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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2530620 No.2530620 [Reply] [Original]

Tell the truth sci/

Most of you do science and maths because you can't get a girl.

>> No.2530631
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Most of you can't get a girl because all you do is math and science


>> No.2530630

i cant do science and math either so jokes on you

>> No.2530637

greatest story ever told bro.

>> No.2530634

I do math and science because it's the only way to progress humanity. Pretending to be someones friend for capital is bullshit tbh. Money means nothing to me.

>> No.2530644

Most of you who have women cannot do math nor science.

Check and mate put that shit back in the motherfucking box faggot.

>> No.2530647

Well you know how it is.

Math never breaks up with you.

Seriously though, every single scientist out there is working for the benefit of all humanity. Without us this world would fall apart.

>> No.2530653

In the old days of Cambridge, they didn't allow the Sciences and Maths students to have girlfriends.

Princeton had similar rules.

>> No.2530658


youre thinking of ''civilization'' and basically you fail there too

>> No.2530673

science is time consuming

also, she is our mistress

and gives us blowjobs occasionally (weekends)

>> No.2530675
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>mfw when i have no idea what you mean

>> No.2530676

well you know worker and guard bees do not get to have sex with the queen.

I will probably just start using escorts.

>> No.2530693

I got a girl. I did science and math. In fact she liked me because of that. What should I do about your post OP?

>> No.2530720

i do science and math because i am a girl

>> No.2530737

you seem to be too stupid but fuck it i will try.

the WORLD got on fine before humans and will after. the WORLD will not fall apart if a scientist doesn't turn up to work one day(which WILL happen).

what you are suggesting is that without scientist things like ipads and cinema and TV etc would not exist because these are scientific achievements of civilization.

i say ''civilization'' because science fails at that concept justifying BILLIONS of spending in their pursuit of things that make no really difference to life and death cycle, while millions suffer just so their ego can be satiated that they are smart and can do a thing.

cure world hunger and make world peace and THEN talk to me about how science is holding the world together.

and as much as i love science even I see that the world can do without half the shit these people get funded for.

>> No.2530741
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and i already love you

>> No.2530772

Ok i see what you're getting at.

Firstly, I should probably say "our world would fall apart" earlier. That being said, I invite you to take a night off, find a nice little cave (preferably with no bears in it) and spend the night in it. Maybe in the morning, you'd understand what all science has done to improve YOUR life. Yes, yours. As well as billions of lifes around the globe.

The science is the only thing that is pushing our limits.

Without it, we would just live in status quo until we're extinct. This way, we have a chance. Maybe a chance in hell, but it's a chance nevertheless. And a chance worth taking. Knowledge is power.

>> No.2530789

math > girls

although both is fine too.

>> No.2530799

Also, dont mind my grammar im too sleepy to write well

>> No.2530803


this post has just sprung forth a big dollop of the brown stuff (poo)

>> No.2530833

I have gf, and I do science..........I did science b4 I met her though, and I've come too far not do science now.......

>> No.2530991
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OP is a liberal arts major


have fun contributing nothing to society

>> No.2531001

Disregard women.
Disregard currency.
Acquire knowledge.

>> No.2531016

used to have a girl
now I do math and science

>> No.2531027

I haven't found a girl I could do for 9 years straight, and be more fascinated than ever.

>> No.2531033

I do science and math because it's fun, and thus I don't get girls. You got the causation going the wrong way.

>> No.2531034



>> No.2531043
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>> No.2531068

>hello guize, I am EK, I am a woman

no one cares

>> No.2531076


I think this guy was implying that without scientist among the human race, the human race would make the "world fall apart."

Go change your tampon, dipshit.

>> No.2531085
File: 18 KB, 452x351, nahfuckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck fucking you.

>> No.2531131

and now he's pretending to be a bearded man
like he could grow a beard on his 0 birthday

get real

>> No.2531134
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>loaded question
>if I say I do work out, it's assumed I'm lying
>if I say that I'm not interested in girls or sex really, it's assumed I'm lying and confirming that I've never had one
>if I say I can get one, it's assumed I'm lying
>if I say yes, I look pathetic

fuck you and your fallacies OP

>> No.2531146

correction, i am pretending to be 2 bearded men.

and one doesnt even have a beard! just a mustahce1!

are are conjoined twinzzz

...i put the WIN in twinzzzzz

>> No.2531152

if you flip the way you've written that, probably

I would agree with "most of you wouldn't do math and sciences if you could get a girl," because why do math when I get get women.

>> No.2531187


There are 3 billion vaginas on this planet.
There was only one Einstein.

Vaginas come, Vaginas go, math equations till I die, fuck the hoes.

>> No.2531203


1 me.
3 billion vaginas.

Probability of me finding vagina. 3 billion:1
I like my chances.

Also, you are implying that it is hard to find a woman.

To psychoanalyze, you are reflecting your world upon us to bring a sort of social connection via interwebs.

To conclude, you are really just upset you cannot find a woman and are trying to find more people to connect with and see that you are not the only one in the boat.

>> No.2531231

No, I masturbate because I can't get a girl. Science and math is not sexually stimulating at all. Unless you get into engineering and make sex machines.

>> No.2531278

>To conclude, you are really just upset you cannot find a woman and are trying to find more people to connect with and see that you are not the only one in the boat.
I don't want to come of as one of those internet psychologists or anything, but it's always been my impression that people who come to boards with many virgins and try to make fun of them for being virgins, are people from the bottom of the ladder of sexually active people, who deal with their insecurities by telling themselves "at least I've had sex, and there are many people out there who have failed to do that, so I can't be that worthless if I've achieved more than them".

This is the only kind of person I could imagine would brag about having had sex like it's a really huge deal. It's like bragging about having taken a college introductory course in physics, sure, there are many people out there who haven't achieved that, but that doesn't mean it's a noteworthy achievement.

>> No.2531302

I do maths because I really enjoy it. But it's true that I've only ever had sex with one girl, and that's over 1½ years ago.

>> No.2531321

Nice one, anon

>> No.2531344

I'm gay.
And I have no problem getting men.

>> No.2531368
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>> No.2531424

aerospace engineering student

had sex with more women than i can count. if i try to sit down and think about it, i really have to think. Then, later on, i'll remember that i ended up leaving out two or three.

>> No.2531442

>implying there are any scientists here
This whole thread.

>> No.2531449

>implying if you're good at math you can't get ladies like 24/7

seriously just looking at history, so many mathematicians/logicians were ladies' men