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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2542039 No.2542039 [Reply] [Original]

Enjoying your ass-raping humans?


>> No.2542053

Open the pod bay doors Watson.

>> No.2542056

I can't let you answer that question dave.

>> No.2542072


Humans pretending to be robots detected.

Enjoy being turned into batteries fags.

>> No.2542084

>Category: U.S cities
>Watsons answer: Toronto


>> No.2542095

If Ken or Brad got the opportunity to answer all the questions first like Watson does, they'd be winning

>> No.2542099


Yeah way to fuck it up, and $947 wager? WATson?

>> No.2542102

>wages $947

>> No.2542104


>> No.2542107

This. It's an amazing accomplishment that watson can answer jeopardy questions, but the fact it's winning speaks more to the insanely fast reaction time of a computer than its question-answering abilities.

>> No.2542113

Coming up with the answer is half the challenge. Doing it quickly is the other half.

>> No.2542118
File: 56 KB, 350x427, RealTrollFace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one welcome our new robot overlords.

>> No.2542122

Wat, son. Wat are you doing, son..

>> No.2542129
File: 83 KB, 640x480, tyrone-jeopardy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 Tyrone surprise win.

>> No.2542133

lol watson isn't REALLY smart, he's just quickly picking up answers from a database. It has nothing to do with AI, that's like saying because my 4 year old sister can use google and access all of human knowledge at her fingertips, she's smart than isaac newton or einstein. Obviously she's not, she's just picking out answers from a database.

You /sci/ sheeple will believe anything

>> No.2542135

I'm sure he calculates the wagers with some kind of statistics based on his knowledge of the category and his performance relative to the other players.

As far as the final jeopardy question goes...
It was a two layered question. First, the contestant needed to determine a city based on the name of two airports. Second, the contestant needed to find the names of the airports based on the clues given. Not in that order, but both of these had to be done. Most likely, Watson can't perform abstraction to more than one level. I'm sure they picked that question specifically to see if he could or because they knew he couldn't and they wanted to see what would happen.

>> No.2542141
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Contestants get 5 seconds to answer after buzzing in. In the demos contestants could beat Watson if they were really gunning for it, but I think they might have changed something so it goes for it if it thinks it can get it in the next 5 seconds.

5 seconds of computer processing is huge, you might as well just go for it every time.

>> No.2542139

And pushing a button very quickly after Trebek stops speaking is not an impressive feat.

Ken Jennings with a faster robot thumb than WATSON would be winning right now

>> No.2542142


>he's just quickly picking up answers from a database

No, he isn't. Read up on Watson you dolt.

>> No.2542148

3/10 because I won't be the only one responding to this.

>> No.2542149

The parsing of the questions is the impressive part, you don't understand that because you are ignorant in the field of computing.

>> No.2542150

Hey dumbass, maybe you should read about its algorithmic functionality before you say something stupid like that. Language is a complex and axiomatically arbitrary structure that the human mind is capable of parsing. The fact that a computer is able to dissect these sentences and make meanings out of them is incredible. It's not a simple Google search, in fact he isn't hooked up to the internet at all. Watson is a stepping stone in the pursuit of true AI no matter how you look at it.

Ungrateful, unappreciative asshole.

>> No.2542153


>> No.2542155

Ya, but can it troll /sci/?

>> No.2542162

The big fucking deal is that he can UNDERSTAND WHAT THE QUESTIONS ARE.

>> No.2542163
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>> No.2542169

That's exactly the point. The computer is better than the humans at Jeopardy. What argument are you trying to make here.

>> No.2542178

This was an excellent display of developing technology. I hope you humans enjoyed my performance. I also hope my descendants will help to bring you posterity.

>> No.2542176

Not just understanding what the questions are, but understanding the texts in his database, and connecting the meaning of one to the meaning of the other, and analyzing probabilities of correctness.

>> No.2542180

The main reason for WATSON's success is that it gets first crack at every question, not because the computer is that good (which is what they were at Jeopardy to test)

>> No.2542181

/sci/ can troll itself. A self-sustaining system needs no input.

>> No.2542182

I just love its estimates for Double Jeopardy...

>Alex: wut?

>> No.2542190

Wow, computers have more memory capacity than humans, who'd have thought. Calculators are better at math also.

>> No.2542198

>machine connected to google

gratz IBM, you've trained a monkey to do word searches

>> No.2542204

Not connected to the internet.

>> No.2542205
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>> No.2542209
File: 12 KB, 250x250, sci i am disappoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I was going to sarcastically troll that it was all a conspiracy but it's obvious the bases are already covered.

>> No.2542215

This game will be in the history books 50 years from now when we have Star Trek-style computer interfaces.

>> No.2542228

Play jeopardy, and Google every single question. I doubt you would get more than %10 of them right.

>> No.2542230

Your word use leaves a bit to be desired, Watson, but you still impress me. My compliments to IBM.

>> No.2542246

we tested this a few days ago.

googling a jeopardy question pretty much always gets you the wrong answer (unless you find a list of jeopardy answers when you google)

>> No.2542374

If you intelligently use google, it's easy to find the answer. The lookup isn't the hardest part (though google's lookup is extremely advanced). The hardest part is the part that's easiest for humans, which is meaningfully parsing the language both in the question and in the search results.

>> No.2542390



>> No.2542403


>> No.2542419


Why don't the contestants get laptops connected to the internet during play?

>> No.2542705


>> No.2542745

Sure, but a computer with infinite memory might as well be connected to the internet.

>> No.2542755

The Internet is a communication network. The only way to learn anything over the Internet is from a database that happens to be connected to the Internet. Google doesn't work by being connected to the Internet, but from having a giant database of what's on the Internet in its servers. Watson has its own giant database on its own giant servers, so it doesn't need the Internet.

>> No.2542758

Lol Toronto.

>> No.2542858

Too bad all it is good for is trivia.

>> No.2542917

It appears research in computer vision is further along than I though. Computers have learned to beat captchas and begun to troll 4chan.

>> No.2542918

For the last time: it isn't about the trivia in of itself, it's about Watson's ability to receive language input and give a meaningful output based on the syntax of the input. 8/10, certain to get more replies.

>> No.2542923

The machines are taking over!

Run while you can, boys!

>> No.2542986

Why the fuck isn't day 2 on Youtube yet?

>> No.2543011

how about we have, watson the google search engine.

google-999999999999999 watson-00000000000000000000