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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 49 KB, 421x306, lsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2533608 No.2533608 [Reply] [Original]

So, is LSD bad for you? Have you taken it? What was it like?

>> No.2533619

its good for you and its awesome

>> No.2533631

LSD is awesome!! Cant say its bad for you. Personally LOVE IT as much as life itself. DO IT! ITS FUCKING GREAT! Listen to musik, be with good friends, go to the bush, have sex...not in that order..

>> No.2533636

It'll kill you in a million different hells, and no one will hear your screams.

do it faggot.

>> No.2533637

This should be a sticky on SCI

>> No.2533641

What is SCI?

>> No.2533644

I give up...

>> No.2533649

it's a dyslexic team of forensic investigation

>> No.2533655

Ohmygod it's my favorite drug. It makes you a little spacy and it'll change your life for the better, you'll never see shit in the same way.. Opened my fuck in mind man. Highly recomend
Also FYI it's saying cheaper than boomers, last longer, and strong, and it dosnt make you all dependent of what people think of you like Shrooms does, you can do fuck in anything.

>> No.2533662

So, whats the best way to take acid? Tabs? Or some other method I'm unaware of?

>> No.2533666

Also, DMT>LSD? Is there a notable difference in the effect? Have you taken both at the same time?

>> No.2533672

It usually comes on a tab of paper or as a drop of liquid on a sugar cube. The best ones are Microdots..faaaaaaaaaaaaaaarking strong. From the many times i have taken it in the above ways, i have found that liqud lsd on sugar cubes or strait from the container is usualy waaay more MDMA like, lots more love less hallucination, whilst the tabs are the reverse...but that all depends on your delaer

>> No.2533679


they're two different drugs and your comparing apples and oranges

they work in way different mechanisms of action

IMO, do them separately

>> No.2533680

OK well DMT....hmmm. let me put it in perspective..
LSD opens doors to your perception, usulay comes on in about 2 hours and lasts for about 9-10 hours depdnign on the dose.DMT blasts your perception with mega lazers, fires you at warp speed through reality and then plops you back into reality in 5 minutes. DMT huts you before you put the bong down...DMT is something else completely

>> No.2533682

yes, if you value your sanity, do them seperately...like days appart.

>> No.2533686

So DMT is more intense?

>> No.2533695

dmt=LSD^1,000,000 in intensity

>> No.2533696
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Mad, thanks.

>> No.2533699

also watch and listen to this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grcqs9cDuN8 its very informative

>> No.2533703

That picture pretty much sums up DMT

>> No.2533705


again its not a viable comparison

the intensity of an LSD trip can build over several hours and become just as overwhelming as DMT, but psychologically in a very different way

DMT just hits really quick if you smoke it

>> No.2533714

LSD is the shit. In the proper state of mind. It can (will?) leave your brain wired differently. Just be a bit careful. Not paranoïd, just careful.

>> No.2533715


seriously, go back to erowid, tard

>> No.2533725


I've had LSD and DMT separately, also once I smoked DMT after taking 4 hits of LSD (whatever "hit" means.)

I saw rainbow trails following everything and I had intense auditory hallucinations; sound was echoing through my head at increasing and decreasing pitches and intervals, like a multi-node feedback loop. I pretty much flipped my shit, stripped naked, and rolled around on the floor for an hour before I had my shit together. It was akin to divine revelation.
I had used psychedelics in large doses at least 30 times before that, I was not an inexperienced user, and it was a lot to handle.

do it faggot.

>> No.2533727
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>> No.2533741

yeah take this guys advice, LSD is pretty easy for a beginner...DMT is something would try if you were totally 100% mentally ok with yourself. ask yourself how you would react in >>2533725 situation

>> No.2533748

I wish I had some way to get LSD. Is there nowhere you can order from in Russia or something?

>> No.2533755

which country are you in?

>> No.2533779

Ausfags(melbfags) where can I get this shit?

>> No.2533784

I'm in the US. I wish I had experimented with this shit when I was still in college, when I could probably have found it.

>> No.2533793

You're just going to have to find a good drug dealer for LSD. RC sites are fucking sketch. If you want to do DMT instead, you can buy bark online and then extract DMT with some reasonably easy chemistry.

>> No.2533797

go to one of those greatful dead type bands, ratdog or darkstar or something like that, those hippies usually have tons, especially in the summer

>> No.2533808

um ok im a melfag...but i really dont wana give you my contact details sorry...

>> No.2533810


DMT extraction is easier than baking a cake, in all seriousness

there is fewer steps, fewer ingredients, the proportions have wider limits, it requires less equipment, less energy, and less skill overall

>> No.2533813

Yeah, I've thought about trying the bark extraction. I don't really move in circles of people who know drug dealers, unfortunately.

>> No.2533823
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Check your laws, but over here in Texas you can get plants that contain DMT and LSA legally, after that you beg the ranks of /sci/ to instruct you on purification techniques.

This information is all easily found on erowid and 420chan, no need to clog up sci.

To keep this thread on-topic, here's what LSD does to zebrafish http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20561961

>> No.2533825

ingredients cannot be found at your local grocer, however.

Do it.

>> No.2533833

Really I saw one of those giant pictures showing the steps once and it looked fucking complicated.

>> No.2533835


except for the bark from south america(and their is only two other ingredients) they can absolutely be found at local stores

>> No.2533840


oh really, i came this close | | to caring what you saw on a giant poster once

>> No.2533847

Man, I can get marijuana at ease but acid...pretty hard IMO

>> No.2533923

Does anyone have that DMT extraction poster? I thought I saved it, but I can't find it.

>> No.2533939

google dmt lazyman's tek

if you want to try dmt
I'm waiting for a dealer on soc to hook me up. I know it's really sketchy but I have no real other ways of getting drugs

>> No.2533969

Cool, that's a ton simpler than what I saw before with the litmus paper and adjusting ph and all that.

>> No.2534198


>> No.2534214
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>mfw this thread

>> No.2534220

I know, right.
It's not hard to get drugs,man

>> No.2534227
File: 32 KB, 722x420, Drug_danger_and_dependence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this off Wikipedia, so I want to ask about its legitimacy regarding dosage, not to mention caffeine's placement.

>> No.2534234


its fairly accurate, but note the x axis is a ratio

lethal to active dose, it is not actually telling you what the dose is there

>> No.2534239


LSD can be both of these, just depends.

>> No.2534251


Yeah I'd say caffeine's dependence potential is at least moderate. I'm fucking addicted to it, as is, at least to some extent, the majority of civilized world.

Never done LSD, but I'm totally gonna one day.

>> No.2534261

basically this OP

i did so much LSD my brain went into complete shutdown mode for a few years

actually still sort of is.

i was fun for a while though

until the hidden horrors of my mind were open to me and i went complete mad!!!

now i just sit there all day looking out the window

>> No.2534274

Seems fairly accurate I'd group mescaline with LSD and move Shrooms to the right Also Im surprised where caffeine( coffee) ranks on the chart as addictive as marijuana and MDMA ..... Fuck no. Also MDMA should be higher and nitrous should be lower on dependency axis

>> No.2534276


i believe the chart is showing physical dependency, not psychological dependency, thats why MDMA is so low, and caffeine is higher than you would expect

>> No.2534278

I wouldn't say you go though hell but I still feel the spacey effects from it, I don't look out the window all day

>> No.2534280

>mfw nobody has said anything about OP's first question
>is LSD bad for you

>> No.2534281


i think nitrous is good where it is, if not a little low. mdma seems fine to me. obvz chemically pure mdma, not street x.

>> No.2534287

you wouldnt.

I would because thats what happened to me.

i did a lot of sid and was ok with it but then i had a bad trip

yeah basically fucking lame.

worst nightmares becoming real yeah fuck that shit.

but then i had some good trips where dreams came true.

you GOTTA understand this when your taking a trip your flipping a coin.

>> No.2534289

mfw you read the first post dumbass

>> No.2534290


>flipping a coin


set and setting, plus you can pull yourself out of a bad trip.

op, if you find things going downhill, sit down and close your eyes and focus on your breathing. no matter what you might think, you are okay.

>> No.2534294

medically as in biologically it doesn't affect you bodily systems the way most drugs do.

but mentally thats a different question.

is basically rewires your brain,somethings just get really convoluted for you to be a ble to process and that really can be taxing especially if youre a logical minded person who needs an explanation.

like how come i can see X when X shouldn't really exist if you cant just say meh to X your in a world of hurt.

>> No.2534298
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>mfw I've sworn off all other drugs than weed, alcohol and nicotine.
>mfw I find out that LSD is less lethal and less addicting than any of it
>mfw my big sister who got a doctor as her boyfriend recommends me LSD
>mfw I might actually try it some day

>> No.2534300

you CAN pull yourself out of a bad trip.

i said flipping a coin because it can go either way.

not everybody CAN pull themselves out of a bad trip.

set and setting is a good point to make, bad trips almost always happen when you are unsure of your surroundings/people you're with.

capatcha:science tiverist

>> No.2534302


that wasn't me, but flipping a coin implies 50-50 odds of bad trip to good trip

that is WAAAAAAAAAYYYY off in my experience, more like 1% or less bad trips, and i've seen tons of people tripping

>> No.2534313

taken LSD a few times. never had a bad trip, just maybe some uncomfortable moments, but mostly good times.

total derailment of your consciousness though.

>> No.2534318


wow im in the minority sucks to be me

but basically LSD is a psychological fuck.

For me i have to say i was totally unaware of certain psychological dysfunctions i had.

like my pathological mistrust of EVERYONE and the fact that I was raised catholic the fact that I had a fear of death that compelled me into delusion and also having major trust issues

and no friends...also being poor.

on the one hand it opened my mind to these flaws.

>> No.2534320

this is a bit of truth.

bad trips mostly happen to those of us blessed with fear, depression, personality disorders, or overly-structured paradigms.

bad trips may be uncommon in most populations, but they're virtually guaranteed for a certain type of individual, and they're hellish in the extreme.

>> No.2534324

yeah i mean it certainly steeled me to the reality of my life.

But then it wasnt enjoyable felt more like a test i failed.

doing it several times as well didnt really help.

i kept thinking it would get better but it just got worse.

I dunno it can really drive you insane.

1% is still a large number of people as well large enough your not alone small enough you feel completely crushed.

out of 100,000 people that take it 1000 of you would have a bad trip.

you dont want to think your going to fall into that 1000 but you might.

you never think its going to happen to you either

>> No.2534326


LSD vs psylocibin. I think Shrooms are WAY more likely to send you into a bad trip, ive had several. Never with acid tho, it's way more easy going mentally;whereas, Shrooms project emotions, LSD is mostly visual - and the visuals are awesome!

>> No.2534328
File: 58 KB, 433x600, Bill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would love to see what it's like, but petrified of the prospect of trying it as a paranoid schizo. Do I even need to ask if that's a bad idea?

>> No.2534330

My cousin described taking LSD as rolling dice with your mind. Does this statement hold some truth?

Also, anyone experience ego death during your trips? It sounds pretty interesting.

Though this gentleman experience sounds a lot like ego death.

>> No.2534333

like i said. maybe for you.

as visual as LSD was at times it was also an emotional experience.

if all your feeling is happiness at the visuals youre seeing then of course it will be great.

with mushrooms i did them and felt great mush nicer i didnt feel disconnected i felt completely alive i didnt get any emotion projected onto me.

however both times there was a realization that at any moment i might die and that sent me into a a primal mode of survival.

>> No.2534334

the opposite for me, psilocybin i found much more gentle, even when i took insane amounts

>> No.2534335

yeah my ego died

it was horrible.

took me ages to rebuild.

you need your ego its an important part to you

>> No.2534336

Ehh maybe if you think your at risk for that mental disorder then I wouldn't recomend it. But if you've handled other haluciogens before then youll be fine. I think that occurs rarely and is over dramatisized

That's a great statement - ego death. Never herd that before but definitely yes for me and most of my friends that have done it.

>> No.2534337

Why do you think an ego is bad?

>> No.2534342

how the fuck does doing any of this shit improve your life?

>> No.2534343

i dont.

but lets just say there were people who did. that basically created a war inside myself between my ego and ...well my ego

its like fighting a war but inside.

my personality split one good one bad both thinking the other was the other.

i couldn't win and i was locked in a continuous battle that lasted infinity.

technically its still going on but i simply raised above that struggle between two conflicting thought and became buddha

>> No.2534346
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I can't find acid anywhere in my state.

>> No.2534349

its a hard drug to come by

>> No.2534353

Fucking woah, man. Coudo on achieving budah :D
For me, I was a egotistical ass who thought I was better than everyone. I went though a heavy acid phase and all of that melted away. Also I feel like it corrected a lot of the psychological issues I had like being way too selfconcious and awkward.
I guess it affects every one in different ways

Somewhat related. I was at a fest with a group of buddies and this girl took two doses and she ended up stripping running through the fest crowd into so audo equipment security grab her, she was wigging out on a bad trip.

>> No.2534355
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I have the same problem with shrooms, and all artifical psilocybin compounds seem to be illegal to import into Australia.

>> No.2534358

Ask around. Go to your local head shop ask whens a good jam band playing and get in with that crowd, their mostly hippies with plenty of psychonaut connections.
On similar note when you get said acid take it at a concert

>> No.2534360

Ignoring the fact that i'm a complete social recluse at the moment, I live in an area with no concerts. I've had a couple of friends try that but they found nothing. Australia really is a police state when it comes to drugs, it seems

>> No.2534365

i was tripping one time and went to the arcade.

fucking awesome

came out chilling at the bus stop looking at the clouds


i dunno man fucking 6 headed cloud dragon.

>> No.2534368



Lets synthesis our own, after we are /sci/entists

>> No.2534370

I've been thinking about that, I'm just worried I'll fuck some some part of the synthesis and poison myself. How drastic are the consequences of a fuck-up in the synthesis of LSD?

>> No.2534371

Ouch shroom spores are illegal too?. Look up Peppermint jam I just googles them & they play out of australia

>> No.2534373

On occasions I go to 420chan's /psy/ there are some Victorians mentioning how they find shrooms a small drive out of Melbourne and Geelong, but so far I haven't found any amanita muscaris or anything.

>> No.2534375

Heh idk it helps to have a couple years of chemistry and o chem but if your really interested may I Augeas the readings of dr alexander shulgin phd - thikal. It has a synthesis there. Also internets @ rhodium. Those should set you in the right direction

>> No.2534378

Leet. Thanks.

>> No.2534407
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good quality LSD can be hard to come by these days. It's not unheard of that some dealers mix the acid with other shit, or that the acid has been improperly made.

It is way easier to grow your own mushrooms (and kind of fun in a sciency way). All you need to know is at the shroomery (shroomery,org). teks, guides, building plans and all the support you might need.

There are several networks that will supply you with spores for free (you find them at the shroomery).

If you spend a few 100 $, you can grow enough shrooms to supply all of your friends (and even sell some at your local campus to get your investment back.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Shrooms contain a type of fibre that can cause some intestinal discomfort. You can protect yourself against this by ingesting a small piece of ginger with the shroom, it really helps.

>> No.2534425

I find Citric acid,orange juice, expedites the effet of hallucinogenic substances like LSD and Shrooms as well as helps with indigestion.

>> No.2534436

yes, OJ is good, but ginger is better. however, luckily enough they are not mutually exclusive. I like to drink some OJ to wash down the shrooms and the ginger.

>> No.2534450

Could you join the #melbourne channel in rizon on Mibbit IRC chat so we could discuss the LSD?

>> No.2534456

in some ways I would say that shrooms are better for beginners than acid. the trip is somehow softer and shorter by almost a third which is good if you are learning how to trip (and yes, tripping is a skill).

In some ways acid is better. it doesn't taste as bad and there is no risk of stomach-ache.

>> No.2535350
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because this is what science is really about.

>> No.2535378

If you want to try something mind blowing on mushrooms or LSD you'll need a pool table, a strobe light and a friend or two. Turn off all the lights, set the strobe light to twice per second or so then try to play some pool. This is fun in itself, but after 10 minutes or so walk into a room with normal lighting and watch your mind implode.

>> No.2535387

This sounds really interesting. certainly will try it.

Tell me more, what is the reaction?

>> No.2535403

You can by DMT and LSD off of chemical companies websites, like Sigma-Aldrich, but its pretty expensive, like $300 for a gram of DMT. Also there are probably hurdles to jump because you are trying to buy controlled substances

>> No.2535411

The nature of political correctness being what it is today, I actually prefer buying my drugs illegaly, no way it can get traced back to me at any point in the future that way. (yes I have a good dealer, no street corner deals, no risk).

>> No.2535432

If I try to describe it it will sound completely obvious, because in some ways it is. It's like describing an optical illusion vs seeing it for yourself. Plus you can't describe things like this without sounding like some greasy hippie.

But simply put it's like walking into some new reality. Everything seems very fluid, almost like you're floating through reality. I'd imagine it'd be the same type of feeling as seeing colors for the first time after a life of seeing everything in greyscale. There's suddenly a kind of depth to everything that you never noticed before. But it only lasts for a minute or so, then it just becomes normal again.

It put a huge smile on my face at least.

>> No.2535440
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Done both, they are different. LSD is more enjoyable of the two but DMT is immensely fascinating.

>> No.2535446

Could it help me understand quantum mechanics?

You guys are talking about it like it's some sort of magical mind opener which is what I need, because I casn't get that fucking QM into my mind no mater what I do.

>> No.2535467


5-MeO-DMT will open you to things that are far greater than quantum mechanics. things that no other brain has ever thought of before and may never will.

>> No.2535479

How coem all the people who take halucinogens aren't Nobel laureates?

Must be because it opens your mind to bullshit.

>> No.2535482

It doesn't work like that. What it might do is give you the feeling of understanding quantum mechanics. Knowledge wise you won't be any further than you were before, with the possible exception of looking at some things from a some new perspective you hadn't considered before. But what it probably will do is for an hour or two make you feel like you understand QM, it will all make sense in some abstract, feeling based way. But when you come down you'll be just as confused as before.

I love psychedelics but no, they don't impart some kind of special wisdom or knowledge. They just let you see things in a different light, and that may or may lead to some insight you wouldn't have had otherwise. Or you might come out of it with nothing but bullshit, but at least the journey was fun.

>> No.2535483
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Nice, a thread about psychedelics on /sci/ that wasn't started by me.

I've streamed 'DMT: The Spirit Molecule' a few times over the past weekend and a handful of other times on /sci/ - I'll be happy to do it again if anybody here hasn't seen it and is interested.

>> No.2535487


>> No.2535495


because it doesn't open your mind in that way. try it and then come back.

>> No.2535497
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will watch, I'm burning a few hours until my hot date

>> No.2535509
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Aight. Get in here fuckers.


>> No.2535516

What about Kary Mullis?