Earths wobble still stopped or has it started again?

>> No.2545163
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>> No.2545170
File: 22 KB, 265x320, cecrops.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humanoid beings with tails instead of legs that life on a moon of the planet Tyche have send a fleet of spaceships on our way. They have been here before, i work for a military station in Dayton, Ohio that plans this 'sudden' event together with the UN

>> No.2545172

That is a pretty damned cool hypothesis, i'd like to see a film about the survivers living with mad tech underneath/at the core of Underworld X.

Good times.

>> No.2545179


I never heard it ever stopped

>> No.2545185

NASA reported that the wobble had become 0, in 2006. However, beyond that I can't find anything else related to it, that doesn't take me to a conspiracy site.

>> No.2545194
File: 9 KB, 260x190, hurrdurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it never stops

>> No.2545234


>Implying earth's orbit isn't elliptical.

>> No.2545239

he obviously means that the eccentricity of the eliptical orbit is increased, you fucking aspie.

>> No.2545248

Your an idiot. Any massive object the mass of any sun bends light enough to be detected if its within a million AUs. Plutonion years are roughly 250 years/year.An orbit taking thousands or tens of thousands of years would put your dumbass planet way outside the oort clouds range of 100,000 to 200,000 AUs so it woud not be able to hide. It would also perturb the orbit so greatly that after a few passes at that range the superminiscule sun would not have the energy to penetrate again and would be blown away by intrastellar winds.

And the wobble of the earth is determined by salinity/pressure differences in the oceans. 0 wobble means the currents slowed a bit, most likely as a result of climate change. We've had 0 wobble before centuries back.

>> No.2545251
File: 13 KB, 417x355, 12645648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*your an idiot.

lol, this troll is so overused it deserves memetic aknowledgement by itself...

>> No.2545261

Depending on the speed of the orbit of the hypothesised "sun" right?

>> No.2545266


>> No.2545292


Don't mind me I'm a brown dwarf star visible from the southern hemisphere, that looks like your second sun. Pls do continue on your daily routine while I go destroy everything on my path, and plunge your world back into stone age. But don't worry I'll be back, once you've forgotten this ordeal even ever happened, shall we say 10,000 years? Bye ^^

>> No.2545342


Dont mind me, I'm just common sense to think that a video from argentina in 2005 has nothing to do with this argument. Lets concede that your handicapped in the head to believe that every astronomer in the world couldnt see that phenomenon. Did secret organisations break everyones telescopes for a day? Maybe the aaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaliens did it? Maybe the USA's government paid ALL the backyard astronomers off to keep quite? Logical failure faggot, learn to overcome it nick.

>> No.2545352

It does.

>> No.2545367

There is no reason to think the world will end in 2012. Don't be a faggot.

>> No.2545381

wtf does "it does" mean?

>> No.2545393

That's the worst interpretation of multiverse theory I've ever heard.

>> No.2545396

>wtf does "it does" mean?
>does "it does" mean?
>does "it does"
It does.
Not hard concept.

>> No.2545415

I just googled "Planet X Orbit". Every single diagram did not take into consideration that an object of that kind of size orbiting through our solar system would certainly have had a run in with Jupiter at some point NOT TO MENTION how a close pass round the sun (some of the diagrams showed it passing as close as Mercury) would either throw "Planet X" out into space, or disturb the sun to a point when life on earth would have been destroyed a very, very long time ago.

Then again, the world ended in 2000 right...and in 1999 and 1995 and 1990 so WE ARE ALL DOOMED.

>> No.2545416


But there were several nouns in the post you linked to. Without specification your entire post was meaningless. Are you trollin me right no bro?

>> No.2545454

>Dont mind me, I'm just common sense to think that a video from argentina in 2005 has nothing to do with this argument.

That. It does hold relevance to the argument.

Since the object in the vid might be that which we're talking about.

>> No.2545456

I bet he's so adjective he verbs nouns.

>> No.2545522

No, it doesnt, because any object you can see with the naked eye in the middle of the day is going to be observed by every amateur astronomers all over the hemisphere.