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2533361 No.2533361 [Reply] [Original]

my garbage disposal in my sink broke and now its filled with black beans and other food debris. what can i pour in there to dissolve the beans?

>> No.2533364


>> No.2533367

Dish washing soap has worked for me in the past.

>> No.2533377


>> No.2533386

stomach acid

>> No.2533399

I just worked this out in my head, so I make no promises as far as theory to practice is concerned, but...

When you eat you dissolve beans and other food with stomach acid, so try vomiting enough bile into the drain to dissolve the clog. If you can't do it alone just call up come friends or w/e.

>> No.2533430

This was my thought. Not just the acid but the bile and digestive enzymes. Try vomiting into the drain.

>> No.2533480
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I tried soap. Its literally filled with full beans that don't look like they've composed at all despite being in there for at least a few weeks. The water is still draining, but just today i looked down the drain because it smells like ass and saw its literally filled to the top now with fucking beans and pasta and shit.

Is draino powerful enough to eat through beans?

>> No.2533498
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The garbage disposal "tank" or whatever is probably a half gallon or so & its completely filled w/beans now.

I'd call my landlord but now i'm embarrassed because the plumbers gonna be like "yo wutup with all these fucking beans?"

>> No.2533517

>implying dietary fibres are broken down in the stomach

>> No.2533531


>> No.2533553

Soap will do nothing. The main thing in drano that will help is the lye which is caustic and will react with the fat in the beans to produce... more soap. You can get muriatic acid at a hardware store (will react with the drano) to try to dissolve them further. Or leave some meat outside until it attracts flies and the flies lay their eggs and soon produce maggots, then dump the maggots in the drain to eat the beans.

>> No.2533561

boiling water

i have used this method before

>> No.2533663
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so obvious its genius

>> No.2533665
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whats the reaction between muriatic acid and draino? if its just an acid base reaction will that do anything to the beans?