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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 31 KB, 401x400, 9832seti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2525359 No.2525359 [Reply] [Original]

What do you lot think first contact is going to be like? Good or bad? And who will it be good or bad for?

>> No.2525375

Prime directive.

>> No.2525377

already happened

its enslaving humanity slowly

good and bad are irrelevant concepts

>> No.2525381

I'm with Hawking. First contact is going to be incredibly bad for us.

>> No.2525386
File: 1.47 MB, 1674x1370, img001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2525391

extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
/x/ is over there ->

>> No.2525394

Good in my opinion.

I mean for intelligent life to physically make contact with us, they'd have to be thousands, possibly millions of years ahead of us. The only way they could be sort of close technology-wise to us is if they lived on a planet close to us (you know what I mean by this). But that's unlikely since we've scouted all around us for planets that could have life, unless the alien species didn't need water.

>> No.2525398
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>> No.2525399

It would be too complex a situation to be judged except with hindsight.
Pretty sure it'll happen hundreds of years from now and that our side of the contact will not be what we would now call human.

>> No.2525402


>pretending an advanced race trying to enslave humanity would allow evidence to be presented

>> No.2525411


I don't think they'd really need to be that far ahead of us. Remember, if the Dark Ages had never happened, we'd be far better off than we are right now. A lot of progress was reversed and stopped when the Library at Alexandria was destroyed, and then even more when Rome fell.

If the Dark Ages had never happened, who knows? We might be venturing out into the stars right now.

>> No.2525412
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>> No.2525416
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>> No.2525421

I don't think they'll even acknowledge us. They'll just come here and say "hey look at these cool natural formations", and proceed to do their own business (i.e. mining etc).

>> No.2525426
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>> No.2525428
File: 54 KB, 500x362, hindu-gods-vishnu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's going to be bad, because when the aliens leave, there is going to be a whole mess of religions that spring up to worship them with an agenda to take over the world.

Oh wait, this already happened a few thousand years ago
(The gods are aliens)

>> No.2525429

In my opinion, first contact will resemble the first contact of a human walking through a forest and kneeling at an ant hill. With us as the ants.

We won't know what we're seeing, we they won't offer us greatness, it will be rather uneventful, because all they will think is "look at the small little ants running about their bussiness"

And maybe they'll kick the anthill

>> No.2525431

Why would they need to enslave us? I mean if I'm not mistaken humans aren't incredibly far from being able to eliminate most manual labor.

>> No.2525433

>pretending your not a 12 year old with romantic dreams of sci fi aliens and ftl

>> No.2525437

More chance of bad than good I think. I think "good" advanced races would avoid us seeing how "barbaric" and backwards we are...and that those most likely to contact us will be the ones who want our resources and will take them.

>> No.2525438

They probably already know we're here. When you go to the zoo, do you announce yourself to the animals? It's as simple as that.

>> No.2525442


Who's saying they would? I'm of the opinion that they'd wipe us out and take the planet.

>> No.2525443


>implying animals are not herded into the zoo
>implying animals don't know
>implying the proper analogy wouldn't be slapping an invisible, intangible dome over a biome

>> No.2525444

So you think that life is more common then natural resources throughout the universe? I mean if they traveled so far and came to earth there must be something very special here.

What does earth have that most planets in the universe do not?

>> No.2525448
File: 64 KB, 704x1089, 1295333273383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They came a long time ago and told us how to live happy prosperous lives. We, for the moost part, have shat pn what theey taught us.

See >>2525428

When they come back, there will be a HUGE change in the status quo (goodbye capitalism and greed)

>> No.2525451


>> No.2525454

ITT: Nutty nutty nutjobs with dreams of help coming from supa srs aliens from the stars.

Grow the fuck up. This is supposed to be /sci/, if you don't share the HUMANITY FUCK YEAH / FUCKING LUDDITES feeling, then please proceed to vacate the premises.

>> No.2525456

first contact will be made when we create a giant satellite array on the back side of the moon and pick up a radio signal from hundreds-thousands of years ago. Religion will cease. It will be great.

>> No.2525458

>implying aliens didn't steal your girlfriend

>> No.2525460

as if there hasent been a millions threads created in the past about about aliens, stop acting newfaggishly

>> No.2525462
File: 168 KB, 644x800, 1272166131872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey fuck you buddy.

>> No.2525464

>checks to see if moot closed down /x/
>nope, it's still there. weird.

>> No.2525465


I know, but it still gets to me that there are people on /sci/ who still believe in the zoo hypotheses and *gasp* faster-than-light travel.

What's next? People discussing James Lovelock? Buying Deepak Chopra books?

>> No.2525467


>> No.2525476

The one thing that's for certain is that all modern religion will cease to exist. It will all be wiped out in one fell swoop.

Whether first contact is good or bad, the stark, existential terror of it will invalidate all current religious thinking.

Besides, can you imagine how hilarious it would be to have a Christian approach an emissary from beyond the stars and ask, "Did you know that Christ loved you so much he died on the cross for your sins?"

>> No.2525492
File: 207 KB, 876x1022, C3po_god_shirt_approved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The polytheistic gods of ancient civilizations were aliens. George lucas even knew this.

Pic related

>> No.2525494
File: 276 KB, 1600x1200, Kzinti_lesson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First contact with extrasolar intellect?
I'm sure the experience will be an... educational one. For both sides. Pic related.

<3 Niven

>> No.2525495


What is this book and where can I find a copy?

>> No.2525501


I don't mean to offend, but the headers say "Charles Pellegrino -- Flying to Valhalla".

>> No.2525509
File: 44 KB, 400x400, C__fakepath_IndianaJonesAndTheKingdomOfTheCrystalSkull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That explains this movie

>> No.2525510

This is a good analogy

>> No.2525514

I don't know, I'd rather ask the question, what would humans do if we found another race, far less civilized than us? Probably just not contact them, unless we needed their planet. If that was the case, we'd kill all of them and take it.

>> No.2525518

First contact.

Resources, no all rocky bodies will have those Earth is not Elementally special.

Slave labor, no machine labor is just better.

Curiosity/scientific, maybe, but then we'll never see them.

Religious purge, I think this is honestly the most likely, and the worst for us.

>> No.2525519


You know what man, when they come back and tell us about how they were here before but forgot everything they taught us, I'm going to come back here and make a "told you so" thread

>> No.2525524


Why wouldn't we? I think it would be amazing to find another intelligent species, no matter how advanced they are.

>> No.2525525

>The one thing that's for certain is that all modern religion will cease to exist.

I don't think that's certain at all. In fact, I think it's extremely unlikely. In FACT, I doubt there would be that many more atheists. A decent percentage of humans manage to still think the Earth is 6000 years old, in 2011. What makes you think introducing more contradictory facts is going to change anything?

>> No.2525526

>Besides, can you imagine how hilarious it would be to have a Christian approach an emissary from beyond the stars and ask, "Did you know that Christ loved you so much he died on the cross for your sins?"

God, I fucking hope somebody records it.

>> No.2525540


Hinduism won't cease to exist, their gods are the aliens!

They're just gonna be laughing at all of us.

>> No.2525544
File: 176 KB, 809x1200, adrian_smith_the_bleeding_chalice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Religious purge, I think this is honestly the most likely, and the worst for us.

Suffer not the xeno to live

>> No.2525545

There will be no First Contact. Femi Paradox


>> No.2525546
File: 33 KB, 250x204, 7169288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aliens have already contacted us.

Check out this crop circle found near arecibo space telescope.

It says "Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN But Still time. BELIEVE. There is GOOD out there. We oppose DECEPTION. COnduit CLOSING"

>> No.2525547

First ask yourself "Why would aliens want to make contact with Earth?"
The answers can be:
1) Because they're friendly neighbors (hah)
2) We have something they want

>> No.2525550


You won't be laughing when the Aliums convert to Catholicism and wage a terrible holy war for control of Rome and Jerusalem.

>> No.2525553

IF they contact us first, we're probably fucked.

If we find them first, they're fucked.

We probably won't contact anyone for another few hundred years though. I get really depressed when I think that we might be the most technological advanced species in the universe.

>> No.2525554


You, sir, have offended me for the final time. I declare e-Jihad.

>> No.2525555

How do we know aliens are like humans at all? Mentally or physically?

>> No.2525559


I'd love to see how the Creationists rationalize away an intergalactic species that has existed for hundreds of thousands of years longer than we have, with it all carefully, thoroughly documented.

>> No.2525560

I know for a fact that the catholic church has stated that if extraterrestrial life is found it does not violate dogma, and because of human original sin they might not have had a need for a savior, it might have just been man that fucked up. But if they did then alien jesus would have been equally christian to worship. So its cool to worship alien jesus, guys.

Plus in islam angles are described as "beings of light" that are seperate from humans. Aliens under the authority of god, if you will.

As a final note, polls and research state that while there would be some loss, a majority of religious people today would still retain those beliefs

>> No.2525564

Exactly. And for us, but a human in the background and that toothy monster in the foreground striking a heroic pose.

Faith in the unseen is an artifact of our ape brains growing true consciousness, I'd suspect other intelligent things will have it too.

>> No.2525567

I doubt it. The only religions I can see still being around are Buddhism and the like. I remember the Pope saying that if aliens were real and we made contact, he'd try to baptize them. And that would create a bunch of other problems. Plus human elitism. After all, the three books do state that "god created man in his image".

>> No.2525578
File: 419 KB, 556x800, 1296575195261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you understand the depths of delusion that religious folk can sink to.

>> No.2525581
File: 18 KB, 200x300, 1297052919808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The aliens are probably way older than our species.
I wonder what kind of religious beliefs they have, if any.

What if they were like intergalactic jehovah's witnesses? Now that would suck.

>> No.2525587


Have you ever played spore? What if they were like the spode beleivers.

Pay a non believer tax or die!

>> No.2525591


If they're anything like us, they will have many, many deeply stupid beliefs.

If we're lucky, none of them will involve exterminating non-aliums as being blasphemous in the eyes of the LORD.

>> No.2525592


if the pope/religitards tried to do that, religion would end in a second, not from the aliens themselves, but from regular people, anybody supporting that idea would be shot in the street the same day...

mostly because the aliens would be the new gods and everyone would be disowning those old-fag god(s) real quick

>> No.2525593

>Pay a non believer tax or die!

So... muslims?

>> No.2525598
File: 20 KB, 600x320, 1296583619321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, I think if aliens do have any religious beliefs, that they would trend towards something like Buddhism.

Less "herp derp you go to hell and everyone is a sinner" and more spiritual/self enlightenment.

>> No.2525599

You don't know much about hinduism, do you? The gods are individual manifestations that human being can comprehend, but are all part of the larger "ultimate reality" called brahman. This could be thought of as a force, or abrahamic god, but not aliens independent of one another.

>> No.2525600



The ship lands. Huge event. Press everywhere. All the worlds leaders are assembled to great the emissary. Then it steps out of the ship, it's holding a book and it says, in its language, "I have good news for you all! Etc."


>> No.2525608

won't happen.

just my opinion.

the closest planets are so far away, light years and light years.

I don't believe in wormholes and theories like that, so I think they won't ever get ehre, if they are near as civilized.

>> No.2525610

The "created in his image" phrase" refers to man's dominion over nature, not characteristics.

>> No.2525614
File: 34 KB, 581x526, 1295762193863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Plus the aliens would probably kill the religious leaders. See>>2525546

>Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN But Still time. BELIEVE. There is GOOD out there. We oppose DECEPTION. COnduit CLOSING

>> No.2525618

Exactly. I'm a Christian, but I love Hinduism. It's an awesome religion.

>> No.2525620


hinduism doesn't relate the gods directly to aliens, it just talks a shit-ton about great ancient peoples and cities in the sky and shit like this

its similar for judeo-christians, aliens relate more to angels and great ancient figures than to god specifically

>> No.2525621


>he has imaginary friends


>> No.2525629
File: 7 KB, 640x480, 12lys.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep... light years and light years away

>> No.2525631

How did the aliens learn ASCII and English? And since they were writing an English message, why didn't they just use the latin letters? (oh, wait, maybe it's because 0100100101110100001000000111011101100001011100110110111000100111011101000010000001100001011011000110

>> No.2525633
File: 15 KB, 506x350, yk2 daemon you've got to be kidding me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw he believes in crop circles

>> No.2525635
File: 22 KB, 400x335, 1295328018625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Buddhism is a direct rip off of hinduism, which worships the aliens as gods.

If you want alien knowledge, read the vedas.


I am a hindu. You don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.2525643

If they come to earth "bearing the good news" you can bet your ass I'm getting on my knees and praying

>> No.2525648


Hindu gods are blue. They live in the heavens (space)

Sounds like aliens to me

>> No.2525651

>he's 12

>> No.2525653


KRISHNA is blue, he is not all hindu gods.

>> No.2525655

Are you just a teenager who went weeboo for india?

>> No.2525659


There's also green ones and ones with animals as faces. Sounds like aliens to me

>> No.2525663

Shut the fuck up about religion. This thread is about first contact you dolts.

>> No.2525664


By that logic, the Egyptian gods were aliens.

>> No.2525669
File: 11 KB, 350x350, 02Rp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you read the vedas you would understand...

Fucking westerners and their superiority complex. Won't even look at other cultures that they deem inferior.

>> No.2525674


Exactly. Each culture that encountered the aliens applied their own culture to the lessons the aliens taught them

Polytheism is common around the ancient world for a reason

>> No.2525691


I'm hindu also but I think that guy has the right idea. You're just on crack bro.

>> No.2525698
File: 106 KB, 500x238, madonna-ufo-art2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first contact has already been made /sci/ get with the program

>> No.2525708


Why is it unreasonable to assume the hindu gods are aliens?

Sounds more feasible than the whole jesus thing

>> No.2525711
File: 4 KB, 259x194, 134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can say, with almost 100% certainty, that we will never see even a simple form of alien life.

It's not just the mind-blowing size of our universe, it's the time. What are the odds of ever seeing an intelligent civilization in the incredibly small time-window it exists WITHIN reasonable range?

>> No.2525725

Aliens could very well be literally living next door. All we're doing is examining planets that have earth-like qualities, aliens could not need water, to breath, be able to live in intense climate, not even need food.

>> No.2525728
File: 59 KB, 400x300, lord_rama4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2525730


Polythiesm is not common because of aliens, its common because when cavemen saw thunder, they though cloud spirits were angry, floods were angry river spirits, and after awhile a collective river spirit became a river god. The next flood became a chronicle of that god's wrath, and it gained a personality and was anthropomorphized.

It is far, far, more likely than aliums

>> No.2525733


Polytheism is common around the world because their morality saw only competing forces that could never be castigated into the value system of "Good" and "Evil".

Resenters of the worlds created a category of Evil as a form of mental revenge against a field they could not entirely dominate for themselves. Thus one has to have a single God waging war against Evil, any category of beings and behavior that the resentful find so utterly unbearable as to make the devious wish of WISHING THEY HAD NEVER EXISTED.

To submerge this all-too human behavior as something inspired by aliens is another aspect of the resentful, who could not stand a world without the utopian promise of aliens who know more than the mendacious suffering ape.

What use does a winner of this world have for aliens? None but a loser of this world has MANY uses, many images of revenge and resentment.

>> No.2525739


>> No.2525740

Notice how they all have the same exact face.

Perhaps whoever drew that could not pick up subtle traits that show individuality.

Something that humans can only do for other humans.

>> No.2525742
File: 37 KB, 429x600, 1296794687711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wrong. This is what we think about the time when looking back in retrospect.

You have no proof that it wasn't aliens nor do you have proof that what you are saying is correct.

>> No.2525743


>> No.2525745

Bad. Demographically, most people on earth are idiots. Therefore, if contact is random, they'll most likely contact an idiot and destroy our world as a result.

>> No.2525747


Drawings are made by humans and are not accurate depictions, merely symbolic representations

>> No.2525748


>> No.2525749


Trolled hard. Why do you fags bother answering these sub-/x/ morons?

>> No.2525752


My argument about resentment is FUCKING OBVIOUS to anyone with an ounce of intelligence regarding the human psychology.


>> No.2525755

You're straining my patience, no, I cannot disprove that a magical blue person came to our ancestors and, despite being a super advanced species did nothing but helped them make pyramids. I cannot disprove your irrationality, but a can say with a large amount of certainty, that I would bet against the possibility of ancient aliens

>> No.2525760

Coffee Mug! I am trying to get in touch with you! Answer your IRC. We got blue people to burn.

>> No.2525762


I'm obviously not going to convince you.
Just know that if and when they come back and tell everybody about how they were here before, I will be fucking laughing my ass off knowing that you are a dumbass.

>> No.2525769

Or perhaps this picture (as with >>2525698) was drawn far after the event the picture is depicting would have taken place. The vedas were written before anyone had the capabilities to draw anything like that

>> No.2525770
File: 350 KB, 1024x576, 1296752460098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buddhism is a direct rip off of hinduism, which worships the aliens as gods.


Buddhism doesn't even involve the worship of gods.

>> No.2525771


Until that day comes, we will all be laughing OUR asses off at your retardation.

>> No.2525777


Some forms of Buddhism do. And its hard to deny that Buddhism was born out of a rejection of the hedonistic degeneracy of contemporary Hinduism.

>> No.2525778
File: 16 KB, 424x494, imperium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... if the reason for the Fermi paradox is simply that no other intelligent life evolved within range of us... first contact could be from the more advanced position for us. It could be quite a bit like Avatar, though without the weak plot, incompetent characters, and hybrid remote controlled aliens. We might just be the most advanced species in our neck of the woods. When we do meet an advanced (spacefaring) civilization though, they're likely to be far more advanced or so advanced we'd barely recognize them. THEN AGAIN if Vinge, Kurtzweil, and company are right; then the singularity might be the big stepping stone to being able to communicate with/join said super advanced species.

Really, I hope first contact will be like when Europeans first really encountered and started trading with the Chinese Empire.

>> No.2525780

True, but when any artist draws a picture of multiple people they tend to differ at least slightly in their facial traits.

>> No.2525784

The next planet that is suspected to have liquid water and reasonable temperatures is 500 light years away. There are 46 others within the range of 500-10,000 light years.

Maybe on one of these there was once an advanced form of life for say, 50,000 years and we missed it by a mere 5 million years. Maybe it exists right now and is wondering the same thing we do. Highly improbable, but even if that was the case, we will never have any kind of traveling technology that would allow us to scout any of these planets. And they won't either.

Maybe someone even visited out planet 2 billion years ago and found nothing. There are definitely at least a couple million intelligent species in our universe but even with that number it's highly improbably any of them found each other.

It is incredibly rude and arrogant for humans to think alien life would give a flying fuck about us. It's stupid to think any alien life with technology that allows them to travel those incredible distances would do as much as "observe" us as if we were any kind of threat or that they could learn something from us. It's even more stupid to thing "the government is hiding it and is making contracts with aliens" or some shit. But the most arrogant and ignorant thing to claim however is to portrait aliens as humanoids with 2 legs, 2 arms a head and two eyes.

I notice that even I can't help but project human motives and behavior on them.

>> No.2525786


Buddhism just takes the hindu beliefs that don't involve gods.

The buddha himself was a hindu.

>> No.2525790

Not the guy you're replying to but I like how you added the word "magical" in there.

Something most atheists use to discredit religion.

>> No.2525812


There is no difference between magic and religion.

>> No.2525815
File: 178 KB, 542x638, 1296850572852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? No. There aren't *any* forms of Buddhism that worship gods.

The absolute closest you can get is Mahayana Buddhism where Buddha isn't seen as entirely human but as partially a spiritual being. But still *not* a god.


Buddhism is an atheist religion.

>> No.2525825

this link right here is proof aliens came here 2000 years ago


>> No.2525826

Yes but why do you assume aliens are magical? It kind of discredits your entire argument.

>> No.2525830
File: 99 KB, 392x300, coolface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what would be amazing? If the emissaries that touch down are a bit on the assholish side, and tell everyone that yes, they have been around to Earth before.

Problem, Planet Earth?

>> No.2525836
File: 27 KB, 255x255, hinduism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.2525846
File: 15 KB, 202x249, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This isn't the same person.

Hindu gods are aliens.

Hinduism is a diverse system of thought with beliefs spanning monotheism, polytheism, panentheism, pantheism, monism, atheism, agnosticism, gnosticism among others;[68][69][70][71] and its concept of God is complex and depends upon each particular tradition and philosophy. It is sometimes referred to as henotheistic (i.e., involving devotion to a single god while accepting the existence of others), but any such term is an overgeneralization.[72]

>> No.2525854

Thanks, but that seems completely irrelevant to what I was asking.

>> No.2525898

I don't, I was simply remarking on the childish stupidity ancient alien believers have towards this kind of thing.

>> No.2525902

Does "first contact" imply intelligent life? I'll assume it does.

I do agree with Hawking and others evaluation of this situation where intelligent life will likely be far more advanced than we are. If we were to bump in to intelligent life right now, I think we might be in trouble... but our technology is advancing quickly.

Give us 50 to 100 years and I think the Human race will probably have made the important, endgame technological advancements in the energy, propulsion, computation and materials sciences that will enable us to not be so helpless.

Relevant to this topic is the question: "If intelligent life is out there, where are they?" I think it's an interesting question that I instinctively dismissed as blind skepticism but later realized really is a good question if you're just considering your local neighborhood of stars; even with the cosmic speed limit, even just 1 sufficiently advanced civilization would likely sprawl across 10s of star systems within 100 to 200 years after making the appropriate technological advancements enabling relativistic travel. And it seems like there would be many more than just 1. On the flip side of the coin, though, if you just consider the Human presence on earth as an analog, there are still, to this day, hundreds of tribes around the world that remain completely uncontacted by industrialized civilization.... I think it's equally possible that advanced civilizations exist in our local neighborhood and humans are somewhat of a "lost tribe".

>> No.2525926

Hindu gods are parts of brahman that are simple enough to be understood by human intelligence

>> No.2525938

My waifu is an alien.

I hope to meet her someday.

>> No.2525956


>> No.2525960

I consider everyone who still believes that the earth is 6000 years old *cough*40% of americans*cough* as a different, subhuman tribe who does not deserve to benefit from modern technology. You can't deny all scientific discoveries for a white bearded man in the sky and still use electricity, computers, cars, GPS, cellphones etc.

Also they are by no means ready for something like the technology that will be available within the next 50 years. We are (and by we I mean the very, very few smart people) indeed advancing so fast that most of the world is literally still stuck in the 70s when it comes to anything computer and technology related.

>> No.2526011

*pew pew* bzzzz

>> No.2526021


yea, amish people are legit tho.

>> No.2526197

Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if we hadn't been each other's First Contacts. Virgin civilizations, groping each other in the dark.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it," the smaller of the two men moaned, his head down in his arms on the broken table, as the sounds coming in through the half-boarded-up window swelled louder.

"If they wanted to destroy us, why didn't they just send a missle, an asteroid, a fucking army?"

The taller man took another drink from the bottle in his hand, staring without seeing at the window.

"We started it, you know."

"Bastards, bastards."

"We nearly destroyed them."

"Should have."

>> No.2526202

"It was the linguists," his voice was rough and slow, detached, almost toneless, "that went out in the first starship. We taught the Tanatha suicide."

"Bastards." The sounds outside moved away a bit, grew softer.

"Their language was utterly alien. No reflexive forms, strange verb tenses. Eventually they learned enough of it to try to ask them questions, eventually they asked them what their word was for 'suicide'. They didn't have one."


"They didn't. They had no reflexive forms, and 'to be' and 'to kill' were such utterly incompatible concepts that they had been literally unable to imagine killing the person that you are. Until we asked the question, and kept asking it until they understood."

He took another long drink, a deep breath, and shuddered. The man at the table raised his head just long enough to wipe his eyes.

>> No.2526208

"It nearly destroyed their civilization. They didn't have the millennia of evolved defense mechanisms that we did, the cultural institutions that discourage killing yourself, the structures to deal with it.

"They experimented.

"They died.

"Their cultures crumbled."

"Not fucking far enough they didn't," the smaller man muttered, and lay his head down again with a thud.

"They fell so fast. Our linguists came back on the last starship they sent out, along with what was left of their Tanatha colleagues. Half the crew died on the way, but they got here."


"And their linguists, the ones that stayed alive, learned our language in return, and one day they knew enough to ask, to ask what was our word for --"

"No, no, no, no, no," the man slumped over the table moaned monotonously, as another explosion bloomed outside and a chorus of voices raised in an ululating scream, full of fear and an incomprehensible ecstacy.

>> No.2526220


I also suggest you follow the link to the "linguistic relativity hypothesis," it may blow your mind

>> No.2526349

Implying that an advanced civilization, no matter how different their linguistics, would not be able to comprehend the consequences of end your own life.

It's an interesting concept, that story just uses a poor example.

>> No.2526377


>to ask what was our word for --"

Word for what? Now I'm left wondering.

>> No.2526626

A concept so alien that it drives us to insanity apparently. Kind of a silly example,but entertaining story

>> No.2526665

He said we needed to view it as a serious possibility.

I just hope that if that is the case, we become their beloved pets instead of seasonal game.