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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 38 KB, 611x310, redblue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2536077 No.2536077 [Reply] [Original]

If everything's an accident then why do the sun and moon look exactly the same size, like it says in Genesis when God put a light in the day sky and a matching light in the night sky?

Athiests: 0
Christians: 2

>> No.2536089

They don't even look like the same size. The moon looks a little bigger in the sky than the sun.

>> No.2536087


...and OP is a fag.

>> No.2536100
File: 11 KB, 278x245, partialeclipse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2536119

You're a whore, you don't know anything, especially science. You're better fitted for psychology or sociology, maybe liberal arts and women's studies.

>> No.2536126
File: 3 KB, 126x124, zb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first of all, the partial eclipse pic in my second post proves that >>2536089 is retarded.

secondly, i know a fuckton more scie nce than your primitive little brain does.

thirdly, the fact that the sun and moon are similar in size really IS coincidence.

fourthley, fuck you!

>> No.2536127

moon used to be a lot closer, so bigger

athiests: sex err day
christians: virgins

>> No.2536133

moon sometimes bigger, sometimes smaller

lrn2 elliptical orbits

>> No.2536135

You don't know any science, you're a woman and a whore. You nothing about science and cannot comprehend such. And your pic proves that the sun is slightly bigger, again proving you don't know anything about science you slut.

>> No.2536136


coincidence or mere coincidence?


>> No.2536138
File: 94 KB, 522x642, 1290331931022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my face when those two posts didnt even show up in the thread cause they were already filtered

>> No.2536143

>implying what we see as the outermost part of the sun is actually matter
>You are so dumb. you are really dumb. fo' real.

>> No.2536146

Man, blue states look a lot more fun and livelier than red states.

>> No.2536147

>implying i don't already know that

cool story bro.

you are a fucking fail troll. and i am not a whore, because i do not charge for sex. lern-2-dictionary

...you twat.

>> No.2536151

i didn't imply that at all, you fool.

>> No.2536153

EK, you should probably drop your trip. Everyone hates you, even when you are right.

The angular diameter of the Sun is about the same as that of the Moon. [wikipedia]

>Herp but the gravity of Mars will distort light from the moon, making the moon look larger or smaller depending on the alignment of the planets.

No, fuck you, they both look about the same size every goddamn day and night.

>> No.2536154
File: 93 KB, 600x800, The Rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2536155

You're a woman, on 4chan, thus an automatic harlot. You probably consider good-looking dumbasses as "intelligent" because of their good looks, dumb slut.

>> No.2536165

She's a woman and women cannot do science or engineering or math. She doesn't belong here to begin with.

>> No.2536170

lrn2 photosphere

sure is matter, as is the corona

>> No.2536177

this thread is just samefag arguing with himself

>> No.2536185

Then you are just dumb.If you're going to say the corona of light surrounding the sun is part of it then it is a lot bigger than the sun. If you discard that, then your eclipse picture is no longer considered a valid representation of the subjective size of the material sun.
I honestly don't know how someone can be wrong on seemingly every occasion, but goddamn you are just crock full of failure.

>> No.2536191

>implying he doesn't have the penis

>> No.2536193

then it is a lot bigger than the moon*

>> No.2536205

>implying i care about what 'everyone' thinks.

he knows, he was trying (and failing) to troll me.

>> No.2536212

lrn2 photoreceptor, the outermost part that we see is mostly just energy with no material (in the sense of atoms, no HURRR DURRR PHOTONS).

>> No.2536223

why the fuck is that relevant?

the sun is still the same size as we see it; the photospehere is part of the sun.

>> No.2536234

you are pretty retarded

the corona is plasma, mainly hydrogen, at several million kelvin

the photosphere is far denser hydrogen at about 6000 kelvin

>> No.2536261

You are pretty dumb if you thought i meant 'corona' in the scientific sense. It's just the right word to use for my purpose, the fact the it actually means something else is irrelevant.
If the sun is the same size as we see it, the sun is no bigger than a nickle. The combination of distance and emitting huge quantities of energy distort the perceived size and perceived edge of the sun, respectively. This isn't hard to understand.

>> No.2536271
File: 23 KB, 300x381, Zach Braff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2536274
File: 31 KB, 349x642, trolls thoughts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Samefag conga line of maximum trolling

>> No.2536275


you're being a very silly boy

>> No.2536276
File: 133 KB, 400x307, op is a fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crazy coincidence...actually, I take that back. It's not a coincidence at all. A man saw that the sun and the moon took up approximately the same amount of the sky, so when that man decided that he would make up a religion that would use to control other people, granting him great power and wealth, he wrote in Genesis that God put a light in the day sky and a matching light in the night sky. Of course, that's a vast simplification of the what actually happened, but the point remains is that many biblical scriptures are very irrational conclusions made from everyday observations.

Now everyone, say it with me!

>> No.2536277

MOAR LIEK NIGGARothian, amirite??

>> No.2536362
File: 21 KB, 400x224, lebewski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

l2bayes, god exists means higher chance they're the same because it shows evidence of design. So same size means high chance god exists. Simple math.

also, evolution -> atheism -> nihilism -> marmots, pic related

>> No.2536370

Just like how my penis is the exact same size as your mother's vagina, right?

Besides, you believe in a system which requires the existence of a being that violates many of the known axioms of the system. Clearly, you can't even into Occam's Razor.

>> No.2536392

G = god exists
Eq = equality of moon and sun's apparent size

P(G|Eq) = P(Eq|G)xP(G)/P(Eq)

P(G|Eq) = P(Eq|G)x0/P(Eq) = 0

lrn2 bayes

>> No.2536398

But you forget that P represents the size of your penis. So if there is a god, you're a woman.