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2515449 No.2515449 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2515455

Whatever Earth's "carrying capacity" may be, the best way forward is to quickly industrialize the third world. It's the only way to fix population growth.

Fortunately, it is already happening, the global population is expected to peak at 9 or 10 billion and go into decline before the end of the century.

>> No.2515457

Malthusianism is fucking retarded.
Neo-malthusianism is even worse.

>> No.2515458

So...the solution for a planet that's collapsing under the weight of 6 billion...is to increase that number to 9-10 billion?

Got it.

>> No.2515460

We have the capability to provide for probably billions more people before we're even near overcrowded. All that's needed is an unselfish attitude toward life and living. We need to kick the fossil fuel habit and move to something that can provide more energy than we could ever need; fusion perhaps?
Food wouldn't even be an issue if we can all stop throwing hissyfits about GM foods and whatnot.
But if we stay as we are now? With a reliance on finite energy and primitive agricultural methods? Then I doubt there's room for even another billion.
But I have faith in humanity, I'm sure we'll all pull together.

>> No.2515462

Oh look, hippies.

>> No.2515466

Instead of just claiming we're hippies, why don't you elaborate on that? Show your side of the argument, baseless statements aren't productive to anybody.

>> No.2515469

You don't seem to get it. If we don't quickly industrialize third-world countries (which they are doing), their birth rates won't drop.

>> No.2515470


You mad?

>> No.2515472

This talk. Watch it.

>> No.2515481

If there's too many people they'll just fall off lol.

>> No.2515482

Yeah, you're done now.

Yeah, this "humans are bacteria" thing was always really, really stupid. As countries industrialize, birthrates plummet. Doesn't matter how much food there is. The growth rate has been decelerating since the 60s thanks to industrialization of the third world, and the trend is expected to continue. Let's not fuck it up. At this rate, population growth will turn into population decline sometime shortly after 2050.

>> No.2515489
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Obviously, the thing to do is to take hostages at the discovery institute and get shot by a police sniper after launching a nonsensical and retarded harangue of the human race.

>> No.2515492

Yeah, his manifesto was pretty lulzy. And I looked up some videos of the guy he idolized. Batshit neo-Malthusian who thinks that people reproduce just as fast as they can find food. Moron.

>> No.2515494

al gore?

>> No.2515497

Oh, no, it wasn't Al Gore. Just a sec, and we can all facepalm.

>> No.2515506

Found a copy of the manifesto. LOL
>7. Develop shows that mention the Malthusian sciences about how food production leads to the overpopulation of the Human race. Talk about Evolution. Talk about Malthus and Darwin until it sinks into the stupid people's brains until they get it!!
>Saving the environment and the remaning species diversity of the planet is now your mindset. Nothing is more important than saving them. The Lions, Tigers, Giraffes, Elephants, Froggies, Turtles, Apes, Raccoons, Beetles, Ants, Sharks, Bears, and, of course, the Squirrels.

>> No.2515509

I'm pretty sure he was joking.

>> No.2515523

Ah, found it. One of his major idols was David Quinn.

>> No.2515526

the world just needs to be nuked, that would solve every problem

>> No.2515532

>and, of course, the Squirrels.

>> No.2515567

>implying that the global economy won't collapse before 2050
seriously, that guy didn't even bother thinking about different factors. When the economy collapses, birth rates will soar (though most children will die do to starvation) and you will see the population decline as the old and sickly die off.

>> No.2515575

> that would solve every problem
except for the mutations that would occur in babies.
And the permanently destroy arable land.
And the destruction of the ecosystem.

Please don't run for president.

>> No.2515576

Yeah, about that. How about making an argument instead of baseless FUD?

>> No.2515584

>baseless FUD
Please do some research before passing judgement.
Just about every economist will agree that we're on the verge of a economic collapse.

>> No.2515596

It's not a matter of over population, it's a matter of resource efficiency
What do we need 7 billion people for anyway? Wouldn't 700million do just fine for us as a species, too?

>> No.2515600

>Just about every economist will agree that we're on the verge of a economic collapse.
Yeah, [citation needed], 'cause my bullshit-meter is off the scale. Also, how about something that's not just argument from authority?

>> No.2515602

Overpopulation is not a problem.

Bad government/leaders is the problem.

>> No.2515603

Depends on what you want to accomplish. If you don't overtax your resources, more is better.

>> No.2515610
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>anything I say you will disagree with
>any source I give, you will doubt its credibility

I've played this game far too many times on /sci/.
Believe what you want to believe. I really don't care.

>> No.2515617

You haven't done anything but spout a doomsday prophecy. You didn't even give a reason for the collapse.

>> No.2516467

No seriously, give me something.

>> No.2516475

Why do we have to industrialize them, what if we just stopped sending them food and help?

>> No.2516488
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The problem is obvious.
The solution is simple.

>> No.2516504
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>> No.2516513

Then they'll develop huge populations and we won't be able to industrialize them given the resources we have available, and their masses will be recruited into large armies to storm their more civilized nations and destroy everything.

>> No.2516529


The growth rate is still increasing, actually, although it's expected to slow after 2020 and go into decline towards 2060.

>> No.2516540

I don't think you understand how dependent they are. The population of Africa has more than quadrupled since the World Food Program began in 1962. I'd imagine without Western aid we see a return to ~220M on the continent

>> No.2516561

Source or are we expecting another world war?

>> No.2516624

1. Kill niggers
2. Burn corpses in power plant
3. Free NIGGAWATT energy + saving the world

>> No.2516629

everybody on the planet could live four to a 1,500 sf house in Texas.

we have plenty of room yet.

>> No.2516635

if you're not expecting another world war, you might want to come out from that coma you're in and panic with the rest of us

>> No.2516666


>> No.2516670

can't argue with quads. i give up.

>> No.2516694
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reported for racism.

Learn rule #3.

pic related.

>> No.2516715


>> No.2516722


yeah, i'm totally black. reporting this too.

>> No.2516737

If by panic you mean rejoice then panic it up.

>> No.2516740

But black people are inferior.
You're only contributing to the problem.

>> No.2516741

Go to google Earth, zoom to Tokyo, Japan, zoom in, zoom out.(Turn on 3d buildings too)

Now imagine the whole Earth is like that...

Of course with vertical integration, land usage could be decreased by a factor of a lot.

>> No.2516742

you would.

>> No.2516758

You're wrong. The rate of growth is decelerating.

>> No.2516764

Actually this would be inefficient, separating Africans from the general population takes energy. It'd be far more energy efficient to simply burn all races equally.

>> No.2516777


hardly silly, thats what race specific viruses are for!

>> No.2516781

And contrary to what /stormfront/ would have you believe, genetic diversity is a good thing.

>> No.2517018

Up to a certain point, after that it become redundant. Also having certain genes can be particularly bad for a species. Take for example Tay Sachs, we'd be better off removing the genes that cause it from the gene pool. Also race diversity is not the same as genetic diversity.

>> No.2517132

It's a good thing for black people and a nightmare for white people.