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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2526674 No.2526674 [Reply] [Original]


So watching this video inspired me to get my shit together and start applying myself. I don't wanna be a sciencetist, I wanna be a global statesmen.

What do you need me to become to ensure we transition from a type zero civilization to a type 1 civilization? Academia? Politics? International think-tank?

tl;dr: I don't want to be a scientist, but I want to do everything in my power to ensure we become a type 1 civilization. What career path.

>> No.2526698
File: 8 KB, 225x224, baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2526700

executive in environmental industry

>> No.2526702

1. Assassin
2. Assassinate the current western money elite

>> No.2526705


When /new/ and /r9k/ got deleted they all flocked to /adv/ I don't think they can provide me with any advice. Nor would they understand the concept of a type 0/1/2/3 civilization

>> No.2526713


>implying the families of the money elite don't want to become immortal and become a galactic empire.

>> No.2526718


Kaku sometimes sounds like a whole lot of crazy.
But I can entertain the idea of Kuhn style paradigm shifts. Who knows.

>> No.2526737

relevant to my interests

>> No.2526744

time and continuous social engineering and evolution.

>> No.2526753

Wow OP it had almost the same effect on me when I watched it (I hope I was the one who linked you it in another thread).

That being said do what you're best at, what you enjoy, but always keep an open mind.

>> No.2526804

we boned anyway. Earth is over populated. Resources are finite

>> No.2526817

What do you mean? I mean of course resources are finite but resources are not restricted to planet earth alone.

>> No.2526826
File: 38 KB, 320x240, hotelmariointrogiffastrq1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you need instructions on how to ensure humanity becomes a type-1 civilization, check out the enclosed instruction book http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TQG91H9A

>> No.2526849

lol no, I don't want the RIAA to stick its dick inside my asshole until my asshole bleeds.

>> No.2526856
File: 65 KB, 256x253, 4chan - Banned_1278912389923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an ebook, you git. Nobody ever gets sued over ebooks.

>> No.2526861

Obviously, you should become the president and make every one of your policies support the achievement globilization as quickly as possible.

>> No.2526949



>> No.2526969

>listening to your video, while browsing /sci/
>i tune out for a minute
>hes talking about "madonna and arnold schwarzenegger"

>wtf am i listening to?

>> No.2526981

President of America: Pressure to increase funding to sciences. We already have 11 super carriers, ffs.

CEO of fuckhuge company: Privately funded research. Corner the market on asteroid mining.

>> No.2526988

>implying the president can do anything.

hes not a dictator, and the republicunts will block any spending on science unless it has military applications.

>> No.2527014

Anyone got that pic of how to convince a senator to fund science by blowing up Mars?

>> No.2527025


>> No.2527261


>> No.2527317

inb4 Inudaers

>> No.2527339
File: 36 KB, 589x540, awesomescii2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2527340

>We are scientists who believe in aliens.

You're false prophets, you fucking gook.

>> No.2527391
File: 67 KB, 589x540, 1297587532769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gonna get crowded.

>> No.2527403

I fucking lol'd, saving that

>> No.2527425


>> No.2527428


>> No.2527564


>> No.2527716

That's the joke.