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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2519861 No.2519861 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.2519868
File: 102 KB, 287x260, 1297113215203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2519875

The dude is a fucking retard.

Nanoengineering might be aswell made by aliens...

>> No.2519888
File: 19 KB, 291x267, 1297114343112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

greatest intellectual of our time

>> No.2519905

guys you cant take this show seriously its comedy kinda like fox news

>> No.2519914

why does this guy like like a Cheeto?

>> No.2519925

Who is this guy? I've seen his face all over /sci/ and I'm assuming he is one of those history channel guys, but more specifically?

>> No.2519929
File: 67 KB, 300x216, 1295616969563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

greatest satirical show on the history channel, always funny

>> No.2519934

Same question here

>> No.2519936

Fuck all of you I like that show.

>> No.2519950
File: 48 KB, 307x272, Tsoukalos3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2519957


>> No.2519972

>protege of Erich Von Danagen

>> No.2520001

Different guy, but...

"They did studies of how many hands you could fit on these rocks, and there's no way you could move them! ANTI-GRAVITY ALIEN TECHNOLOGY!!!"

Yeah, or rope and pulleys. You fucking retard.

>> No.2520011

Don't be stupid, modern humans can't use rope. We need alien help for that.

>> No.2520015

Seriously, I greatly appreciate this show.

Makes me laugh more than anything else on these days, hahaha. He's so ridiculous, makes such broad sensationalist statements.

Ex. Angels? ALIENS

>> No.2520024

Right, I forgot, primitive humans can't do anything but slap their dicks against stone, there's no way they could carve or move the damn things.

>> No.2520030
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>> No.2520032

>I made a fox news joke no 4chan mom! I'm edgy now!

>> No.2520033

This man cannot move huge rocks with his own power using simple, easy to understand principals:


So how could anchient humans do it he he cannot?

>> No.2520039

Sadly, none of the Dick Age tools have been preserved for archaeologists to find.

>> No.2520057


But what you do not realise is that the greatest tool of all from the Dick Age lies between our thighs!

>> No.2520120
File: 53 KB, 820x1118, freud-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe this guy at all. He's the worst part of the show, but seriously, /sci/.

Stawman. Strawman everywhere.

It's not a ridiculous proposition that an alien intelligence had an impact on humans in the past.

But I guess you guys have to feel superior in some way, and it's like the conspiracy theorists who constantly have to try to prove they know more than the general public.

>> No.2520175


Religious texts only make sense when looked at in the context of aliens. Gods from the sky, came to Earth, etc.

>> No.2520177

>It's not a ridiculous proposition that an alien intelligence had an impact on humans in the past.

Yes, actually, it is. There are approximately 100-500 billion stars in the galaxy. If an alien species was out looking for life, starting from their home star, they would have to travel to every single one of these solar systems and check them for life. That's hundreds of billions of stars.

Even if we assume that they have the ability to travel from one star to another in....oh...let's say 1 month a pop, and about a week to search that solar system for life, we're talking about 5 weeks per star.

That translates into 500 billion to 2.5 trillion weeks to traverse the entire galaxy.

This would translate into TEN BILLION YEARS on the LOW END. It would be 50 BILLION years on the high end.

For reference; The fucking UNIVERSE is only 14 billin years old. The Earth is 4.5 Billion.

And you're fucking telling me, that out of these astronomical amount of time, aliens JUST HAPPENED to bump into our planet when we were cavemen, then piled up some fucking rocks, and flew off for fuck knows what reason.

You are a fucking moron.

>> No.2520181


you're assuming waaaaay too much

>> No.2520182

Most probable explanations of "gods" in ancient texts:

Genuine gods < Aliens < made up bullshit stories.

>> No.2520189

Just saying.

How did they build the pyramids.

Im curious.

Them blocks are pretty fucking big, and accurately cut.

>> No.2520190

>implying a civilization that can travel between stars would be anything at all besides positively MADE of time.

>> No.2520191

You're right, I'm assuming they have the ability to traverse at 1,000x the speed of light.

If we assume they can't breach the speed of light, then the time it would take them to search the Milky Way is in the TRILLIONS of years.

Which is longer than the age of the universe, beginning to end, by about 100 x

>> No.2520194

So ancient alien theorists make up some kind of uncanny valley between religious fags and scientists? I'm actually OK with this.

>> No.2520195

Ideas have to come from some inspiration. What ever made people think that some form of life could descend form the skies?

>> No.2520201
File: 209 KB, 406x480, 1276707119790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this post

>> No.2520202

He's awesome and so is that show. It may be stupid, but that's the fun of it.

>> No.2520204

>Doesn't understand the post at all
Are you retarded? Completely retarded? Do you not understand what I"m telling you? Had they started at the moment of the Big Bang they wouldn't have covered the entirety of our galaxy, alone, by the time the universe ended and that's IF they traveled 1,000x faster than the speed of light.

Do you not even fucking comprehend the mathematics?

And then, out of all this, they happen to land on the ONE SLIVER of time in which human beings exist on Earth in the prehistoric? Just by magical fucking coincidence?

If our planet was the galaxy, and every molecule in it was a star, that would be like randomly plucking out one specific molecule.

>> No.2520207

I laughed out loud becuz of this thread

>> No.2520209

I expect most religious stories came from oral tradition passed down for thousands of years, and the original inspiration is lost to history.

>> No.2520210

>implying there would only be one other civilization out there.
If there's at least one, it's very unlikely there's only one. In fact, if there WAS only one other civilization out there, it would point to common beginning, which would make contact between the civilizations even more likely.

>> No.2520211



>> No.2520216

I'm giggling at the idea of a Traveling Salesman alien looking for other sentient life as efficiently as possible in the Milky Way.

>> No.2520217

They did it like this.

>> No.2520219

What the FUCK are you even yammering about? None of that has anything to do with the post your'e quoting.

>> No.2520223

You do realize you can go to the quarries where some of these obelisks and stones were cut and look at some that were in the process of being quarried when they were abandoned b/c they cracked due to their own weight etc., right?

I mean, the shit's not that hard to figure out. The only way you could not know how the pyramids were built is if you don't want to know the answer. The mechanics and logistics are pretty simple when they're laid out.

The only difficulty in the entire process is the amount of manpower it would take, but you're assuming it's hard to organize people to do shit for a "living god"

>> No.2520228

Given the size of the universe, if intelligent life is anything but an outlier in the data set, there should be an uncountable number of civilizations. With aliens potentially everywhere, it's not unreasonable at all that one from nearby was looking for life much like us and sent probes and eventually explorers to planets that could sustain life.

>> No.2520234

Right, what people don't want to accept is: as soon as humans settled down into civilizations that had farming and economies, suddenly they had extra manpower to waste. And what did they choose to waste it on? Really stupid shit, like stacking enormous rocks on top of each other.

Way to go, early Man.

>> No.2520237

>there should be an uncountable number of civilizations.
You do realize that, if we assume even 1% of the stars in the milky way have advanced civilizations (a MASSIVE number that would be, in the millions) we're still talking billions of years for them to find our planet, and we're still assuming they JUST SO HAPPENED to pop in while human beings existed, even though humans have only been around for 0.000022% of the Earth's existence.

>> No.2520241

>really stupid shit
Man challenging himself in creating massive buildings led to a lot of intellectual development, by way of engineering and mathematics. If early man had never tried to work his brain in such a way, you would not be able to have this discussion over the internet. Baby steps.

>> No.2520246

>With aliens potentially everywhere,
what do you mean by this? in a practical sense. i think i know what you mean.

>> No.2520248

You're ignoring the possibility that they showed up at any point there was life and just made a note to check back a while later to see if there was a more intelligent species to evolve.

>> No.2520257

Each star has potentially a habitable planet at some point in its life. Some of those planets will have conditions that help intelligent life grow. So every star could possibly have intelligent life in its system, and we won't know until we check.

I imagine if a civilization has interstellar travel, they'll also have better ways of reading what a solar system is like so they'll know where not to waste their time.

>> No.2520259

OK fine, I admit it was not a complete waste of time. Nonetheless, we should accept that there was a lot of manpower to throw at these (in retrospect) silly problems.

>> No.2520264

Of course there was. But calling them silly is still an insult to humanity. Could you have learned calculus without first understanding addition and subtraction?

>> No.2520266

I'm not ignoring that at all,, are you even reading my posts? To search this galaxy just from one star to the next would take BILLIONS of years, for anyone, and that's if we allow them to move faster than light by thousands of times.

You're literally attributing powers to these beings akin with Santa Clause.

And with exactly ZERO evidence, proof, anything. Just wild supposition that every fact and bit of science shits all over.

BILLIONS of years to search this galaxy. BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS. If not TRILLIONS of years, reazlistically.

You do realize it would take you until the end of the universe just to COUNT the fucking stars rin the sky, right?

>> No.2520272

You really don't understand much about astrophysics do you?

>> No.2520273

Ancient Aliens have a lot of good points and the best argument you can muster is "durr herp let's ruin a meme"

>> No.2520279

I'm not trying to insult them, just to point out the gap that Ancient Alien "theorists" are overlooking.

>> No.2520282

This issue is resolved if there are intelligent civilizations everywhere, constantly searching. If the conditions are right on earth, then it's quite possible for them to be right somewhere else. Also, Sol is not a very old star compared to the rest of the universe.

>> No.2520287

>Hurpdy durpdy durr, I can't prove anything, and science says I'm wrong, so I'm going to pretend there's quadrillions of civilizations with magical powers

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.2520293

The issue is resolved by science, which not only says you're wrong, it says you're utterly wrong.

But no on, you're right, every star has magical super aliens who travel around piling up rock pyramids for shits and giggles for monkeys.

>> No.2520304


[ ]Not Told
[ ]Told
[ X ]The Greatest Story Ever TOLD

>> No.2520305

talking about the chance of existence not the chance of tripping over each other, also i think you are giving humans a little too much credit on exactly how much of the universe we understand - thinking of the statement about alien tech appearing to be magical

>> No.2520306

Sorry, I worded my post wrong. What I mean is every star potentially has a planet that could support life. That's why we are looking at all the stars we can.

>> No.2520312


>> No.2520313

>>2520177 implying a super advanced race would think the most efficient way to search the universe for life is to visit every single planet one at a time.

Fucking dumbass.

>> No.2520323

>Implying you can determine if there's space monkeys living on a planet without fucking going there


NO, you're right, let's assume they have a telescope with a lens the size of the Andromeda galaxy and they just use that to look around.

>> No.2520327

That's what I'm saying. Any alien intelligence (more likely billions) that is similar to ours in any way and could travel between the stars would have extremely advanced methods of finding habitable planets and maybe even life from lightyears away.

With the little tech we have as far as observation, we can still find earth-like planets in solar systems far from ours.

>> No.2520329


Replicators, replicators everywhere. Scanning like fuck.

>> No.2520335
File: 526 KB, 453x614, Pale_Blue_Dot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really don't know anything about astrophysics do you? A star is too bright to directly view a planet any other way than by getting close to it.

And besides, even when you can view the planet itself, you have to essentially get within its gravity well to determine if there's sentient life on it.

This picture is what our planet looks like just from the edge of our solar system.

You see any civilizations down there? Yeah, neither does anyone else.

>> No.2520346

>>2520335 Picture from one of man's earliest telescopes.

Nope, telescopes don't get any better than that at all. Not even with thousands of years of advancements.

>> No.2520349

Even if he does, he's assuming aliens have magical faster-than-light scanning devices.

>> No.2520351

>(more likely billions)
[citation needed]

What in the fuck are you babbling about? Why are there "likely" billions of civilizatoins you dumbass?

>would have extremely advanced methods of finding habitable planets
Dude, half the fucking stars in our galaxy have habitable planets at any point in time and that's just by human standards of life. What about other standards? There could be life that isn't carbon based.

Shit, man, there's life like that on our own planet. You literally need to check EVERY SINGLE planet there is to determine if its habitated and the only way to do that is to go there.

You can't view/image anything that even remotely resembles life until you're close as fuck.

Shit, dude, you can't even makeout the details of the lunar lander from Earth, your ass needs to be CLOSE.

Do you just not even get the science behind this stuff? Have yoU EVER studied astrophysics or astronomy? EVER?

>> No.2520353

>Send network of probes throughout space
>each one takes visual samples from all directions of relatively close stars
>Relay the data to larger processing centers in more centralized areas.
>Do some statistics on the data
>start by looking at stars that act similarly to your own
>start colonizing and expanding to other planets
>keep it up for millions of years
>get good at doing it
>implying you won't eventually find someone else if they're out there for long enough.
Also, you're ignoring the possibility of travel options that make the light barrier unnecessary, much like everyone in the colonial era ignored the possibility of travel options that would make ocean currents unnecessary (flight).

>> No.2520355

>>2520266 implying aliens had to find us and we're not an experiment in one of their petri dishes

>> No.2520357

>earliest telescopes
>voyager spacecraft
>telescopes magically get better

No...no they don't. You can increase the light-gathering capacity, you cannot create a telescope that could image the Earth from a light year away. The telescope would have to be the size of the solar system.

To image the Earth like that from 100 light years away would require a telescope that is more than a light year across

To view the Earth from a different arm of the galaxy (which is 100,000 light years across) would take a telescope the size of the galactic core.

Stop being stupid.

>> No.2520367

>>2520351 Do you just not even get the science behind this stuff? Have yoU EVER studied astrophysics or astronomy? EVER?

Yeah, a lot moar than yoU by the looks of things.

>> No.2520368
File: 48 KB, 500x380, 1297294627572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone ITT is incredibly buttmad and nobody has even mentioned the possibility that different civilizations could be trying to communicate with each other by sending out probes everywhere along with EM transmissions.

>> No.2520370

>each one takes visual samples from all directions of relatively close stars
That would still take BILLIONS OF YEARS
What part of this do you not comprehend?
And that's assuming they travel ONE THOUSAND TIMES FASTER THAN LIGHT

If we assume they don't have super-magic powers, then we're talking trillions of light years.

You do realize, if an alien even could view Earth directly from their home planet, and that planet was 10,000 light years away (just 10% of the Milky Way, not much at all) they wouldn't see shit because human beings woulnd't even exist yet right?

If an alien lived 10,000 light years away, and was viewing Earth RIGHT NOW, they wouldn't see human civilizations. And if they started coming to visit us RIGHT NOW, they'd get here in 10,000 years.

Do you just not fucking understand light speed or what? Relativity a little beyond you?

>> No.2520374

>answer: NOPE, not one bit
You don't even fucking understand relativity dude. You literally don't get why it's impossible for a species to image us from outside our solar system.

It's like I'm talking to a child.

>> No.2520379

>>2520357 light year sized telescopes

Where in the fuck are you pulling these numbers from? You could go shoulder deep into Mr Goatse and not find shit like that.

>> No.2520380

>the only way to do research this stuff is the way we do at the moment.
Do you really think that in maybe the next thousand years we won't make discoveries and inventions that would make telescopes obsolete?

>> No.2520383

the drake equation numb-nuts, breaks down to the law of large numbers

>> No.2520390

>Drake equation
>citing a work of fiction in a hypothetical science discussion
It all makes sense now.

>> No.2520396

So your assumption is that aliens are magical santa clauses who have super-duper telescopes that ignore the speed of light and view at...faster than light...uhhh...never mind the inherrent loophole this would cause in reality...and that they can travel faster than light, and ... dude I can't even carry on this conversation.

What is the difference between an emission line and an absorption line. Can you even tell me that without Google? I have 10 to 1 odds you haven't even had a freshman survey course on astronomy.

I fucking doubt it.

>> No.2520401
File: 21 KB, 494x400, 1274152371520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2520370 More advanced Science! than humans = Super magic powers


>> No.2520405

>breaking the laws of physics

I put on my robe and wizard hat.

>> No.2520410

>Has never studied optics
This is obviously why you think aliens have devices that can take images at faster than the speed of light.

Listen to the fucking basic numbers, genius: the Galaxy is 100,000 lightyears across. If an alien is just 10% of that distance away from us, that's 10,000 lightyears away. If they were looking at Earth right now they would see a bunch of people playing with their own poop and experimenting in making beads.

If they set out from their home right now they'd get here 10,000 years from now.

Do you really just not comprehend this shit?

>> No.2520414

>I want aliens to have made the pyramids, so I assume they have devices that break all the laws of physics, relativity, they can view things at faster than the speed of light (which is pretty impressive, as that would mean they are viewing shit before the light showing that has even arrived at them) and then they came to earth and piled up rocks and left.


>> No.2520421

Modern astronomy compares to interstellar travel in the same way that medieval weather forecasting compares to modern day air travel. Your stubborn attitude that certain aspects of our technology must stay the way they are is everything that is holding science back.

When Newton said that bodies in motion do not slow down naturally, but by the action of a force, everybody's worldview was overturned.

When Einstein said that light has a speed limit and we can use it for all kinds of purposes, everybody's worldview was overturned.

Those people lived only a few centuries apart. Imagine what new discoveries in physics will be made in the future. It seems you can't.

>> No.2520430

They're so advanced that they can see light before it gets to them.

Hey genius: Even if they sent out these super probes everywhere, the probe would have to report back what it saw, which would also happen at the speed of light, so no matter what it would still take the speed of light to get from anywhere to anywhere. It would still take Billions of years.

You cannot escape the cold equations.

And ultraprotip: Aliens didn't build the pyramids. You are retarded.

>> No.2520436


They don't need a fucking live image of the planet to make decisions about what the planet is like and if life is going to sprout on it. They see the planet and send out their satelites that can ignore light speed to get more up to date info.

They don't need a telescope that's a fucking lightyear wide either, go choke on a dick you bullshitter.

>> No.2520437

You left your aluminum headset over here >>>x
You should go back and get it.

>> No.2520443

>Scientists make discoveries last century that revolutionize the way we see the universe
>purported scientists ITT are unwilling to believe any such change will happen in the future
Do you people just not realize you are suffering from the same fallacious thinking that made people want to punish Galileo for heresy?

>> No.2520447


pre-human hybrid creatures using gifted technologies from advanced alien races built the pyramids for training cultist joo overlords to control the urth

come on guys, every one knows this by now, right?

>> No.2520451

>They're so advanced that they can see light before it gets to them.
Unlikely. Given a few simple assumptions, and the ability "to see light before it gets to them", then they have a time machine, and all of the (possible?) paradoxes that brings with it. Let me emphasize that given General Relativity, sending information faster than light /in any way/ basically implies a time machine.

>> No.2520456

>Modern astronomy compares to interstellar travel
interstellar travel doesn't exist, but do go on talking about something you have no experience with (nor does any other human) I'm sure you're an expert

>Your stubborn attitude that certain aspects of our technology must stay the way they are

OH OF COURSE! How silly, the speed of light and relativity are just "modern technology". In fact, we invented them! If only we hadn't done that, we wouldn't be constrained by it.

No, you dipshit, relativity exists regardless of how "advanced" a civilization exists. Jesus christ, do you SERIOUSLY not understand these basic precepts?

>Imagine what new discoveries in physics will be made in the future. It seems you can't.

Let me try to explain this to you. You will never invent something that can "see" light before that light has arrived at you. Ever. EVER.

Furthermore, you will never invent something that can "view" earth from a great distance. EVER. This isn't some barrier of technology, this is how light fucking functions.

If a photon leaves our sun, and starts traveling through the stars, you have to wait for that photon to land at your face before you can see it.

You realize it takes TIME For this to happen right? You realize when you look at a star you're seeing it as it was in the past, right? Shit, dude, the sun's light is 8 minutes old by the time it hits your half-retarded face.

>> No.2520458

We wouldn't have persecuted Galileo, we would have just mocked his string theories as pseudo-science.

>> No.2520461

Did you even bother reading my post? Did you? Because that's exactly what I said.

>> No.2520468

>Aliens didn't build the pyramids, humans did


You're right, your logic is infallible.

>> No.2520469
File: 57 KB, 600x569, laughing alien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw humans think relativity is the final truth on the universe when the human who invented it admitted there are gaps in the theory

>> No.2520470

>>2520451 implies a time machine.


You use gravity hax to tunnel through space.

inb4 lol that doesn't exist

They're older than us, we're infants in the universe. They know mores then uuuuu

>> No.2520472

Must have misread. My bad.

>> No.2520482

I know enough. I know that General Relativity is almost certainly true, and that says sending information faster than light is basically akin to sending information back in time. frame There are no other options.

(You need the ability to do it from at least 2 different inertial frames, but just ignore that if you don't know what it means, as we're already over your head.)

>> No.2520487



>> No.2520498

>>2520456 You

>>2520436 This

>> No.2520500

okey-dokey, either troll or very very mad

>> No.2520501
File: 27 KB, 302x302, stawman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.2520505

There's a difference between incomplete and just plain wrong. The old idea that heavier things fall faster than lighter things is just plain wrong.

Newtonian physics is still correct today. People use it all the time. It's just that it's restricted to certain domains. Similarly, it's highly unlikely that we'll ever prove General Relativity completely wrong. It'll almost certainly continue to be right in the domains where it makes accurate predictions today. And from that, we can conclude that FTL is basically time travel, just as we can conclude that an object's weight doesn't affect how fast it falls.

>> No.2520510

We were over his head when said that the pyramids weren't built by aliens.

I also note, with hilarity, that he utterly ignored my challenge on something so excpetionally basic as the difference between emission lines and absorption lines.

It never ceases to astound me that people who don't have a high school student's knowledge of physics think they can discuss astrophysics and "hurr durr aliens".

And every time you ponit out raging massive gaps in their knowledge "WELL DUH THE ALIENS HAS SUPER TECHNOLOGY!"

>> No.2520519

>send out their satelites that can ignore light speed


"Hey, man, like, they just have magic powers, that explains everything."
You knwo what you sound like?

"There is too a Santa! He has magic powers, that's how he visits every house in one night!"

>> No.2520523

Indeed. To bring up a point from that other troll thread, 2 + 2 will always equal 4. No alien technology can change that. Alien technology can't break the basic laws of physics. Discovering it won't suddenly make the 10 lb weight fall 10 times faster than the 1 lb weight.

>> No.2520525
File: 39 KB, 470x306, quantum[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since nobody else has, I'm going to go ahead and point out the elephant in the room.

>> No.2520531

Macro vs. Micro physics.

Your elephant is now a corpse.

>> No.2520533

isn't that also the argument for god?

>> No.2520537

I totally don't follow at all.

>> No.2520540

I also have no clue what argument you see.

>> No.2520543

> 2 + 2 will always equal 4
that is also misleading since the topic is far more complex than two plus two

>> No.2520545

>he thinks 2+2 always equals 4
>using an ancient human system of quantifying the universe to justify why humans know exactly how the universe works.
That is worse circular logic than the creationists use.

>> No.2520556

>implying humans can't find a way to use quantum physics to do work on a much larger scale.

>> No.2520559

No, I don't think so. It's the same point I was making in the other thread. I don't care what the aliens are. They are subject to the same physical laws that we are. They still obey General Relativity to the extent that we evidence that it's true. They might be able to corner cases where it's not accurate and such, but the ability to send information FTL over light years implies that they also have the ability to send information significantly far back in time.

>> No.2520561


It's not fucking time travel. You can go any speed you want but you can't take time as a direction.

Sure breaking the speed of light is going to look fucked up if you're watching the place you're going to but in no way does that mean you're going back in time.

Planet 2000 light years away looking at earth, watching jesus and shit. They send out their spaceship than can get there instantly.

That obviously doesn't mean they arrive there with Jesus but at whatever time is syncronised with ours.

They won't be able to be viewed optically for 2000 years.

None of this is a time machine you dumbass.

>> No.2520575

>>implying the laws of physics can't be bended to our advantage

Throw a brick into the air, it falls down. Flight is impossible, you will just fall from the sky like a brick. Physics works!

>> No.2520577

Please learn General Relativity and understand how you are wrong. FTL is time travel. Get over it.

>> No.2520580

You really aren't a physicist now, that's quite obvious. Traveling faster than light is time travel.


Read this.

For fuck's sake.

You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.2520582

Bad analogy there bro. You should read what I've said here:

>> No.2520593

So let me get this straight:

Humans building the pyarmids (nevermind the countless amount of physical evidence demonstrating they did) is completely unreasonable

But billions of alien civilizations using time machines to flit around the galaxy who happen to magically land on Earth in the 0.0000022% amount of time when humans are here, built a pile of rocks, shoved a dead guy in it with his shit, and then left, is TOTALLY reasonable.

Also, they have magical telescopes that break every law of optics and relativity.

>> No.2520602

That is pathetic. That thought experiment assumes that someone capable at traveling 0.866 the speed of light would be unable to compensate for the time dilation.

>> No.2520608


Bend space, ignore speed of light.

>> No.2520611

>the universe only exists how we actually see it

>> No.2520612

>unable to compensate for the time dilation.


This isn't about the illusion of time dilation you retard.

I don't even... did you even comprehend what you just read?

>> No.2520616

That's the same thing.

In fact, that's what they problem assumes.

>> No.2520625

>That is pathetic
So pathetic that every physicist on Earth would tell you the same thing?
Yea...I'm thinking the only pathetic person here is you.

>> No.2520631

Guys! I have the answer;

God created the Heavens AND the Earth(we all know this)

what you didn't know is that Satan and his influences will come back to earth as 'Aliens' to bring peace and prosperity. It's why the U.N. has appointed
an ambassador to Aliens, they are aware of said aliens and it is also why the tv shows owned by the true leaders of the US government(Corporate/conglomerate big wigs) have been showing all this speculative alien programming....to prepare us

>> No.2520632
File: 32 KB, 284x318, retards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2520593 Humans building the pyarmids (nevermind the countless amount of physical evidence demonstrating they did) is completely unreasonable

Any of this 'physical evidence' is fucking sketchy at best. We should be able to form exact plans and know every detail as to how these structures were built to the accuracy that they are. After all it's only playing with dirt.

But billions of alien civilizations using time machines to flit around the galaxy who happen to magically land on Earth in the 0.0000022% amount of time when humans are here, built a pile of rocks, shoved a dead guy in it with his shit, and then left, is TOTALLY reasonable.

Great pyramid is not a tomb.

You dicks are awfully efficient at using words but you happen to be retarded and think too highly of yourselves.

>> No.2520633

1.4 Causality Paradox
Looks like a good link. Haven't fully read it yet.

>> No.2520652
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>> No.2520663

>is fucking sketchy at best.
You mean the tools they used to carve the rocks, the quarries they did them in, with half-carved rocks in them, the engineering behind each, and not to mention the fact that you can look at all the built pyramids and see the evolution of how they began from stepped and over thousands of years evolved into what you see in the Valley of Kings?

You mean like that?

Yeah, that's some "sketchy" evidence. Aliens is WAY more empirical.

>how these structures were built to the accuracy that they are.
The original ones WEREN'T built with accuracy. In fact it took thousands of years to learn to build them accurately.

You ever heard of the Bent Pyramid? That was a fuckup in the process where they were attempting to build pyramids at steep angles, away from the stepped, but miscaluclated the angles and didn't realize until halfway through that it couldn't support its own weight.

For fuck's sake, the Romans built aqueducts hundreds of miles long that moved at a perfect 1 degree slope, unerringly, from beginning to end.

Oh but, shit, learning how to build a pyramid over the course of 3,000 years is WAY unreasonable.

You fucking idiot, do you only think there are 3 pyramids?

>> No.2520667

>You dicks
Yeah, that's right, how dare we shit on your fantasy of super aliens with magical powers
Us and our evil science

You sound like someone who doesn't believe in evolution and gets angry when confronted with fossils.

Do fossils make you angry?

>> No.2520675


>pretending building with concrete is the same ballpark of difficulty as building in solid stone, that is sourced from hundreds of miles away

i don't even give a shit bout the pyramids but,

your an idiot

>> No.2520686

okay, i don't give a shit about the FTL or the pyramids, they both seemed like no brainers

whether aliens exist? you reject the idea because there is no evidence to warrant thinking that aliens exist?

>> No.2520687

That's all very elementary and you're implying I don't understand that. When you can move space around you, there's no need for conventional thrust and g-forces.

You can't just think "Warp drive, can't be done! We know it can't be done!". The warp drive will be a combination of many different systems that are still to reach a higher level of sophistication before it can be thought of "Hey, we can suddenly do this with this and warp drive is possible!"

We can see the laws of physics as barriers with what we know now but in time we will learn how to bend the very same laws to our advantage and achieve what you're wasting your breath saying is impossible.

>> No.2520688
File: 12 KB, 250x250, sci i am disappoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>false dichotomies
>appeals to authority
>circular logic

>> No.2520693

No one is rejecting the possibility of alien life, you dolt.

>> No.2520698

>appeal to authority
Yeaaaaah...appealing to physics is not exactly an appeal to authority.

>> No.2520705


Did a bunch of preschoolers invade /sci/?

>> No.2520707
File: 611 KB, 960x1299, 2009-09-22-caveman_science_fiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people arguing against interstellar travel ITT

>> No.2520712

Appeal to the authority of self is the most egregious example of the fallacy.

>> No.2520713

That circular logic is the basis for the computer you're using, the generators and transformers which transmit the electricity powering it, the equations and equipment used to locate the oil via sonic waves, and can be used to model the biochemistry of the sperm cell that fused with the ovum to create the embryo of the engineer manning said machine.
But no, it is far more likely that Aliens exist and, by adopting another system, have stumbled upon a way to bypass the silly little laws of the physical world that our system has created. All to build some crappy of stones 5200 years ago.

>> No.2520714

There's no appeal to authority there you nitwit. It's an image macro for making fun of people, not a coherent argument.

Then you clearly need to reread that as it explains the temporal paradoxes which can result from FTL. Again, specifically section "1.4 Causality Paradox".

>> No.2520716

>implying anyone argued against interstellar travel

>> No.2520719

>It's an image macro for making fun of people, not a coherent argument.

I was QUOTING HIM you dipshit, and making fun of what I was quoting

>> No.2520721

felt like scientists were refuting it all

>> No.2520724

Oh... my bad. Sorry, not reading as fully as I should be.

>> No.2520729
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The fit so tight you can't fit feeler gauges between them.

>> No.2520730

No man. Aliens almost certainly exist. Whether they've visited Earth is a whole other story though.

>> No.2520732

>not reading as fully as I should be.
Congratulations, you've just summed up everyone's posts ITT. In fact, if I didn't add this sentence, you'd probably assume I just meant everyone arguing against the alien theorists and not EVERYONE. You probably still will.

>> No.2520737

Oh shit, they're tightly put together and therefore...ALIENS!

What precise logical conclusions. What brilliant empirical evidence.

>> No.2520739

They just heated the stones so much they became pliable and then let them settle together. Doesn't take aliens to do.

>> No.2520742

>>2520739 molten rock


>> No.2520743

No way, man, had to be aliens. There's no possible way that people ever knew that cold objects contract, no sir (never mind that people have been building using this principle for 5,000 years)

>> No.2520745

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....no....it doesn't need to be "molten".

And object contracts and expands with even small amounts of heat. Put a fire under a stone it expands, remove the heat, it contracts.

That's not exactly "molten".

>> No.2520761

k? I guess you're welcome to your opinion that empirical truth is entirely subjective, but I subscribe to the philosophy that there is an observable shared objective natural world.

>> No.2520763
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>> No.2520766


Simples was sarcastic. How the fuck are you going to heat up a rock hot enough for it to begin losing integrity so you can some how handle and work with it to sit exactly where you want it?

Actually setting out to do something like that would be a nightmare from an engineering perspective. You couldn't do it.

>> No.2520771
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>I subscribe to the philosophy that there is an observable shared objective natural world.
>but relativity holds true still

>> No.2520772

That's why I'm making fun of you, dummy. You don't need "molten rock" to get them to fit tightly together. Humans have used this type of construction for millennia, with stone, wood, etc.

This is BASIC shit, dude. "Hurr from engineering perspective"

I bet you think that everything that's hard to build was put together by fucking aliens, yes?

you're goddamn pathetic.

>> No.2520775

>observable shared objective natural world
observable = subjective
shared = subjective

science is just mans best attempt at being as objective as possible

>> No.2520776

>Comic Sans

>> No.2520777

Uhh, there's no contradiction there bro. Congrats at conflating the meaning of the English word relativity to mean "subjective" and as a proper noun in a name of a scientific theory.

>> No.2520783

Yes, my philosophy is that the subjective experiences of each person are sufficiently similar as to admit the existence of a singular shared objective reality. I don't see what's so hard about understanding this.

>> No.2520790

The entire idea of relativity is that space and time are intertwined so that the universe is different depending on perspective. This canont be reconciled with the idea that there is a single shared objectivity to the universe.

>> No.2520791

These retards think that if a rock is put together tightly the only reasonable explanation is billions of alien civlizations floating around using time machines.

Seriously...there's no point talking with retards.

>> No.2520799

so there is no objective reality?

>> No.2520810


It heats up and if it doesn't exceed its elastic limit it will return to the exact same size as it was before. For it to fit into those places they need to be cut at silly precision, not easily accomplished.

Scientists are fucking useless when it comes to building things.

>> No.2520811

Uh, yes it can.

Let me use an example. Suppose you have two different people looking at the same laptop monitor. Depending on the angle that they view it, they would describe it as appearing different - different colors, dimensions, etc.

However, they would also likely know that the other observer would see something different, something predictably different. He also knows that if he moved to the spot of the other observer, he would see something different than before, and what he would see is the same as the other observer.

When I say a singular shared objective natural world, what I mean to say is that it exists independent of our thoughts, that we can obtain some measure of evidence concerning it, that different people when performing the same observation will get consistent results, and so on. Relativity isn't inconsistent with that any more than two people seeing heads on one side of a coin and tails on another.

>> No.2520818

what is the point of admitting that there might be an objective reality?

>> No.2520823

>It heats up and if it doesn't exceed its elastic limit it will return to the exact same size as it was before.


You can heat or cool something to expand or contract it as needed to make things fit together tightly.

Not to mention weathering and time and compression will assist this process more than humans ever could.

(Seriously, you believe fucking aliens piled up rocks b/c they're well fitted? You are really thyis dumb? PLEASE just go "hurr I troll you" because I hate to think any human being anywhere is this balls-on retarded)

>> No.2520825

It certainly can't be proven and relativistic physics do not support it. Neither do the uncertainty principle or wave-particle duality. Recent developments such as these point to a universe where things are different depending on perspective.

>> No.2520827

To argue against idiots like this:

>> No.2520835

A coin looks different depending on which side of the coin you're looking from. That doesn't mean there is no objective coin. It simply means different observers can observe different things.

What a subjective universe tends to mean is that there are no correct predictive laws, or that the correct predictive laws differ from person to person.

General relativity is the exact opposite of that. The laws for each observer are the same, and the different observers can trade places, compare notes, and get the same results. That is the definition of an objective shared reality.

>> No.2520845

But in the time it would take me to move to where you are, the contents of your laptop screen would change. More posts would be added or the thread would 404. Just like with much larger events in the universe, a perspective cannot change instantaneously because of relativity.

It would be an exercise in futility for everybody on a laptop to go out to every house they could find, hoping to find someone inside with a laptop, hoping more desperately to find them accessing similar content.

>> No.2520850

You're purposefully missing my point. I can only assume to be a smartass or to troll.

>> No.2520854
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>> No.2520860
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>he thinks he can understand physical theories invented by humans in the context of an objective universe without understanding subjective human thought in the context of an objective universe.

>> No.2520872

Dude, you're assuming two subjective minds looking for a verifiably objective universe in the first place. This would be a totally biased tester. They're not looking at the universe to see what they see, they're looking for some common ground.

>> No.2520875


I know exactly how shrink fitting is used!

If it's not cut exactly the stress built up in the material can crack and explode. It doesn't mean the rock is going to deform itself to sit in place, imperfections will cause gaps.

>> No.2520894

I can greetext too!

>Argues that humans will remain forever perfectly ignorant about the singular shared objective natural world, or that there exist no singular shared objective natural world.

>> No.2520900

You prefer if I phrase it as a blind test?

Man you're just being a dick.

>> No.2520903

>ignorant about the singular shared objective natural world
still making an unfounded assertion

>> No.2520906

Yes, and? I made it rather clear that this my own personal philosophy. It's not science. It's not justifiable.

I'll still call you insane if you don't agree.

>> No.2520913
File: 65 KB, 266x394, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls himself a scientist
>calls people insane because of opinions on things that are yet to be proven
>cites outdated science
>assumes everyone who disagrees with him is at the other end of the spectrum automatically.

>> No.2520921

You think Aliens built a pile of rocks and put a dead guy in them

You're as derpy dumbshit as it gets.

>> No.2520922

what makes you think that your philosophy is more reasonable? or why do you think that this philosophy is more valid?

>> No.2520925

Don't get me wrong. If someone presents evidence that different people have different subjective realities, then I'll be all over it. I am a scientist.

However, the best evidence indicates that such a proposition is bullshit, and we live in an singular shared objective world. (I might have been hasty and wrong when I said that it wasn't defendable through science. Upon thinking about it, I think it is.)

>> No.2520926

Well, at least he didn't write Chariot of the Gods...

>> No.2520941


No I don't.

I don't. Why is a scientist trying to use science to argue over an opinion about science that he has just because of a personal philosophy.

Have you not heard of psychosis? We can only verify the world to ourselves because our state of consciousness is abstracted from our subjective experiences.

>> No.2520949

>Have you not heard of psychosis? We can only verify the world to ourselves because our state of consciousness is abstracted from our subjective experiences.
So, everyone has a psychosis, or I do, and it's wrong to think that I have some knowledge about the singular shared objective natural world?

As I said in the other thread, I'm going to go practice science, and build space ships, and not seriously consider this mental masturbation that my subjective human experience clouds my judgment so much that I cannot learn anything about the singular shared objective natural world.

>> No.2520955
File: 44 KB, 549x563, 1297150211981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They came to Earth approximately 400,000 years ago with the intent of mining raw materials, especially gold, for transport back to their planet. With their small numbers they soon tired of the task, and set out to genetically engineer laborers to work the mines. After much trial and error they eventually created homo sapiens: the "Adama" (model man) or Adam of later mythology. They were active in human affairs until their culture was destroyed by global catastrophes caused by the abrupt end of the last ice age some 12,000 years ago. Seeing that humans survived and all they had built was destroyed, they left Earth after giving humans the opportunity and means to govern themselves.

>> No.2520956

>and not seriously consider this mental masturbation that my subjective human experience clouds my judgment so much that I cannot learn anything about the singular shared objective natural world.
i thoroughly dig that sentiment

>> No.2520961

No, and you're jumping to conclusions again based on small amounts of things I'm saying. You're assuming thought processes that are not happening. This is why you'll never get anywhere in threads like these.

I present psychoses as evidence that a person's concept of reality is subjective. Since all scientific theory is based on what humans have gathered in the way of data, it is subjective because of the human factor. Whether or not there is an objective reality cannot be determined by humans alone, unless we make some kind of startling discovery, like the ability to connect brains to each other.

>> No.2520965

>I present psychoses as evidence that a person's concept of reality is subjective. Since all scientific theory is based on what humans have gathered in the way of data, it is subjective because of the human factor. Whether or not there is an objective reality cannot be determined by humans alone, unless we make some kind of startling discovery, like the ability to connect brains to each other.

I agree that human experience is partially subjective, but not wholely subjective, and that over time most humans can tell the difference to a sufficient degree to practice a shared science.

I find it insane and infuriating that you mean to suggest that my neighbor can see a car on the street where I see no car, or that we can disagree about how many suns there are in the sky.

I am also more convinced that you are an idiot because you suggested that connecting brains through a technological apparatus can solve any of your nihilistic problems.

>> No.2520966

addendum to >>2520961:

I never said you can't learn anything, I said we don't know the secrets of the universe at the moment. Surely you can agree with that.

>> No.2520967

What? That's an entirely separate pointer you fucking fuck.


I finally see where you're coming from, I think. Goddamn theists and the thought processes of theists. One can know something without knowing everything. The scientific worldview embraces knowing that you are ignorant as a required first step to obtaining knowledge. Of course we don't know everything, but we do know something. We do know something about the singular shared natural world.

Am I sure there is such a thing? No. It's simply the best model I have for the available evidence. Also, the available evidence /strongly/ supports this model. It's not just a whim.

>> No.2520968

I am neither nihilistic nor do I believe we will be able to have any kind of direct link between minds in the foreseeable future. I was merely illustrating the point that we do not have a complete knowledge of the universe.

I only make this argument because you seem to take it for granted that there's nothing left to be discovered about its nature, even though humans have only been practicing anything that could be called science for a few thousand years.

>> No.2520971
File: 1.82 MB, 424x239, history.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, the aliens that built the pyramids and all the other large ancient structures.

Why the fuck was this on the history channel?

>> No.2520975

Because Jews.

>> No.2520977
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>> No.2520987

I'm not a theist either. You've been asserting for the whole thread that an extraterrestrial intelligence would face the same limits we do. The problem with this assertion is that we impose these limits upon ourselves based on our theories about the universe, which are incomplete. Even before science started to gain steam, religious groups claimed to have a suitable explanation for the world, with few exceptions they finagled around. Since then all kinds of discoveries have been made that fundamentally change our concepts of the universe's workings. Assuming that a fairly satisfying picture of the universe, based upon a time-limited amount of study thereof, is sufficient to judge the capabilities of a civilization with perhaps completely different biology and thousands if not millions more years of scientific advancement is plain and simply narrow-minded.

>> No.2521001

>The problem with this assertion is that we impose these limits upon ourselves based on our theories about the universe, which are incomplete. Even before science started to gain steam, religious groups claimed to have a suitable explanation for the world, with few exceptions they finagled around. Since then all kinds of discoveries have been made that fundamentally change our concepts of the universe's workings.
And here you would be mistaken. You are taking a relativistic view of science. You're saying "Oh, science proves things wrong all the time. Wait a decade, and the scientific truths will have changed."

That's not how science works. General Relativity didn't prove Newton's mechanics wrong. Newton's mechanics were simply incomplete (to use the word that you did). Newton's mechanics are still just as applicable.

Let me continue after your quote:
>Assuming that a fairly satisfying picture of the universe, based upon a time-limited amount of study thereof, is sufficient to judge the capabilities of a civilization with perhaps completely different biology and thousands if not millions more years of scientific advancement is plain and simply narrow-minded.

They will always be bound by the physical laws. They can't get away from Newtonian mechanics and General Relativity. It's not like we're going to wake up tomorrow and realize that they are wrong.

If they want to build a space ship, they will have to have 2 + 2 = 4 and basic math which is isomorphic to our own.

Also: I'm not even sure what we're arguing over, but I'm pretty sure that you're being way too relativistic.

>> No.2521037

I'm not being relativistic at all as far as the question of an advanced civilaztion's capabilities go. We don't yet understand how all the physicals laws work, just like we didn't back in Newton's time. Back then, nobody would say that it was possible to put people on the moon. A more nuanced and detailed level of understanding of the universe's physics will lead us to expand our ability to expand. Assuming that we will always have the same barriers we do now is a view that is not supported by past events and might discourage scientists from trying to fill in the final gaps in our knowledge.

>> No.2521096
File: 48 KB, 493x497, Jackholdingitin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Le Matin des Magiciens, that this book in turn was heavily influenced by the Cthulhu Mythos, and that the core of the ancient astronaut theory originates in H. P. Lovecraft's short stories "The Call of Cthulhu" and "At the Mountains of Madness".

mon visage when people who believe this bullshit are basing their "science" on HP Lovecraft

>> No.2521486


I think he was mentioning psychosis as an example because of things such as hallucinations and delusions.

His point is that our senses can fool us. How do you know that you are not undergoing an elaborate delusion, for example?

>> No.2521491


His point is that there may be shortcuts that as of yet we don't know of.

For a so-called scientist you really are very narrow-minded.

>> No.2521668

Everyone ITT arguing that the probability of the aliens finding humans on earth is too low is a fucking retard, who hasn't watched the full series. The whole point is the aliens deliberately seeded life on our planet so they knew where to look once humans evolved. Do you think life just sprung out of knowhere?

>> No.2521676


1/10. You had me until "knowhere".

>> No.2521677


Your logic is flawed.

>> No.2521708

There are two types of people that believe in Aliens.

Carl Sagan, and this Asshole.

If someone mentions aliens to me, I ask which show they prefer, Ancient Aliens or Cosmos.

I have yet to meet a person who knew what the latter was. And that saddens me greatly.

>> No.2521712

ITT: Some faggot thinks our current understanding of the universe is the right answer and gets butthurt when people point out that we know it is not.

>> No.2521720

Yet you don't say why. Clear evidence you are talking out of your ass

>> No.2521743
File: 23 KB, 324x480, pumapunku2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guise explain dis

>> No.2521755
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>> No.2521756
File: 22 KB, 236x366, dioritebowl1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also dis granite bowl from egypt

>> No.2521758

looks like cast concrete lol

>> No.2521764
File: 22 KB, 436x346, dioritebowl2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it balances on its tip

predynastic era(old egypt)

>> No.2521766

these stones were supposedly made by some indians in bolivia without any written language or alphabet, the Aymarra tribe

the small holes have a 5mm diameter

explain dis

>> No.2521806
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>> No.2521836

... so?

I don't get why people think ancient civilizations were staffed by dumbasses. They were not genetically distinct from us. It was only several thousand years ago.

>> No.2521859


It's quite easy to visualise an object that could do that without knowing any of the maths involved. You'd just need to spend a long time carving and testing to get it just right.

>> No.2521895

Quantum Entanglement.


>> No.2521909

Hell, you could just have a kiln with a built-in rounded mold to support the pot as it is fired.

>> No.2521942


With a protruding part to give the small hole.

>> No.2522296

If the planets are so far apart that they are millions of lights years more apart than the age of the universe, then wouldn't that mean that the universe expands at faster than light speeds as well as the particles that make up the stars.

>> No.2522301

Ever hear of Occam's Razor? Yeah I guess not. What is more probable, ancient people build something with ropes and pulleys because there was nothing to do when there was no harvest? Or ALLEEUNS DEED ITTT

>> No.2522362

You need to factor in that there are way more then one civilization doing the searching in this scenario (Billions of stars, more then just one of them will evolve extraterrestrial life capable of interstellar travel)
Also why are you implying that they would investigate earth last? Let's say there was at on point life at Alpha Centari or any other close star system. They wouldn't take 50 billion years to discover us after developing interstellar travel.
Also, Von Nueman interstellar investigative robotic craft. Your argument is invalid.

>> No.2522439

dude, that post is like 11 hours old

let the thread diiieeeeee

>> No.2523239

>cant explain something


>cant explain something


>> No.2523269

Aside from the sensationalism, equivocation, and general stupid shit, the premise of the show and "some" of the data they present is sound.

>> No.2523323

Their data is sound, but the conclusions everybody always reaches on the show are stupid.

>> No.2523340


I once stopped watching an episode when they tried to connect a myth of grim reapers in fields spreading the black plague with aliens trying to stem the human population.

>> No.2523462
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>> No.2523487

this dubs is awesome for its message and is probably an alpha male

>> No.2523514

derp, if aliens created life, why did jesus die for our sins? because we refused to be slaves for aliums?

sorry, god didn't write the bible about aliens or atheisms, it's about his son dying a horrible death

that's why you will probably go to hell

>> No.2523535

My 2 cents on the whole ftl telescope thing
even if technology like say quantum entanglement communication were ever developed (which theoretically could transmit instantaneous ftl transmissions of data)
It would still not be sufficient for finding life on other worlds because for the process to work you must first send the particle's double to the location you which to get data from (which requires you to know what you're looking for and where) and that particles trip to it's location would be still limited to slower than light travel.
So even supposing that aliens use quantum entanglement telescopes to survey distant worlds in real-time they still would have to somehow already know where life is and it would still take a long time before they caught their first glimpse of any life (assuming it didn't die out before their probes got there.)
Also I'm personally open to the idea of life on other planets but why does everyone assume other life would be intelligent?
it's already a big gamble that other life exists but sapient life is a whole other astronomical gamble on top of that.

>> No.2524034

I believe that with all the stars and planets out there, it's a good chance life evolved somewhere else. I don't think they drove here on their plastic flying saucers and mutilate cows or built the pyramids.

Is that the cosmos kind?

>> No.2524068

Goys, Mods = Aliums

>> No.2524427


Gaise, MODS = CODS

>> No.2524978
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>Why the fuck was this on the history channel?
More to the point, why isn't it on skinamax? I'm getting a boner just looking at it.

>> No.2525135
File: 61 KB, 400x388, 777366552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to believe.......so damn much.

>> No.2525246

new meme?

>> No.2525291
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>> No.2525301

Jewish aliens...

I loled

>> No.2525314



>> No.2525487


>> No.2526350
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>> No.2526365
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>> No.2526458

Is it so hard for /sci/ to accept that there is SOME chance that aliens came to this planet a long time ago, realized we were not yet ready to comprehend was going on so they left us a road map ( the pyramids ), that would not wash away with time, to the general location of where they could be found?

>> No.2526610

for any extraterrestial to have the ability to associate with human beings, their genetic material would almost have to be an exact replica of the currently positioned gene pool of humans, at least a 99.9% match

and that's even assuming alien genetic code is in any way similar to ours

the whole concept of aliens is absurd, its more likely garfield shat on a moon of jupiter

>> No.2526612

maybe the have a radar that detects life and shit.

>> No.2526615

May I ask why?

>> No.2526620

But the Egyptians built the pyramids.

>> No.2526635

But why did they build the pyramids? They were not used a tombs, I suppose you could say they were used as some sort of energy source but there is no evidence backing that either.

>> No.2526638

But they were tombs. They put kings in them.

>> No.2526648

Pyramids aer where da mummies coem from!

>> No.2526652

the difference between chimp and human is, on average, about 1.6% genetic material, and has the capacity for human interaction of a two year old

imagine a being of a different genetic code, we would scarcely even notice its existence, ala a human to a worm

>> No.2526659


But that's false. Not even OP, nor do I really agree with the aliens theory, but no pharaoh or Egyptian king's bodies have ever been recovered from a pyramid.

I've watched this, it's a crock of shit, but the point they make about the generation of microwave radiation and hydrogen within the pyramid being emitted in a concentrated beam is interesting.

>> No.2526661

So you're just making an assumption?

>> No.2526663

something like that cant be given the chance of occuring because theres no evidence at all to support it, heck theres no evidence than an alien race actually exists yet you not only asume that they exist, you also assume they would be a space faring race, and you assume that they built the pyramids despite the fact that based on actual pyramids it would've taken them several centuries and many trial and errors to get the idea of a perfect pyramid right.
Such an advanced race wouldn't need so much trial and error to finally build a real pyramid.
Humans on the other hand would need that learning phase because back then we were just starting the construction of big structures.

What is more probable?
that ADVANCED space faring aliens came all the way to earth to build a basic geometric shape that they fucked up several times before finally getting it right, or that ancient humans had to spent centuries of trial and error in order to go from dashur to khufu

>> No.2526667

>assuming assumptions were assumed

a reasonable assumption

>> No.2526677

Keep in mind these guys just make up shit like that. Daniken had a potter make some vessels with aliens on them and then claimed they were thousands of years old. Alternative interpretations are one thing, but these guys fake evidence. I wouldn't trust whatever they say about microwave radiation.

>> No.2526680

No mummies have ever been found in the pyramids.

>> No.2526687

They were looted.

>> No.2526693

I don't believe a question can be an assumption.

>> No.2526721

So because 3000+ year old structures, which were repeatedly looted and plundered over the millennia don't contain bodies, that means aliums did it?

Also, many of the smaller pyramids (ie non-Giza) do contain bodies.

>> No.2526726

bump more people get in here this game is pretty cool

>> No.2526732
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>mfw directing all posts to one person

>> No.2526738

wrong, wrong WRONG NIGGAZ!

no pyramids in egypt ever contained mummies, there is no proof

>> No.2526745

Except for hieroglyphs and pyramids containing mummies.

>> No.2526765


those heiroglyphs are highly open to interpretation and NO PYRAMIDS IN EGYPT EVER CONTAINED MUMMIES...show one link for a pyramid were a mummy was actually found....its all a bunch of "egyptologists" saying that such and such was buried here, but they never actually found any mummy in a egyptian pyramid

>> No.2526768

why the fuck is there people who think that the gizeh pyramids are the only ones

>> No.2526819


>> No.2526848

I smoked two bowls, a blunt and cleared two bongs and watched that shit...mother of god it was intense

>> No.2526893
File: 1.40 MB, 1728x2304, Erich_von_Daniken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erich von Daeniken is a fucking bro. He asks the questions but doesn't presume to know the answers. That's awesome.

>> No.2526908

No he's not. He fakes evidence to sell his books.

>> No.2527036

Wait, what?

>> No.2527082

From Wikipedia, but since I can't give you a link to Story's The Space Gods Revealed this will have to do:

Some also question von Däniken's credibility, as he has also knowingly put forward fraudulent evidence to advance his hypotheses, such as photographs of pottery "depicting UFOs", supposedly from an archaeological dig dating back to the biblical era. The PBS television series Nova determined that this was a fraud, and even located the potter who made them. When confronted with this evidence, von Däniken argued that the deception was justified because some people would only believe his ideas if they saw actual proof.[10]

In The Gold of the Gods von Daniken claimed to have been guided through artificial tunnels in a cave under Ecuador, Cueva de los Tayos, containing gold, strange statues and a library with metal tablets, which he wrote was evidence of ancient space visitors. The man who he claimed showed him these alleged tunnels, Juan Moricz, told Der Spiegel that all of von Daniken's descriptions came from a long conversation and that the photos in the book had been "fiddled". Von Daniken eventually told Playboy that although he had seen the library and other places he had described, he had also fabricated some of the events to add interest to his book.[11]

>> No.2527115

why the fuck would you belive that guy? he even looks like a con artist.

>> No.2527162
File: 42 KB, 547x556, incastone06x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me I'm just an out of place artifact depicting that man and dinosaurs co-existed once upon a time, while archeologist and paleontologist who based their work on Darwin's theory destroy every evidence that goes against its macroevolution view in order to keep people from knowing man's real origin which is man doesn't evolve from bipedal simians (maybe niggers are), coz that's just gay.

>> No.2529787
File: 145 KB, 450x348, the-flintstones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>man and dinosaurs co-existed