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File: 108 KB, 615x1454, salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2528216 No.2528216 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me, /sci/entists, would it work?

>> No.2528233

Sounds like a great idea, OP.
Except that everybody would be addicted to nicotine, and that they'd probably overeat (even salad will make you fat if you eat too much).

>> No.2528266
File: 2 KB, 126x126, ermnope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even salad will make you fat if you eat too much)


>> No.2528274

errrr, wrong.
Eat enough of anything digestible and you'll get fat.
If energy in > energy out then you gain weight. It's real simple.

>> No.2528273

Caffeine is addictive and suppresses the appetite (anecdotally anyway, it seems to suppress mine) yet that doesn't keep most people from getting fat.

>> No.2528290

you cannot 'build' fat without the appropriate raw materials. you need fatty foods to be able to deposit fat,
salad doesn't have any glycogen or fatty acids (not by itself)

so you cannot 'grow' fat, just by eating salad.

>> No.2528306

Fair enough. I bow down to your superior knowledge on the subject

>> No.2528335

The human body can convert simple carbohydrates into tri-glycerides for storage.

You can 'grow' your own fat. Just like you grow your own amino acids from composite parts.

>> No.2528378

Sounds alright but no one would enjoy eating anymore.

>> No.2528382

or you just get the fuck out of USA. No more obesity.

>> No.2528384

eating nicotine will kill you

>> No.2528389
File: 3 KB, 168x264, ponder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feed fat people to starving people - solve obesity and world hunger...

>> No.2528406

im ok with this

>> No.2528440

"If you eat fat you get fat! If you don't eat fat you won't get fat!"


>> No.2528441
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>you need fatty foods to be able to deposit fat

>> No.2528530
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>> No.2528543
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what are the consequences of cannibalism?

>> No.2528547


>> No.2528562 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 168x264, 12976040048293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, i mean, is it okay for a human to eat another human? a professor of mine once told me that human meat would be the best meat a human could eat, if it weren't for some kind of enzyme in it that could not be digested and would "eat you from inside".

is it really like that?

>> No.2528567

not as far as I know

>> No.2528571

Autointoxication. Seriously, that shit is deadly for you. If you don't roast human meat as good as possible, you'll die. Proven on practice in the Saint-Petersburg when it was sieged.

>> No.2528572

see >>2528547


>> No.2528577

Oh wait, nvm. I used the wrong term. In english, autointoxication stands for a bullshit pseudoscience. I don't know the right term in English, as I'm not from England/Murrikka.

>> No.2528582


As a general rule, the further up the food chain something is, the more likely it is to have dangerous levels of toxins in it.

(For example, Plankton consume 2 units of toxin each. Small fish each eat 200 plankton. Large fish each eat 20 small fish. We eat 2 big fish.)

>> No.2528586

for me, it works
but without any salads or healthy food

>> No.2528588

In moderation, but you will eventually die out. Human meat isn't the best meat to eat. For example, eating the meat of an individual who has an unhealthy diet isn't recommended.

>> No.2529934

You can get fat from salad, but under normal circumstances you'll never be able to cover your normal energy needs just eating salad. We aren't rabbits.

>> No.2529942

I vote you test it out on yourself.

>> No.2529946
File: 23 KB, 304x450, good_calories_bad_calories.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you need fatty foods to be able to deposit fat


>> No.2529950
File: 37 KB, 384x305, Food pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People would cover their salads with blends of vegetable oil and sugar (protip: they already do) and everybody would stay fat.

Besides, the best way to lose weight is to maximize fat and protein intake, minimize carbohydrate intake, and ELIMINATE fructose from the diet completely.

Salads=/=magic bullet

>> No.2529953
File: 24 KB, 568x486, mynigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, it's
here. pic related.

>> No.2529982
File: 46 KB, 357x400, carbohydrate+metabolism[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related, it's now you make fat out of carbohydrates you dumb shit.

>> No.2530034

just checking what is the get

>> No.2530074
File: 177 KB, 500x500, bacon500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let us feast, my brothers in arms!

>> No.2530165

This is the most accurate description of EK I've ever heard.

also ITT:
>implying oral nicotine consumption is addictive
The only mode of absorption short of injection that is known to be addictive is smoking it.
The fast response time from inhaling to getting the "kick" is key in nicotine addiction.

Nicotine patches don't work, they are, from a scientific basis, disproven. Neurology knows how nicotine addiction works. This is not how.

>> No.2530329

Tomatoes and Potatoes are 2 of the many vegtables that naturally contiain nicotine.

You addicted to them?

>> No.2530338

dose is too low, tobacco companies worked this shit out in the 50's

>> No.2530349


this is a load of crap. nicotine patches are not effective in getting people to stop cigarettes, true.

but what is being discussed is getting normal people addicted to food, not getting smokers to eat salad instead of smoking.

oral nicotine will absolutely be addictive in the right dose.

and to the idiot who said salad can't get you fat...lrn2dressing

>> No.2530357

just remove gustative receptors from tongue and people will stop eating junk delicius food!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.2530361


I love me the shit out of sum tomatoes. I eat them like apples.

Also putting nicotine in salad? Why do that when you can lace it with cocaine?

>> No.2530366
File: 13 KB, 339x226, 435762457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are you on drugs?

>> No.2530378


cocaine will really make you lose weight, and it's effects would probably scare many people out of eating it and your ruse would be blown

>> No.2530383
File: 39 KB, 469x428, 1277757110712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


10/10. No one called you on it.

>> No.2530385
File: 9 KB, 251x223, 1288510863320s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, all you fags who say that calories in - calories out = weight gain get in here and explain poop.

I'm not kidding. Tell me why you think that, with a caloric surplus, the body will continue to store lipids in adipose tissue unnecessarily (in the absence of metabolic syndrome or fructose/alcohol consumption) rather than just shitting out what you don't need.

>> No.2530392
File: 39 KB, 222x260, wondering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe we could just exercise more

>> No.2530402


Because we wouldn't survive as a species if our bodies didn't store excess energy.

>> No.2530405

you're full of shit.
It is known that nicotine when inhaled is highly addictive. Please show me the study that shows the same levels of addictiveness for *ANY* other form of consumption. (Oral usually (for pretty much every drug, with exceptions of course) induces the lowest "rush".)

>> No.2530407

Oh you think you're so smart with your big words and your snide university ways. Little did you know that poop is at least 90% bacterial biomass.

>> No.2530414

>>People would cover their salads with blends of vegetable oil

Which is a good thing, as most of the vitamins, antioxidants, minerals etc. are fat soluble.

Now, if only people would eat more butter and less oil and margarine, everybody would be better off.

To everybody else in this thread:

What you think you know about cholesterol and saturated fat, is bullshit. The last thing you should do is listen to any American source on this issue.

>> No.2530416

Of course that's true, dumbass. The question says "unnecessarily" and "what you don't need."

Try again.

>> No.2530424


butter is the anti-christ of health foods.....

ghee on the other hand, is a whole nother ballpark

>> No.2530428
File: 63 KB, 500x375, lardo-lard-prosciutto-bianco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vegetable oil
>good thing


Pic related; it's what we ate for the 100,000 years of evolution before we had the ability to extract vegetable oil.

>> No.2530430

everyone in here thats arguing about salads is fucking retarded. notice, this picture says in salad.OR IN ANY HEALTHY FOOD.

>> No.2530440

Which is why I told you to forget everything you've ever learned about nutrition, ESPECIALLY if you're from the US. If you investigate this matter for about an hour, not only will you become enlightened, you will also realize that 99 % of the human population is nutritionally retarded.

>> No.2530442


The only energy we need is the energy we use to move and keep our bodies alive. If an excess fat stays on a person, the energy stored in it is completely unecessary.

But poop just contains what our bodies cannot digest and whatever is picked up from our bodies on its way out.

>> No.2530452


Does this have to do with whey proteins?

>> No.2530460

so where would you suggest we research on the subject for us americans?
future nutrition grad here

>> No.2530463

Except we ate it raw, and not cooked. Also our bodily ecosystem was different.

Face it: civilization is a derived force of evolution.

>> No.2530499

We have been cooking food for a retardedly long period as it increases the bioavailibility of the nutrients in it. That is, the skill to cook food is an evolutionary advantage.

The retard you replied to however assumes that lard and animal fat have been availible in the same quanities as today: It haven't, even without extracting vegetable oils we can eat them simply by eating whole vegetables. Meat and animal fats have for most time been a luxury, hell, it still is a luxury in many parts of the world(to the point where people eat rats and small birds and other animals which we consider vermin or nonworthy food items(insects etc)).

>> No.2530618

Part one:

You can start by checking out where the fat hysteria began (America), and whether or not it had any scientific evidence backing it up (it didn't, and still doesn't).

It all began when some retard politicians in USA decided that fat was bad for you, and that they had to warn the American public of the "dangers" of fat consumption. The rest of the world's governments jumped the wagon, of course, since they are all not only retarded, but follow USA's actions religiously, we got a world-wide fear of fat.

The video of the meeting in which the American politicians decided that fat was bad for you, is pretty hilarious. A group of scientists that had been charged to find out why fat is bad for you (no, they weren't charged to find out what fat does to you, they were charged to find out why it is bad for you, lol) presented their report; fat isn't bad for you in any way. They were completely disregarded by the politicians, which obviously have a much better understanding of nutrition than a specialized research team of doctors and nutritionists, amirite?

>> No.2530621

Part 2 (final part):

It's a really old video, and it's on Youtube somewhere (I can't be assed to search for this, maybe some other anon knows what I'm talking about and has a link?).

Now, fat is more energy dense, I'll give you that. However, the deciding factor of whether or not you store your ingested foods as fat or not, is insulin. As it turns out, pretty much anything (for instance, drinking water) triggers an insulin response. However, the insulin response from eating carbohydrates are far, far, FAR higher than eating fat or proteins (or anything else). Proteins are also much more filling than carbs (in any form, fuck your high-fiber bullshit, I'd start another rant about why fiber is totally unneeded and bullshit, but I'll refrain from doing so for the time being), and any diet with a lot of fat is also going to have a lot of proteins (unless you like drink pure butter, which I would still regard as healthy).

Now, the membrane of every last cell in your body consists of what? Sugar? I think not. The membrane consists of saturated fat, some of which the body is unable to produce itself. How much fucking sense does it make that saturated fat (or any fat save shitty margarine/artificial shit that's been proven to be harmful) is bad for you?

Short comment on cholesterol:

You could eat something consisting of 100 % pure cholesterol all day erry day for your entire life, and it would not affect your blood cholesterol levels. Blood cholesterol != dietary cholesterol. Also, the only macronutrient that happens to rise blood cholesterol levels is, you guessed it, carbohydrates.

PS: I'm not saying that carbohydrates don't have good sides. Carbs are good for building muscle, and they are good for quick energy. They are bad for energy levels (directly related to insulin spikes), cholesterol, bodyfat, lifestyle disease (diabeetus), etc.

>> No.2530632

You have to be the worst tripfag ever. Everything you say is either completely wrong or completely stupid. I hope you get banned and/or die horribly tomorrow.

>> No.2530664

prions, mad cow disease, kuru, and kwasikor, also the ousting from the global community, but I am all for it.

>> No.2530692


you were right up to kwashiorkor, that is just wrong, it is not a consequence of cannabalism, its a consequence of malnutrition,