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File: 63 KB, 400x529, 1101110221_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2529417 No.2529417 [Reply] [Original]

I will just leave this here...

>> No.2529430
File: 59 KB, 425x639, aubrey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

singultarians grow strong every day!

we weep in your denial tears while we emerge from the dark age!

>> No.2529447

34 years?
at the rate were going, yes that'll be possible.
You can never be sure though. (economic rule over innovation)

>> No.2529456

Why is there a cable in that picture?
Are they talking about uploading my brain?
I don't want to upload my brain I thought we were going to be immortal for reals

>> No.2529455

plug me into the matrix!

>> No.2529464

*33 years now...

>> No.2529463


I want to live forever, whatever the price.

>> No.2529469

to bad we are all going to die in ww3 in 2025 :(

>> No.2529470
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>yfw we have the singularity but not wi-fi

>> No.2529474
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this guy

>> No.2529476

man i'll be 63 years old....hope i live that long

>> No.2529483

here is the link for the artical that faggot OP did not post......


>> No.2529485
File: 2.85 MB, 2427x1630, [gasp] silver fox kit__mattknoth__Flickr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least that's more realistic than Kurzweil's 2029 estimate.

Also, I'd like to draw a distinction between transhumanism and the singularity. The singularity is when computers surpass human intelligence. Transhumanism, which I have much less faith in, involves massive improvements to the human mind and body. I believe this is <span class="math">somewhat[/spoiler] possible, but not to the extent of 'plug in the back of your head through which you can upload and download to your brain which is probably not storing information in at all the same way as your computer, but, hey, whatever'. Still, we're liable to see people with disabilities reap huge benefits in the coming decades. Also, an interface through the brains existing inputs, I believe, is possible (e.g. a "heads up display" created by firing particular retinal ganglion cells).

So, yeah, that's just an opinion I don't feel like arguing; take it or leave it. It's subject to change as time goes on and I frankly won't be surprised if I'm wrong.

>> No.2529507

yfw 2045 is Kurzweil's estimate. :D

>> No.2529508
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>> No.2529522

At least Kurzweil changed his estimate. Also, I'm OK with this article. The illustration on the front is misleading.

>> No.2529524

perhaps but we can still prolong that event by a few million years so fucking eat it!

>> No.2529540

For example, it's well known that one cause of the physical degeneration associated with aging involves telomeres, which are segments of DNA found at the ends of chromosomes. Every time a cell divides, its telomeres get shorter, and once a cell runs out of telomeres, it can't reproduce anymore and dies. But there's an enzyme called telomerase that reverses this process; it's one of the reasons cancer cells live so long. So why not treat regular non-cancerous cells with telomerase? In November, researchers at Harvard Medical School announced in Nature that they had done just that. They administered telomerase to a group of mice suffering from age-related degeneration. The damage went away. The mice didn't just get better; they got younger.


>> No.2529551

it's non-poisonous in mice

>> No.2529563
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Oh, I have a link to an article on this if someone wants to read:


>> No.2529650

Economics is the primary driver of innovation. Deadlines and profit incentives are what make companies demand faster and faster computers. Greed is what makes the consumer demand a smaller, more versatile smartphone. Laissez-faire economics has never stopped innovation that would've happened /without/ a profit-driven motive. Give me ONE instance, I fucking dare you, commie.

>> No.2529693
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Yo dawgs

>> No.2529734

The point of OP's image is that we /sci/ducks are fucking sick and tired of singularity threads, but TIME acts like it is breaking news. Thus, the slowpoke in the upper right hand corner of the image.

>> No.2529746

>Laissez-faire economics has never stopped innovation that would've happened /without/ a profit-driven motive. Give me ONE instance, I fucking dare you, commie.
University research

>> No.2529749
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Time sure is late to the irrational optimism boat.

>> No.2529790

When has laissez-faire economics put a stop to that? In fact, universities pay for research though donations, student tuition (?) and patents (maybe) that's all a part of a laissez faire system. It would all be voluntary association and allocation of resources. It isn't tax-funded government research that's been taking us closer to the you-know-what.

Commie status:
Not Told [ ]
Told so hard your ass is in fire [x]

>> No.2529796

sweet so only white people will be able to join the singularity.

fuck i love being white

>> No.2529819

No, more like nobody will be able to join the singularity because it'll never happen.

>> No.2529832

Replicants everywhere...

>> No.2529838


>> No.2529850

>oh Thog, this ridiculous.. what did you call it, Fire? pff.. this "fire" will never change anything.
>Get back to gnawing that gristle and keep your head out of the fluffy sky-mountains.

>> No.2529854


people used to say we would have flying cars in the year 2000

>> No.2529855


You obviously are a high-school American brainwashed student. I'm currently doing my PhD in Physics, and over HALF the paperwork I do is for requesting research grants. Just think of all the time wasted for that shit.

Why the fuck does the American high school system still teach that communism is evil? Fuck, it's like the cold war never ended (except we stopped the space race, what the fuck?)

>> No.2529867

>"...research grants"
>Implying only the government can give grants
>Implying the liberals don't have a chokehold on the American school system and use it to brainwash American youth.

>> No.2529885

So is this like a nerd-atheist version of the Apocalypse or something?

>> No.2529886


We did...we just realised they were a fucking stupid idea.

>> No.2529901

the biggest stumbling block to "flying cars" is the fact that people don't want thousands of pounds of flaming wreckage tumbling down into residential neighborhoods every time there is a fender-bender. The technological building blocks have been here for a while.

Lack of flying cars =/= technological advancement and singularity events (small 's' singularity) will not happen.

>> No.2529920
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>> No.2529929

Raymond Kurzweil and his Singularitarians as well as everybody else should consider President Dwight Eisenhower's warning in his Farewell Address to the nation in 1961:

Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.

If anything, Singularitarians are laying the groundworks for a scientific dictatorship, via high technological means, around the world.

The mean is knowledge, the end is control. Know the human race, control the human race. Singularitarians are without any foundation that God endowed them with compassion and heart, but they can use the tools and the technological means against all of mankind, operating on the assumption that Man is imperfect and need to be "corrected" by force.

>> No.2529955

>making religious arguments against technological advancement.
>pretending most religion is not based around the idea of Man being imperfect and needing to be corrected, even by force.
as they say on the internet.. "cool story bro"

Interestingly, you are also conflating Singularitarians with all scientific progressive thought.

Yeah, sure, the big bad scientist is planning to steal your brain and turn you into a robot.
It is true because a president said something once, and also God thinks those scientists are not compassionate.

>> No.2529963

>Man is imperfect and need to be "corrected" by force

This is true. Read about the recent study whereby the neurological region for aggression is actually a very small and localised region of the mouse brain?

To deactivate mankind's aggressive instincts by force would be morally justifiable.

>> No.2529973

stop helping/trolling.

>> No.2530012


Clarify your position, your comment made fuck all sense.

The deactivation of aggressive nerve centres will effectively be an extension of policing powers.

>> No.2530015

To mess with mankind's natural anything BY FORCE is wrong. Teach man how to be good, don't force him to be good, leaving no choice!

Have you read A Clockwork Orange?

>> No.2530025

I have great respect for most science, but this is another example of how some scientists are trying to usurp religion by making false and impossible claims. Man will never live forever, and it's a good thing, otherwise we would have people like Hosni Mubarak in power for eternity

>> No.2530042

Right, we're the ones who are brainwashed
Banks,insurance companies, weapon industries and oil companies are fucking drowning in money after all the bullshit they've put us through this past decade AND WE'RE THE ONES WHO ARE FUCKING BRAINWASHED
Go fuck yourself

>> No.2530058

>Man will never live forever

Maybe man as we know it, but the age of robotics and cybernetics is quickly descending upon us. What you "are" is your personality. Your memories and experiences that combine with a constant feedback loop. If you can preserve that, you can live forever. The soul as we know it will only be a few terrabytes. If you are willing to ditch your meatbody, then you can live forever.

>> No.2530063

Indeed, fuck uploading my brain. I'm fine with TRANSPLANTING my brain but an immortal copy of me, isn't an immortal me, it is a separate consciousness that would diverge down it's own path. If it can exist simultaneous as me, it isn't me. That being said, if we can indefinitely sustain the human brain within a machine, sign me the fuck up.

>> No.2530069

>man will never live forever
This is a self-imposed disability, if man can overcome biological death, man can live forever. It's as simple as that. We are limited only by our capabilities. Nature has even proved that biological immortality can exist. (don't have a specific source but if you google a bit I'm sure you'll find info on the jellyfish that can revert itself to younger ages.

>> No.2530080


Eventually the universe will end and collapse onto you, and you will die. There is no escaping death, only prolonging it to extreme levels.

>> No.2530078

>Clarify your position, your comment made fuck all sense.

either you think you are helping by your statements, in which case you are just worrying, or you are simply trolling, espousing a false viewpoint to incite anger and/or confusion.

the events in the last month have shown that even an "immortal" ruler could be displaced, by revolt and public discourse, perhaps even through violent destructive rebellion.

more like a very specific offshoot of a very specific branch of transhumanist thought.

Singularity (large 'S') theoretically being humanity achieving a state whereby they uploading of consciousness into electronic form becomes reliable, even commonplace or majority.

Despite what people say, no one is claiming robot-jesus will come from nerd-heaven and scoop up all the good digital souls. It is more a school of thinking that examines the paths we would take to reach that end (uploading of consciousness into electronic form becomes reliable, even commonplace or majority) and examining what that would mean about humanity, self, things like that.

reasonable point of view.
though just for fun, remember that the "You" that exists right now is already different from the "You" that posted. And both of "You" are incredibly different from who "You" were a year ago, or 5 years, or 10.

Just remember that Self is an ongoing process, not a destination.

>> No.2530096

Well until then, I would be content to settle with clinical immortality.

>> No.2530130

Perhaps our role on this planet is not to worship God — but to create Him. - Arthur C Clarke

>> No.2530129
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I think living to infinity, given the current expansion of space continues, would be really cool.

>> No.2530173

The Singularity is an aggressive cancer.Scientists have never been able to implement their idealism in the wake of military agenda.Thus the idealism of Singularitarians to guide The Singularity in a benevolent direction is akin to a holistic farce cure.Mankind must take actions similar to chemo therapy. We must put the Singularity into remission until a cure can be derived.* The first step in treatment is to unpopularise, disenchant, and disenfranchise the fanaticism of The Singularity through an aggressive social ostracism of its protagonists.* The second is to discredit it as an inevitability through bias media favoritism of it's antagonists.* The third is to further deify the unaugmented human through social reformation in favor of anachronistic correspondence. * Through Subterfuge if necesary, newer generations must become disenchanted with their parents forms of interaction, willfully adopting primitive communication through popularised retroism.* And Finally Masahiro Mori's "Uncanny Valley" must be concentrated and aimed at a public willing to reject it's scientists. Willing to imprison it's Galileo's.
We must define a status quo for our existence and work to maintain it as long as possible.

>> No.2530185

>Someone's been reading the comment section.

>> No.2530195
File: 166 KB, 1255x509, infinitetrolling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have a plan for escaping that...

>> No.2530252

>imma 'fraid of robot-jesus an' we gotta tell everybody to be 'fraid too.
>'member kids, thinkin' is bad, so better to act like your granny then do stuff all future style.

comedy gold.

The odd lack of spaces in spots and the generally cluttered phrasing makes it fairly likely you stole this entirely from someone, which is interesting.

>> No.2530260

What I don't understad is the fact that there is so many people opposing the idea of transhumanism with the you are playing god- argument. Transhumanism might actually allow us to become as close to gods as is possible. How is this a bad thing.

I for one, aprove of future where humans are so powerfull beings that today we would consider them gods. Why shouldn't we reach our full potentiall?

Imagine, our posthuman children, roaming acros the universe, discovering the universes secrets, exploiting it's resourses, unleashing a golden age of human domination over the galaxy. If we can make ourselves immortal beings of godlike povers, anyone who opposes this, I consider an enemy of humanity, our children and our future.

The universe and everything in it is rightfully ours, if we can impose our will over it. With our current frail bodies, this is impossible, so the logical way is to improve ourselves.

>> No.2530263

Precisely, self is an ongoing process and one that is very well connected. Simply creating a copy is different in my mind. There is a cohesiveness to existence, a continual flow of consciousness. Immortality is not of the body, but of the mind.

>> No.2530331

But the mind is not the brain.

What if you were to fall asleep, and while you slept your brain, the physical seat of the mind, was replaced with mechanical and electronic devices that perfectly replicated the function of your brain and the total state of all elements of your mind.

Assuming you were never told and the electronic device functioned perfectly, would you still be yourself?

What if you slept and your mind was simply copied into a perfect mechanical replica of yourself. a replica that would awaken, perceive and feel just as your mind would expect. Is this machine now You? What about the still-living meat-You? is that You as well?

which would experience the "correct"ongoing consciousness? what if the "original" was told they were artificial, and the artificial told they were original? would the "real" you think itself false and the "false" self think itself real?

Odd things to think about down at this end of reality.
And that is just ignoring the fact that the idea of "self is an ongoing process and one that is very well connected" is more or less wrong, the more we knoe about it. More and more "self" seems mutable and flexible. Why do you not remember everything you perceive? why do your forget some things and remember others?

If you forget something important, is it no longer a part of you? Does that mean you have changed?

>> No.2530345

Sure is Josh Harris MIT scam job ITT

>> No.2530359

But that is the problem. The mind IS the brain. Everything that I have ever perceived or felt is as a direct result of my brain. All my memories, literally everything that makes up my extended human ego is within my brain including my vantage point of the cosmos. If my brain were taken and destroyed I would cease to exist in my conscious form and would simply return to the cycle of matter never to be arranged in what was previously me ever again. Even if I am consumed by conscious lifeforms and what not, the arrangement that makes my consciousness as I currently know and experience it will never occur again. That being said, if they were to remove my brain and replace it with mechanical parts in which all my memories and experiences were uploaded I would die, my consciousness would fade and I would no longer exist as a human mind but simply as organic matter. The machine mind would essentially be born half way constructed, it would be the birth of a mind that was already full of thoughts but regardless, a separate mind and perspective of the universe. From a third party stand point, it would be impossible to tell, but consciousness isn't regarded in a third party standpoint, consciousness is as first person as it gets and as a result a copy is always the genesis of a new mind that is then free to diverge down any path separate from that which it was copied from.

>> No.2530377
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>Will probably live to see

>> No.2530384

to give an example: take two suburban houses that have been built exactly the same. They are identical in every fashion. For all intensive purposes, copies of one another. Now, imagine that two families move in to each house respectively. From this point of divergence the houses are no longer identical, they are now two separate houses as a result of this fork in experiences, one family might treat their house like crap while the other keeps it very well maintained ect.
Then, even previous to this point of divergence there are still TWO houses, and if a hurricane were to come along and completely wreck one of the houses, we wouldn't say it still existed simply because there is another one that is just like it.

>> No.2530418

>for all intensive purposes


>> No.2530426
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what? interestingly this isn't the first time I've been yelled at for using that phrase? I didn't mean anything by it outside of, for the sake of this conversation, the houses are the same.

>> No.2530433


10/10 GTFO illiterates.

>> No.2530435


>> No.2530444

Oh. heh. . . heh heh. Woops.

>> No.2530448

What the big deal, I mean this isn't a doggy-dog board, is it? I thought we were friendly. It's the same difference, moore less.

>> No.2530459

>does some google searching

you mean this thread is the same as a self-admitted scam artist.. i mean, "conceptual artist" who is good at burning money?

No one is talking about his so-called "singularities effect", which seems to be along the lines of..
step one, watch everyone doing everything
step two _
step three, magical hivemind.

This guy is like a snake-oil salesman who pretends to wear a doctor's coat and is somehow tricking everyone into hating doctors? madness.

>That being said, if they were to remove my brain and replace it with mechanical parts in which all my memories and experiences were uploaded I would die, my consciousness would fade and I would no longer exist as a human mind but simply as organic matter.

Ok, so you are getting stuck on the "mechanical" term, even though you are already a gestalt functioning in a biological machine.

lets go a little deeper. What if i was to create a machine to perfectly scan your brain and body, including all the states of energy and chemical action, and then recreate this structure using the same materials and into the same perfect pattern.

When that being opened its eyes and said "mad-doktor teka, when will the procedure take place?" would it be You? (or at least "You, in every way at that same moment of experience)

What if i make two at once? are they both the same as each other, And You at the same moment? What if they go live in perfect replicas of your apartment, traveling a perfect replica of your trip to work every day, watering the same replica plant in the corner of the cubicle? Doing replica work and getting replica rewards.

Will they be the same? will they feel the same? if i told you that you were the fake and showed you a perfect duplicate, would your brain shut down and "exist only as organic matter"?

If i did the same with a duplicate-you, would they suddenly cease to exist in the same manner?

>> No.2530462

Troll posts like his are a diamond dozen. Just ignore him and take what he says with a grain assault.

>> No.2530466

How about this then:
You brain is augmented with 'robotic neurons'. Over time more and more of these are added.
Meanwhile, your organic cells are removed over time. Eventually your brain is entirely composed of robotic neurons.

>> No.2530525

no no no, I wasn't getting hung up on the word mechanical, I was simply using that as a label to distinguish which one I was talking about. If you were to create three replicas of me, it would be the birth of three new consciousnesses that were simply built on the framework of everything I had experienced up until that point. If you were to then walk up to one and put a bullet between one of their eyes, he would die. His consciousness would cease to exist and thus he would NOT be immortal even though there are two copies of him right next to him. It isn't as if he would immediately snap into the experiences of one of his clones and continue living his life, he would be dead. Furthermore, life is full of too many variables for all the copies to continue experiencing things exactly the same way and as a result they WOULD diverge and if you were to come back to them 10 years later they would have differences in their way of thinking or personalities. My entire point is that copies DO NOT equal immortality. They might from an observers perspective but as I said, I don't give a fuck if others perceive us as immortal, I look at immortality as the indefinite extension of my consciousness and perspective. The AND PERSPECTIVE is the important part of that. My consciousness does me no good if I'm dead and it continues on.

>> No.2530529


this may be a little late, but i believe it still relevant....

its about fucking time humanity got a decent pseudo-scientific (if not full blown scientific) "religion" that can finally replace those barbaric and failing institutions known as tradtional religion

>> No.2530555

this singularity stuff is based on the idea that we can effectively mimic the brain with robotics....fyi we can't mimic even a single skin cells activity with a robot, and we are not even close, 2045 might be the time when we get better brain-computer interfaces, but it will be hundreds if not thousands of years before anything artificial can actually replace the human brain in terms of creativity, plasticity and dynamic evolution

>> No.2530593

Cool red herring there bro.

>> No.2530635


Honestly, I kinda find it funny that this comic, or the preceding one, comes up every time the subject of transhumanism is broached.

>> No.2530674

While to a large degree you are correct, computers already mimic what the brain does, so it isn't quite the same as a skin cell because you can have something think based on raw information without it perfectly replicating the way biology does so.

>> No.2531319
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>I have great respect for most science, but this is another example of how some scientists are trying to usurp religion by making false and impossible claims. Man will never live forever, and it's a good thing, otherwise we would have people like Hosni Mubarak in power for eternity


Let's take this apart piece by piece, shall we?

>this is another example of how some scientists are trying to usurp religion by making false and impossible claims.
Yeah, Religion's role is to make false and impossible claims, you're right.

I don't expect the singularity to happen within our lifetimes, but it is certainly not physically impossible.

>Man will never live forever
Again with that "impossible" "never" shit. Technically you're right but I think you mean "man will never eliminate aging", which is just stupid.

>otherwise we would have people like Hosni Mubarak in power for eternity
Dumbest part of this post and what set me off on this rant. You do know that THAT MOTHERFUCKER WAS JUST DEPOSED, RIGHT? HE DIDN'T GET OLD AND DIE. THEY KICKED HIM OUT.

>> No.2532135

Hey singularity fags, just wanted to drop this off.

"It is the business of the future to be dangerous; and it is among the merits of science that it equips the future for its duties." - A.N. Whitehead

>> No.2532317

No it won't be. The police system is there to arrest criminals, that is, someone who has already committed a crime. Having a bundle of nuerons that could cause you to act violently is no guarantee that you WILL commit a crime. And even if it was, you're still innocent until you've committed the act. It would be illegal to forcibly deprive people of their birthright (their whole, functioning bodies) just because the establishment is "a skerred" of us. GODAMNIT FUCK FUCK FUCK YOU YOU DISGUSTING WHORE>< WHAT I DO (or don't do) with MY OWN BODY is not a government bureaucrat's arbitrary choice, even if it was allegedly for "teh greater good derp".
Long live freedom and personal sovreignty
Death and Slaughter to intrusive authoritarian government!


>> No.2532333

Who wants to bet Kurzwell will die before the singularity?

>> No.2532342

He'd be nearly a 100 by the time it's expected to happen, and this date really just marks the beginning of the change. Most of us will probably die before what we imagine the singularity to be actually, if ever, comes about.

>> No.2532385
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>mfw 79 replies and no references to Total Annihilation

>> No.2532398

why? Just because the game centered on a fight between those that did or did not want to abandon their biological brains?

>> No.2532400

I'd put a hundred buck on it.

>> No.2532412


Well, its the first thing I thought of when I saw the magazine in person.

>> No.2532454

I fucking love that game.

Core all the way. Down with the Arm

>> No.2532515

always thought the idea of leaving the organic brain was not as good as leaving the organic body, but keeping the brain.
brain in a jar/ghost in a shall type of thing.

>> No.2532581
File: 67 KB, 540x497, 1297215531696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We aren't going to be able to leave the brain.

On your computern when you make a copy of derp.exe, the copy isn't the same file as the original derp.exe

What will happen is we will have multiple personality copies of ourselves, but we will not be immortal in anyway. The copy might ben but we won't be.

>> No.2532626

Oh shit. Gettin existential up in here.

>> No.2532652

>Most of us will probably die before what we imagine the singularity to be actually, if ever, comes about.

The rate of innovation is getting faster and faster. Computing power doubles every 2 years or so. Cell phones become obsolete in less than a year. Boat loads of research on anything science and tech related is getting pumped out of universities.

>> No.2532731

Let's get this straight, singularity and tranhumanism of nothing to do with Science and do not belong on /sci/

Just take a look at this thread, or any other previous singularity thread for that matter. The conversation always flows the exact same way every time

>OP: In the future robots will replace humans!
>Anon1: Oh I bet the moralfags are going to be pissed
>Anon2: But guys, what about the ethical implications? Imagine what it will do to the class divide!
>Anon3: Fucking Luddites, holding back progress for the rest of us.

This isn't science, this isn't even engineering. The only thing that gets discussed in these threads is potential plot devices.

>> No.2532801

Common faggots, let's help this process...

Any ideas about what we should study/research to help?

>> No.2532836
File: 5 KB, 363x360, troll19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got it wrong bro, OP never said "in the future robots will replace humans," OP just compared TIME to slowpoke because he was writing about the singularity for a philosophy class over 3 years ago.

I don't even have to try, I guess I'm a natroll.

>> No.2533016


LOL BULLSHIT. Kurzweil predicts that man made computers will exceed human intelligence in 2029. Which is entirely possible, and completely different.

Also, lol at brains not storing information? Are you familiar with the concept of memory?

>> No.2533030

I'll be old then. They better learn how to reverse aging.

>> No.2533255

Fuck, I'm studying chemical engineering, I don't fit into this do I...