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File: 88 KB, 452x838, brainwashed[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2534548 No.2534548 [Reply] [Original]

On May 16, 1980, the US Department of Education began operations. It's budget was set at $10 billion.

31 years later, we're throwing away $75+ billion per year. That doesn't even count the $150 billion thrown at poor kids for college.

What do we have to show for it? A generation of undisciplined children. Mentally unstable children. Lower IQs. Kids are taught college is mandatory to live a meager existence, which sadly has become fact.

If you received your education at a public school in in the 80s, 90s, or 00s, then you have an 80% chance to be dumber than your grandfather. Note that being able to use an ipod or a computer while your grandfather can not does not equate to intelligence.

Now i wait for people to inform me where they stopped reading. Or in other words, which information throws a mental block into your messed up heads.

>> No.2534553

The problem is with the parents, not the education system.

>> No.2534555

I don't think you'll get any dissenting opinions on whether or not the education system in the US is fucked. However, money isn't being thrown away on kids going to college. Education is what drives an economy and if you pull all federal funding then in a generation the US will be nothing but a bunch of religious fundamentalists.

>> No.2534557

Is this actually true?

>> No.2534562

Feels good that I'm not from a shitty third world county like Murrikka.

>> No.2534565

>inb4 everyone insults me because of a typo in the word country

>> No.2534569

You spell bad.

>> No.2534576

>implying I care about spelling in your shitty language

>> No.2534581

>implying you don't wish you could make love to the English language every night

>> No.2534583
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>> No.2534584


>> No.2534586


For alot of kids it is. There are alot of people who are going to college that are not suited for college, and really are just throwing their money away. Sometimes very nice people, but they can't handle simple science labs.

>> No.2534589

Because Americans are paranoid and aggressive.
They (think they) need to be prepared in case the world turns against them and they have to simultaneously invade every other country on earth.

>> No.2534590
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I am so disappointed in America.

; _ ;

>> No.2534599

Why? Americans are the good guys in the world.

>> No.2534601

It's not even surprising. The Cold War mentality didn't end with the collapse of the USSR. See, the anticipation of conflict with the commies kept a lot of people in business, and it kept the public looking somewhere other than at their own shitty government. Keeping the people emotionally and financially invested in an imaginary ideological battle is in the best interest of those in power. That's just how it works. America is just following in a tradition that's probably older than nation-states themselves. They're not nearly the only ones, either.

You can blame it on the human condition more than anything else.

>> No.2534602
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>> No.2534603

See, most other governments take some downtime with their military. It's called 'peacetime' and usually the military gets rationalized and downsized during that.

>> No.2534607

>complaining about education
>it's budget
Maybe you'd complain less about education if you had taken advantage of the one provided to you.

>> No.2534612

You're right. There are no good guys.

>> No.2534615

Yes there are. Americans and Europeans are the good guys. Chinese, Russians and Arabs are the bad guys. Europeans don't invest in military so it is up to USA to do more. Kind of like what "white mans burden" was called in the old days. Why is it so difficult for you to accept that?

>> No.2534617

No, there aren't. There are varying levels of how shit a government is. For a country that calls itself first-world, I'm sorry to say you have one of the worst. We would most likely have outposts and bases around the moon, Mars, cisjovian and Saturnian space right now if there weren't faggots like Nixon and Proxmire.

>> No.2534619
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>> No.2534626

What led you to believe I was American?

>> No.2534631

You seemed to be sarcastic, also I haven't had much sleep lately

>> No.2534633

I was being serious, actually. Making unfounded assumptions isn't very scientific of you, technocrat~

>> No.2534638

Every government seems to take part in subterfuge or taking bribes for corporate interests. I would usually supply sources, but I don't feel like it today.

>> No.2534639

>We would most likely have outposts and bases around the moon, Mars, cisjovian and Saturnian space right now if there weren't faggots like Nixon and Proxmire.

Of course. It's America's fault alone that humanity is not well on the way to conquering space.

>> No.2534641

I wouldn't expect anything less.

>> No.2534646

Well what the hell are we going to do about that?

>> No.2534686
File: 127 KB, 419x600, 1295105829486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the American government's fault, yes. Quite simply they have the budget to make it happen far faster than other countries, short of a nanotechnological technocratic resource-based revolution in a often-overlooked temperate Australian state.

>> No.2534691

If you hog so much resources and then brag about being the richest country in the world, you can fucking well take the complaints about horribly wasting said resources.

>> No.2534702

What would you say is the next-best choice as far as potential for space expansion goes?

>> No.2534706

If Putin builds up Russia into a superpower again as he appears to be doing, then Roscosmos.

The ESA also seems to be shaping up.

And also if successful, then definitely TRSA.

>> No.2534717

Technocratic Republic Space Administration?

>> No.2534725

>If Putin builds up Russia into a superpower

Always knew you were a commie scum technocracy boy. Also this is why the world needs America to have a strong army. To keep the bloody Russians in check.

>> No.2534729
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>Lower IQs.
Yeah, no.

>> No.2534727
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>> No.2534731

>Modern-day Russia

>> No.2534733

A strong army is worthless. To keep the Russians in their place you need better missiles, better warheads, and more of both.

>> No.2534736

Russians are pretty retarded. I doubt it.
Their time in the spotlight is over.

>> No.2534737
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>> No.2534745

Commies like you love Russia and Putin because they love everything anti-American. They also have trouble accepting the fact that Russia is weak as this would demonstrate the utter destructiveness of their ideology.

>> No.2534747

The future belongs to China.

>> No.2534752

Most of the time, you seem like a pretty level-headed guy. I'll just chalk this up to fatigue.

>> No.2534754

Troll harder
You would be correct.

>> No.2534763

retarded, no.
unmotivated and unorganized, yes.
if the average russian is defined as retarded, then i can only assume that nearly every country is full of vegetables rather than people. granted, nationalism is defined as retarded, and i'd argue that most intelligent russians fled the country (and my family is an example, went from being dirt poor worthless shit to owning more than most of you have ever seen and loving every minute of it in 10 years). its piss easy to live in america, and i agree that russia probably wont get its shit together for a while.

>> No.2534766

>went from being dirt poor worthless shit to owning more than most of you have ever seen
Okay, you've piqued my interest, elaborate?

>> No.2535388

Obviously, the solution is not to throw more money at the problem.

How about repealing NCLB for a start? That's a pretty damaging bill.
And then introducing a voucher program to allow private schools to compete with public. Public schools will be forced to become more efficient and effective or they'll lose their students.
Beyond that, streamline public schools. Why the hell do we need home ec or PE? Teach useful things like math, science, history, etc.
Also, repealing the HEOA would definitely help. It absolutely raped the prices of college tuition, which helped our students get into debt, devalued a degree by giving them to everyone, which helped our economy go down the tubes, and watered down higher education so that you could sleep through almost any undergraduate course and pass finals by spending five minutes on Google.

>> No.2535409

Not him, but most of the people in Russia have extremely low salaries compared to people in the west.

>> No.2535418
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>over one trillion spent on national defense

Jesus Christ! Isn't there anything we can do about such erroneous expenditures? Them spending a fuckload of money to blow up goat herders in the middle east is not increasing the quality of life here.

>> No.2535422

Waiting for superman

Its dead fucking wrong on it's whole "tracking" segment... and it incorrectly blames high schools for being "drop-out factories" when the fault lies with the K-8 system, but ...

Okay, its a pretty shitty documentary. But its right in stating the main problem with US education is the teacher's union.

>> No.2535434
File: 315 KB, 1280x640, bolo___we_are_already_in_hell_by_shimmering_sword-d336pwn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its piss easy to live in america

No, it isn't. America has some of the worst social mobility of all the "1st world" countries.

In America, if you are born poor, you will die poor.

>> No.2535436
File: 202 KB, 950x950, apollo-17-last-on-moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and what has your shitty country done?

>> No.2535445

Says the Russian

also thats bullshit my father wen't from a poor farm boy to a middle class physicist

And I know plenty of other people that moved up the social ladder as well

>> No.2535461

>Lower IQs.
I stopped reading here. How does more money equate to lower IQ?

>> No.2535462

The Eu has more money then the USA does and yet they only spend 1/3 of NASA's budget on ESA

You're retarded/uneducated

>> No.2535474

also Australia makes $994.246 billion a year

and yet you fuckers have NO space program at all

>> No.2535475
File: 198 KB, 410x380, 1278617415814.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk why but that picture reminds me of this

>> No.2535477

I see nothing but speculation in this thread. Unless you guys can go back in time, divert money away from the military and toward some other program, and show how life would be different and improved you're all blowing smoke.

>> No.2535491

>Lower IQs
one generation can't have an IQ lower than another. People are getting more intelligent.

>> No.2535492

>Chinese, Russians
>bad guys

What is this, 1955?

>> No.2535494

>implying the military and war doesn't come up with 95% of scientific advancements

>> No.2535514
File: 120 KB, 620x877, Chopstickmadness_-_Goodbye_N.6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You think an anecdote of your personal life counters all the stats and surveys and other evidence showing that social mobility in the US is limited and getting worse?


You are not one of the people I quite expected to see such baseless arguments from.

These are the FACTS. The US has poor social mobility compared to just about every other OECD country. Your personal anecdote about how your family pulled themselves up by their bootstraps from dirt farmers to whatever is meaningless.

>> No.2535519

You might want to look at your fucking ridiculous tuition fees too.

>> No.2535520

>Lower IQs

someone doesn't know how the scoring system for iq works

>> No.2535529

hey OP, I got one of those mandatory degrees. Like you, I realize the degree is now necessary because every idiot has one.

I don't use mine much though, not for work anyways. I went into trades, because nobody else seems to want to anymore, and the high compensation currently reflects the lack of interest. College grads don't want to be plumbers or electricians or painters or janitors. We see the degree as our golden ticket out of these jobs, never realizing that as we refuse to do them, those that like to do them raise their prices to reflect demand and labor shortage.

I am a college graduate on the G.I. Bill. I am a Gulf War veteran. I am a janitor. I am a millionaire. I didn't follow the crowd.

>> No.2536057

All I found was this

Also social mobility between generation is not what the american dream is about

Its the individual rising the social ladder not his kids
Also its harder to climb the social ladder in a meritocracy

Work hard and you will go far here

Be lazy not so much

We unlike Europe don't give handouts to useless/lazy people

>> No.2536065

>lower IQs

we have never had a proper sample size of humanity tested. it is impossible to compare iqs from 2 different times.