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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2519133 No.2519133 [Reply] [Original]

So science.
I've been thinking.
What have we inveneted that doesn't just emulate nature in some way?

toaster -> fire
computer -> brain
clothing -> animal fur
fire -> lightning striking ground

>> No.2519143
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What the fuck did I just read.


>> No.2519141

Flamin' Hot Cheetos

>> No.2519144

I hate to be the boron of bad news, but topics like these are a diamond dozen. For all intensive purposes, you won't make it in this doggy dog world.

>> No.2519146

tools, gears, wheel
simple machines, really

>> No.2519154



>> No.2519158

>any transportation system

>> No.2519160

i hate to be the boron of bad news but this is to expected from 4chan

So you're trying to make a meme?

>> No.2519168


>> No.2519170

planes -> birds
helicopter -> bees
cars -> carriages -> boats -> hollowed trees
trains -> steam -> hot water

>> No.2519194

So what if he is?

You an internet copper or something?

>> No.2519209

You a samefag or somethin?

>> No.2519214

you relate trains to hot water, you sir are an idiot, do you know what an emulator is

>> No.2519232

Space shuttle

>> No.2519244

The internet



alcoholic beverages


>> No.2519248

Stop trying to force your shitty meme. It sucks and you know it.

>> No.2519254

Surf boards

>> No.2519272

nuclear bombs

vacuum cleaners


OP didn't really think about this very hard. At least I hope he didn't.

>> No.2519288

you shouldn't take people like this for granite. What would 4chan be like without them?

>> No.2519297

Oh if I had a nickel for every time I heard that.

>> No.2519302

video games
electronic lollypop rotators
anal beads
roller coasters
pretty much anything fun

op u need to think harder next time

>> No.2519304

Stop. Not going to work.

>> No.2519308
File: 1.22 MB, 400x400, 1297234857775.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ - Video Games

>> No.2519317

Yeah you're right, let's barium.

>> No.2519333


I literally laughed at the screen for several minutes. Thank you, based Bohrium.

>> No.2519334

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.2519381
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/b/ - Random