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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2530038 No.2530038 [Reply] [Original]

"Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy."

– Ludwig Van Beethoven

what does /sci/ think if this?

>> No.2530047

I don't think music has ever cured a disease. Maybe it made dying less painful, but I doubt it.

>> No.2530059

I'm from /mu/ so, uh... I agree.

fuk u
u r a faget

>> No.2530067

I don't think astronomy has ever cured a disease. Maybe it made dying less painful, but I doubt it.

>> No.2530085

Beethoven was neither wise or philosophical. By all accounts he was obsessive and closed minded, albeit musically gifted.

>> No.2530148

Enjoy your lack of disease.

>> No.2530411

its hormony in the most abstract form... we need to see harmony in matter

>> No.2530419

I don't think medicine has ever cured death. Maybe it made dying less painful, but I doubt it.

>> No.2530427

also known as teenagism. Makes girls very receptive to cocks when properly fondled.

>> No.2530441
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>> No.2530451

Beethoven was deaf and half retarded he couldn't even HEAR the music. Why the fuck did he love it so much?

>> No.2530455
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i kind of agree with this thread but not totally

>> No.2530457

I've never understood the cult around music. Sure, it's neat I guess, but some people take it way too far. "OMG I would die without music in my life, my music is my life!" Really, you would kill yourself if there was no music?

>> No.2530494

I love music, but that's totally arbitrary and unfounded. I hate people who treat music as the most important thing in the world.

>> No.2530514


I've never understood why kids love cinnamon toast crunch. Sure, it's tasty I guess, but some people take it way too far. "OMG there's cinnamon sugar swirls in every bite!" Really, you would kill yourself if there was no breakfast cereal?

>> No.2530573

ITT: ignorant pigs who don't realize the formal properties of music (ie frequencies and harmonies)

beethoven wouldn't have thought Ke$ha is a higher revelation you fucking twats

>> No.2530587

>formal properties of music
yeah, you're a gigantic douche.
And I say that while being a big Bach fan.

The fascination of music is comparable to the fascination of drugs. There's an emotional, personal and social dimension to your relationship with music, and they all play an important role.

>> No.2530592

>probably tone deaf

>> No.2530598

>tone deaf
Did you just make that one up?
I like it.

>> No.2530608

Music relieves stress in a lot of cases. I think modern medicine underestimates the destructive potential of a stressed out thought process.

I wouldn't say music is any greater than wisdom or philosophy, definitely not wisdom. Our society is going to shit because the lack of wisdom our leaders process.

wisdom =/= knowledge