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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 37 KB, 375x300, spacecraft_nx01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2516533 No.2516533 [Reply] [Original]

What do you lot think the first interstellar craft is going to be called?

I'd bet that it will be called the Enterprise, but I'd love for it to be called the Sagan.

>> No.2516538

You surely mean manned craft, right?

>> No.2516542

if you love Garl GAYsan so much, why don't you marry him?

>> No.2516543


Right. First MANNED interstellar craft.

>> No.2516549


Because he's dead. ;_;

>> No.2516568

It'll probably be something gay like Freedom or Progress.

>> No.2516573


>> No.2516583
File: 64 KB, 354x307, buzz-aldrin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Aldrin.

>> No.2516590

Konstantin after Tsiolkovsky

>> No.2516605

How about we call it Duke Nukem Forever.

>> No.2516615
File: 12 KB, 200x279, 200px-Jules_Verne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Verne.

>> No.2516623

Why don't we call it "The Harbinger of Destruction"?

>> No.2516627

It's called Voyager 1

>> No.2516634

/thread lol

>> No.2516636
File: 17 KB, 96x96, Milkcarton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Space Negro

>> No.2516641

USS Obama

>> No.2516644


The first MANNED craft. Smart ass.

>> No.2516643

enola GAY

>> No.2516642
File: 158 KB, 1600x899, CCM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I'd love for it to be called the Sagan.

The ship in my WIP is called the Interstellar Vehicle Carl Sagan.

brofist me ;_;

>> No.2516639


Why would we do that? Interstellar travel will be the greatest event in human history.

The day that we open a wormhole for the first time and then go in on one end, come out of the other and make the return trip will be remembered forever. It will mark the dawn of a new era.

>> No.2516646

Not destruction for us, obviously.

>> No.2516651

You guys watch too much sci-fi. It's probably going to be some chinese name.

>> No.2516656

undefined parameter

>> No.2516660

ai controlled daedalus probe called "problemchild"

>> No.2516667


Then it'll be Tsien. Or Zheng He.

I'll destroy the world if it's Mao.

>> No.2516675

Definite Lack of Gravitas

>> No.2516677


It'll be called the Mao with three landing crafts: Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin.

>> No.2516692


It'll be called IfThISdOESntWorkwEReAllfucked

>> No.2516720


der Jüden 1

from what I see that is happening on 4chan

>> No.2516756

USS Rodenberry

>> No.2516755
File: 958 KB, 1681x1071, FFE_earth_and_stations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel compelled to take this screenshot and post it.

>> No.2516783


nah it'll be sEndheLpWEfucKEDupOuRPLAnet

>> No.2516786

this is a science board we deal in facts
in all likely hood there is no method for fast interstellar travel take the fermi paradox
secondy if there is a long term generationship launched it will be in the distant future we don't have the technology and we are a long way off
based on this it will not be named after a pop scientist from a time forgotten or a tv show it may not even be named. or in a language we don't speak
but in all probability that won't happen we won't sustain the current pace of progress for much longer

>> No.2516800
File: 1.03 MB, 1675x1041, FFE_CobraMk3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cobra Mk.III

>> No.2516807


Well, someone's a Debbie Downer.

>> No.2516888

>chinese names
>implying a nation with nearly zero space infrastructure can into interstellar space

>> No.2516907

what a convoluted name

>> No.2516908

>in all likely hood there is no method for fast interstellar travel take the fermi paradox

Isn't the Fermi Paradox about the odds of the existence of intelligent life?

>> No.2516957

Fermi paradox: "If intelligent life is abundant in the universe, why haven't we seen evidence of it?"

Of course it neglects at least dozens of complications which undermine it's validity.

>> No.2516972

Honestly, you people are pathetic. Two words: private enterprise. Meaning that the sponsored spacecraft will be called the Wal-Mart or the Taco Bell or something like that.

>> No.2517022


Idk, bro. The biggest profit anyone is pulling right now is about 20 billion USD, which wouldn't be enough to build NASA's infrastructure and workforce from scratch anytime soon. They get about $18bn a year now, but Apollo needed the equivalent of hundreds of billions of dollars now to get to the moon in eight years or so,so perhaps 3x the current budget, or 60bn, would be necessary.

>> No.2517035

In that case:
The good ship 4Chan Anonymous.
The Facebook.
The Google Do No Evil.
The iShip.

Though I'd love to see a fleet of five: The Bretonia The Rheinland, The Hispania, The Kusari, The Liberty.

>> No.2517051

Sorry bro, I was just concerned with the name of the spaceship as OP intended.

It'll get built, just like when peak oil arrives we'll soon develop a feasible alternative, and look how cheap technology is these days when compared to maize.

>> No.2517067
File: 59 KB, 338x450, 1277349901484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The iShip.

>> No.2517094

You know it's gonna happen. Even though the captain is on constant sickleave and the fucking piece of equipment is more shiny than functional. Also, it can only be fuelled at the iYards, nowhere else.

>> No.2517559

Voyager, unless something changed

>> No.2517563

Stay frosty out there, Alpha-1

>> No.2517585


>> No.2517614
File: 16 KB, 480x360, l_5814256876264a9bb2d93f53add3135a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The USS Hannah Minx

>> No.2517620
File: 75 KB, 477x502, 1295060136727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The iShip.

>> No.2517643


>> No.2517661
File: 52 KB, 260x170, 1252581990372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2517666

From the GSV /tv/?

>> No.2517833

Your WIP is a shitty furry novel.

>> No.2517857

I don't believe we will send an interstellar manned mission ever. I think we will die off before we get around to it. Look at how space exploration is being sidelined and what dismal progress we have made. We will get more and more wrapped up in shit here and stop anything beyond Earth orbit launches and eventually some event will kill us.

>> No.2517863

I'll laugh my ass off if CCM's story starts a huge commercial success-story and the first interstellar ship is named "Snow Leopard-girl"