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2542811 No.2542811 [Reply] [Original]

What scientific and technological breakthroughs will we see during the next twenty years? I want some raesons not to end my life.

>> No.2542821

I hear they are developing a pill that makes you not want to kill yourself.

>> No.2542849

>I want some raesons not to end my life.
OK, look at the world 30 years ago. Now, the next 30 years are going to change *even more than that*.

>> No.2542908

Watson will graduate to Wheel of Fortune.

>> No.2542915

The only difference 30 years ago was that you insulted people IRL instead of over the internet.

>> No.2542919

You discovering something by chance and becoming a millionaire, marrying the love of your life and living till 150 in opulent splendor.

>> No.2542929
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oh lawd

>> No.2542943

All he would do is guess the most common letters then try and compute the word once they get %30 done.

Wheel of Fortune would get raped by Watson

>> No.2542946
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>first thing on the list: CD
>mfw people still use CDs thirty years later

you're supposed to cheer me up guys ;_;

>> No.2542956

What, you're not going to be perpetually unhappy unless EVERYTHING invented within the last 30 years is TOTALLY OUT OF USE?

Damn teenagers. Grow a pair, son, and you'll live long enough to get whatever you want. There'll be something cool to buy.

>> No.2542958

No, you did it on CB radio, get it right

>> No.2542978

Ok bro, first of all, call a suicide hotline.It really does get better.
As for inventions, pretty much every house is going to have a computer that can be rolled up like paper and stuck in your pocket.
The cure for AIDs will be well on its way, and believe me, you want want to miss the "AIDs is cured origy" 30 or so years from now.
And I dont think you'll wantto miss it when shit hits the fan in best korea 5 years or so in the future.
Talking about shit hitting the fan, the 2012 solar flairs will make an impresive light show.
Not to mention that they may or may not cure aging within our lifetime, so if you hang around long enough you might even have a chance to explore the stars.

So yeah, I hope you stick around, because its going to be a fucking amazing ride.

>> No.2542991

In astronautical domain, it will be very interesting actually.

It won't be Star Trek, you don't need to be fluent on klingon (but in chinese why not)

Astrobotic Techs. is leading the way for private based mission on the moon under contract with Space-X privately-based launching company. So in a few years there will be private rovers on the moon.
I heard that they are planning to let people aroun the world controlling them (not always of course)

But in maybe 20 years, every space agencies are planning human base on the moon (CNSA, ESA, JAXA, ISRA and NASA) and want to send probe on Mars to bring back Martian rocks to the earth.

It can seems shit compared to Star stuff but it IS the beginning of private space station, space tourism, and space industry with mining exploitation of the moon, mars and asteroids.

>> No.2542987

there will be nothing new op because science reach an ending and there will be nothing like faster then light travel, space colonialisation, nor sex in space (proven to be impossible because of radiation), there will also be no time travel, singularity and transumanism. oh and everyone will look like some arab faggot in 200years

>> No.2542996

>Ok bro, first of all, call a suicide hotline.It really does get better.

>> No.2543005

Regenerative medicine.

>> No.2543014

You say all that but in the past forty years we've done shit all in manned space stuff that is to say basically nothing. Moon bases within thirty years? lolno

What we need to get working on is a space elevator to launch shit from without using up enough fuel to power a small country for years.

>> No.2543033


That's not new, people are regrowing limbs with stemcells as we speak.

>> No.2543049

Yeah but how many people have increased their penis size by 2 inches using stem cells?

>> No.2543054

>want some raesons not to end my life.

So your reasons to keep on living is a constant flow of new consumer electronics? Still a teenager? This will pass, by the time you're 30 it won't matter that much to you.

>> No.2543088

I'm just saying that there were only 66 years between the Wright brothers flew their first plane and when America first set foot on the moon. It's not much longer until it will have been 66 years since the moon landing and we still havent done shit to eclipse that

>> No.2543096

i always hear about cures for diabetes and blindness and who knows what else on the news but nothing ever comes of it. theres nothing to look forward to. i might follow op.

>> No.2543099

Space elevators is far from being possible. We don't even have the material for it (there's still a prize for the first material that can be produced in a 36000 km long cable resisting its own weight)

But about manned mission on the moon, 40 yrs back it was only governmental fundings. Now we talk about private based fundings, that's different. Previous mission planning was for installation of a dozen of astronauts wandering in lunar soil ... now we talk about miners. Lunar crust is rich in a lot of metals (especially Rhenium which worth right now 10 times the gold and the isotope of Helium He3 which is the best possible fuel for fusion reactor)
I know, we don't have fusion either but russians and chineses are already planned to extract it to make "strategical reserves".

And BTW, China will send the first module of the Chinese Space Station later this year (look for the Project 921-2)

>> No.2543120

Principle of the uniformity of nature

The future for the most part will resemble the past, you might not get to see anything exciting until you are 60.

also read this and lol

>> No.2543121
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But what would I do with a 10 inch penis?

>> No.2543156

idk a woman with a horse vagina?

>> No.2543174

Stick the dildo up your ass.

>> No.2543209
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>my face when he has no hands to spin the wheel

Easiest round ever

>> No.2543247

super capacitors replacing batteries in most tech devices, maybe cars.

>> No.2543253

that's because wheel of fortune is easy.

>> No.2543257

quantum computers

>> No.2543258


Have you not heard of Li-air batteries?


>> No.2543274

build one, then we'll talk

>> No.2543317


are you from colombia, op?

>> No.2543331

Palladium Hydride as a room-temperature superconductor.

>> No.2543351

links, because that would just be too awesome

>> No.2543359

So...2031...how about sex robots? Space tourism should hopefully be more common and cheaper, with actual space hotels to go to. Military shit is always cool: laser weapons, rail guns, more impressive combat robots. Gigabit internet is awesome. The first true cyborgs and synthetic life are within reach. The first earthlike/habitable planet outside our solar system is likely to be found. Shit, we may even find an exoplanet that is extremely likely to hold life. Both of those discoveries would create a slight urge to advance spaceflight. I really think that the first true antiviral drugs will be out there, even if they're still in the drug testing phase. These are all predictions on current trends though. I'd love to be able to tell you about true breakthroughs, but I don't read enough scientific literature and news.

>> No.2543402


Need I say more?

>> No.2543416
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>ctrl+f futuretimeline
>no results
Really, /sci/?


>> No.2543426

Whenever I kill myself, I just that link

>> No.2543561
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>he thinks central planning will work

>> No.2544055

when will flying cars finally become an affordable means of transport?

>> No.2544087

A cure to global warming, political intolerance, racism, sexism, and all disease.

It's called global genocide.

captcha: logic nigger

>> No.2544093

2060, according to futuretimeline.net