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2538744 No.2538744 [Reply] [Original]

These 30 people have never met. By the days end, they may wish they never had. For one long day they’ll be at the mercy of “The Bitch”, a retired american teacher. Some would say she calls herself this way for good reason.
For 40 years Jane Elliott (A Class Divided) has been running an exercise that has ignited controversy around the world. She says it lays bare the hidden truth about racism in white societies. Many disagree, some vehemently. Now she’s bringing her extreme methods and message to modern Britain. She’s about to divide this group. Her aim: Simulate a racist apartheid style regime.
Will the British people accept her regime or stand up to it? Does it reveal that we’re all more racist than we’d like to admit? How Racist Are You? is a documentary investigating one of the most taboo subjects in society.


>> No.2538761

What is this new age trend of rejecting racism?
Seriously what are the fucking benefits?
"Yeah, but you're still a dumb black cunt with a shameful history and a backseat to every significant event thats ever happened in human history."

>> No.2538771

I watched this when it aired. It was full of white knights pointing out how bat shit crazy she was.

>> No.2538773

back seat in every significant event in human history?
Wooow your an ignorant cunt

>> No.2538777

>implying only white nations are racist.

>> No.2538780

>he takes pride in the accomplishments of people who had the same color of skin as him but that he had nothing at all to do with

pathetic loser detected

>> No.2538781


ever seen a black guy/girl at cern?

>> No.2538785
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>> No.2538789

Then enlighten me you deluded fucktard,

>> No.2538793

Peanut butter.

>> No.2538795

>believes all people are equal
Deluded Christian detected.
But seriously, what is the point of the race argument if I cant take my ancestors into account?
What is the point of this whole thread? What is the point of the doco?

>> No.2538798

jesus was black and made computers

so ha

balck people built the pyramids

and black people made hip hop

black people won the 2nd world war


>> No.2538801

>what is the point of the race argument

there is none, that's the point.

>> No.2538808

But there is. Thats the infuriating part. Its in front of everyones face but everyones too fucking PC these days to say anything.
But what do I care? White people thrive while Blacks and killing each other and dying of AIDS.

>> No.2538813

>black people made pyramids.

Dr. Zahi Hawass, the current Secretary General of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, has stated that "The portrayal of ancient Egyptian civilization as black has no element of truth to it;" and that "Ancient Egyptians are not Arabs and are not Africans despite the fact that Egypt is in Africa."

>> No.2538814


That isn't true. Don't know how you define black people.

Anyway, I take pride in my own accomplishments. I suppose if you are stormfag with nothing to show you will be like Einstein was white.

>> No.2538820

>appointed by a military tyrant for being a good servant
>reliable scientific authority

pick one

>> No.2538823

>thinks anyone with pride in their heritage is stormfag.

>> No.2538827

Does having an aversion to shows featuring heavily stereotyped black people and being reluctant to touch Indians because I'm under the impression that their skins count as racism? I also happen to think that americans are fat and loud.

>> No.2538828

Why wouldn't I admit Einstein was Jewish? You ignorant fucks have this idea in your have that if you hate black people you hate all non-whites, but you couldn't be further from the truth. Every race has demonstrated worthiness in their existence, except fucking blacks. They are like a shitstain that crops up from time to time to just show you how shit it is, then expects you to clean up after it.

>> No.2538830

More credible than Afrocentrists that have no proof on their side.

>> No.2538836


but tell that to the black masses.

this pisses me off the most because its basically taking credit for something you never did. like ceating on a fucking test and then foolling yourself into thinking you didnt.

i dunno man it just makes me rage to the maximum

>> No.2538841

>hates people he's never met based on the color of their skin
>calls others ignorant

so, nascar season starting soon?

>> No.2538844

And then theres blacks trying to tell the world they're as smart as everyone else when they have NOTHING. NOTHING to show for it.
i dunno man it just makes me rage to the maximum

>> No.2538846


That's basically what stormfront is. White people saying they are better than everyone because what past white people did.


Sounds like a stormfag to me. Hey, I judge people on their actions and not what their ancestors did. I'm half black, half white.

>> No.2538848
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>thinks race is just skin color.

>> No.2538853

>makes observations supported by history, statistics and personal experience.
>gets called a racist
So, whens black history week again?

>> No.2538854

He pointed out that his hatred was to do with the lack of accomplishments of the negroe

>> No.2538857
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>> No.2538859

>Sounds like a stormfag to me. Hey, I judge people on their actions and not what their ancestors did. I'm half black, half white
Yeah, I judge people on their actions too.
Still no points for negr0ids though!

>> No.2538861


Egypt is not a good athority on their history as they are in a dictatorship.


Again, stop being a stormfag. You have nothing to show for humanity. Stop living in the past, stop taking credit for other peoples work.

>> No.2538865


>hating blacks

you can think what you want of the collective accomplishments of black people, of whether or not affirmative action is justified, and what not, but hating all blacks because you don't think their contributions to humanity are substantial and because that one black kid in your high school beat you at basketball all the time is not an observation, it's retarded.

>> No.2538869

wow, the bigotry on /sci/, suppose i really shouldn't have expected better given this being 4chan but shit guys

>> No.2538871

>Thinks they're taking credit for peoples work when they're just honoring their heritage.

>> No.2538873

>That's basically what stormfront is. White people saying they are better than everyone because what past white people did.

I do not get your arguement here. If people with hair colour X have a far superior track record than people with hair colour Y, is it not reasonable to assume that those with hair colour X are in some way better than those with hair colour Y? At the least it is obvious that they perform better.

>> No.2538875


Nice strawman. I'm Randian so don't care if someone has a white only club. Also, I don't care if someone thinks they are better than me because I'm half black. To be fair, I take pride in my own achievements.

You must be a pretty pathetic to take pride in your colour of skin. Haven't you got anything else you are proud off?

>> No.2538876

Okay, lets take individuals and their value to humanity.
Name three blacks who've contributed 3 things worthwhile.
And for fucks sake dont say fucking peanuts.

>> No.2538877

So what you're saying is that if blacks contributed to the development of the Nuclear bomb, had a written language, helped developed modern medicine, had great civilizations, and helped developed modern Christian thought, you would come to respect and admire them?

>> No.2538889

yeah but I dont think that.
I just look at Africa and every other place blacks have control of. Partly the reason I disrespect blacks so much is that they haven't beaten me at anything ever.
Are you fucking blind and deluded? PLEASE get out of your PC fantasy.

>> No.2538890

Cotton picking
Peanut butter
High crime rate.

>> No.2538900

Dr. Charles Richard Drew, Emmett Chappelle, and Patricia Bath.

>> No.2538903

No, I'm saying if they did a fucking thing I'd respect them.
But all they've done for the past 1000 years is suck and die.

>> No.2538906

>"Ancient Egyptians are not Arabs and are not Africans despite the fact that Egypt is in Africa."
>In Africa
>Not Africans

They may not have been negroids, but saying they weren't African is full retard.

>> No.2538916

and what did they do?
Also, for extra points try to keep it African.

>> No.2538918


Nice strawman again. Again, taking pride in others work is pathetic.

>> No.2538920

He was referring to modern Arabs and Africans.

>> No.2538925

lets judge a different culture by our cultures standard? subsequent judge will be totally legit and not biased at all

>> No.2538934

So what is your point?
We should respect Africans while they suck and die?

>> No.2538940


Try reading it again.
>ancient egyptians

>> No.2538942

Giving respect to and taking pride in are two different things.

>> No.2538944

What are you saying?
All I'm hearing (as usual in these bullshit threads) is "don't be racist because we said"

>> No.2538951


i don't care what "the blacks" do. I'll never encounter "the blacks," i'll only ever encounter individuals that are black. And those individuals i'll judge, positively or negatively, based on what they do, not what other black people do.

>> No.2538952

Duhh, he was referring to the Ancient Egyptians as not being directly racially related to modern Africans or modern Arabs.

>> No.2538959


I thought you went on some scientific evidence. Stormfags is that ->

>> No.2538963

Racism is caused by multiculturalism, face it. If races were geographically separated there would be no hate crimes in nations because of obvious physical constraints.

>> No.2538969

So, even though statistically and historically, lions have been shown to be mean, lean and aggressive I should treat them all as individuals and not exercise any caution at all when dealing with one?
And even though virtually every black I've encountered has been loud and annoying I should pay them respect?
Why shouldn't I have an guilty until proven guilty stance?

>> No.2538970

>implying gingers and left-handed people wouldn't be persecuted

>> No.2538972

and there'd be no murder if everyone were dead

>> No.2538974

>implying that is racism.

>> No.2538977


Which is why I /facepalmed in the first place. Ancient egyptians (and modern ones, for that matter) live in AFRICA. You know what we call people who live in Africa? That's right, NOT Africans.

>> No.2538978
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Yeah but this doesn't require murder.

>> No.2538981

yeah so where's my fucking evidence I should treat all blacks as individuals.
Blacks embrace black culture yet I'm supposed to treat you as individuals?
In school there where many groups...
Sporty kids
but blacks where fucking blacks and thats all they ever are.
THEY cant integrate with society. Not the other way around.

>> No.2538983


Most africans are not like on TV. Most of them probably lead a better life than fat americans(make up 22% in the US).

If someone said to choose a life of living a healthy, unpolluted and stress free life or be a fat american eating macdonalds. I would choose the latter.

How is this technology so superior? so we can sit and play computer games? watch TV?

I don't see how Africa is so backwards. See I use computer to study and don't watch TV, instead spend most of time studying or playing sports or socialising.

Society is stupid. Obesity is fucking rising, most of people spend their lives buying stupid fucking pointless things.

>> No.2538985


>implying you'd change your stance even if someone proved himself "innocent"

"paying respect" and "not hating" aren't the same thing. Hate is a strong emotion, I just think it's dumb to waste it on people you've never met.

>> No.2538986
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Every fucking racism thread ever.

>> No.2538990


it can be hate crime even if it's not "racist"

>> No.2538991

>my personal experience is the golden standard for all reality

>> No.2538992

Now I know you're full of shit.
You get your ideas and "facts" from stormfront and refuse to believe any true facts.
Fact 1. There have been several black civilizations that have been great. One would be the Kingdom of Kush, another is Land of Punt.

Fact 2. There are several writing systems in Sub-Saharan Africa. Mende script, Nsibidi Script, and the Edo people.

More to come. It's 10am and I have to step out and make some calls.

>> No.2538995


Maybe, in US. But, I'm half black and all my friends at uni are white. In a way in college I mixed in with everyone. So to say that blacks don't integrate based on your perceptions is stupid.

Also, their is no black culture in England. Look at Brazil. America will end up like Brazil.

>> No.2538996

Sure, but this is how you solve intra-national racism.

>> No.2538998

And I think its dumb to waste time on a people who haven't proven themselves capable of anything in over 500 years.
I'm Australian so admittedly when I say blacks I'm mainly talking about Aboriginals. PLEASE don't give me your PC crap about how we mistreated them.
if you met one, you'd understand.

>> No.2539001

i agree with a lot of what you are saying, i just don't understand the aggressive, hateful nature of the way you are asserting you ideas, what purpose does that serve?

all this documentary is pointing out is that white people (in this case) are racist whether they knew they were or not. i think self-awareness is something that needs to be taken seriously

>> No.2539008

Wait... You don't know any black nerdy, sporty, emo, or manga and comics lovers... and because you don't know any they don't exist. Therefore... blacks are incapable of being... emo, sporty, nerdy, manga and comic book readers... It all makes sense.

>> No.2539011

not hating someone does not take time, hating them does.

>> No.2539012

How am I supposed to assert my ideas?
Any idea of white nationalism is shot down these days as being un-PC so I figure fuck it!
Sing loud and sing proud because its the only way people will listen.
I swear its like these pro-black types just shut out the past 300 years except the slavery part.
I bet most of them dont even know it was BLACKS that sold BLACKS to whites.
History is so fucking grey and NOT black and white and I think blacks need to learn that.

>> No.2539013

>implying only white people are racist.

>> No.2539020

It's fairly difficult for Africans to make world changing contributions when they were almost compltely isolated from the rest of the world, right up until their cultures were and histories were completely wiped out a couple of centuries ago. Then they were treated as slaves or second class citizens by their European and Arab masters until only a few decades ago. Now they're suffering from exploitation and corruption by outside forces that seriously harm their ability to develop their countries or maintain functional governments.
Suggesting that blacks are incapable of civilization or contributing to humanity because they lack development or a civil society is silly since they haven't actually been given a chance yet.

>> No.2539021

I don't know any purple horses either.
But the longer I live, the more convinced I am that there aren't any.
See what I mean?

>> No.2539024
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>hate blacks for contributing nothing to society
>do naught but post on 4chan, play animu and vidya

objections = lies

>> No.2539025

yes, they have been given a chance.
If you support the "out of Africa theory" then they had a good a chance as any.
They snuffed it and they're paying for it.
Theres nothing more to be said.

>> No.2539026
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>> No.2539028
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>> No.2539031

>say a few posts on 4chan
>guy acts like this is all I do
Seriously man what the fuck>?

>> No.2539032
File: 23 KB, 484x458, what the fuck is the internet doing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>history is not black and white
>black people bad white people good

>> No.2539037

>>implying only white people are racist.
specifically addressed that

>white people (in this case)

>> No.2539039

>implying there weren't black and Asian subjects in this case.

>> No.2539040

And yet more in your face shit that blacks/guilty whites ignore.
And WHY for the love of god WHY do you act like all whites owned slaves?
It was like the top rich 10%.

>> No.2539045

But white people are BETTER.
Please dont put fucking words in my mouth.
But, like usual this has descended into black-lovers greentexting with no point and us re-iterating century-old points to deaf ears.

>> No.2539048

nice strawman

who ever claimed that ALL whites owned slaves?

>> No.2539051

I duno I just hear "BUT THE SLAVERY"
from you people so often its begun to get at me. I mean do you even know that Africa has more slavery than anywhere else these days? Had you heard this?

>> No.2539053
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This image is relevant to the thread

>> No.2539058

yea, the world is pretty complex, isn't it?

>> No.2539061 [DELETED] 

Convoluted, would be a better way to describe it.

>> No.2539064

>If you support the "out of Africa theory" then they had a good a chance as any.
You stormfags really want to stay away from ancient history. The nordics and Anglo 'races' were were still rolling around in the mud and killing the tribe next door for looking at them funny when Kush and Kerma were building cities and pyramids.

>> No.2539068

Convoluted would be a better way to describe it.

>> No.2539069

No its a pretyy easy world.
When looked at from a objective angle, people are scum.
Even (especially) blacks.

>> No.2539077
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>> No.2539082

Industrial development diminishes then usefulness of slavery.

>> No.2539090

Slavery was never useful it cost more to maintain it than it gave in return.
See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xeebU8VhmY

>> No.2539092

Yes they were.
I can admit that.
I am enlightened.
What is your point?
See, the thing I hate is that with you types, its not so much "black equality" as it is completely skipping over equality and acting like blacks are these noble savages that have only been done wrong and wouldn't hurt a fly.
Its a load of crap.

>> No.2539097

>Kush and Kerma were building cities and pyramids.
This is how Afrocentrism glorifies mud-huts.

>> No.2539111

Superior alternative to slavery

>> No.2539114

isnt Kush in Arabia?
Fuck I have no idea.

>> No.2539123
File: 439 KB, 1300x866, kingdom-of-kerma-1300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Africans built this city complete with pyramids and giant statues 1600 years before Rome existed.

>> No.2539130

> It emerged as a major centre during the Middle Kingdom period of Ancient Egypt
What have we already fucking said?

>> No.2539153

Ugh. The Kingdom of kerma was a Sudanese civilization that spread to Egypt and was eventually absorbed by Egypt. Basic knowledge.

>> No.2539162

>Sudanese civilization that spread to Egypt and was eventually absorbed by Egypt
I like your use of "absorbed" instead of conquered.
VERY nice work on the whole pro-black propaganda thing.

>> No.2539164
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Is this guy half black?

>> No.2539166
File: 79 KB, 720x540, 66903_1663183861893_1306135624_1810300_6213522_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soo... a bunch of stormfag /v/irgins are discussing why they are better than a bunch of crack head niggers?

O.... kaaaaay...

>> No.2539181

And who are you?
The PC white guy who's better than everyone else or the successful black guy who happened to be adopted by white parents?

>> No.2539183

You are so dumb.
The longer you live?! How old are you?
You ever watch a football game? Basketball, baseball, soccer? Are you telling me you don't see black people playing those sports?
You've never ventured into your LCS and witnessed a gang of negroes playing Yu-Gi-Oh or Magic? Not once?
Where the fuck do you live?

>> No.2539188

Which is why Egypt was ruled by several dynasties of Nubians.

>> No.2539196

You mean the Egypt that was conquered by Rome and hasn't recovered its former glory since?
not sure if serious.jpg

>> No.2539210
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>> No.2539218
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>> No.2539233


I'm the PC white guy, but here's the difference: I don't claim to be better than everyone else. You do. I just don't give a fuck - live and let live, bro.

>> No.2539237

Dude, it is not pro-black propaganda. It is fact.
Ancient Nubia was a black/negro civilization and a rival to Egypt. The two fought many wars against each other and intermarried. Infact several of Egypt's pharaohs were Nubian and many Egyptian pharaohs married Nubian women.
The Egyptians themselves acknowledge the Nubians as blacks. Hell, even the Greeks knew they were negroes.
Through trade and geographical proximity the Nubians adopted many of Egypt's culture and traditions.
Why do you have a hard time acknowledging the Nubians as blacks is beyond me.

>> No.2539238

I will live and let live.
But then we'll still be on top lol.
For forever and a day.

>> No.2539241

I'm serious.
An Anon said sporty black people don't exist. Then he said something asinine about purple horses.
And Nubians razed Egyptian cities before the Romans were on the scene. Egyptians tried to cover it up because they were ashamed.

>> No.2539251

I didn't see any "blacks" in that crowd.

I guess she thinks they can't be racist.

>> No.2539253

>An Anon said sporty black people don't exist.
No, I said the fucking opposite.
Like thats the only successful black people that exist.
That and singers.
Also I read about the "Kingdom of Kerma" and it looks like a shitty little city-state that was conquered by Egypt thousands of years ago.
Its not exactly blowing my skirt up if you know what I mean.

>> No.2539260
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>> No.2539263

You keep mentioning your skin color, so ...

>> No.2539267

It's destiny dog!
White mans gonna rule the world!

>> No.2539269

I was responding to this:

>"In school there where many groups...
>Sporty kids
>but blacks where fucking blacks and thats all they ever are.
>THEY cant integrate with society. Not the other way around."

Now you tell me. Then this anon said something about purple horses. This anon is full of shit. And so are you if you think there aren't any successful black people except athletes and singers that is on you. Your warped view on the world, especially black people doesn't make it so.
I guess you'll tell me that American Express' black CEO doesn't exist and Siebert Brandford Shank is fiction, and because you don't know her she isn't real... like purple horses.

>> No.2539283

>cite a few examples usually riding on white success/inheritance
You're not helping your point at all really.
I've seen videos of dogs saying human words but I dont think every dog can talk.

>> No.2539294 [DELETED] 

>American Express' black CEO doesn't exist and Siebert Brandford Shank is fiction

I say Men are taller than Women.
You show me girls of the WNBA.
Does that make my original comment that Men are taller than Women unture?

By any statistical measure of 'success', blacks lag whites.

>> No.2539296

>American Express' black CEO doesn't exist and Siebert Brandford Shank is fiction

I say 'Men are taller than Women'.
You show me girls of the WNBA.
Does that make my original comment that 'Men are taller than Women' untrue?

By any statistical measure of 'success', blacks lag whites.

>> No.2539300

anon, don't waste your time

>> No.2539304
File: 46 KB, 437x468, 032541500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

>> No.2539310

Anon stop talking to yourself
also wow
this guy looks more African than Wesley Snipes for sure!

>> No.2539316

>mfw this thread

a mulatto or 'black' with significant white blood in him. the next thing you will do is show me black beauty and post a pic of Halle Berry.

>> No.2539324

Is he that time travel jackass?

>> No.2539337

I'll have to respond to both of you in this one post. First.


>Like thats the only successful black people that exist. (speaking about athletes)
>That and singers.

I responded that he was wrong, there are numerous successful blacks that exist and gave two examples.

>I say 'Men are taller than Women'.

Except that isn't what was said. Go back and read. Anon said there are no successful blacks except singers and athletes.
If Anon said black achievement in business is lower than whites he would be correct. But to say there are no successful blacks except in sports and singing is flat out incorrect. And when I say black achievement lags behind whites I'm talking white Americans. Blacks in the US surpass several white European countries. Does that make blacks better than them?

>cite a few examples usually riding on white success/inheritance

We have whole sciences that ride the success of other peoples. Every time you write numbers you ride the coattails of the Arabs. Does that make European contributions to Mathematics null and void? Hell no, it is building on the work of others. Next you'll tell me Italians don't have food because they learned noodle making from the Chinese.

>> No.2539350

Science teaches us that people from different races are better (or worse) at different things.
Some people would consider this racist, but fuck em; if that's the case then I'm hitler

>> No.2539354
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When /stormfaggotry/ got deleted, why couldn't moot delete the posters as well.

Sage for stromfaggotry.

>> No.2539355


Most african americans have white blood in them. In America you have a one drop rule.

>> No.2539358

>a mulatto or 'black' with significant white blood in him
>significant white blood
>white blood

lol, black and latino. So much for your snow-spotting skills.

>> No.2539359

>We have whole sciences that ride the success of other peoples. Every time you write numbers you ride the coattails of the Arabs. Does that make European contributions to Mathematics null and void? Hell no, it is building on the work of others. Next you'll tell me Italians don't have food because they learned noodle making from the Chinese.
But blacks have nothing to give.
What the fuck am I supposed to say when you present convoluted crap like this?
>I responded that he was wrong, there are numerous successful blacks that exist and gave two examples.
Also, all you give is white as fuck mulattoes that are just as white as they are black, label them black and say HURR DURR THEY'RE BLACK AND SUCCESSFUL.
I'm not buying your bullshit.

>> No.2539361

Yeah, because he is white. Now you're claiming black guys as white if their skin is light?
Cool, I'll tell blacks to start claiming Indians as their own.

>> No.2539368


Agreed. Seriously, what are stormfags doing on /sci/ anyway? Fucking trolls. Go find a religious board, you faggots, we don't want to deal with your stupidity.

>> No.2539371

Asians are superior to whites.
Whites are idiotic barbarians.

>> No.2539377

Oppressive communist states.
Oppressive communist states everywhere.

>> No.2539380
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>Blacks in the US surpass several white European countries.
Not even close. Considering their success is based off affirmative action and that the US economy is doing worse than most European economies you have no basis for that claim.

>> No.2539381

White people have are the middle ground race.
They are good at nothing, but bad at nothing too.
By no means the "master race", they are a race of unexceptional losers.

>> No.2539388

Except the overwhelming majority on Nobel laureates are white, try harder.

>> No.2539392

Except the overwhelming majority of Nobel laureates are white, try harder.

>> No.2539394

>conquer the world
>say we aren't bad at anything
>still call us losers
what is this I dont even.
Is this some sort of shit-skin logic that we don't know about?

>> No.2539398

It's a white medal given out by white supremacists.
Whites are shifty, greedy, sneaky buggers who'll go to any length to lie about how great they are and steal other people's accomplishments to claim as their own.
The world should be purged of these albino monkeys once and for all.

>> No.2539404

White women crave foreigner cock. It's a well known fact that whites are the worst race at having sex.
You are a pathetic race of sunbleached ballsacks; whites do not deserve to walk upon the earth

>> No.2539405

There was an experiment where people inflicted fake pain on others in the name of SCIENCE!

it was not racially motivated, but shows that people will do horrible things when told to.

Apartheid regime experiment will not take this into account. experiment is flawed.

>> No.2539406

Sorry I cant hear you over here in the first world. Cry harder and we might send a bit more humanitarian aid.

>> No.2539412
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>> No.2539416

Ha, first world country?
Is that what you call it?
A country that is the laughing stock of the world? Where white men are afraid to walk outside because they'll get beaten to a pulp by gangs of superior races?
A country where the homelessness and illiteracy rate are sky-rocketing?
HaHaHa, I laugh at your petty delusions and whiteman lies

>> No.2539420

White women are fucking stupid and dont know whats good for them.
Its arab/asian pussy for me!
Nice and submissive.

>> No.2539423

Just another example of the white conspiracy.
Lying to try and make themselves appear superior.
The great races will burn you weakling maggots in the flames of revolution. Just you wait

>> No.2539429
File: 52 KB, 311x718, lolkd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if it turns out like those other 10000 times I cant wait!

>> No.2539431
File: 1.25 MB, 817x920, Siebert-Branford-Shank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You keep saying blacks have nothing to give, if you believe that then so be it. If I show you that blacks were part of the development of the nuclear bomb who wouldn't believe it. If I show you black mathematicians that have contributed to mathematics you wouldn't believe it.
What is convoluted about my post? You made a claim that blacks piggybacked on white success. I made the point that as human beings we take what came before us and build on it to make it better, and assert ownership. If that is convoluted maybe you are not as smart as you think you are.

>Also, all you give is white as fuck mulattoes that are just as white as they are black, label them black and say HURR DURR THEY'RE BLACK AND SUCCESSFUL.
>I'm not buying your bullshit.

I'm sure there are more than two listed in this entire thread.
I'm not going to type out a list for you. I guess I should. I've seen Chenault in person, he looks very black, not a single person in the world would mistake him for being white. And Siebert looks black to me. Maybe having her hair straightened is throwing you off. But if the pic looks like a white person to you than you are fucked.
And tell me anon, what bullshit aren't you buying.
That there are successful black people?

>> No.2539432
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This thread is now about whites killing blacks

>> No.2539434
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>> No.2539441
File: 193 KB, 851x815, gaps-in-black-white-asian-proficieny-percentages-on-nclb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blacks confirmed for inferior.

>> No.2539442

Dirty whites have no honour. They walk through the cities shooting women and children who pray for mercy.
We are infiltrating your society.
You can't go anywhere without seeing a superior raced individual any more.
You will soon be bred out of existence, albino chimpanzee

>> No.2539445

And blacks killing blacks

So this guy INHERITED the company right?

>> No.2539446

Asians are the worse, actually.
We're not the racists - white assholes like you are. You enslaved us and lowered us to the status of dogs.

And yes, I am a "darkie" as you would call us, you fucking cracker.

>> No.2539453
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>Dirty whites have no honour.
>They walk through the cities shooting women and children who pray for mercy.

>> No.2539454

>You enslaved us and lowered us to the status of dogs
Your point is?
Why would I care if some of you people got driven into slavery by us AND your own?
You act like I should feel something for you...but I really don't.

>> No.2539456

>Compared to asians
You take credit for the great thinker race's achievements, roundeye devil.
My chocolate friends may not be as smart as asians, but they are certainly superior to whites in every way.
They will provide much of the force when the time of purification comes

>> No.2539459

>You will soon be bred out of existence
>inb4 stolen generation
SERIOUSLY You guys are so fucking lucky our ancestors didnt go full-white and genocide the lot of you.

>> No.2539460

This is what we will do to all white sympathisers.
The great races must realise that all whites are pigdog devils in disguise

>> No.2539461
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ITT: proof that the Negro is an uncivilized barbarian.

>> No.2539466
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>> No.2539467

You fuckin cunt. Me and my brodders beat the shit out of cunt faggots like you and rape your women.
we're the ones in control now cunt

>> No.2539469

I wasn't aware that people from any generation (who are still living) enslaved black people. Here I thought that slavery lasted UNTIL the late 1800s in America, which is where I'm from.

I stand by my original statement - other races can be racists. You just proved my point.

>> No.2539474

IQ is just another form of white trickery.
The conspiracy to convince the great races that they are inferior.
Your lies don't work on me

>> No.2539475

What's your goal in responding to obvious idiots?

Is it:
You genuinely hope to convince them of something?
You somehow feel that every idiotic claim must be answered?
You're attempting to demonstrate that their ideas are not those of all on /sci/?
You feel that if you don't counter them, others on /sci/ may be convinced that the points are valid?

>> No.2539476

>I wasn't aware that people from any generation (who are still living) enslaved black people\
Nah negroids and dune coons still do.
Look at Mauritania.

>> No.2539477

Maybe there are some Congo Free State old hands still tottering around. They'd be like 100 by now though.

>> No.2539486


It's funny, because if the white race feels threatened we can render the world to ash.

>> No.2539487

I'm merely mirroring the blatant stupidity and unwarranted self importance of the white supremacists in this thread back on themselves.
Fighting fire with fire if you will.

>> No.2539492

Why did you post that?
Is it:
You want a genuine answer?
You expect people to follow your views?
You expect any different from this shitty board?
You believe you're better than everyone else and must illustrate that?

>> No.2539502

I based my comment on several factors.
1. Black Americans have nearly 1TrillionUSD in wealth.
2. A study done in Sweden showed that Swedes are poorer than blacks in the US and a comment I read by a Swede prime minister (don't remember if he was a former prime minister or the current one. Have to look that up).
3. List of European GDP and population and compared it to blacks in America.

>> No.2539513

>blacks in America.
Theres that bullshit again.

>> No.2539514

As long as you're enjoying yourself, carry on.

>You want a genuine answer?
Sure. Beyond that, I haven't expressed any views, expectations, or beliefs.

>> No.2539515

All claims, no evidence to back it up.
Also doesn't change the fact that most of that wealth was aggregated through affirmative action.

>> No.2539520

Seriously, mods get rid off this stupid thread.

Eugenics is not a fucking science. A bunch of fucking stats isn't a fucking science. Cherry picking people from history is not a fucking science.

This is not fucking science. Instead it's a bunch of fucking white people being racists towards blacks. Plus a few white people calling them out on being a stormfag shit head.

Either get hard genetic evidence or shut the fuck up.

>> No.2539528

>implying there were no blacks directly inciting violence towards whites.


>> No.2539531


You can dismiss that with everything. The fact is every piece of evidence you would say affrimative action.

That shit isn't science. In science you make a hypothesis and try to test it. Not make up an argument that can't be disproven and use it again and again.

How the fuck can you disprove it isn't affrimative action.

Also, similar stats from the UK where there isn't affrimative action show blacks doing just aswell as white people in schools.

>> No.2539534

There are lurkers out there who come to places like this seeking knowledge. If they see someone making claims and no one refuting their claims, their claims will then hold water. Ignoring the stormfronters does no one any good.
Most of the shit they believe in is out right incorrect and doesn't take much to refute. If they say blacks never domesticated an animal prove them wrong, if they say niggers have no written language, prove them wrong, if the say there was never a black civilization, prove them wrong, if they say black haven't contributed anything to the world... you get the idea.

>> No.2539537

Nah lets just talk about fucking religion till the cows come home.
This board is fucking shit anyways, at least this is closer to science than half the shit posted here.

>> No.2539538

More claims with no evidence.

>> No.2539541

That sounds reasonable enough. Thank you.

>> No.2539542

refer to

>> No.2539545


I don't know what you mean by this.

In either case, whites killed off native indians and took their land. Then, they inslaved blacks and brought them to America. Even if the blacks sold them to whites(which, isn't always the case), it still doesn't justify whites action(two wrongs don't make a right).

The point is this thread is stupid. No evidence just a bunch of fucking stats. The funny thing is the stormfags racist idiots probably make fun of sociology and psychology, yet this thread is fucking sociology thread. Seriously, this shit isn't science.

>> No.2539580


This shit is sociology at best. Most of this thread is arguing if black people are inferior or not. How the fuck is that science?

In what way is this fucking science? certainly, not Physics, Biology, Mathematics, Physics or even Psychology. At best of these stupid stats is sociology that is shit tier and piece of crap.

>> No.2539586

A fuck ton of evidence to back it up. The fact that you won't or can't find the evidence speaks to your mental ability or your deep rooted hatred for blacks that stop you from believing in anything that makes your beliefs a little shaky.
You must have a headache to learn that yes there are successful black people who go about their day doing awesome shit and staying out of the limelight. Yes there were black civilizations that conquered shit and were great, that blacks did in fact write and did math. That blacks played a role in developing the atom bomb, etc. This must be troubling for you.

It must also be troubling that blacks are as rich or richer than some Europeans.
I'll leave you with this:
>"Black people, who have the lowest income in the United States, now have a higher standard of living than an ordinary Swedish household," the HUI economists said.
The quote is from a study done by The Swedish Research Institute of Trade (HUI) earlier this decade.
I would address the Affirmative Action comment but I don't think you know what Affirmative Action is and who greatly benefits from it.

>> No.2539589

Should I feel bad that the indians lost their land?
Do I think the Germans or Japs should pay reperations because of World War 2?
NO because we fucking beat them fair and square.
If blacks/indians had the know-how to conquer the world they would have, but they missed out and they're still not done crying over it.
Its fucking pathetic.
There, I dont hate blacks, I just feel fucking sorry for their pitiful existence.
But everything you do show us is some half- assed load of construed bullshit about some black city-state that built a pyramid one time. Its like if you put all your "black achievements" next to every other race on earth it would even amount to 1%.
You can cry about it all you want but history is history and facts are facts and theirs only one race to blame for black misfortune and thats themselves.

>> No.2539604
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Im so tired right now so i'll leave before you pick apart my spelling errors.

>> No.2539615


I didn't argue that. You argue that black provoked it. Which, is untrue. About pitty comment. I don't think blacks should be pitty or they can use slavery as an excuse as that is in the past.

On the comment that blacks are leading a pitiful existence. In what way is that true? Certainly, their are lots of blacks leading better lives than you. Certainly, Usian Bolt would rather be living his life than be you.

Pretty sure Obama isn't crying because he is half black.

Anyway, I pitty Americans that live in a place with so much oppurtunity to learn yet 60% of them don't believe in evolution. How can someone be that ignorant.

I feel sorry for all the fat Americans that are eating themselves to death.

>> No.2539618

I don't get it. It's obvious that Blue eyes should just tell her to fuck off. How do the Brown eyes win? By refusing to leave until they've lasted out the whole 3 hours, or do they keep quiet and wait for the blue eyed people to come out and give them support?

>> No.2539633


In a way Germany pays reparations as they are now supporting most of EU. Japan got nuked and America has made up by defending japan. Most of Japans military is heavily dependent on America.

Also, Germany helps Israel a lot. To make up for the fact they nearly killed all the jews off.

>> No.2539635

>Pretty sure Obama isn't crying because he is half black.
I never hear you people call him half white though, oddly enough.
>Usian Bolt
He doesn't make me feel any worse about being who I am than Lance Armstrong does.
He was born fast and he'll die being fast and thats all people will remember him for, I still don't see your point.
In fact, last commonwealth games, white Australians beat a lot of blacks in running races to my surprise but I didn't really fucking give a shit because sport is sport and I dont much care for it.

>> No.2539639
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>my face when Usain bolt has good genes becaue whites bred his ancestors to be strong slaves.

>> No.2539656


U trollin'?
I know a crapload of black fujoshis, cosplayers and other nerdy animutards.

C: modernity requas

>> No.2539660


This thread is about black people being inferior. Hence, why I mention him being half black. Also, that is false. Early days people used to say is Obama black enough.

The point is he having a better life than you. You pity someone because they are black. In a way he is destined to be remeber for a shit long time and will go down as one of the greatest athletes ever. You will be remembered for what?

Jamaicans are not slaves. Certainly, not like African Americans.

>> No.2539668

>Jamaicans are not slaves. Certainly, not like African Americans.
>The point is he having a better life than you.
So are millions of other people. But just because you say a few names doesnt change my views of a race as a WHOLE.
Do you understand that?
The different between a WHOLE and a part? A very very very fucking small part.

>> No.2539675


YT link.

>> No.2539691


Can't change views of stormfags. Anyway, look at depression rates. I would rather be poor and happy, than rich and depressed. Black people are happier, less depression rates, less sucides rates aswell.

>> No.2539701

Cant change views of PC-fags.
Anyway, look at survival rates. I would rather be poor and alive than poor and dead. Black people have much lower life-expectancies than whites.

>> No.2539722
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Germans pay reparations to Israel.

>But everything you do show us is some half- assed load of construed bullshit about some black city-state that built a pyramid one time. Its like if you put all your "black achievements" next to every other race on earth it would even amount to 1%.
>You can cry about it all you want but history is history and facts are facts and theirs only one race to blame for black misfortune and thats themselves.

Listen. The fact that blacks did write, had civilization, have culture, make more than the Swedes and a couple other European countries, have contributed greatly to America in terms of science and the arts, DOES NOT IN ANYWAY JEOPARDIZE YOU ARE THE REST OF WHITE AMERICA.
And don't shout your lack of historical knowledge from the rooftops. You have an incomplete picture of history and your hubris and racism is topping you from exploring and learning.
Why dismiss Nubia as a nothing civilization? Why dismiss Putland, Ethiopia, the West African empires, the East African slave states? What do you gain by dismissing the fact that there were great African kingdoms?

>> No.2539725


Rather have a happy short life, than a depressing one.

I'm not even a PC-fag. I'm half black, half white.

>> No.2539735

Fudging hell, why didn't all the /new/ people make a new site like the /r9k/ dudes?

Nice troll btw OP

>> No.2539736

So do I.
But dumb ass anon in this post >>2538981
said blacks are only black and don't like other stuff. He also said blacks aren't sporty.

>> No.2539737

British Participants: Trollface.jpg

Voiceover:"In this exercise, the volunteers take an IQ test. However, it's been rigged against the Blue Eyes since the Brown Eyes are given half the results"
Bitch: "Why aren't you checking those answers?"
Troll Brown-eye: "We don't need to, you already filled the right ones in for us remember?"

>> No.2539747
File: 39 KB, 303x475, thingsfall.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT some thoughtful people and one infantile retard.

I can always recognise insufferable teenagers who think they know "how things reallt are" purely by the way they post - their writing is so undeveloped and their style so brash in an attempt to appear older and smarter than they are that everybody else can see through their silly little act while they remain completely oblivious and genuinely believe they are fooling somebody.

Seriously, you should try reading some more.

>> No.2539763
File: 22 KB, 260x400, ellison-invisible-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a good read too.

Or do you only read things by superior white authors like Dean Koontz and Dan Brown?

>> No.2539775
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Isn't it funny that those who espouse the apparent superiority of their own race are almost always a perfect example of the least of their race?

Hey, /stormfront/ers, what's your greatest acomplishment? Hauling your shitpile of a car out and putting in on cinderblocks in front of your trailer?

>> No.2539777


>I can always recognise insufferable teenagers who think they know "how things reallt are" purely by the way they post

Yes, they make posts like the one you just made.

I hope you realise that when you complain about other people trying to look smart and mature, you run a high risk of making yourself sound like you are doing the same thing: implying that you are smarter and more mature than they by adopting the persona of the wise elder who can see the folly of youth in everyone else's behaviour and rise above it.

>> No.2539783
File: 15 KB, 288x420, LangstonHughes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Yes, they make posts like the one you just made.

>mfw you don't realise the hypocrisy

>> No.2539793

Isn't it funny how the entire first world is so bored that it spends its time spinning fairy tales and having giant circlejerks of mass delusional self-congratulation?

>> No.2539813
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>> No.2539815
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>> No.2539819

A potentially interesting thread ruined and derailed shortly by vehement stormfronters.

Seriously, you guys make me hate the internet.
There's a reason why /new/ got deleted, its' because you fucking douches ruined it with your racist bullshit.
Going to have to reluctantly sage, report and hide.

>> No.2539823

Implying statistical outliers are accurate representative of the group of a set as a whole is fallacious.

>> No.2539827


>implying you know how to properly imply

>> No.2539830 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 230x147, SA-GENOCIDE-12-14-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this whole study isn't racist by and misleading by assuming that only white nations are racist.

>> No.2539842
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>implying this whole study isn't racist and misleading by assuming that only white nations are racist.

>> No.2539863
File: 28 KB, 339x382, Chrisff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regardless of how much difference between races there is, stating others are any superior to others without any sort of real evidence isn't what /sci/ is about.

The majority of this data was collected by dubious scientific research. Anyways so what if if it all is true? You're too busy being insecure and posting on 4chan to realize you're pissing your career and studies away while other folk who can tolerate each other, work together and generally forward the world are solving the main problems.

Pic is the smartest man on earth. He has published zero creditable works as he cannot work with others as he sees them as inferior.

>> No.2539866

im greek and i think its pretty funny that white faggots are always trying to co opt my peoples achievements and the romans too. not to mention that there didint used to be "white" and there was just french and german and all. but i suppose being a mongrel with no history means this is all you have to look forward to in life. regardless i dont see what so rational about judging a man based on what some other people of his ilk may or may not have done.

enjoy being 12

>> No.2540020
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>> No.2540047

This is stupid. You can create any sort of situation you want using these methods.

Hell, doing the same thing, people have taken a class of entirely white people and separated out the blond children to be "second class citizens".

She isn't "revealing" shit, she's just using psychological tricks to play fucking mindgames to make a bullshit point, and proving exactly nothing.

It would be like if I took a glass of water, poured poison into in front of everyone, and said that all water is poison. That's literally what she's doing.

>> No.2540048

i like how the pic implies being a shoe shine is racist, even tho shoeshiner is still a job today

damn those racist white ceo's giving little niglets a job, shoulda just gave them reparations and welfare

>> No.2540064

i dont think the pic is implying anything, its just showing social status in a way. notice how hes not even acknowledging him.
not exactly. look up the stanford prison experiment. shes demonstrating how a position of power and being able to create your own system can lead to certain behavior. i think its interesting that for british society at least, rather than being one group aginst another like say america, they were several different minorities within the system who felt like they just needed to shut up and not speak out. plus when you make the system and society you're less willing to question it

>> No.2540073

italian here and i agree. even fucking irish people should agree. "white" is bullshit and is just a way for central europeans to lay a claim to other peoples achievements.

>> No.2540078
File: 254 KB, 772x313, MULTICULCHISM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is still here?

>> No.2540101


and what do you do when you get a shoe shine?

look him in the eyes and gently rub the back of his head?

>> No.2540102

Social psychology 101

>> No.2540120

honestly yeah, its like people raging about companies using labor in other countries. nigga, shitty job is better than no job and shitty job done well will led to better job, govt regulation and richer society.

who gets a shoe shine anymore anyway? although guy in the picture could have been pretty cool for all we know.

>> No.2540158


theres another guy further down in the pic also getting a shoe shine, and i'm pretty sure he is black

i love how racists can't even get decent propaganda to spread their racist shittery