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2532041 No.2532041 [Reply] [Original]

In the United States of America, there are more young black people in jail than in college.

What can be done about this issue?

>> No.2532047

turn jails into colleges

>> No.2532046

Kill some incarcerated niggers to even it up.

>> No.2532154

Prison systems ought to have education included. Then more of those released could get a job instead of becoming repeat offenders.

>> No.2532160


Free meals and now a free education as well? Shit, jail looks better and better every day

>> No.2532166

It's a good start, but there are still too many blacks going to college.

>> No.2532174

In canada most prisons provide Basic education like high school or trade diplomas. It works fairly well

>> No.2532179

lol'd HARD

>> No.2532183


i know they do in california and indiana just because i have been watching lockdown on nat geo lately. there are dipolma, ged, aa/as, and ba/bs programs.

they followed the guys after they got out and they still dont get hired due to being felons.

lesson learned: dont go to jail in the first place

>> No.2532184

Imagine this:
Judges no longer hand out sentences in terms of years but instead in terms of academic achievements.

Petty theft? You must master multivariable calculus before you are released.
B&E? You must master electromagnetics
Murder? Find a solution to the navier stokes equations in 3D.

>> No.2532187

Privatized prisons. Close them.

The Law is based on the Bible. Bring it down.

Empirical renaissance.

>> No.2532190


Why have I been paying for school when I could just become a n|gger and get caught selling drugs?

>> No.2532198

Evil genius generator?


>> No.2532201

accept less people from other races into college
arrest more people of other races
admit more underqualified blacks into college
free some black criminals

problem solved

>> No.2532220

This was said as a joke but it's not a bad idea, sorta.
If you're a criminal with no marketable skills, and you get out of jail, are you going to work hard and learn to weld and live like a hobo until you do, or are you going to sell crack and live like a human being?

Teach criminals how to do things other than crime, and they will be more likely to stop being criminals.

>> No.2532221


They are already doing these things, and it has exacerbated the problem rather than fix it.

>> No.2532237

Most politicians would just take the black people out of jail and put them in college.

>> No.2532239

are you often beaten and raped in college? does your college keep you trapped in your dorm 20 hours a day with no comforts

>> No.2532243

>are you often beaten and raped in college?
If you're a girl at a frat house party maybe.

>> No.2532245

Sentence criminals to 4 years of college.

>> No.2532250

this just in: a crime wave sweeps across the nations universities, authorities baffled

>> No.2532254

in grades, by the smarter people
by exams
>trapped in your dorm 20 hours a day with no comforts
engineering at a public uni so... yes

>> No.2532259

>Petty theft? You must master multivariable calculus before you are released.

>B&E? You must master electromagnetics

>Murder? Find a solution to the navier stokes equations in 3D.
Fuck me. That equation raped me in fluid dynamics.

So I can break, enter and rob all I want, but I cannot kill? Not a bad world....

>> No.2532261

White people are in university and colored people are in prison...

OP, I have been dwelling on this for almost an hour now and I just can't find a problem anywhere.

What is the "issue?"

>> No.2532272

The people who mastered those topics of their own free will wont break and enter being they're upstanding people. Most of the time.

>> No.2532276

1) Legalize marijuana.
2) Change the welfare laws so that you don't get more money for making more babies (which you can't pay for).
3) Subsidize abortions and birth control.
4) Establish punitive tariffs on imported goods.
5) Establish punitive progressive taxes on large corporations and wealthy individuals.
6. Eliminate subsidies on fossil fuels.

1 will stop breaking up families and shift the culture away from spending money to keep black people poor.
2 and 3 will reduce the impetus to make large families you can't afford, which keeps black people poor.
4 and 5 will create new jobs in America and discourage giant megacorporations.
6 will reduce the ability to move goods all across the place and encourage locally produced goods, further developing strong local communities.

Problems solved.

>> No.2532279

During sentencing the judge will take your current academic achievement into consideration of course.

>> No.2532284

for repeat offenses you have to master duller, less useful subjects

so for your second time breaking and entering or stealing you'll have to prove that you exist, or do feminist critiques of various artworks or something

>> No.2532290
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>> No.2532289
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Outlaw blacks from going to college, by bringing back jim-crow laws.



>> No.2532293
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>> No.2532295

Ha did anyone read Anathem? For punishment he had to read these increasingly insane and mind-bending chapters of this terrible, terrible philosophical book.

>> No.2532296 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2532298
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>> No.2532315
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you just won the game

>> No.2532331

No to 4 and 5.
Yes on the others.

>> No.2532963

Good ideas overall, but 5 and 6 have issues:

>5) Establish punitive progressive taxes on large corporations
Congratulations, you just encouraged large corporations to discorporate into a series of small corporations who are all controlled by the same entity
>and wealthy individuals
Congratulations, you just encouraged the biggest individual tax contributers in the country to leave the country or sequester their wealth in nontaxable assets.

>6. Eliminate subsidies on fossil fuels.
Congratulations, you just raised the prices on all consumer goods, further hurting the people all of this is supposed to help.

>> No.2532971


>> No.2532972
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>> No.2532992


We need to troll the fuck ott of them by having all the famous rappers drop their careers and go earn phd's

>> No.2533032

Absolutely nothing.
Niggers gonna nig

>> No.2533039


>> No.2533044

That sounds like a combination of affirmative action and repeated use of the "racist card," which already exist...

>> No.2533052


>> No.2533056


Ship all niggas to africa. 2011 budget problem solves

>> No.2533068


They already did that with the black people that wanted to leave retard.

>> No.2533074



there's your problem

>> No.2533103


>wanted to leave

I meant involuntarily you fuckface

>> No.2533112
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>implying white people will work for the same wages black people do

>mfw your idiocy makes the market crash again

>> No.2533124


>implying that there isn't an excess of labor
>implying that porch monkeys aren't the laziest pieces of shit and are inefficient in any scenario

>> No.2533128

If anyone is genuinely interested in the OP's topic, watch the movie "The Lottery." It's about people trying to actually build decent schools in predominantly black, poor, inner-city neighborhoods. Watch as the parents stand up and fight tooth and nail to prevent it. Watch as the teacher's union in those cities bribe congress to prevent it. Great movie.

>> No.2533139
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>implying your bigoted racist retard ass helps the situation
>implying you have any fucking clue what its like to be black and denied opportunities because I sure as hell don't know what that feels like.

But youre almost there dude keep going! just a lil bit more :D

>> No.2533145


Interesting I will! Thank you :)

>> No.2533152
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>bitching about pointless shit on the internet while sitting on your fat ass
>apparently they are the lazy ones

>> No.2533163


There's a comic floating around about someone like you. A young white man takes a stroll around his suburb with only other white people. The only black people he sees are those represented in the media in a good and heroic light. He then posts on 4chan about how he doesn't understand why so many people can be racist. I wish I had it, as it fits you perfectly.

>> No.2533169


I'm wasting time demeaning people on 4chan. You're wasting time being a fucking retard. At least I get to wake up in the morning and go learn something valuable.


Calling me a bigot implies that I am wrong. I am most certainly correct. Also, black people are cut short on opportunity because the years and years of pretense has given people stereotypes about their culture and attitudes. Stereotypes are natural and productive. Don't forget to see: reverse discrimination.

>> No.2533175

Send them back to Africa, they'll either fit right in or shape up.

>> No.2533178


>teachers don't want to teach black children

I don't want to teach them either. Have you ever seen the environment of an inner city school? Its a fucking jungle and there is NOTHING you can do about it.

>> No.2533191


Blackie makes more than white women as of 2004

>> No.2533193
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Wtf do you know about me dude? you got diddly other than the fact that Im not black.


>> No.2533206

That. And you're mad, so so mad.

>> No.2533207

Put all of the young black men in jail

>> No.2533208


>implying white people dont have exceptional privileges in the U.S.

Cmon dude, you're not even trying with this bull shit, Black people got the short end of every stick tossed at them and you think they dont have a reason to be upset by it? you're out of your fucking mind.

>> No.2533228
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>> No.2533236 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2533235


At every fucking turn there is some poor fucker with white guilt giving handouts to some fucking retarded black. Don't EVER deny this.

>> No.2533230
File: 64 KB, 432x288, really_not_as_impressive_as_you_think_trollcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah im mad

>mfw you think im mad

Im done with your trollfest bullshit - Convincing you you're wrong is the same as convincing religious idiots they are wrong.

>> No.2533250
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so so mad

>> No.2533257
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>>Black people got the short end of every stick tossed at them

>> No.2533275

There has never been a worse time in history to be a white male...

>> No.2533307

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.2533321

Nah, you should watch the movie. The "good" teachers want to move into the neighborhood and improve the situation, but that means that the old teachers will lose their jobs, so the old teachers (and the union, and many of the students' parents) put up a tremendous fight to keep the good schools out. This one idiot lady stands up and screams at this town hall meeting, "OVER MY DEAD BODY, YALL" over and over.

The thing is, those existing teachers probably SHOULD lose their jobs, since they have a graduation rate of something like 30%. Meanwhile, these newer schools have graduation rates of like 99% in the exact same neighborhoods, just a few blocks down the street.

>> No.2533373

>and many of the students' parents)

Hard to understand that part, since the video is claiming the parents aren't at fault.

>> No.2533448


>subsidize abortions
Thank the republicans for making that impossible


>> No.2533473

kill the niggers in jail

problem solved, thread over
anything below this line is trolling:

>> No.2533479

>4) Establish punitive tariffs on imported goods.

So in other words force us to buy inferior quality and more expensive versions of things we're buying else where?

Sure that'll employ people but no one will have any more money to spend.

>> No.2533850
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In the USA, there are alot more Asian people in college than in jail. What can be done about this issue?

>> No.2533857

There's only one solution. The blacks need to get their shit together. No one can do it for them.

>> No.2533860

my god. please be the president one day, PLEASE

>> No.2533865


1300s, europe.

bubonic plague

or come to think of it, any time in europe, before the 1900s.

>> No.2533870

this ended in such a pathetic manner. i guess i expected too much of /sci/ trolls. the only ones who can troll are the ones who know higher order math, computer science, or physics. the rest are just the pretend stormfags from /new/ who are trying to do the same thing with religion/evolution here.

protip: everything you ever do will be a 1/10 or lower

>> No.2533872


blacks are basically in a feedback loop. They started in ghettos, so it's only going to go downward from there.

The only solution would be politicians who actually care, and started doing active things to change black culture and encourage blacks to study, instead of just "lol get into college easily" (which works for spics

>> No.2533877

That's racist. Blacks can't do any of those things.

>> No.2533878


neither can any significant number of white people

except for jews

>> No.2533882

Politicians can't change black culture. It has to come from within. A major change in attitude and values.

>> No.2533885

South Africa, post aparteid

>> No.2533891

New crime spree hits the USA: Asians!! And we can't stop them!!!

>> No.2533913

bullshit. would you cut off your kids legs and tell him to figure out how to walk by himself, then get pissy when he can't do it?

>> No.2533912


i think this is what obama is supposed to be for, but like everything else that fucking asshat was supposed to be for, he seems to be completely failing, near as i can tell

>> No.2533932

Get Jimmy Carr setup and execute an excellent joke.


>> No.2533936

That was the worst time to be white person, not a white male specifically though.

>> No.2533940

Only in America.

>> No.2533944

More. Death. Penalty.

I won't even pretend. I hate black people. The less there are the bettere

>> No.2533950

>What can be done about this issue?

Nothing, because black people are, on average, stupid. Their rights should be respected, but we shouldn't expect them to have the same average life outcomes as more intelligent races.

They should be treated equally under the law. That is all. Anything else bearing on success is a matter of individual motivation and capability.

>> No.2533952

A lot of these people live in a culture of poverty. They value education, sure, but not at the cost of changing their lifestyle or other interests. Education to them is daycare for the kids and/or a process to be inflicted upon the children, like a tatoo. They don't get that education is an 18 year process, and a lifetime for the child. Everything "ain't my fault!" So instead of collectively working together, which accomplishes great things when they do, they just let it all slip away.

>> No.2533957
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>They value education

>> No.2533982


you're all a bunch of filthy egomaniacs, man. gross. this is why i don't fucking talk to any of you self satisfied assholes in real life. you're all just pathetic and pretending not to be. children pretending to be grown ups

>> No.2533994

idiocy with no regard for environmental context. you actually expect me to take something this obvious as real? full fucking retard.

>> No.2534013

What are you talking about, the environmental context is black culture in America. 'Gimme gimme gimme'.

Until non-black people grow a spine and stop caving under accusations of racism nothing will change.

>> No.2534017


stop pretending blacks value education...get a clue, their culture ridicules education every chance it gets, try reading any black literature from the past 75 years, none of it shows a black culture that values education

>> No.2534088

ITT: Black people feeling oppressed even though affirmative action is for them.