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File: 82 KB, 588x626, 1293203878540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2534772 No.2534772 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about the new planet (bigger than Jupiter) in our solar system's outer reaches? Its called Tyche.

will this affect pluto's planethood? ;_;

>> No.2534775

Ugh, made me google


>> No.2534779

>bigger than Jupiter
We'd have noticed it by now, from gravitational effects alone.

>> No.2534788


>> No.2534796
File: 304 KB, 1600x1200, 1295684658974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea how false that statement is.

>> No.2534800

"will this affect pluto's planethood? ;_;"

Pluto isn't a planet anymore to begin with. it's a plutoid, the first to classified as one of those.

>> No.2534809

Don't you mean "dwarf planet"?

>> No.2534812

what a load of shit.

nasa is really scrabbling about for ideas for new funding huh



>> No.2534819

ITT: No links

>> No.2534823

Right, I wrote wrong.
Species: Dwarf Planet
Sub-Species: Plutoid

>> No.2534826

learn to google you cripple

>> No.2534830


>> No.2534835

>Daily Mail

>> No.2534836
File: 42 KB, 166x203, 1288324586573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically they haven't found it but some guys think it's quite possible due to the angles that comets arrive toward the main portion of the solar system.
Let's just say I'll believe it when I see it.

>> No.2534840

Pluto is a planet. Fuck the haters.


>> No.2534842

>So basically they haven't found it but some guys think it's quite possible due to the angles that comets arrive toward the main portion of the solar system.

ITT: we forget how Neptune was discovered

>> No.2534843

just because its the daily mail doesnt mean the source is wrong idiot.

there are affiliate names in the story which you would know if you had read it you monumental retard

>> No.2534845

im still dubious

could just be a micro black hole and......oh nvm

>> No.2534844
File: 8 KB, 146x160, 1294379531624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a difference between Neptune and a planet four times the mass of Jupiter.

>> No.2534846

You actually defending the Daily Mail?

>> No.2534847


>Be a stupid person in the USA
>Economy of USA crashes
>All of a sudden believe in Republican Economics, despite statistics out there that show many of their policies make it worse for the common man
>Yell about the government spending too much money on Space because I never bothered to pay attention or self-educate myself on NASA's role in American history.
>As a new Republican, believe NASA had no role in the Cold War, it was all Republicans who defeated the USSR
>Obama reduces budget due to kneejerk reactionary ignorance, but as a new Republican I believe he is still Satan

The American people will never actually look at the budget of the United States and demand decrease the amount of money going to the Armed Forces, instead opting for bootstrappy bullshit like believing one of the largest economies in the world can function just like their household budget.

>> No.2534851

ITT: we also forget that inverse squares go down very quickly

>> No.2534852


at that distance and trajectory youd still have difficulty seeing it all you'd get is some anomilous gravitation flux

planets are hard to spot really despite their size.

>> No.2534857
File: 150 KB, 694x519, 1294536314181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said, until there is more data to support the conclusion I am taking a backseat. I wish those scientists good luck in finding the data.

>> No.2534860

>bla bla bla republicans bla bla bla bla republicans republicans

>> No.2534866
File: 83 KB, 370x278, 1292901760240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually republicans increase funding to science more often than Democrats, it's just that they still have religion and ignorant voters meddling in that shit.

There still are many retarded Republican candidates, however.

>> No.2534869

its not a political story so theres no need for a bias view on the event.

it has nothing to do with their lifestyle and they way they think britian should be run.

its a fucking nasa story about a possible planet.

what the fuck (except nasa) does anyone have to gain by propagating such falsity.

attack the guys who claim this statement not the body who reports it.

if it were a story on how this planet is affecting jobs in the UK and how if diana were around things would be different and that this planet needs to get out of our solar sytem because its destroying the fabric of english good society and culture

but its not its just an article about some possible nasa discovery

>> No.2534876 [DELETED] 

>375 times further away from the sun than Pluto.

Fuck, we'll see it will we :(

>> No.2534878

paper here:

>> No.2534879

>375 times further away from the sun than Pluto

We'll never see it will we :(

>> No.2534881






>> No.2534882
File: 42 KB, 420x558, data-from-star-trek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the game is afoot

>> No.2534907

We decrease military funding and there won't be a Europe. You're welcome.

>> No.2534910

>implying we need your protection
>implying Russia wouldn't be a much better ally

Fuck off my country, Murikkka.

>> No.2534912

We need to give pluto planet status and set up base there so we can easily get to Wonderous Tyche

>> No.2534913

They can manage. South Korea might get interesting.

>> No.2534909
File: 22 KB, 398x241, laughingbitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what many Americans actually believe

>> No.2534918

I wish we would. I would love to see Russia steamroll you.

>> No.2534923

>implying in case of a war with Russia I wouldn't be a collaborationist

>> No.2534926

America subsidizes the free world's security. I don't like it but you can't argue with facts.

>> No.2534928

>free world

More like America's puppets.

>> No.2534930

fucking useful idiot
your kind was among the first ones to get killed though

>> No.2534932

At least people can admit the EU is a puppet of America.

>> No.2534933

Not sure if true or just mere speculation and Sensational news reporting.

If it is true I hope they change the name to Naron.

>> No.2534934

Yeah, it is pretty much the case. Though I'd like to see our military operational budget cut at least in half and a bunch of foreign military bases close, IMO. R&D is still OK.

>> No.2534937

Americans have one of the first world's worst armies (quality), but they somewhat redeem this with quantity. If you, say, reduce the army to 50 % its current size and actually give recruits proper training, I think your army would be just as good, if not better.

However, why the fuck would anybody want to make army cuts? Suddenly you have like 500 000 jobless people, most of whom joined the army because they were retarded, either mentally, socially, or both.

>> No.2534938

>cut military budget down to 400 billion
>use saved money to build largely automated government-owned facilities for manafacuring military equipment, everything from guns to blackhawks
>fund NASA and other science institutions more
>accelerate funding/progress into carbon nanotubes and other carbon-based substrates and materials
>eventually build space elevator
>start asteroid mining and space-based solar on a fucklarge scale
>watch as the United States regains the superpower status it should have and is secured economically until other countries catch up with them

>> No.2534939


If this doesn't change, we'll never fix the economy.


>> No.2534945

Completely baseless post is complete baseless.

>> No.2534951

>Suddenly you have like 500 000 jobless people

Who would all have army benefits as well as money/other benefits that would convince them to go to college to get a degree.

The United States could use them as teachers to spread service-based learning and lower the student/teacher ratio in many places.

But we'd have to give more money to the education system for this to work, which won't work with people like Rick Scott (R-FL) in office.

>> No.2534965

Many of them don't want a college degree but would be far more useful with vocational training such as a plumber or some shit as an anon pointed out to me in another thread.

>> No.2534976

Do you really think Nasa writes articles for the daily mail.


>> No.2535008

Number of soldiers in America adjusted to population is about the same as in France or Italy - 0.5% of the population.

It is the hardware and training where the price difference comes from.

>> No.2535072

>confirmed for full retard

reporting nigga do you know it is.

>> No.2535322

The price difference is from defending a irrelevant western European nation versus the whole world.

>> No.2535329

>4 times the size of Pluto

Isn't that about the size of the smallest discovered star?

>> No.2535355

america, as always, acts in its own interests.

it doesn't "defend the free world", it just maximises its ability to trade with other parts of the world.

russia would not invade western europe, way to much trouble, it may however seek influence of eastern european neighbours.

russian army is currently hopeless though. even a nato without america could make it too big a fight.

also uk and france have nukes. enough to destroy european russia.

>> No.2535365

Fuck you. I don't know what you are talking about and you're a dumb nigger. This thread is about science.

OP I think that if Tyche is confirmed for not troll we will still call Pluto a planetoid.
My illustrative analogy is humorous; If two engineers are comparing penis size and a nigger walks in the room, the engineer with the small penis becomes the engineer with the tiny penis.

>> No.2535373

a potentially interesting thread ruined by faggots who can never get enough of the murica vs hurrope faggotry

>> No.2535393

New Age dumbasses claim this confirms the end of the world in 2012 in 4... 3... 2...

>> No.2535405

>hey guys, new UTTERLY MASSIVE planet may exist with UTTERLY MASSIVE hypothetical several light-year (or more!) orbit!

>> No.2535410

If its orbit brought it close enough to the earth to align with the whole "every x years shit gets fucking real" design of the azetec calendar, we'd have seen it by now.

>> No.2535505

Thank you.