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2536611 No.2536611 [Reply] [Original]

Can any neurologyfags explain how this could happen without it being a stroke?


>> No.2536620

She could have overdosed on certain medications, or taken one that she shouldn't have.

Her neurological receptors could have entered a 'microsleep-like reaction'; I'm not aware of the term.

More than likely, it's a stroke.

>> No.2538558

How can you just randomly accidentally a stoke?

>> No.2538575

the stupid whore just panicked. When she slipped up on the first word her brain went into panic mode and started shutting down, hence the yaddadabbababbacabba

>> No.2538580

If you're on SSRIs, you can just randomly go into full withdrawal. Which is basically what that looks like.

>> No.2538583


>> No.2538585

i didnt see shit captain wtf ami lookingfor

>> No.2538595

i have no sound she doesnt look like she had a stroke

>> No.2538618

she didnt display any of the pysical atributes associated with a stroke

i would except that

1.her facial muscles would spasm uncontrollably into a droop.
2. her motor functions would cease in parts completely and she would collapse.
3. she would not be smiling.

stoke victims usually end up on the floor paralyzed and then dead if left untreated.

if its a wordy sound thing then most probably tourette syndrome which can come on at any time in your like just like epilepsy.


>> No.2538626

all she did was stutter. Thats counted as a stroke these days?
Good lord, I guess I've been having strokes every other day.

>> No.2538627


>> No.2538628

"Well, down here in daa hurpa durpy doop blablahooplydoo guuuuuuuh."

Seems about par for the course for a woman reporter.

>> No.2538629


That was no stutter, she went full aphasic which is a common symptom of a mild stroke.

>> No.2538636
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fucking idiots

>> No.2538640

more like tourette syndrome.

>> No.2538655


Not all strokes present with identical symptoms.

>> No.2538659
File: 32 KB, 500x432, using that word.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2538666

but i would expect the symptoms to be more severe.

aphasia is a stroke but i dunno if she had an aphasic stroke.

i need to do a full examination

>> No.2538675

Happened to me a few times and probably will again. SSRIs can be stored in fat and released. If i lose weight quickly enough I get the brain zaps and twitching along with the babbling slurred speech. It's embarrassing as fuck to be talking and lose your ability to speak like a human being.People wonder if I was drinking, ect. I would not wish it on anyone, well except scumbag salesmen.

>> No.2538679


Obviously we're just guessing, but based on that, and especially on her reaction to what was happening, I'm going to go with mild aphasic stroke.

>> No.2540690

Psychfag here. Most likely a simple partial seizure.

>> No.2540765

I concur

>> No.2540800


I agree with this anon; judging by her picture (8/10) I'm going to say we need a full physical examination to make a competent diagnosis.

>> No.2540809

Can any neurologyfags explain how this could happen without it being faked?


>> No.2540843

It's "real", but it's psychogenic. It's all in her head. This is also greatly supported by her amazing "recovery".

>> No.2540846

Temporary afasia

>> No.2540861

ITT: A fair number of anons think all strokes are the same, and that there is no such thing as a mild stroke