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File: 32 KB, 320x320, atheism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2517348 No.2517348 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2517365

>implying your conception of nothing corresponds whatsoever to the quantum conception of nothing
>implying it's more rational to believe in a desert wizard who made the universe

>> No.2517372
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>> No.2517385
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Atheism dividing the people in classes,
You see this: INTF, INTJ, etc. This is a result of Atheism, the belief in disunity. You may see it as fun now and all good, but future humanity, the children of this generation, will pay for you unwise decision.

Just a bit of advice from someone who knows his shit.

>> No.2517392

We, as rational individuals, all know its true except the atheists themselves. When, and only when, they understand that they indeed belong to a religion, then we can get down as to who holds the most accurate and truthful religion out there. For Atheists to attempt to claim "neutrality", in reference to God, is a complete cop out and disingenuous intellectually. They have indeed picked a side. They choose their religion based on what they believe is evidentiary to their presuppositions. Denying what they believe, and hold as truth, may be an easier pill for them to swallow but they are only attempting to deceive themselves.

>> No.2517421
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That has nothing to do with atheism and, you know what, Aether? This thread doesn't have anything to do with science. Reported.

>> No.2517432
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There are days when evil and suffering are hard to explain, even for the most ardent follower of God. There are questions we cannot answer. There are days when every honest Christian will admit doubt. But we don’t become atheists. It is because our soul JUST KNOWS that God is there. And maybe because atheism is a religion that requires too much untenable faith.
Not only is Atheism a religion, the entire premise is a negative proof fallacy.

>> No.2517450
File: 36 KB, 530x313, gammew530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't make it,
And I foretold your answer,
Isn't that strange?

>> No.2517473

Religionists instinctively try to divide atheists into two groups, which are; doubters and haters. Those who doubt gods existence or nature, 'agnostics', and those who hate gods existence or nature, 'atheists'. Because they cannot properly comprehend a mindset that does not believe in god at all, most religions consider this kind of thought to be sinful in itself, they do this. And this is what makes it so infuriating to debate them, since it always degrades into definitional wanking.

Atheism: Agreeing with 99.999% of the planet when it comes to the god you believe in. (directed at any religionist in particular).

>> No.2517490
File: 20 KB, 410x365, jesus-blog-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what I don't get. I understand the arguments against atheism. Whether or not there's a god it's fucking crazy just think that we are alive, and that conscience can develop from interactions between atoms.

But I just can't understand believing the Bible as a substitute. There is no reason to believe that over the 1,000s over other religious texts that have been written.

pic related, its what jesus really looked like, wish those christfags in the south could see this

>> No.2517497

Okay... I've seen plenty of these religious troll images regarding atheism before but this one... really does annoy me.

How is it arrogant that I know the universe was not created for humans? If anything it should express humility. It is arrogant, on the other hand, to believe that the entire universe is ours and was made for us. Consider that a majority of the landmass or climates on our own planet are inhospitable to humans. Lets ignore other non-geographic barriers as well. And lets not even go into solar or interstellar masses.

Also, reported, saged and hidden.

>> No.2517498

mew doesn't have precog abilities dumbfuck

>pic invalid

>> No.2517505
File: 49 KB, 750x600, 13 - atheism religion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2517506


It's actually a slight against religion. Too subtle, apparently.

>> No.2517509

Since when did us = humans?

>> No.2517514

>Souls JUST KNOW that God is there

Silly me, and here I thought it was instinctive denial of the fundamentally finite nature of life and the fact that you’re going to die and cease to be any more than a carcass, that your consciousness will be snuffed out along with the rest of you, and so on.
But no, we’re going to live in a vague paradise forever!

>> No.2517518

It's called irony. You need to work on your sense of humour, friend.

>> No.2517539


This actually does make me rageface.jpg.

I mean, I've never seen an atheist symbol except in that image. It makes no commandments, has no prohibitions.

And if every group that tried to gain new members and had weekly gatherings was considered a religion, well, you've cast that net fairly wide.

The most you can say is that atheism and religion are both positions on the subject of gods existence.

>> No.2517545

At least he doesn't spell "humor" like a tea-sipping pussy, britfag.

>> No.2517581

>There is no reason to believe that over the 1,000s over other religious texts that have been written.
>It doesn't have to be one or the other.
its what jesus really looked like, wish those christfags in the south could see this
Why do idiot atheists think christfags in the south would have a problem with this?

>> No.2517582

A religion doesn’t have to posit a god who must be identified or worshiped. Some religions are polytheistic (Hinduism, Mormonism), some monotheistic (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), some non-theistic (Buddhism). I’d say the new atheists and their religion are “anti-theistic.” But their atheism is religious nonetheless.

>> No.2517595
File: 71 KB, 175x186, 565px-That_fucking_titty_monster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is on the front page again?

Are you people stupid?

>> No.2517604


So everyone has a religion, and the only requirement for someone to have a religion is a position on the subject of existence of the supernatural?

>> No.2517618

Atheism IS a religion. I know that some have made that statement without much evidence. And I know that atheists themselves heatedly deny it. I’ve heard their rejoinders: If atheism is a religion, then not playing baseball is a sport. Or, atheism is to religion what bald is to hair color. Clever. I guess I don’t blame them for denying it, but denying something doesn’t prove it is not there. (I would advise any atheist readers to re-read the previous sentence until BOTH meanings sink in.)

>> No.2517629

Aphilately - the hobby of not collecting stamps

>> No.2517634

Atheists don't like it called a religion because it makes their position on God an overwhelming minority. Even though it is an overwhelming minority, and even though it is a religion, by the Oxford definition.

>> No.2517640

Consider this:
They have their own worldview. Materialism (the view that the material world is all there is) is the lens through which atheists view the world. Far from being the open-minded, follow-the-evidence-wherever thinkers they claim to be, they interpret all data ONLY within the very narrow worldview of materialism. They are like a guy wearing dark sunglasses who chides all others for thinking the sun is out.

>> No.2517648


Is it possible for someone to not have a religion, by your definition?

I just mean, if you define religion as any position on the supernatural, which is how it seems, then everyone has one and the term becomes meaningless. So you can then divide people into various groupings, like those who do believe in the supernatural and those who do not. And then those who believe they know what supernatural beings want them to do, and those who do not.

>> No.2517652


you realize that the bible was written by satan right?

>> No.2517674
File: 51 KB, 450x450, Trolling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noko goes in all fields

>> No.2517677

Atheism is the belief that there are no gods. As such, it is a belief about gods (that they don't exist) and qualifies as a religion. Granted, it's not organized. In the same fashion, remaining sedentary is not organized. But if sitting on the couch and doing nothing is what someone likes to do, it's a hobby.

>> No.2517700


This is pretty much what I was getting at.

Religion is like hobby. If you have no hobby, does that still count as a hobby in itself? If you are not in a car, are you carless driving?

Reasonableness would say no. But if you want to insist on saying that atheism is a religion, you have to say yes.

You say that atheism is like a religion, but without organisation, without commandments, and, though I'm sure you'll disagree, it is without beliefs as well.

>> No.2517716

The default position is not to have come to any conclusion on the existence or non-existence of any gods. Any conclusion on the topic is a religion.

>> No.2517766
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>> No.2517815
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>> No.2517906


>> No.2517933
File: 71 KB, 450x619, typical-teenage-new-atheist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole thread

>> No.2517947

They have their own orthodoxy. Orthodoxy is a set of beliefs acceptable to a faith community. Just as there are orthodox Christian beliefs, there is an atheist orthodoxy as well. In brief, it is that EVERYTHING can be explained as the product of unintentional, undirected, purposeless evolution. No truth claim is acceptable if it cannot be subjected to scientific scrutiny.

>> No.2517982

I think atheism is a faith position. I think the lack of a faith position is called "nonspiritual".

I think our faith is influenced by our experiences. Athiests' and theists' faiths are subject to change based on the content of their ongoing experiences.

Argumentation is fun though~

>> No.2518016

That’s right, faith. They would have you believe the opposite. Their writings ridicule faith, condemn faith. Harris’s book is called The End of Faith. But theirs is a faith-based enterprise. The existence of God cannot be proven or disproven. To deny it takes faith. Evolution has no explanation for why our universe is orderly, predictable, measurable. In fact (atheistic) evolutionary theory has no rational explanation for why there is such a thing as rational explanation. There is no accounting for the things they hope you won’t ask: Why do we have self-awareness? What makes us conscious? From what source is there a universal sense of right and wrong? They just take such unexplained things by … faith.

>> No.2518063

Democrats are sure getting told in here

>> No.2518069

your move theist fags

>> No.2518072

>They would have you believe the opposite.
I think many atheists and people identifying themselves as atheists are not perfectly clear about their beliefs.

>> No.2518074

I think everybody in this thread other than myself is a gigantic faggot who is wasting time and bandwidth discussing shit that hasn't ever mattered, doesn't matter now, and will never matter in the future.

>> No.2518077


>> No.2518093


And yet the tyrants of Greece who spawned science were heroic enough to realize that God is not an answer but IT"S ABOLISHMENT, the immersion of a problem and of an explanation into the murky waters of mysticism.

A more HONEST answer to the question of "order" and "predictability" is that objects with higher configurations of elements are able to SUBDUE the chaos that would engulf them. The larger quantams are able to resist destruction by lesser quantams and so on. In the initial birth of the universe there were probably a plethora of particles that subsequently WERE NEVER SEEN AGAIN in the future of the universe. Their configurations WERE NOT STABLE ENOUGH and subsequently for all the energy they possessed, they could not hold onto their quantum and subsequently died.

Just like a man who can be compromised with a single wound. Luckily we do not live in a field where wounds inflict us second by second or else there would never be apes mendacious enough to conjure lies about faith (ignorance) or about God (a non-answer).

>> No.2518108

Question for Christians.

If God created the universe, He created time. If He created time, he exists outside of time. If He exists outside of time, He exists in infinity. If He exists in infinity, His decisions exist in infinity. If His decisions exist in infinity... How did he change his mind? Especially between the Old Testament and the New Testamant.

Don't answer divine plan because his track record clearly states otherwise. Creating humanity and then wiping it the fuck out in a giant flood for example. He made a mistake and changed his mind.

>> No.2518125


Christians never actually argue that the Bible or their Testaments are correct. They simply feel the unhealthy need to disprove atheists, which is fine by me; if they do somehow prove god exists, then comes the hard part: Proving your religion is correct.

>> No.2518183

Question for Atheists:

If no supernatural universal Designer exists, what caused the repeated disappearance of more primitive forms of life and the appearance of new more advanced forms of life?
[For example, at the beginning of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic.]

Christian answer: God created and destroyed several previous worlds before the current one.

>> No.2518200
File: 94 KB, 450x448, Christianity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2518208

Just because we don't have the answers yet, we should not resort into believing in supernatural beings without any actual evidence of them. By forcing your own ideological beliefs onto others without supporting your arguments, it's a sign of being an ignorant. Instead of looking for the answers you blatantly state your assumptions and believe that it's true. You can live in your world of lies and be satisfied with it, or you can realize that its all bull, and search for the answers. It's unlikely that you will renounce your faith since you came to accept that God is the answer to everything, because thinking for yourself is hard.
God came out of nothing and was there forever until God got bored and made the universe out of nothing. Makes perfect sense theists.

>> No.2518218

This is why studying biology and physics should be compulsory courses. So shit like this would stop polluting /sci forums.

>> No.2518220

trolled hard

>> No.2518240
File: 47 KB, 492x537, demotivational-posters-of-children-are-gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2518244

check and mate, atheists

>> No.2518258


haha that is the most pathetic video ive ever seen

>> No.2518265
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>> No.2518307

nice comebacks
looks like someone is buttmad

>> No.2518338
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>> No.2518364
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>religious troll thread

>> No.2518383
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>> No.2518398

Would you believe in the Christian god if you were raised in a society that had never heard of Christian teachings? This is the fundamental question that separates religion from a divine calling to a social result. We have seen countless times throughout history that humans yearn to create a purpose or creator, this is constantly observed and most people incorrectly take this as a proof in a god or higher power, however, the reality that almost every independent genesis of a deity varies (as opposed to being entirely uniform as you would expect with the consistent intervention of a single creator) shows more so that this is simply a human attempt to explain that which we cannot readily do so. This is why religion seems to clash with science so often, science is offering better more logical solutions to why things happen the way they are, based on tangible evidence (or at least something other than "a feeling") and as a result people are finding less and less reason to believe in these things.

>> No.2518421

This thread sucks hard.

>> No.2518425

Why is it so hard to believe that everything happened by accident.
The chances of winning the lottery are small, but when you do win you don't go saying the lottery people did it on purpose.

>> No.2518430

Real answer:
Random events.

>> No.2518440


yeah religion used to be a huge hit amongst the 13-22 year old male crowd. LOL.

>> No.2518455

The only reason religion exists is to give your grandparents a reason to get out of the house one day in the week and see some other people.