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2531059 No.2531059 [Reply] [Original]

Why are scientists so convinced that making androids is a great idea?

>> No.2531065

Citations. Citations please.

Also, if a majority of human scientists currently think that, they don't think that because that's what science tells them, which means you're being misleading at best.

>> No.2531077

Because it's goddamn cool that's why.

>> No.2531156

is that the same as robots?

>> No.2531161


Why don't you ask them faggot?

>> No.2531165

who the hell wouldn't want a hot R2-D2 following them around

>> No.2531175

Robots that are modeled after humans, so yes. If you really wanted to be all ass-pained about it though, ones that are male in form are formally "androids" and those that are female in form are formally "gynoids," but as robots do not have sexes, that's fairly moot point.

>> No.2531209

if i could do that, i totally would

shit would be cash

>> No.2531210


what's the point of male and female robots?

fuck it's not even male and female, it's male and female shaped.

>> No.2531237

>What's the point of female robots
To sex them, obviously.

>> No.2531249

if you could have sex with a guy or girl who's dick or vagoo is a vibrator, would you?

>> No.2531307

how come everyone believes that making an AI will invariably lead to them killing us all? Everyone applies human psychology to a creature thats logic and reasoning is not dictated by it's biology. We have no reason to believe that making androids is a bad idea.

>> No.2531313


that's not a robot, that's a sex toy, and i mean that literally.

you can just make the pelvis parts, we already have that shit, it's could vibrators and flashlight.

creating an entire robot just to get you of is just stupid.

>> No.2531337

Because iPhones suck.

>> No.2531342

Luddites and an anti-science media

>> No.2531353


>> No.2531359


beacuse we will design their a.i.
so if we design them after ourselves they will think like us.
and we don't want that.

personally i don't think a.i is something that can happen, at least not the way most people think of it.

computers "think" differently then people, they can't be given a personality or an intelligence, they cannot rewrite themselves to fit a situation.

they are clever machines, but not as clever as us biological machines.

>> No.2531367
File: 936 KB, 1093x1500, 1297535323953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not solely for sex, but if it is, then things such as what you listed are simply not enough for those that find sexual attraction to the possibility of such a machine. It is about the awareness of the machine, that it observes and reacts to your actions. Or something like that. The aspect of companionship may also be appealing.

>> No.2531375

Basically your ideal sex slave ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H partner.

>> No.2531376

have you ever tried to give yourself an enema?

shit doesn't work, android needed, divert all resources to enema giving android

>> No.2531377

I wonder what would happen if they did. Once they reach sentience they would just simply try and make themselves smarter, eventually surpassing us. By that point they would just ignore us, thinking us as being stupid and worth their time.

>> No.2531387

or the fact there is a trans-humanism thread around here and we're going to make immortal human minded robots as a result of both of this research.
Paranoid elitist assholes now with immortal robot bodies proabbly outfitted with rockets and guns. What COULD go wrong.

>> No.2531396

why would they be paranoid elitists assholes?

>> No.2531398
File: 114 KB, 436x654, 1278622235358.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, that reminded me a lot of this.

Suffice to say, I found it funny.

>> No.2531418

frankly I hope the future is like the last question, where we mind meld everyone together with the all powerful god machine.


>> No.2531451

because the people who would be able to afford an immortal robot body would be rich and they are paranoid of death and decay.
The solution would be to destroy anything unlike them to ensure their ultimate survival and because they will most likely believe they are the next phase in human evolution thus our extinction would be "helping us".

>paranoid elitist assholes

>> No.2531464


then? they?

what kind of a.i? what was it's main function?
what part of it can it change and what is permanent?

dude, it depends on so many factors you might as well through some dice.

i mean this is beyond the realm of hypothesis they is strait out scifi.


then they should go choke on a cock.

you know there are these things called women and if you can't be bothered to get a girlfriend at the time and still need to get some relief there is always old mr righty.

i mean fuck, if you are really that fucking desperate get a hooker, you don't need a top of the line mother fucking robot to get your rocks of.

>> No.2531467

what would happen if everyone got the technology? If everyone was all powerful, thereby making everyone equal?

>> No.2531486
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>through some dice
>strait out scifi

That aside, aren't you a big bad alpha male. I don't suppose you've ever heard of a little thing called a "fetish?"

>> No.2531490
File: 75 KB, 450x338, cybermen_on_bbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're already part of the problem. Watch some fucking Doctor Who. It's actually a perfect example of what would happen.

>> No.2531521

how come every single person believes "cold, logical" = crazed murderer? If you ever studied logic you'll find the idea of killing or controlling everyone else to be illogical.

>> No.2531528


sure, i have lots of them.
but what's the point of having a fetish over a glorified microwave?

>> No.2531548

Certainly people with different fetishes do not see eye-to-eye in regards to each other's fetishes. I may not see the point in bondage and such, but you may.

No need to be a dick about it.

>> No.2531567

i know aspies. I don't want metal aspies.

>> No.2531583

Because SEX TOYS you asexual fuck!

>> No.2531587

Aspies are a lot of things, logical isn't one of them.

>> No.2531601

Weren't the robot thingies from DW actually humanoid brains inside machines?

>> No.2531607


>if you ever studies logic you'd know

unless you're talking about symbolic first order predicate logic, "logic" is basically bullshit beliefs that people don't feel the need to explain or justify.

but keep going, what logic class taught you about how controlling people is illogical?

>> No.2531619


i'm not being so much a dick about the nature of the fetish as i am to the way i believe you think of robots.

do you have any idea the amount of work it would take to make something like that?
a humanoid robot that actually reacts and acts like a real human?

the amount of material engineering, computer science robotics and electrical engineering required to create something like this is fucking astronomical.

and all you care about is fucking it.

just seems... odd.

it's like i'm looking at a space ship and say: ye that the gateway to the stars and you go: but were are the tits?!

>> No.2531642


what's that thing in your picture.

>> No.2531688
File: 3 KB, 126x126, 1296198834622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are making an erroneous amount of assumptions and generalizations here.

>do you have any idea the amount of work it would take to make something like that?
>a humanoid robot that actually reacts and acts like a real human?

With modern technologies and levels of A.I. development, such a thing is currently a feasibly impossible task, and given the way that programming currently works, an A.I. with sapience is virtually impossible. Sentience, however, is not too far on the horizon.

>the amount of material engineering, computer science robotics and electrical engineering required to create something like this is fucking astronomical.
>and all you care about is fucking it.

Earlier I pointed out how someone may be sexually attracted to the concept of an android. I did not, however, point out that I myself found it to be attractive. This is leaving out the possibility of emotional attachment or attraction.

>it's like i'm looking at a space ship and say: ye that the gateway to the stars and you go: but were are the tits?!

As earlier stated: assumptions and generalizations.