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2524815 No.2524815 [Reply] [Original]


pick one.

Delayed gratification is bull. You will be just as ugly and awkward when you're a "successful" professional as you are now. No attractive girl is going to look at a physicist and fall madly in love.

The best you can hope for is that on the 1-in-a-million chance you invent something that makes you a billionaire, a lot of gold-digging skanks will look you up.

>> No.2524824


actually, the best i can hope for is to know as much as i can about the universe before i die. I don't give a fuck about girls. I love science. If i want to fuck a girl i'll hire an escort 100000x hotter than any bitch you'll ever lay


>> No.2524822


>> No.2524829

>implying there are not attractive goal oriented women who desire to be with their intellectual equals also implying every scientist is an awkward ugly dweed.

Quit watching tv and learn something about the real world you idiot

>> No.2524828

>gold-digging skanks


>> No.2524837

>If i want to fuck a girl i'll hire an escort 100000x hotter than any bitch you'll ever lay

You've never actually looked at any escort sites, have you?

>> No.2524839

sage is the best way to counter troll

>> No.2524848


nigger what are you talking about, professional high-class escorts are hot as fuck

>> No.2524853


>> No.2524855

My real-world experience tells me that every grad student or PhD girl I've ever seen is ugly and/or awkward and/or nerdy beyond redemption.

See, people just don't wind up doing science or going to grad school if regular sex is an option in HS.

>> No.2524860

...and cost more per hour than the average professor could afford to spend on a regular basis.

>> No.2524861

escorts not hot.

check pics of escorts via google.

I'm ok with this...

>> No.2524863


>My real-world experience tells me that every grad student or PhD girl I've ever seen is ugly and/or awkward and/or nerdy beyond redemption.

Ok, I can agree with this for the most part.

>See, people just don't wind up doing science or going to grad school if regular sex is an option in HS.

I don't think so, Tim. Troll-o-meter off the charts.

>> No.2524873

>thinks professional, highly-shooped pics of hot girls represent what the actual product is like.

To be fair, though, London is different. There you can go online and order hookers like Americans order books.

>> No.2524867


if you were into cheap sex, why didn't you just become a meathead to begin with?

>> No.2524875


that second one is a little harder to prove, but if you factor out a handful of west coast party type universities and limit it to grad students in science, then yea, i think that is true

>> No.2524879

(So competition increases the product quality, is what I'm saying.)

>> No.2524883

>disregard women
>acquire currency
I don't see the issue.

>> No.2524888

then use the critical thinking skills that practicing science has taught me to unravel social dynamics and genuinely have a social life

>> No.2524889

Find me ONE person in the entire world who both has a math PhD and was the quarterback of his HS football team.

>> No.2524892



miright? 25% unemployment 12.5% hookers woot-woot

>> No.2524896


are also gonna invent wormholes and teleportation and replicators while your at it? give world peace and hunger and suffering a go too, mmmmk?

>> No.2524897

cool bullshit theory bro


...students with IQs above 100 and below 70 were significantly less likely to have had intercourse than those in between. Also like the other study, they found teens with IQs ranging from 75 to 90 had the lowest probability of virginity (the authors note this is also the same IQ range where propensity towards crime peaks).


Depending on the specific age and gender, an adolescent with an IQ of 100 was 1.5 to 5 times more likely to have had intercourse than a teen with a score of 120 or 130. Each additional point of IQ increased the odds of virginity by 2.7% for males and 1.7% for females. But higher IQ had a similar relationship across the entire range of romantic/sexual interactions, decreasing the odds that teens had ever kissed or even held hands with a member of the opposite sex at each age.


By the age of 19, 80% of US males and 75% of women have lost their virginity, and 87% of college students have had sex. But this number appears to be much lower at elite (i.e. more intelligent) colleges. According to the article, only 56% of Princeton undergraduates have had intercourse. At Harvard 59% of the undergraduates are non-virgins, and at MIT, only a slight majority, 51%, have had intercourse. Further, only 65% of MIT graduate students have had sex.

>> No.2524900

excellence in two fields? 10,000 hours into both before mid twenties?

>> No.2524899
File: 58 KB, 450x362, tony-montana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First you get the science

then you get the money

then you get the power

then you get the women

it's simple, really

>> No.2524902


very attractive Phd candidate who was a former champion freestyle swimmer married to a very attractive very intelligent lawyer of asian descent...

don't believe every stereotype

>> No.2524906


The first implication is plainly not generally valid, thus demolishing your entire chain of reasoning.

>> No.2524907

>implying the average HS quarterback actually trains hard and isn't just a meathead who happens to have enough natural ability to rise above the other meatheads at his school.

>> No.2524912


this post pretty much complements what i said here


>> No.2524916

>very attractive Phd candidate who was a former champion freestyle swimmer married to a very attractive very intelligent lawyer of asian descent...

Actually, that post *is* every stereotype.

I chose football and not swimming for a reason. Guys on the swim team aren't swarmed by girls like the football stars are.

>> No.2524921


high school women love swimmers bodies and they love winners...I got around a bit before and during college

>> No.2524922
File: 23 KB, 534x335, 1237161319139virwellesley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this picture turns out to be real and not a troll chart

>> No.2524928


This, I have a degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology and only when I started University did I become a lot more confident and had ample amounts of sex.

Thus OP's theory falls down.

>> No.2524934

The fact you don't have a PhD actually proves it. You chose a normal life over hardcore science.

>> No.2524936


that chart is meaningless without sample size

If there are 5 anthropology majors in the sample and one had sex that is 20%...it is easy to troll with stats

>> No.2524940

>Delayed gratification is bull.

This is what the proletariat actually believes.

>> No.2524945

the percentages go up in increments of 1%, so there have to be at least ~100 students surveyed in each major.

>> No.2524950


the girl in OPs pic is asian...

>> No.2524953
File: 16 KB, 320x240, lisa-simpson-graph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2524956


there cannot be 100 anthropology undergrad majors at Wellesley...it is a small school and a generally unpopular major

>> No.2524957


Only in some majors. You don't know how many were interviewed in each.

>> No.2524963

Suddenly i dont want ino MIT

>> No.2524971

>Suddenly i dont want ino MIT

with grammar like that, i don't think it would've been an issue anyway.

>> No.2524972


fuck BU or Tufts girls MIT is aspergers land but you will get a job and learn sci/engineering there

>> No.2524985

Im practice for SEX

>> No.2525004

Taking basic psych 101 would really help.
Girls are attracted to success and stability rather than physical attractiveness (in a very generalized way).

>> No.2525007

And who came up with that theory? UGLY SCIENTISTS.


>> No.2525006

I'm good looking.
Therefore I get girls and can do as much science as I want.
Kiss my anus, uglies.

>> No.2525098

Yes, they are attracted to stability, not YOU.

Enjoy your loveless, sexless marriage and crippling alimony payments after your inevitable divorce.

>> No.2525115


No! Go engineer your way into someone's bunghole.

>> No.2525152

Science isn't stopping us from getting laid
Crippling lack of social skills is <_<
Its not like if you decided to quit college and get a job at McDonalds women would magically be attracted to you

>> No.2525183

>Implying I would want to be with a woman who is beneath me intellectually. Nothing is as much a turn off as stupidity. I dislike vapid whores.

>> No.2525192

I pick science.

>> No.2525205


no your wrong here

mcdonalds job would force you to work on social skills

science forces you to work without ever using social skills

working in science directly prevents the development of social skills

>> No.2525240


Normal person with no social skills:
>low intelligence forces career in retail or fast food
>registerjockey job forces interaction with general public
>interaction with general public over time improves social skills

Smart person with no social skills:
>hatred of people leads to escapism in science fiction
>interest in science fiction leads to interest in science
>interest in science leads to 7-10 years in college and a career as a scientist who locks himself in his office all day before going home to his/her 47 cats.

>> No.2525267

Lol op is in high school with no idea what the real world is like.

people don't have a choice if they're ugly as shit from the get go, and even horrible anxiety to an extent can limit how far you can go with "girls." science is a one of the more interesting directions to go academically and the general idea behind those careers are "i get a lot of money, so younger, naive girls will be all over my dick" and "i will satisfy my desire to constantly be learning about the way things work." both of these are true but again depend on how attractive or intelligent you are. what you're commenting on is the idea that you either go study science or go fuck girls. that's like saying if you have ever posted on 4chan, you have never been out of your house. if you wana go talk about attractive girls, unless you live in the ghetto and love that 300lb black madness, the hottest girls hang in the richest communities, and not everyone can get there by dropping out and becoming a rockstar. someone who is just as motivated by sex as they are by science will simply workout and party just as much as you, except instead of smoking weed and playing bball they will spend a few hours every day learning practical shit that they like. there are still lots of retarded scientists, but if you think there are no attractive men who go into science with efficiency and balance who know how to get girls, then chop off your balls tonight before you go to bed. and if you think all life is about sex, you're probably still a virgin. seriously that shit is a side-thought if you get it regularly, so enjoy being mad all day.

>> No.2525269


does not know the importance of communication in the production of scientific knowledge. probably has never preformed basic research.

>> No.2525284

Dude we're just different
We're born with a preference towards being alone and thinking about deep stuff instead of talking all the time
Even if we worked at McDonalds asking people whether they would like large fries or not it still wouldn't change a thing

>> No.2525298


are you really pretending that very specific goal/task oriented discussion based exclusively on science and work is in anyway shape or form socialization skills? communication yes, socialization no

>> No.2525307

Have more intelligent people been more influenced by feminism?
Could it explain it partially?

>> No.2525308


the first part is right, and i won't deny predisposition,

but your definitely wrong that lower class service jobs wouldn't force more socialization skills

>> No.2525342

Actually I always figured it was the other way around
Women date men who make terrible decisions with their lives in high school to ensure they stay ahead of men
If you look at the statistics 6 out 10 people who graduate from college are women
Yet they still can't over the fact that they suck at math and science so they hate men who have aptitude for it

>> No.2525350

I worked as a busboy for a little way and fucking hated
People always wanted to chitchat and stuff and I didn't know what to talk about

>> No.2525358


have you ever attended a conferance? have you ever participated in discourse through the journals? have you ever networked with other researchers and shared valuable research material? It pays to be a mensch in science just like it does anywhere else.

>> No.2525365

Yeah but that's different
What they talk about is actually interesting

>> No.2525370

oh wait no I've never attended a conference or wrote journals or whatever
I just figured that

>> No.2525378

Talking about work and talking about personal things are very different. If you talk to someone about physics, there's no risk of personal rejection, so no anxiety.

>> No.2525390

just to clarify things science at the top of the field (in any discipline) is not lab work it is writing, reading, speaking, and networking.

>> No.2525389

>tl;dr i am 13 and talking out of my ass

>> No.2525397

interpretation of lab work is unspoken as well...that can be lumped in with writing

>> No.2525408

socializing at conferences, writing up results, and giving lectures have nothing to do with actually doing research, it's just crap that comes with the job.

>> No.2525432

Most professors give classes to thousands of students everyday
You're probably a highschool fag that got laid a few days ago and now thinks is the shit

>> No.2525440

Social anxiety and fear of giving lectures to big groups are completely different things.

I'd rather talk to 1000 people about calculus than 1 girl about her plans for tomorrow night.

>> No.2525445

It's okay, I can just jack off.

>> No.2525452

You rather give a lecture to 1000 people?
yeaaaah whatever you say

>> No.2525453


nope buddy it is the job. the facts supported by science exist in that write up.

>> No.2525471

You could always be a multi-millionare success in technology and science and maintain an outgoing personality..

I hate to talk about that cancer Mark Zuckerberg, but he's rolling in billions and he acts like a child and buys cars for no real reason, he's still decent looking too.

Success doesn't = awkward fag.

>> No.2525479

Talking to 1000 people (or, more realistically, 50-100 people) in a calculus class is nothing. You prepare a good set of notes in advance so you don't sound stupid, make sure your clothes are nice and your hair is under control so you don't look stupid, and you stand there reading from your notes for an hour. Half the class won't be paying attention to anything except the math, and the other half won't be paying attention to anything except their phone.

As long as everyone in the room understands that noone in the room really wants to be there, including the lecturer, you can all just do what you gotta do for that hour and move on with your life.

Yes, I know I'm a horrible teacher.

>> No.2525485

Discovering things and writing the discoveries up for publication are completely different.

It's like saying Stewart is a great mathematician because he has the bestselling calculus textbook in the world.

>> No.2525483
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I read this thread and I see your point (after narrowing the bullshit down a bit). I see myself in between a science and party lifestyle. I'd like to do both all the time, but if you study you'll have no time to party and vice versa. On the other hand I think finding the right path (doing something meaningful or lucrative and not missing the fun in life) is very related to your age. I can see myself settling down and concentrating on science in the future. I had my fun, I did a lot of stuff already. I've traveled a lot and partied a lot. You see back in my youth me and some guys from school had a band. We tried real hard. Jody quit, Jimmy got married. I should've known we'd never get far.
Oh when I look back now. That summer seemed to last forever. And if I had the choice. Ya - I'd always wanna be there. Those were the best days of my life.
But I guess I'm ready to settle, you know.

>> No.2525503

lol wtf?
Zuckerberg has the social skills of an autistic gold fish

>> No.2525537
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>> No.2525549
File: 36 KB, 300x441, successful-troll-is-successful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>76 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.2525556

>Science/Girls, pick one
>Go MD
>Pick both
>U mad?

>> No.2525565


>lifetime with PhD in gold-digging trophy-tard


u jelly?

>> No.2525568

This guy is onto something. I can't go up to people and just talk to them about stuff. Put me in a math tutorial and suddenly I'm the Alpha dog team leader telling people how it is.

>> No.2525596


The 10 years of being an intern/resident plus the risk of a malpractice suit at any moment makes gold-digging with doc . Also, I've never met a doc with a gold-digging wife. Most learn to spot the bitches that try shit immediately. They're pretty obvious.

>> No.2525634


oh true bro, i forgot about those doctors on welfare and shit

news flash! you can't tell if some one else's wife is a gold digger, only they can

>> No.2525719

Girls != woman.

>> No.2525724


Spoken like a true misogynist and someone totally ignorant about doctors and the people they surround themselves with.

You work 20hr days for shit pay as a resident. Believe it.