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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2525531 No.2525531 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, how do you deal with people that are a lot smarter than you? I'm not an idiot, I went to uni and got a decent job doing programming. My best friend works at a hedge fund, and he is(i'd only admit this online) extremely clever. Sometimes I think people like that are working on another level. Is the difference between people really that big? I know some of you guys are really smart, maybe you can shine some light on this.

>> No.2525543

Every time someone does something better than I / something I can't do, I get incredibly frustrated and jelly, so I go on the Internet and instead of venting by behaving passive-aggressively, I, you know, learn stuff.

>> No.2525541

Nope. People just have different interests and different situations. Some people think they're incredibly brilliant and smarter than everyone else, but they aren't. Don't worry about it.

>> No.2525548

The difference between peoples intelligence is cavernous.

But, you don't have to be smart to be happy or successful. Just think of it like a trained skill that also benefits from genetics, similar to muscle strength or willpower. I'm not that smart either, but I'm down right Machiavellian with my Charisma.

>> No.2525552

>>/sci/, how do you deal with people that are a lot smarter than you?

Stab them in the face and eat their brains to gain their knowledge.

On a more serious note, it depends upon the context. If we are talking about someone that I expect to be more intelligent than me, then I ask them questions. If it is not, well, I try to get up to their level and work harder until I feel I have succeeded.

>> No.2525558

It's all perspective, your friend has probably experienced things that you haven't. There is a very thin line between intelligent and brain dead.

>> No.2525562

2:1 says you can count on one hand how many girlfriends he's had on one hand. People get that clever by spending years, even decades doing nothing but thinking about anything or everything.

Either that or he's copying it from somewhere else, a book or website or tv show. The TV genius' like House and Patrick Jane don't exist, you don't get that way by accident.

>> No.2525566

I tend to control them and put them in situations where I can use them. Sometimes I just tell them they're smart and I need their help on something. I am kinda average on the intelligence part and I decided I should be happy with that.

>> No.2525570


You love them and you get jealous of them. You do your best to meet their keenness but know your place. Anything else is just vile resentment.

>> No.2525577

I do what every other person who's jelly does
I try to abstract the very basics of their field to the point that it seems so trivial that I deem myself an expert on it
Economics? Pts just supply and demand
Engineering? Yeah like its hard applying formulas people invented hundreds or thousands of years ago on Matlab
Medicine? Yeah I'd do it. Too bad I'm not rainman and can't memorize a bunch of shit for diagnosis that I will make someone else do when if I were to become a doctor anyways
See? works like a charm

>> No.2525585

you don't have many friends do you?

>> No.2525589

What's it matter if someone is smarter than you?

Stupid people rule this planet; if you find someone smart, befriend them. Shit's only going to get worse.

>> No.2525590

Weeeell I don't say it aloud to anyone

>> No.2525594


> Implying that's all engineering and economics are.
> Implying you're not a troll

>> No.2525601

>Stupid people rule this planet
i agree to a degree, in aus at least peoples intelligence seems to be neutered by over-bearing bureaucracy and long term abuse of the systems

>> No.2525605

Its just a little exercise that helps me sleep at night

>> No.2525617

True that. He has not had any girlfriends, he has no problem getting one night stands though. He graduated uni at 19, worked for Goldman Sachs until he was 23, doing trading. He is my best friend but sometimes I just get so fucking angry at how he can do and know things so well. I know for a fact he spends 8-14 hours a day working, the rest reading up on things he finds interesting and sleeping, he has done this all his life. Where the shit does he get that kind of motivation from??

>> No.2525624


Mathematics is on my side, bro. Intelligence observes a normal, standard distribution. The average human IQ is 100.

This average is relative to the extremes of both ends; it doesn't mean an IQ of 100 is respectable or even demonstrates respectable higher level thinking.

We are especially fucked because we in the west utilize democracy. Everyone has a vote that isn't a felon; and most people have average intelligence.

Hence why we elect people who try to get ID or creationism in our classrooms or deny climate change.

Humanity is on a one way road to shitstorm. This is because technology and science progress faster than the evolution of human intelligence let alone our culture's ability to accept what we find.

>> No.2525626

My mistake, I read your comment wrong. I thought you were actually saying that you believed those fields were trivial nonsense

>> No.2525630

what is his family like? read "outliers" for a better understanding of why some people do well

>> No.2525646

There are alot of aspects to how someone thinks that can create a sense of intelligence or cleverness. It take many of those to truly be on another level but one or a few can create that perception.

For example in high school people thought I was the best in our AP calc class. In reality only my ability to grasp concepts created such an illusion, my memory is quite poor for math.

>> No.2525649

on a related note, I've never met anyone with an I.Q below 120. Not trolling.

>> No.2525652
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Learn from your intellectual superiors, and perhaps even surpass them.

>> No.2525667
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Yeah, you're not trolling.

When you go to the mall (assuming you get out of the basement) you've looked at and bumped into people with IQs around 100.

Using R (pic related) you only associate (this includes chance) with people who have >90 percentile in intelligence?

Just like Obama heard a year ago, you lie.

>> No.2525671

I find that hard to believe, unless they were people that took IQ tests online.

>> No.2525676

You lie.

>> No.2525684

What I think he meant was: "Nobody has ever admitted to having less than 120 IQ."

>> No.2525685

this is what I'm talking about though; you don't have to have a high I.Q to make wise decisions and/or seem smart. People can take innane tests and probably pass themselves off as reasonably intelligent.

>> No.2525694

His dad runs a private equity firm, his mom comes from a very wealthy family from France.

>> No.2525710


this implies democracy has any tangible effect, instead of just mollification, misdirection, etc.

>> No.2525716

so he essentially won a lottery for circumstance? with that kind of background it is not very surprising that he is doing as well as he is

>> No.2525717


Post whatever you think makes anon approve of you, bro.

Statistics is on my side. All you managed to muster is ad-hominems and unfounded claims.

Enjoy finishing high school or undergrad.

>> No.2525727

I rarely meet people who are a LOT smarter than me, but when I do, I try to absorb some of their knowledge.
I just get them to explain whatever parts I don't understand about a subject we are talking about and then I make sure I get it.

Other than that I just treat them like everyone else

>> No.2525741

Sad to say, but you are probably right. Funny thing : he goes on 4chan, but only /an/, "it is very relaxing to look at pictures of pets"

>> No.2525751

Hi, Chris. I'm flattered you made this thread about me.

>> No.2525832
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Smart person here. Or at least I "think" I am.

Before you call me a troll and accuse me of having a superiority complex, thanks, I know:

All the time I feel as if I am on a super-conscious level, thinking about my motivations for doing things, others motivation for doing things, I analyze complex interactions and try to figure out the possible motivation for actions or results.

I am a huge game theory nerd, and I am very interested in evolutionary biology.

Sometimes I get scared and paranoid that other people are as "conscious" or paranoid as I am, and they understand completely what I am thinking, or if they feel how I feel about "them" (dumb and unaware).

I often wonder how these people who seem so unaware or sensitive of themselves or others can actually get through life. Have you ever met someone that is dumb, doesn't have good hygiene, or just doesn't pay attention?

Makes you wonder why their ancestor's weren't eaten by predators...probably because they aren't very annoying.

But yeah, the above digression is to show you my typical thought process (from someone who thinks himself very smart).

Anyways, both my parents were 4.0 students in college, my father was a pretty successful executive, if that means anything.

>I also hate captchas.

>> No.2525849

You just described how I view myself almost exactly.

Except my parents both dropped out of school at a young age.

>> No.2525856

I troll them by acting like I don't notice or care their "intelligence".

>> No.2525862

In spite of your intelligence, you still couldn't figure out how to get laid.

>> No.2525873
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No kidding.

But if it did help, wouldn't we all be smart?

>> No.2525874

Do you think that most people think on a "super-conscious" level?

>> No.2525888

Ah, the old "if he's smart he must have no friends" derp.

News flash: smart people are statistically more stable and have better social lives than their less lucky peers. Don't buy into the neckbearded genius stereotype.

>> No.2525910

lrn2captcha dumbass

>> No.2525918


Dem trips

>> No.2525932
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I think there is definitely a difference between being generally more intelligent, and then being on the very far end of the bell curve. I have two relatively smart siblings that are more socially successful than I am and they are definitely better adjusted, while I'm better off financially though I live a pretty eccentric lifestyle. Anyways, we all try to think of ourselves as "special" and unique snowflakes and rationalize everything, so who can really say. We are all pretty biased sources. If we were Japanese we might want to be more average than the next person.

>> No.2525946

I'm pretty far to the right on the bell curve, and I'm well adjusted, even if I say so myself.

>> No.2525952

I may be "super-conscious" like the other guy, or I may just be crazy and narcissistic, but my experience of the intelligence gap is that nearly everyone else in the world seems irredeemably insane or stupid, depending on how far I'm willing to look into their thought processes. Whatever the characteristic of the difference is, it's huge.

>> No.2525954

Saturday night, home posting on /sci/ about how smart and well adjusted he is. Bingo!

>> No.2525966

>I may be "super-conscious" like the other guy, or I may just be crazy and narcissistic, but my experience of the intelligence gap is that nearly everyone else in the world seems irredeemably insane or stupid
>I may just be crazy and narcissistic, but nearly everyone else in the world seems irredeemably insane or stupid
>I may just be crazy and narcissistic, irredeemably insane or stupid

>> No.2525970

Midterms, shit doesn't study itself.

Though touche on the /sci/ bit.

>> No.2525985
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I dont know man. Im fairly intelligent when it comes to memorization and mathematics, but I feel the opposite of this in social interactions. I feel like I am blind to everything that I am not looking at and focusing on, if that makes any sense. I am near incapable of multitasking. I feel underconscious, but most objective standards say that I am intelligent.

>> No.2525984

>implying implications that are borderline /fit/ retarded

>> No.2525977

>/sci/ finds people that's smarter than them
>starts crying and panicking apparently
You guys...

>> No.2525982
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im pretty smart i got an 186 on iq test

>> No.2525989

I accept it and move on.

>> No.2526008

>I'm not an idiot
[citation needed]

>> No.2526063

im good at everything i do, i have high practical intelligence, creativity intelligence and social intelligence, which allows me to generally take role as leader in group assignments

HOWEVER, im unmotivated which leads to not studying and underperformance in tests

>> No.2526111

There's a big difference between being knowledgeable and being intelligent.

Personally, I think I'm quite a bit more knowledgeable than the average person in just about every subject, but I don't know enough about a single subject to discuss it at length with an expert.

I'd also concede that my problem solving/reasoning skills are average or even below average, exemplified by my relatively poor chess skills and poor scoring on IQ tests that require abstract pattern recognition.

I do have god tier memory though.

>> No.2526123

Narcissist detected.

>> No.2526125
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>HOWEVER, im unmotivated which leads to not studying and underperformance in tests

I love how everyone fucking says this. I'm a genius but i'm lazy lol

>> No.2526138
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My Iq is 168. That shit is so cash. You must be retarded OP. I would kill myself if my IQ was under 140 LOL. You must be like some kind of vegetable. And no matter what you do, you will never be as smart as me, damn that must suck dick to know that. Oh well, im off to bang some Mensa groupies, I cant keep them off of this dick. Good luck OP, but there is no hope for you.

>> No.2526134

Odd, for me tests were where I always overperformed, breaking every grade curve in my classes. Lack of motivation ate away at my grades as a result of not doing any homework.

>> No.2526140
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>objective standards say that I'm intelligent
>objective standards

>> No.2526143

Well laziness does not contradict intelligence, and some people can be lazy because of intelligence because if every problem was easy, they're less likely to do as much work as the ones who find the problems challenging. And laziness can be a habit like smoking, which requires at least tiny bits of practice to overcome regardless of one's intelligence.

>> No.2526154

yeah, i just roll my eyes when all my friends tell me they would have perfect grades if they actually tried.

>> No.2526251

i make him/her emotionally connected to me then troll him/her,then they get mad and now i am smarter because i troll smart ok

>> No.2526364

I have an IQ of 96.

Ask me anything.

>> No.2526376

yus op you idiot gtfo our smart board

>> No.2526387


why is your first 6 upside down?

>> No.2526401

Do you have Down's? Did your mother drop you while you were a baby?