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File: 83 KB, 396x599, 396px-Kant_Kaliningrad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2518680 No.2518680 [Reply] [Original]

Immanuel Kant, a German PHILOSOPHER, was the greatest intellectual of human history. How does that make you /sci/ fags feel?

>> No.2518687

what book of his should I read?

>> No.2518689

I was unaware of this "fact"

>> No.2518696

>subjective value judgments
>How does that make you /sci/ fags feel?

Anyway, I like Kant. I'm getting the feeling that you've already been trolled, and this thread is a continuation of how trolled you've been.

>> No.2518727


Kant really is the central figure in modern philosophy. Yet I nevertheless find his greatest contribution to reasoned discourse was troll bait at Randists.

>> No.2518772

Read his Introduction to Logic, it makes a great springboard into his work, which can be opaque at first glance.

>> No.2518796

Kant is a bro tier INTJ, while pussies like Sartre are completely INTP.

>> No.2518807

wasn't he the guy who talked about objective morality? it's actually a scientific alternative to religious morality, so yea he could be considered pretty important.

>> No.2518810


And then you get faggots that take Miggs-Bryers drivel seriously.

>> No.2518813

That's why Kant sucks. Kierkegaard is god-tier INTP.

>> No.2518817

He was also a real pissant.

>> No.2518822

bitch, please. Locke >> Kant

>> No.2518828

I'm far too choleric to take offense.

>> No.2518829
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>> No.2518835

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEmanuel Kant was a real pissant who was very rarely stable....

>> No.2518849

Hume pisses on your arbitrary philosophical models.

>> No.2518850

Fuck you all.

You fucking science faggots don't deserve to have an opinion on philosophy. Stick with your fucking science you worthless shits.

>> No.2518858


Bad day at McDonalds?

>> No.2518863
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>angry liberal arts major

>> No.2518870

No, you should just stop being interested in other subjects and stick with the one you chose, faggot.

>> No.2518882

I like him and I really want to read his work some day. Most of what I know of him is from introductory studies, his original texts are so damn hard to read if you're not an ace in Western culture.

>> No.2518884
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you will never understand why people study what they dont "need" to

>> No.2518885
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>implying I'm not a double major

>> No.2518886
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>stop being interested in other subjects

Somebody has sand up their vagina.

>> No.2518888

Anyone who doesn't believe Aristotle is the biggest intellectual who has ever lived, has no idea what he's talking about.

>> No.2518898
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>> No.2518903


Aristotle set back empirical enquiry a fair bit, though. Objects fall with velocity proportional to their weight? Really?

>> No.2518939


einstein really looked up to Kant and studied his work carefully

kant > einstein

>> No.2518945


aristotle started science and ethics

everything before him was retarded and about Gods

aristotle brought everything down to earth

>> No.2518955

>doesn't know about several pre-socratic philosophers that proposed rational ethical systems
>probably hasn't even read Socrates or Plato

>> No.2518966

nietzsche fucks kant's shit up all the time, fags

>> No.2518965
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>He brought everything down to Earth.
I think you mean gravity.

>> No.2518976


If Einstein had lived first, Kant would have looked up to him. Such testimony only counts when it is between contemporaries.

>> No.2518980
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>> No.2519019


>implying Socrates wrote shit.


>implying Plato wasn't ridiculous.

God King philosopher? I mean, really? LOL.

Nicomachean Ethics serves as the basis for human morality and how human rationale can, above all, achieve goodness. It is the treatise which Cicero bases his essay, De Amicitia, on and it is also highly reputable in old Christian Philosophy/Theology. In fact, Aquinas -- a reputed scholar of Christian thought -- quoted Aristotle and utilized his words to enforce the truth of God.

Socrates died too soon/early, and Plato was too overboard. Furthermore, Plato contradicted himself several times. Diogenes called Plato out on his bullshit from time to time, too. Aristotle was, and still is, the complete authority on Greek Philosophy.

>> No.2519026

I've not read too much but I think Kant's metaphysical models of morality especially his categorical imperative lack the practicality of Hume's empirical model, or Mill's utilitarian model. On that alone I'm not convinced he wasn't simply too out there for a lot of his work to be a bit too much reliant on reason alone in the model of Aristotle, which much of our modern knowledge moves away from. Although I do like his account of free will. The most convincing one i've ever heard.

>> No.2519061

Check the post you quoted, bro. It got quads, and is therefore fact.

>> No.2519131


>>doesn't know about several pre-socratic philosophers

>implying the pre-socratics weren't simply Rhetoricians and con men who did it for the money

no thanks, i'll stick with Socrates and aristotle

>> No.2519137

>implying socrates didn't rip half his shit from his philosophical forefathers

Tis the nature of philosophy.

>> No.2519148

Everyone knows that Hegel was the culmination of German philosophy

>> No.2519157

Aristotle was a misogynistic twat

>> No.2519169

Orly? Democritus, Heraclitus, etc... all conmen?

>> No.2519177

Well, that completely demolishes all of his philosophy.

>> No.2519218



I mean, really. So? His views/opinions were on paper and they're held by many people today.

>Women are irrational creatures who utilize their emotion primarily.

I'm sure you've heard that shit all the time, right? He was the one who actually wrote about it extensively and was the original "Bitches & Whores" guy.

Fuck year, Aristotle.

>> No.2519222


By the way, fuck you. Bitch.

>> No.2519242

Here's a quote from a philosopher who actually matters...

"Women are the only exploited group in history to have been idealized into powerlessness." -Karl Marx

Perpetuating a stereotype is nothing to be proud of. And what about the men who are driven by emotion? Love, jealousy, and in your case, bitterness.

>> No.2519249

Fuck you and your trips, virgin. :)

>> No.2519263

>And what about the men who are driven by emotion? Love, jealousy, and in your case, bitterness.
You mean men that act like women?

Completely agree, that's bad.

>> No.2521585
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>> No.2521623

moar liek immanuel CUNT! amirite?

>> No.2521626

Obviously a David Cume fan.

>> No.2521631

moar liek a GAY-vid Cume fan, amirite?

>> No.2521632

It's the Eternal Recurrance of The Gay Science.

>> No.2521640
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Time for some uberman-on-man action.

>> No.2521651

No, he's the creator of Kantian deontology. It's not objective morality. I like it though.

>> No.2521690


>> No.2521692
File: 39 KB, 480x366, Schopenhauer..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hey there just mixing plato's eternal forms with kant's object in itself with the hindu upanishads to create a world view so powerful that it influenced darwin and einstein.

>> No.2521694

Einstein, Faraday, Tesla, Sagan, Newton, Archimedes, and Da Vinci would all like to have a word with you.

>> No.2521696
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>incomplete list
>why even list

>> No.2521704

Well only so many people can have a word with OP at one time.

Plato, Eratosthenes, Darwin and the other will have to wait their turn.

>> No.2521723

I'm imagining this as the line forming for one of the highest-IQ gangbangs in history.